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Comparison and Contrast between Inclusive and Exclusive Talent Management

Describe about comparison and contrast between Inclusive and Exclusive Talent Management and the talent management strategy adopted by IBM.

The work force in the organization is filled with hidden talent and the global market situation of present day is such that most of the organizations are adopting schemes such as the VRS and the CRS schemes. The company is adopting the schemes because there is a recession in the market and thus there is a lack of talent in the industry or rather there is a lack of talent in the organization. If there are more and more talented, man power in the industry then that will benefit the organization is more than one way and at the same time, the organization will gain profit as well (Agarwal 2015). Therefore, it is important to find out the talented workers in the industry and at the same time, it is important that the organization use the hidden talents that are there in the industry. Talented management is important in an organization because it bring in a visible change in the stakeholders of the company, as the employees of the organization are important stakeholders in an organization. The management and the Human Resource have evolved in the past few years, the HR has become sophisticated, and the management has become strategic in nature. Earlier talent management was only a part of the administrative department but today things have changed a lot and today the management is not only a part of the administration but the talent management has now become a strategic goal centric thing that will lead to the growth of the organization (Baporikar 2013).

The best talent in the industry and retaining the best talent in the industry is a very difficult thing, because there is a shortage of skills in the industry or in the market. The organizations need the best talents but with the shortage of talents now, it has become a challenge for the organization to retain the best talent in the industry (Bluen 2013). Talent management is that one way, which could help an organization to get rid of the problem of retaining the best labor in the industry. There are two main approaches of the talent management and of there are two main approaches of talent management one of the most important approaches is the Exclusive talent management (Wilska 2015).

Exclusive talent management refers to the talent management of the group or the specific number of people in the organization. Most of the time the business leaders of the organization aims at developing the quality and the standards of the top 5% of the employees or the performers in the organizations, who always deliver the best quality. There are some brightest employees in the organization, most of the time the management wants to groom them because they contribute largely to the income of the organization. Therefore, the organization invests on a small group of people and tries to improve their quality and at the same time make the better the best. The organization believes that the small talented segment of the company should be trained and improved for the better return of the company. The exclusive talent management theory, although is followed by many company it is a theory that is debatable and there are many arguments against the theory. The one most debatable question that this theory may face is that whether or not the theory will be applicable in the end (Vaiman and Haslberger 2013).

The Talent Management Strategy Adopted by IBM

Inclusive talent management believes that there should be equal and the inclusive development of all the employees working in the organization. The inclusive talent management approach saves an organization from dividing the employees into subdivisions because of their future performance. The particular inclusive talent management practices include many HR practices as well, and at the same time, it includes functions and activities as well. The specialist area that is also a part of this kind of talent management include things like recruiting and the selection process and the same time it include things like the development and the career and the other things like the success of the management (Sparrow 2015). Unlike the exclusive approach, the inclusive talent management approach treats every individual equally and therefore, makes sure that there is an overall development of the performance of the each employee working in the organization (Nafei 2015).

The factors that influence the talent management approach that will be adopted by the company include things like the structure of the organization. If the structure of the organization is managerialist-oriented or if the company follow the managerialist-oriented model then the organization will go for the exclusive talent management approach because then the organizational will think only about the performance of the particular company or the organization; and hence they will neglect both the societal and the individualistic goals and aspirations (MoczydÅ‚owska 2016). On the other hand, an organization with a good leader will adopt the policy of inclusive talent management because then the leader will try to balance between the needs of the individual and the success of the organizations. Therefore, the two different values that are there will be in a balance and thus it could be adopted by a dynamic and democratic leader who not only thinks about the overall growth of the organization but at the same time think about the overall development of each individual working for the organization (King  2015).

The talent management strategy that has been adopted by IBM includes the inclusive talent management approach. Therefore, the organization not only give emphasis to the growth and the development of a particular group but at the same time the organization also give emphasis on the growth and the development of each individual working for the organization (Boudreau 2016). The organization make sure that the performers and each performer in the organization are motivated and they are drive for a positive change of behavior so that each employee give their best to the organization and bring out a significant change in the organization. Thus, it is important both for the overall development of the company as well as for the individual as well.


The company uses a very effective talent acquisition method and the method that has been taken by IBM, is regarded as the revolutionary method. The method is regarded as revolutionary by the critics because the organization offers both comprehensive and integrated solution for recruitment. The solution that has been taken by IBM is rooted in the behavioral science and it is the solution to attract and hire the right candidate for the company. There is a precision in the recruitment process, the guesswork is removed from the recruitment process, and all this was possible because of the coupling of the strategic services and the processes ( 2016). 

Tools like talent analytical and the company for retaining the best talent in the industry is using surveys. The company is using the analytical surveys, which are descriptive and at the same time that, which are predictive and at the same time prescriptive; the company transforms the survey to a decision that will help in retaining the best talent in the industry. Apart from that, the company also has the best compensation and the rewards for the best talents of the industry. The investment made for the rewards is an investment that had being cleverly used by the company. Compensation and rewards help the people or rather the best talent to be retained in the industry. In IBM, there is a common taxonomy, common language and common profile for all kinds of labor, and this is one of the most important and the major component of talent and mobility (Boudreau 2016).


The theory of talent management is a theory that is a part of the management science and at the same time, it is a theory that is criticized a lot of time. In case of the traditional approach of the talent management the creativity of each employee are not given any particular importance but rather there is an antithesis in the organization in case of talent management. The talented individual in the organization or rather in case of talent management the employees are being regarded as above the average employee but such is not the case in case of talent management those hidden talent of the employees should be nurtured that should fit with the requirement of the organization. A good organization should care for the development of the employees working in the organization because that will be good and beneficial for the organizational culture and at the same time it also bring out those results that are beneficial and good for the organization. A good talent management should include self-realization of the employee, which will lead to the appropriate development of the organization. It is true that most of the organization prefers talent management and they do believe and implement talent management in their organization but most of the time the strategy that is being adopted and that is being developed by them are not at all beneficial for the organization. At times, the talent management strategy that is being adopted by the company is discouraging to the employees as well

  • The talent management that most of the organization adopts include the strategy of recruiting the best talent that are there in a certain demographic position. For example the talent management strategy that is being adopted by IBM. The company, such as IBM, believes in recruiting talented people and then providing them training in such a way that they become one of the most important human resources in the organization. The strategy therefore, does not give any importance to the present employees in the organization, although the employees that are there in the organization too had hidden talents, only that needs nurturing and development. Most of the organizations, therefore, adopt the exclusive talent management strategy, therefore, they believe in the recruitment and the development of the best talents and not those who are already there in the organization.
  • The talent management approach always regard the elitist talent as the best talent in the industry and therefore most of the time the managers or the qualified employees are given importance and no one else is provided with that much of importance. The approach that is being taken by most companies should change and not only the elitists’ talents should be given importance but all the other kinds of talents as well should be given equal importance. Most of the people in an organization think that a talented individual is someone who actually outlasts its performance in one particular field, while the realty is a talented individual is someone who has knowledge in almost all the fields. The organization should categorize talented individuals in this way.


Agarwal, K. (2015). Talent Management. jadbm, 1(1), pp.24-31.

Baporikar, N. (2013). Understanding Talent Management in Borderless World. Management Today, 3(4).

Bluen, S. (2013). Talent Management Challenges in Developing Markets. Academy of Management Proceedings, 1(1).

Bluen, S. (2013). Talent management in emerging markets. Randburg: Knowres.

Boudreau, J. (2016). IBM’s Global Talent Management Strategy: The Vision of the Globally Integrated Enterprise.

King, K. (2015). The Talent Deal: How employees respond to global talent management. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015(1), pp.10163-10163.

MoczydÅ‚owska, J. (2016). Talent Management: Theory and Practice of Management. The Polish Experience. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Feb. 2016].

Nafei, W. (2015). Talent management. Saarbrucken: OmniScriptum.

Sparrow, P. (2015). Strategic talent management. [S.l.]: Cambridge Univ Press.

Sparrow, P. and Makram, H. (2015). What is the value of talent management? Building value-driven processes within a talent management architecture. Human Resource Management Review, 25(3), pp.249-263.

Vaiman, V. and Haslberger, A. (2013). Talent management of self-initiated expatriates. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Wilska, E. (2015). Determinants of Effective Talent Management. Journal of Positive Management, 5(4), p.77., (2016). IBM Talent management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Feb. 2016].

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