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Solution 1: Combat Experience Primary Source Document

You are to locate a single primary source document in the Middle East related to the experience of combat in the World War I. This can be in the form of a letter home, a diary entry, or a newspaper article. 200 words.

There were many different causes, both long and short term, which led to the First World War. Pick one and explain how it helped take the West to war. 200 words.

Use your Web-browsing abilities to locate a site that has actual radio broadcasts from the 1920s or 1930s. You will discover that there are a large number of them. One that I have used in the past is which has an almost complete set of audio recordings of this company’s famous productions, such as Orson Welle’s broadcast of the War of the Worlds. After viewing or listening to the period piece that you found, you are to write a 400-word essay in which you detail how this particular piece ties into one or more of the cultural or social changes of the Great Depression of 1929-1939.

Go online and find an example of modernist architecture, art or music that dates 1910-1950. Post a picture to it or a recording of it. Explain why you think it is a good representation of the period. 200 words.

He born in Stratford–upon-Avon, connected with the Birmingham Pals Division as a secret at the upsurge of the conflict, also served as an initial-line fighter all during the warfare, becoming a military officer and achieving the Military Cross. A small number of journals include facts about honors of the Martial Medal as well as the Meritorious or Commendable Service Medal ("WW1 Dentures Identified By BDA").

He won the award in 1918 after he sustained to direct a trench search despite been poorly injured in his leg. He was formerly twisted down by the military because he was too little. "Half an inch smaller in tallness was not leaving to end me getting into the military - the subsequent Monday sunrise, I once more time applied to Birmingham, excited and hoping that this instance I might locate a changed medical panel," he inscribed in an early diary entry. "I was not dissatisfied and enchanting my twirl I was approved fit for common service as well as so, on document at least, I baffled as a soldier." Refuging in front-line dugouts and trenches, he noted down a diary that ultimately occupied six pocketbooks in addition to exposed the whole itinerary of the world war. This is the piece of a diary written by the soldier of WW1, that contains numerous further information about the entire world war course (Dawson).

Solution 2: Causes of World War I

The main long-term reasons that directed to the world war are the development of joint military defense coalitions among diverse imperialism, nations, nationalism, as well as the rise of military strength (Resnick and Wolff). Several countries entered into joint defense associations with each other, for example, Austria-Hungry and Germany, Russia-Serbia, etc. If a union partner is assailed, the other associate was vaulted to support it. Various countries were competing for resource-affluent Asian and African nations (imperialism) furthermore; this was as well the occasion when all of these states are constructed up its military power, none extra than Russia and Germany. The augment of nationalism, longing each citizen or nation’s people to witness his/her country as the leading power, also ignited the previously troubled circumstances. 

The short or immediate term reason that directed to the world war-I was the assassination, which held in June 1914 of A. F. Ferdinand of Austria as well as his spouse Sophie by a nationalist of Serbia in dispute of Austria-Hungry boasting rule of Sarajevo, an area Serbia was engrossed in (Isdale). This incident directed Austria-Hungry to announce war on Serbia, which simultaneously provoked Russia to approach to the support the Serbia (because of their joint defense coalition). Germany affirmed war on Russia because of its association or union with Austria-Hungry. Furthermore, the war ultimately started as well as widen to the other countries, concluding in the First World War.


At the end of 1920’s, the employ of radio technology, a observable image was transmitted more airwaves. This condition would set off an establishment into the extensively existing “television” broadcast machinery. In the decade subsequent, FM radio was instigated to the marketplace, which offered a lot understandable relays comparatively free of stagnant and sound. The first trial FM radio place, WIXOM, commenced broadcasting in 1937 with numerous new FM stations rapidly following (Long).

Technology transforms the observable moments during World War I, a number of Americans shifted to urban. Technology has altered American’s life style. Various people purchased cars. Electricity completed people’s lives as well as made it simple. It made liability, household tasks easier as well as giving the community additional free time.

An Altering Society

All through the 1920s or the “Roaring Twenties,” women did many things they never did before. They endeavor outside their houses. They went to school and played games. The breeze of alteration that flounces through culture at the end of the World War I, was nowhere additionally more apparent than in the unblushing appearance of the 'new woman'. Mainly essential, they succeeded the right to the ballot. Jazz began amongst American African in the South. Harlem, an area in New York City, was well-known for art, also literature.

Solution 3: Impact of Radio Broadcasting on American Society during the Great Depression

America’s primary radio transmit in 1920. Shortly many peoples owned radios. People sat jointly and listened to current news broadcast reports, sports, music, furthermore comedy programs. In 1927, citizens watched the past movie with noise. In the Ninty twenties, aviators start to fly general distances. In Ninteen Twenty Seven, Charles Lindbergh flew the primary or initial alone flight crosswise the Atlantic Ocean. Bessie Coleman and Amelia Earhart were well-known aviators who enthused lots of women.

Troubles of the 1920s

 In the Ninty Twenties, a group known as the Ku Klux Klan extends hatred also discrimination alongside African Americans along with other crowds. Klan associate attacked and occasionally killed citizens they inspect were “Non-American.” In 1917, the 18th Improvement to the Constitution was approved. It prepared to sell as well drinking alcohol adjacent to the regulation. That is termed as Proscription. The scandalous made and advertised alcohol. Unlawful behavior led to sadism. In 1933, the administration ended prohibition. After First World War over, the Associates did not want American yields and crops. A few farmers could not make sufficient to pay back funds they rented. A lot of people had to put on the market their ranch. The social amend is accompanied by a transformation in a political position. In 1918, women above 30 acquire the vote, furthermore in 1928 everybody more than 21 was enfranchised. Politics and the Women would in no way be the similar.

Theses are the some cultural and social changes takes place during the world war I.

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One of the leading members of the assembly of artists just as A. Stieglitz, Marin draws paintings that were amongst the majority of groundbreaking as well as the significance of his cohort. His watercolors, oils, along with drawings, formed throughout the early duration or years of the twentieth century, stand nowadays as symbols of American novelty. Vacationing with the artist’s domain, M. Ward Art (Fine Art), holds an imbalanced assortment of Marin’s effort from all eras in every media.

Marin surveyed the scheme of association in his work of art more continually than any previous American artists of the 20th century. Commencing from the exposed coastline of Maine to the New York City’s hustle-bustle, the themes Marin prefers to communicate was a sense of activity or movement. Marin saw motion in his work of art as a symbol of modernity, a way of detaining the quickening rapidity of verve in the 20th century (F. and Ketch). More essentially for him, though, was the motion as a sign of the rhythm and pulse of existence or life itself. Scholars, together with Ruth Fine and Sheldon Reich have recommended that Marin’s curiosity in exploring action or motion is sparked throughout the duration in Paris, where Marin may have observed the paintings of Robert Delaunay. His interest, although, appears to have been a carnival of a vivacity that was fundamentally humanistic. What attracted him was the existence or life of the city as well as the citizens of that area.


"WW1 Dentures Identified By BDA". BDJ 218.10 (2015): 559-559. Web.

Dawson, Anthony. "The French Army And British Army Crimean War Reforms". 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century 2015.20 (2015): n. pag. Web.

F., E. H., and Carolyn Ketch. "U.S. 20Th Century". Woman's Art Journal 24.1 (2003): 56. Web.

Isdale, William. "ARE THERE MORAL REASONS TO REMEMBER THE FIRST WORLD WAR?". Think 14.41 (2015): 89-97. Web.

Long, Paul. "British Radio And The Politics Of Culture In Post-War Britain: The Work Of Charles Parker". Radio Journal:International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media 2.3 (2004): 131-152. Web.

Resnick, Stephen, and Richard Wolff. "Long-Term Global War". Rethinking Marxism 14.2 (2002): 128-132. Web.

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