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Benefits of Cloud Computing


Analyse of the Ethical Issues and the technical Issues that exist in the System of Cloud Computing.

The report concentrates on the issues that are faced by the cloud computing system. The issues are to some extent ethical as well as it had some security issues. The companies availing the cloud computing system are facing certain issues of security. The privacy of the customers is being hampered because of the chance of the leakage of information that occurs due to this system. The discussion on this is important as the advancement in the technological process is a common process now. With the advancement in the technological process all the companies have availed the system of cloud clouding. This is an essential need. There are serious major threats in the system. The aim of the report is to analyze the issues and to recommend preventive measures that can be taken to avoid the issues. This problem is to a great extend ethical.

The report mainly consists of the case of the project management which is taken as an art used to manage various aspects of the project. The major objective of the project management system is the delivery of the quality product within a specific amount of time also within a specific budget. The completion of the design of a project takes a lot of steps. It runs with the help of the cloud based solutions. It is required to connect with the clients who stay in distant places. Cloud solutions are the most advanced way to solve all the solutions in the fastest way. This is the major reason of developing the cloud-based solution. The security issues however can be solved through the certifications like the NIST-FISMA or ISO 27000. It helps to regain the trust of the customers by securing their privacy.

According to Chang, Kuo and Ramachandran (2016) the cloud computing is a system which includes the delivery of the service over internet. All the business has adopted the trend of using the online sector to promote their business. The cloud computing is used in this case as a forum to create information about the company in the online sectors. The examples of this are Gmail, Hotmail, Flickr, Photobucket and many others. It is used to promote the concept of web based deliveries. It is used even in the case of banking sectors. With the use of the cloud computing system the customers are able to access their accounts and details about their accounts (Popescul and Georgescu 2014). It is even used by the professional like the doctors, lawyers, and in the marketing managers. The marketing officials use the PROCESS OF SaaS providers for the promotion of their products. The cloud computing have a lot of benefits like the eradication of the desktop and the inclusion of the cloud based services. With the introduction of the cloud based services the services can be accessible anywhere and everywhere. It is available on smartphones and even on tablets (Lowry, Dinev and Willison 2017).

Security Challenges in Cloud Computing

On the other hand according to Dove, et al. (2015) in spite of all such benefits there are certain issues that are faced by the cloud computing system. The issues are ethical and technical. The major issue is the issue of security that the customers face due to this. This is because there is a scenario of a third party in this case. The cloud computing contains the private information about the customers. There is a chance for the information of the customers to get leaked (Kumar, et al. 2014). This issue is basically because of few aspects like the aspect of encryption, server security, client security and the issues related to password security. The cloud computing system has the advantage of the outsourcing of the server-level security and the system of backup to a third-party service provider. It is one of the often over-looked sections of the security equation which deals with the security of the desktop or laptop from which one can access the SaaS application (Neal and Rahman 2015). To ensure the storage of the data that is stored on the desktop or laptop it remains private even if it gets stolen one may feel the need to look at the utilizing BitLocker or any other native encryption options which might come pre-installed on most computers. The password security is the vital security issue that needs to be resolved. The SSL encryption and the server security can be undone by choosing a weak password (Sultan 2014). One should be sure to use a secure password for the use of any website while using it. There are however many password generator and manger to avoid this issue (Kagadis, et al. 2013).

The purpose of this report is however to find out the effective solutions to the problems related to the system. There is however ways to rectify the issues related to the system. The fact cannot be denied that cloud computing is a big platform for the internet-based computer applications. In spite of the advantages the security issues has increased day by day (Kshetri 2014). The major concern is that whichever cloud-related resources were used they were provided by the third party in majority (Ramachandran and Chang 2014). Due to this there was a choice of the loss of trust between the customers and the service providers. There are ways however to resolve these issues. There are certain certifications like the NIST-FISMA and ISO (Duncan, Pym and Whittington 2013). It is believed that it does not cover the entire requirement. There should be a development in the framework of the security management. FISMA develops certain principles that strictly work on the cloud security management framework. This is designed to establish union between the customers and the vendors of the cloud service. In spite of all this the issue relating to the feedback needs to e solved. The arrangement of regular feedback session should be done. There is no specific suggestion of feedback session organized by the cloud vendors (Kshetri 2013). According to Bayramusta and Nasir (2016) on the contrary there is a possibility of the IT companies to provide cost-effective profitable services there is a chance for the IT companies to come up with more effective profitable services to make the cloud system better. There are certain loopholes in the system which needs to be taken care of. The threats like the threat of DDoS attacks make it difficult for the patent customers to access the system. There are systematic solutions for this. However, according to Lowry, et al. (2015) the problems of the malware attacks like the Trojan horse, Logic Bombs is dangerous and not efficient technologies have been found for this. These problems results in the stealing of the important information which includes the password and some important information. There is a chance of hackers to hack the information. There is another problem of the creation of fake websites that resembles some other websites. Even the Australia Government has faced similar issues. There has been a solution to this. The agency of Federal Information Security Management Act has been formulated to avoid such threats (De Filippi and McCarthy 2012).

Preventive Measures for Security Issues

There have been some pitfalls in the solution of the issues. The FISMA has to some extent made efforts to develop a good relationship between the cloud vendors and the customers. All the problems have not been solved by FISMA. There should be some other measures that should be taken in order to solve these issues (Lowry, et al. 2015). The creation of the fake websites similar to that of an existing websites is created in order to hack the confidential information of the users. Strict action should be taken against this by the cyber crime department (Pearson 2013). It should be the duty of the Cyber Crime department to investigate the source of the crime and strict punishments should be taken against this. The fear of the crime will stop the criminals from creating the crime of creating fake accounts and hacking private information (Duncan and Whittington 2016). A different department should be formed to mange such issues related to the frisking of the information of the users. A system should be developed to keep a feedback session from the customers. The feedbacks should be followed by the cloud vendors (Ramachandran and Chang 2016). It might help in the development in the service that is provided by the cloud vendors and the customers availing the services available cloud computing sectors (Duncan, Bratterud and Happe 2016).

The step towards the cloud computing system is a discourse all together. This was a significant step towards the future. Any advanced system turns out to be advantageous as well as disadvantageous. This is the same in case of cloud computing system. The cloud computing has turned systems easier (Sajid, Abbas and Saleem 2016). They have increased the risk of complications as well. However there have been taking many steps that have been taken in order to avoid the problems of getting hacked. The issue of losing the information has always remained a regular problem in the case of accessing the cloud computing system. In spite of all the frameworks these problems have not eradicated. To ethics can be maintained only when the structure of the protective measures can be improved. The privacy of policies is the major issue to the customers (Chang and Ramachandran 2016). The cloud computing provider should be permitted from viewing the private information with the explicit consent in case of troubleshooting the technical issues. In contrast to that in many cases it has been found that it was obvious way of treating the private data, there have been certain profile cases of extremely popular websites imposing the comparatively less privacy policies on the issues of the customers (Sultan 2014). It occurred in many social media websites as well. There has been a question to the cloud computing provider regarding the strategy of their data availability (Lup?e, Vida and Tivadar 2012). This gives rise to the question of ensuring the data remaining safe and confidential. This can happen in the case of natural and human-induced disaster. The kind of disasters that is required to contemplate the data availability strategy is huge (Brey 2012). The natural disasters range from the lightning bolt causes a power outage at a particular data centre which extends to earthquakes sometimes (Mihaljevi? and Imai 2015). This wipes off the entire state. The human-induced disasters include the simple network misconfiguration or a situation where the SaaS provider must shut down for any particular number of issues related to the business continuity. Though the above pictures are extremely undesirable, the value of the data remains stored which requires a comprehensive plan to mitigate the risk that is associated with it. Though there are certain serious issues there are a broad range of extremely effective technologies and the techniques that are available to both Saas users and the end users. This is done to ensure that their data is safe and secure (Akande April and Van Belle 2013).

Certifications and Regaining Customer Trust


The above mentioned measures are taken altogether to make the data availability as one of the most necessary advantage of the cloud computing system. Finally to put up a logical conclusion to the report it can be mentioned that the cloud computing system has made the systems smooth and smart. It has turned the hard work to smart work. However, with the improvement in the preventive measures to protect the system from the dangers of hacking the system can be effective in the future as it already has turned to the same. There are ethical issues more or less in every system but there are ways to tackle the issues. The recommendations made above can develop the entire system and eradicate the negative aspects attached to it


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