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The Advantages of a Web Based Learning Management System

Discuss about the Web Based Learning Management System.

Web based design of a system is based upon the application of internet and several new technologies which are important from the point of view of making the system more advanced in terms of connectivity. After the introduction of internet the availability of information and the way of communication have changed to new advanced dimension (Georgiev, Jana and Shmatikov 2015). The main idea of creating a web based system is to design an interface which can provide a user-friendly platform and it also provides several new application based options which make the system easier for accessing the information and to communicate with several people and resources in a simple way.

In the following discussion the literature review and the thesis of the web based system is discussed. The main idea of the mechanism of the system with the application of several tools which can make an impact in the advancement of the learning management system, are discussed in this report. The advantages and the disadvantages of the system along with the recommendation are also included in the following discussion.

This literature deals with the concepts of the web based system which is utilised for the learning management system. This learning management system is used to as the software application for the different administration that can make documents, track, and report and also deliver different academic resources for the students. Web based design of a system is based upon the application of internet and several new technologies which are important from the point of view of making the system more advanced in terms of connectivity. After the introduction of internet the availability of information and the way of communication have changed to new advanced dimension. The main idea of creating a web based system is to design an interface which can provide a user-friendly platform and it also provides several new application based options which make the system easier for accessing the information and to communicate with several people and resources in a simple way (Arnold et al. 2016). There are many tools which are used in the web based system and that can be implemented in order to make the system more useful in terms of utilising the internet and the resources in a better way. Learning is an important platform for the students of different institutions and it should be operated in a new version with the help of such web based system.

The Flexibility Offered by Web Based Learning Management Systems

The web based system is designed based on the information system and several internet web technologies are used that utilises the internet as the main source for the supply of information and services. In today’s world most of the institutes and housing bodies are empowered with high speed internet connection and the main advantage of using this system is that due to the use of the internet the availability of information is increased to a large value. The author says that the Internet based or the web based system is designed on the basis of the software system which actually works by publishing and maintain the information utilising the hypertext based principles (Horvat et al. 2015).

The author says that the web based learning management system is an online system that allows the students or learners to learn on the relative speed of the particular student according to the series of educational experiences (Han et al. 2015). It is done in such a way that the student can learn the content of the next stage only after learning the present step of assessment in a perfect way. The basic idea of understanding the learning and the outcome of the student there are several assessment criteria which the student or the learner has to overcome. In today’s world the students are more comfortable with the online based platform rather than the conventional classroom platform. It is also very easy to learn from the online based platform as it provides several new features which can be adopted in an easier way. Another advantage of the web based learning system is that it is also very flexible. The author says that this type of online based systems is easily adoptable by a person. The learning management system which is online based can also save a lot of time, money and professional costs (Islam 2014).

The author explains a lot of profits which can be utilised in the learning management system with the help of the web based system (Gu et al. 2013). Most of the organisations or companies which are using such online based learning management system are small in size. Actually the small companies are not always ready to afford the high skilled persons for their large amount of requirements and their priorities are also changing in nature with respect to the other needs. The main advantages of the learning management system are that it helps the companies to overcome the changes in the market and also assist to maintain with the flow of the learning management system. For being more economic this system can be implemented for the academic purpose in every working day.  Due to the application of this learning management system students with several physical problems are really helped (Krumm et al. 2014). Those person who are challenged in different ways, can utilise this online based system as it provides different interface which are really comfortable and changing in nature as per their needs. The main advantage of making the system more advanced with respect to the other system is that the persons with several challenges find it more motivating in nature (Limongelli et al. 2016). The companies are also able to hire different people having the idea of making the system more advanced and also with respect to the sills they have. There are also many drawback of such system. The software and the technologies behind the interface of the system are made in such a way so that the system can function in an more efficient and accurate way (Wolfe et al. 2015). It can be seen in some cases that the software and the design of such online based system are not up to date and properly designed. In that case the online based system can have several issues and can lead to malfunctioning also (Kurita et al. 2015).

Challenges of Implementing Web Based Learning Management Systems

The author says that there are several technical aspects in case of making the web based system which can be implemented for the learning management system. Most of the learning management system is based on the online based system (Muñoz et al. 2015). The idea behind the system is that it can make the system with respect to the idea of making the system and the basic idea of making the system and the main concern related to the system is that it can also make the system more advanced with respect the main requirements of the students.

The idea of making the technology in such manner is to deliver an interface which is also very interesting with respect to the challenges which can be also affordable. These technologies are implemented in order to embed the system with the flow of information. The main idea of making this system is to create the licenses which the organisations have to buy or purchase and they have to install the software for the packages and the main idea of making the system is to create the pathway for the student to interact with the content given in the website (Paolotti et al. 2014).

After installing the software those are published through the servers and the internet connection and the main idea behind the organisation’s approach is to get the proper features of the software. The software is also given with the help of SAAS that is basically the software as a service. The main idea of making the system is to create the interface for the system. The interface of such online based learning management system should be simple and attractive at the same time. The students must understand the topics and they also should be assessed with respect to the learning in each stage of the software.

It is done in such a way that the student can learn the content of the next stage only after learning the present step of assessment in a perfect way (Rolph, Stein and Stunder 2017). The basic idea of understanding the learning and the outcome of the student there are several assessment criteria which the student or the learner has to overcome.

In today’s world the students are more comfortable with the online based platform rather than the conventional classroom platform. It is also very easy to learn from the online based platform as it provides several new features which can be adopted in an easier way. Another advantage of the web based learning system is that it is also very flexible. The author says that this type of online based systems is easily adoptable by a person (Shannon et al. 2016). The learning management system which is online based can also save a lot of time, money and professional costs.

Thesis and Methodology

There are several technical tools for the students which can assist them in order to get the best possible outcome for the system. The main idea behind the tools is that the students should be given with proper understanding and practical knowledge of such system and the main idea of applying the knowledge (Shin and Kang 2015). The tools are designed in such a way so that the students can also give their feedback to the portal of the online system and then they get actual requirements with respect to their issues.

There is one particular tool in the system which asks for the requirements of the students. These requirements are related to the subject and the information which the system needs to co operate with the learners. There are both audio and visuals on the subject which can be easily accessible from the portal and the main idea of making the system more advanced with respect to the system (Wang, Kao and Liao 2015).

The learning should be based on the practical knowledge that can be included in the videos. There should also be detailed discussion of the topics that can help the student with the proper understanding of the subject. The main idea of making the system more advanced with respect to the student’s requirement is to create the shortcut for them to acquire the information in a faster way.

The students can are also able to solve the questions with the help of the question answer format given in the portal. With the help of this system they are also able to assess them on the topics.

The idea of making the system more efficient with respect to the technical background is to increase the security of the software (Wilson, Calongne and Henderson 2015). The system also holds a lot of information which should not be opened to external users. The information of the students regarding their requirements should be kept confidential and also the importance of making this information more secure is to implement the technologies like firewall and encryption.

There are many tools which are used in the web based system and that can be implemented in order to make the system more useful in terms of utilising the internet and the resources in a better way (Conde et al. 2014). Learning is an important platform for the students of different institutions and it should be operated in a new version with the help of such web based system. Management is also necessary in case of management for the perspective of providing more practical knowledge.

The author also says that the web based system is basically consisted with several applications which can make the system more advanced with the help of several components of different functionality (Díaz et al. 2015). It consists of both the information components and also the non-web components. Author also says that the web browser is based upon the front end concept and the idea of the database is called the back end concept.

A learning system which has a deficiency in the learning system and the subject, is easy to be created and also to be utilised but it cannot actually help the students to learn in a deeper sense. The author says that the deficiency in the main architecture of the online based system can also make the students irritated and also they can be frustrated with the system which can lead to avoid the learning for them (Lisitsyna, Lyamin and Skshidlevsky 2014).

There are many tools which are used in the web based system and that can be implemented in order to make the system more useful in terms of utilising the internet and the resources in a better way. Learning is an important platform for the students of different institutions and it should be operated in a new version with the help of such web based system. Management is also necessary in case of learning for the perspective of providing more practical knowledge and to get a more comfortable platform for the students to utilise the information in their corresponding field.

In the thesis and methodology part the main observation is that all the data rae taken from various practical cases and the resources from which the information are taken are mainly based on several educational institutions. The main idea of making the education system more advanced the web based learning management system is being introduced to the students. It is seen from various cases that the students are really helped with this kind of style in the learning system and specially those students who have certain difficulties and challenges.

The main idea of using this web based learning management system is to create and use the idea to assist the student through online platform. It is seen in most of the cases though the case studies that the students are really given good feedback about these software.

In many cases it is also seen that the students are also asking for some new features which should be included in the web based system for the introduction of the new generation study. In most of the cases it is seen that the students are actually being helped for the assessment feature which is being added in the web based system for actually understanding the fundamental situation of the students and the main idea of making the system more advanced with respect to the system is to make the system more fast and comfortable.

The students have also included that proper platform or the interface are both important for the system. The main idea of making the system is to help the students with lots of opportunities.


From the above discussion it is concluded that the web based system very useful and important in the context of implanting internet. Web based design of a system is based upon the application of internet and several new technologies which are important from the point of view of making the system more advanced in terms of connectivity. After the introduction of internet the availability of information and the way of communication have changed to new advanced dimension. The main idea of creating a web based system is to design an interface which can provide a user-friendly platform and it also provides several new application based options which make the system easier for accessing the information and to communicate with several people and resources in a simple way.


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