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The current organizational structure

Discuss about the Risks and Security Issues Present in an Organization.

Information technology and security are two terms which are related very closely and these subjects are most important from the pont of view of different organization. With the growth of communication and internet, information can be utilized for several needs of people through many projects. The security of public information is given the highest priority by the organizations (Arvidsson, Holmström and Lyytinen 2014). Companies are using a lot of new methods to overcome the risks and threats related to the security of the information.

For the understanding of strategic security management Atlassian is chosen as the organization for analysis in this report. Atlassian is an Australian company which is one of the biggest companies in the IT market (Boonstra 2013). Atlassian is a software company that develops different kinds of software and it executes many projects that help to manage several contents. Atlassian deals with various kinds of technology regarding information handling.

In this report the organizational structure of Atlassian is discussed in order to understand the functioning of the organization and to understand about the security issues of the organizations. Several disadvantages due to the present organizational structure and the market position of this organization are also given with details. Recommendations and alternatives are discussed in order to find the way of overcoming security issues and organizational deficiencies regarding the management and information technology.

Atlassian is one of the largest Australian organization dealing with Information technology and has the following organizational structure


Scott Farquhar

Co-founder and CEO

Mike Cannon-Brookes

Co-founder and CEO

Jay Simons


Murray Demo

Chief Financial Officer

Tom Kennedy

Chief Legal Officer

Sri Viswanath

Chief Technology Officer

Helen Russell

Chief People Officer

Board of Directors

Shona Brown

Board Member

Michael Cannon-Brookes

Board Member

Scott Farquhar

Chairman of the Board

Heather M. Fernandez

Board Member

Jay Parikh

Board Member

Enrique Salem

Board Member

Steven Sordello

Board Member

Richard P. Wong

Board Member

Atlassian follows many international and organizational rules and regulations in order to strengthen the security of the system (Boulianne 2014). The security of public data is the most important thing to be maintained and is given highest priority. The international control standards are carefully followed by the Atlassian organization and those are applicable to evaluate the feature regarding operational environments and the product development of the organization (Galliers and Leidner 2014). To successfully implement the data in the cloud platform and to analyze those data Atlassian follows lots of security models including various network and information security models (Godfrey 2014). . To overcome these problems Atlassian has some risk management regulations also (Boonstra 2013). Due to the use of the cloud and big data platform there are many issues which are discussed.

There are many operational problems in maintaining the security due to the structure of the organization (Gögüs and Özer 2014). There are many factors related to the organisation which can be better in order to overcome the issues of the organisation. In this present organisational structure there should not be a communication gap among the board members. The board members are always working for the betterment of the organisational functionality. The main system of the organisation can be more advanced by creating new posts in the organization (Kelly 2016). The organisational structure of the system is based upon the leaders who are working for the betterment of the organisation. The leaders are always trying to make the system more fluent in order to get the faster response. For this reason the structure of the system should be designed in such a way so that it can be more helpful for the organisational point of view (Laudon and Laudon 2016). The employees of the organisation should be motivated by the organisational structure of the company. The posts of the organisation should be in such a way so that it can be settled on the basis of both experience and ability (Machado 2016). The organisational structure of the company should be in such a way so that other employees are also motivated to do their job in order to get higher rank in the organisation. In order to do so there should be new posts created for the employees. The organisational structure of the company is more important from the point of view of doing the task in proper order (Kelly 2017). The organisational goal is the main thing which should be given highest priority by each working member of the organisation. The organisational principle should be followed by each of the individuals of the organisation. The main function of the management board is to make the bridge between the leaders and the employees of the organization (Pearlson Saunders and Galletta 2016). There are many situational problems in an organisation those should also be overcome by the members of the organisation in order to maintain the organizational target (Rahman et al. 2015). The lower level employees should also be given importance in order to provide them more independence to share their views and ideas for any project.

Operational problems due to the present structure of the organisation

Atlassian is one of the biggest organizations in the world in the information technology market. There are more than 75000 users and customers in the world who are using the products of it. Atlassian sells its product in more than 170 markets. The main products of Atlassian are the software, servers and several solutions regarding the software and other solutions related to information technology. The information technology is one of the biggest markets in today’s world. With the advancement of internet and communication, information technology has become one of the biggest markets in the world (Sampaio and Bernardino 2016). The main advantage of the organization is that there is a huge demand for the IT solutions of the company. The main of making the system more advanced in order to bring proper security in the information system (Schiff and Szendi 2014). The products of the organization are JIRA software, JIRA service desk, JIRA Core, Status Page, Confluence, Trello, Hipchat, Bitbucket, SourceTree, Bamboo, FishEye, Crucible and many more. There are also many IT related solutions which are provided by this organization. Atlassian is considered to be the leader in this market. The main product of Atlassian is the ALM tools. In making this software Atlassian is the Global leader in the market.

There are many competitors of Atlassian in the market of software products and information technology solutions. Software companies like Microsoft, IBM, HP are the biggest competitors of Atlassian as those are the organizations selling their products all over the world (Wali, Sadq and Rasheed 2016). There is a huge market for the organizations in selling the software products. The other competitors of the organization are Rally software, CollabNet, version One, PTC-MKS, Serena Software are also important competitors in the market of information technology. The other comparative organization are Polarion Software, TroughtWorks, Parasoft, Micro Focus, TechExel, Inflectra & Rocket Software, Throught Works, Parasoft, Micro Focus, tech Exel, Inflectra & Rocket software. The market in information technology and in the software is huge in quantity and from the point of view of the market it is continuously evolving.

From the point of view of the organizations there are many reasons in the market. There are many possible risks in the organization that can be possible for the organizational advancement. The main reasons are the security issues related to the organizational vision and the making of the system more precise. There are many risk factors which can be divided in two parts. One is the internal risk factor and the other is the external risk factor (Sawik 2013). Internal risk factors consist of many risks like organizational risk and natural risk factors. In case of organizational risk factors there are many fields of risks like Governance, strategic directions, professional risks, physical risks, legal risks, financial risks, risks related to property and environmental risks. In case of governance the governing body sometimes fails to meet the responsibilities given to them. They have the responsibilities like training and orientation and direction insurance (Hof 2015). There are many risks from the strategic directions also. The organization may change the way which may lead to the unstable environment. The strategic planning and the types of reducing the risks through changed work practice can lead to a bigger market risk which can be implemented to increase the risks regarding the work practice. There may be many professional risks where the staff may not be professionally complemented. The risk can be diluted by reduced risk. The clients may receive an inappropriate service which may cause inappropriate services that may lead to harm for the organization. Sometimes the staff may not understand what they need to do in a particular set of circumstances (Sandberg, Amin, and Johansson 2015). The threads can be identified as the sequential form of some responses to a message. The form of the thread can of different types like deliberate thread or accidental threads. The threads are one of the most important things that can be used in the computing system for several implications. The single threading refers to the sequential processing of the instruction at a time and multi threading refers to the threading done in the operating system having multitasking. The threading can be off different types on the basis of the occurrence of the threads. The Accidental thread can also be present in the system by any time or any process occurrence.The physical risks can be of many types which are also very important from the organizational point of view. Physical risks can contain the failure of the office equipments and network devices of the organization. The other things related to the organization are legal, financial and risks regarding the property and environmental risks. Fire in the organization can be taken place in case of the environmental breakdown (Hof 2015). The other environmental risks are like damage of the building and devices due to the earthquake, storm or any other natural calamities. The external risks can be a huge issue from the organizational point of view. Information theft is a big part of that. Hackers can steal the information from the computer and network which may lead to the damage of public’s data confidentiality. There are many differences between risks and uncertainty. In case of risk the possibility of a future outcome can be predicted but in case of uncertainty the possibility of a future outcome cannot be predicted. From this concept it is quite easy to understand that the risk can be managed but the uncertainty cannot be managed and it is uncontrollable. The risks can be defined and measured in terms of quantity by different kinds of analyzing techniques. Uncertainty cannot be measured and quantified. The background of risk is known to us and thus it can be identified previously. The background of the uncertainty is never known to us and it cannot be identified previously.

Current market size of the Atlassian

There are many security issues in an organization that can be harmful from both organizational as well as public point of view. In today’s world the organizations are using cloud and big data analysis method for the decision-n taking and other information technology utilities. There are many risks of using the cloud computing and the big data model. The information is shared in the cloud computer model and for this reason the cloud computer model can be utilized in such a way that the theft of data is lowest (Simi?-Draws et al. 2015). Organizations sometimes launch many projects without doing the encryption. In case of not doing the encryption the organizations can be in a big danger. The hackers can easily get the information stream form the computers. There is always a possibility of data theft in case of not doing the encryption in the computing system. The other things related to the organizational security can cause due to the absence of proper framework of the security model. The organization should follow a proper framework that can be used to maintain the security of the organization (Disterer 2013). The organizations sometimes have the security issues due to the main server and the connectivity of the hardware and the software. The other important security issues are given below.

Hacking is the most vulnerable security issue in case of an organization that can be used to steal data and information from server, computers and networking system.

There are many threats which can be really harmful for the organization. threats can be of different types like accidental threat and deliberate threat. Accidental threat can be caused due to the failure of the system as well as network and devices. Accidental threats can be present also due to some natural calamities (Kolfal, Patterson and Yeo 2013). There are many deliberate threats which can be really harmful for the organizations. Deliberate threat can contain data theft, data lose and many more.

There may a problem due to using the computing system or network having copyright of several other organizations.

Another type of security issue can be due to the transfer of abusive e-mails and posting various kind of posting offensive web pages.

Another security issue can be present due to the transfer of offensive images which are not appropriate for the organizational point of view.

The other unauthorized applications and computing resources may lead to the organizational security issue.

Competitors of Atlassian

Any kind of unauthorized access of several Computing resources can be harmful for the organizational security also.

Methods utilizing against the security issues

There are many methods that can be used against the security issues from the organizational point of view. With the advancement of technology and computing system many methods are invented that can be utilized against the security issues (Sunyaev and Schneider 2013). In recent days organizations are functioning on the basis of using the data of individuals for several projects. In case of doing the organizational functioning these information are most important should be given highest priority from the security point of view. Public information should be kept confidential for the reliability of individuals. The main theme of the organization is that the security and confidentiality of data should be maintained at any cost. In order to do so the organizations are using many methods. These methods are discussed below.

Organizations should use the encryption method in order to make information highly secured. The data and the information used in the organization should be kept confidential to maintain the security of public information. In order to do so the encryption is done. Encryption is the method that basically changes the style of the information in terms of coding and other things. It may be sometimes useful to make the system more inaccessible for the hackers to enter the system for stealing the information. There are many security issues that can be used in order to damage the system security for the organization.

Better risk assessment can be done in order to overcome the organizational risks and assess many functions regarding security issues of the organization. This kind of assessment is used to find out the holes in online transaction methods, and the level of risk which can take place in the transaction of information. This helps to find out many processes which are also important for the organizational strategy making in case of mitigating the security issues. Sometimes the data can be very sensitive and the confidentiality of the information should be maintained in order to make the customer satisfaction. The main flow of damages like financial loss, reputational risk and the corporate risks can be overcome by using the risk assessment techniques.

Another important thing is to adopt strong authentication standards. In today’s information technology market, threats are the strongest issues related to the security of the organization. In case many online transactions the organization can use the dual security methods by using the username-password techniques (Hof 2015). The username and password of the system should be designed in such a way that can be strong for the security system of the computing system. The password should contain different characters like alphabets, numerical and special characters and the number of characters should also be high for example minimum 16, for better security of the system.

Organizational Risks factors and uncertainties

The most important security feature can be the awareness and education among the customers. The customers are most important for the organization. The organizational aspects can be set for the utility of their products among the customers (Kolfal, Patterson and Yeo 2013). Regarding use of different software and other computer applications the customers can be acknowledge with the methods that should be followed in order to making the security safe for them. There should be ongoing education system that can be utilized in order to maintain the security among the people.

Different network layers are designed in order to maintain the security of the network system and the security of the server can be more advanced by making the system with more advanced designing approach of the network layers (Disterer 2013). There are many network layers like IPV4, IPV6 and other. These network systems can be used to maintain the data security by not giving the permission to other unauthorized users.


From the above discussion it is concluded that data security issues can be overcome by using the applications of various methods. Encryption can be used to overcome data theft. Other security methods contain awareness among the public and the security can be upgraded by the advancement of network layers. Atlassian is one of the leading organizations in the information technology market. The organizational structure of the company is discussed in details. There may be many changes that can be carried out in order to maintain better environment security in the organizational functioning. The main importance of the data security is the advancement of the organizational structure as well as to improve the methods which are utilized against security issues.


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