You have been contracted by a company to develop an information system for $50,000. During this assignment, you will undertake a thorough systems analysis and design on the proposed system.
The business that you design the information system for is of your own choosing. Preferably develop a system for an area that you are interested in, have had prior experience, or perhaps for a company you work for.
You cannot design the system for the same company that another student has chosen, nor can you reproduce a design for an existing well-known company. The information system you chose should be of small to medium size/complexity.
You are required to deliver the following specifications before the project can commence:
- Identify the Problem –Provide a system vision document that outlines the problem description, system capabilities, and the expected business benefits (minimum 300 words).
- Quantify Project Approval Factors –Complete the following tasks (minimum 500 words):
- Provide a table with a breakdown of the estimated time for project completion using excel or a similar program.
- Provide a table with a summary of the development costs for the project and system using excel or a similar program(use Australian dollars).
- Provide a table with a summary of the estimated annual operating costs using excel or a similar program(use Australian dollars).
- Undertake a cost/benefit analysis:
- Describe the anticipated benefits from the deployment of the new system (outline tangibleand intangible benefits).
- Provide a table with a summary of estimated annual benefits.
- Perform a Risk and Feasibility Analysis –Complete the following tasks (minimum 500 words):
- Determine organisational risks and feasibility.
- Evaluate technological risks and feasibility.
- Assess resource risks and feasibility.
- Identify schedule risks and feasibility.
(Insert system vision document here) Problem description: Royal Melbourne Hospital is an Australia based health care organization that has more than five hundred patients under its care. The Royal Melbourne Hospital is maintaining its day to day operations like appoint arranging, attendance tracking and many more through the paper works and spread sheet. This is becoming very difficult for the staff of Royal Melbourne Hospital to maintain proper record and track patient request. This is leading to low quality service and reduction in patient loyalty. The organization is currently interested in an information system that can be able to hold data and access to data at any time. The system should be able to perform all the back office operations automatically. System Capabilities: The expected capabilities of the system has been provided below. i. The system should hold the data for a very long time ii. The patients must enter login to the system iii. The staff and doctors can access the system through special computer and id recognition device iv. The system must be able to perform back office tasks automatically v. The system should process more than hundred requests in parallel vi. The system must record the reports of the patient in proper format vii. It must be able to store files of different extension viii. The system must be able to provide the patient data to the doctors and patients ix. The system must have an attendance tracking subsystem Expected Benefits from System: The following benefits has been expected from the proposed system. i. The system must provide the opportunity of better patient treatment ii. The errors in treatment reduced to one percent due to data availability iii. Much less time in tracking the patient request iv. Better patient loyalty v. Increase forty percent efficiency in daily operations vi. Zero errors in the present data |
Quantify Project Approval Factors –Complete the following tasks (minimum 500 words):
- Provide a table with a breakdown of the estimated time for project completion using excel or a similar program.
(Insert table and explanation here)
- Provide a table with a summary of the development costs for the project and system using excel or a similar program(use Australian dollars).
- Provide a table with a summary of the estimated annual operating costs using excel or a similar program(use Australian dollars).
(Insert table and explanation here)
- Undertake a cost/benefit analysis:
- Describe the anticipated benefits from the deployment of the new system (outline tangibleand intangible benefits).
(Insert answer here) Tangible Benefits: i. Reduction in additional cost in patient concession for mistakes generated from data errors ii. Attracting new patients Intangible Benefits: i. Better patient treatment ii. Increased patient loyalty |
- Provide a table with a summary of estimated annual benefits.
(Insert table and explanation here)
New patients will come to Royal Melbourne Hospital for the improved care The operation cost will reduce as the system will do back-office operations |
- Perform a Risk and Feasibility Analysis –Complete the following tasks (minimum 500 words):
- Determine organisational risks and feasibility.
(Insert answer here) Bigger, more intricate wellbeing frameworks have demonstrated especially responsive to the presentation of mechanical advancement. This is to some degree on account of their huge human, hierarchical and money related capital, yet additionally their mind boggling administration structures with awesome degrees of progressive system. Accordingly, accessible proof features the significance of senior initiative and lead proficient (or "champion") bolster, bringing about more prominent proprietorship encompassing execution exercises. The underlying execution can be problematic for hierarchical working and individual methods for acting as staff endeavor to comprehend new work processes. Making extra time accessible to singular clients, for instance, by proactively decreasing workloads amid this day and age as well as presenting the innovation when there are no other real changes in the association, can relieve the danger of unintended outcome. |
- Evaluate technological risks and feasibility.
(Insert answer here) The technical risks are as following. i. High probability that this necessity is difficult to comprehend and actualize due to misty syntactic depiction ii. Necessities' progressions happen regularly on account of solid business targets yet it may cause danger generally item conveyance iii. Notes and suppositions in necessities contain notes and presumptions which may bring about growing incorrectly usefulness iv. Unseemly portrayal of necessities contains pseudo-code, references to different records or prerequisites, and so on which may diminish its understandability from semantic perspective v. Untraceable prerequisites has broad coupling with different necessities which may make it powerless towards external elements. Late changes of this prerequisites is profoundly likely vi. Various "wishes" in one necessity contains numerous solicitations which may make it hard to create and test |
Assess resource risks and feasibility.
- Identify schedule risks and feasibility.
- Establish the Project Environment –Complete the following tasks (minimum 500 words):
- Provide a table outlining information that will be captured during system development, the tools and software that will be used to develop the system, and outline who can update / view the information.
(Insert table and explanation here)
- Describe the work environment.
(Insert answer here) So as to minimize expenses, the workplace will be on a work from home premise. The software engineers will approach free incorporated improvement situations (IDEs) that help Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript and a virtual MySQL server. They will be enlisted and ready to get to a typical git store. Each colleague will have an assigned work telephone number and email for correspondence and furthermore be enrolled on Slack and Skype with the last being introduced on their workstations. |
- Describe the processes and procedures that will be used. (Page 276)
(Insert answer here) The programming will be isolated into singular errands in gatherings between the venture chief and two software engineers. The senior software engineer ought to be viewed as the consultative specialist in relegating the work. Once the senior software engineer has organized the assignments, they are then ready to designate segments of work to the lesser developer as needed.The thought is that the senior developer will chip away at the primary rationale behind the frameworks, while the lesser developer will give a supporting part. Specific care should be taken by the senior developer in the correspondence over the product engineering and between various subystems. Test-driven improvement (TDD) will frame the reason for all programming undertakings. This implies unit tests will be composed before the code to take out time spent investigating. When tests are passed, code can be refactored as important with the goal that the code stays brief all through the length of the undertaking. With a specific end goal to counteract predisposition in testing, every developer will check the other's work after specific modules have been finished. This should be possible by the programming making their own particular tests and testing the other developer's code through them. The meeting minutes, criticism and plan determination will all be put away on Slack for simple survey. The venture supervisor will be in charge of staying up with the latest and guaranteeing that the group is on track. Casual Skype session will be held once every two days and the aftereffects of those additionally recorded on Slack. The undertaking supervisor will likewise send bi-week after week messages to the Luminscape officials to impart the task's advance. Code will be submitted onto a git store which naturally sends a caution on the group's Slack channel. A strategy of making confers routinely and regularly will be supported, especially after effective testing. As has been specified, the test-driven advancement will assist guarantee bugs are kept to a base, with any vital troubleshooting apportioned time. |
Schedule the Work –Complete the following tasks (minimum 300 words):
- Provide a work breakdown structure(WBS) for one (1) of the subsystems.
- Provide a Gantt chartshowing the WBS project activities timeline. You must use Microsoft Project and provide a screen capture.
- Discover and Understand the Requirements –Define the functional and non-functional requirements for the system using the FURPS+ framework (minimum 300 words).
(Insert answer here) Usability: The system can be used by the users from the very first day. The navigation and use of the system will be similar to well-known applications. The users can learn the use of the system with three days. Reliability: The system is very reliable and effective. The users can get the assistance of the system whenever needed. The system can be trusted in maintaining the back-office processes. The system should be used at all times of need. Correctness: The applications and software that will be used in the system will be very powerful. Those applications can does all the meaningful processes correctly. The system will be calculating the patient invoice, due payment, appoint date suggest and many more. Durability: The system is very strong and will not fail very easily. The average time of system failure can be estimated as 4 years. The system cannot be damaged completely. The database of the system will be managed through a separate subsystem so that any cyber attack cannot access database. Security: Authentication of User is required so as to keep any malevolent or unintended control of the configurable items. Administrators will have enlisted usernames and passwords. The CMS will utilize HTTPS to guarantee that the customer and server correspondence is secured against being perused or altered by an outsider. Interface: The interface of the system will serve as the interaction medium between the user and system. The user interface components will depend on the purpose of the section and user requirement. |
- Identify the internal, external, operational, and executive stakeholdersfor the system (minimum 300 words).
- Target a specific group of operational stakeholders and create a questionnaire that will be used to collect information about their system needs. Be sure to use a combination of open and closed-ended questions and identify the stakeholder that your questionnaire is targeting(minimum 300 words).
(Insert questionnaire here) The questionnaire asked to the receptionist are as following. i. What kind of facility is required to support business more? ii. What kind of data is required most to start major operations? iii. Which is accessed most? iv. Is every query of patient is solved? v. If it does then does it happen in time? vi. What should not be in the system? vii. Which data you want to access? viii. What modification do you think is required to enhance patient service |
- Identify all the object classes and provide a complete domain model class diagramfor the system. You must use Microsoft Visio.
- For each subsystem, identify and provide brief use case descriptionsfor all use cases.
(Insert brief use case descriptions here) Registration: The patient will register into the system. The system will store personal and account information. The system will provide an id and password at the end of registration. Request for Doctor: The patient will request to visit a doctor. The system will check for doctors that are available and make an appointment. Patient health record: The patient health record can be seen by doctors and patients only. Patient Appointment: The receptionist can see which patient has appointment with which doctor. Doctor Attendance: The receptionist can access the record of present doctors regarding a day. |
- For one particular subsystem, identify and provide one (1) fully developed use case description.
- For the identified use case, provide one (1) use case diagram. You must use Microsoft Visio.
(Insert use case diagrams here) The system will be used by three users, has been visualized as the actors of the Use Case. Only the receptionist can access the attendance of all the doctors along with the appointment of the patients. The patient have to register into the system and login to request for doctor. Both doctor and patient can access the health record of patient. |
- For the use case diagram provide a corresponding activity diagramto illustrate all the steps within the use case. You must use Microsoft Visio.
(Insert activity diagrams here) The activity diagram visualizes the process of setting an appointment with the doctor. The patient request for doctor. The system checks if the any of the mentioned doctors in the mentioned specialist type is available or not. If doctor is available, then the system asks for a date. The system searches available doctors on that date. The system finalizes the appointment and send an notification with appointment details to the patient. |
- For the activity diagram provide a corresponding system sequence diagram(SSD). You must use Microsoft Visio.
(Insert SSD here) The sequence shows that the request the doctor to the system. The system retrieve data from the database regarding the customer authorization. If the patient is new then patient will register. Then the patient enter date and appointment is set. |
- Design the system components –Provide a high-level architectural diagram and explain the environment within which the system will operate (i.e., stand alone, networked, hosting options, cloud infrastructure, etc.) (minimum 300 words).
- Provide story boards illustrating the user interface for at least four (4) screens. Discuss how you have applied best-practice user-interface design concepts (minimum 300 words).
- Deploy the solution –Describe the approach for planning and managing implementation, testing, and deployment for the system (minimum 500 words).
(Insert answer here) The creation condition will be arranged of different equipment and programming segments. As delineated in the abnormal states programming engineering chart, the framework requires a database server, an application server and a web server. The web server has the site and a stored duplicate of the Joomla CMS and database. Refreshing these reserved duplicates will be performed by means of the in-house application server. The product parts of the framework depend on the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) cooperation standard. Extensible Markup Language (XML) records will be sent between the web benefit and the frontend (regardless of whether the site or the CMS proofreader). Cleanser calls will be made by the PHP code behind. Calls to the database will be made utilizing MySQL questions through PHP classes. Luminscape should buy and put in new database and application servers. The web server is given by facilitating. Gatherings will be directed with the I.T. director to guarantee every specialized detail are clung to. The sending of the framework is required to happen with insignificant interruption because of the way that the framework takes into account a completely new retail item run which is as yet being created. This is rather than integrating the databases with the current business run. The organization in this way, will normally take a more straightforward course. This implies the establishment of the new framework will be rapidly made operational without shutting off more seasoned frameworks. The information required once the framework begins is to be acquired from the MySQL database and served on another database server. This implies existing databases won't should be reused, nor will the replicating and changing over of information from old databases need to occur. Despite the fact that it could be conceivable to utilize a portion of the normal item things from the business run databases, the work required in change would be outlandishly more prominent than manual information section for this situation. Since the retail items themselves have not been finished, the heft of the information section work will be performed inside the CMS manager in any case. The forming framework to be utilized through advancement will be Git. This is a free appropriated source code control framework. It permits the capacity of source code records in an archive, includes checking methodology and executes software engineer verification. On the off chance that a software engineer wishes to roll out an improvement to the ace source code, they can make a branch for a working duplicate and consolidation it back onto the ace when wanted. This keeps any significant issues from being erroneously spared and furthermore implies that numerous developers won't have the capacity to refresh a similar record simultaneously. Regardless of the possibility that an issue happens that is unworkable in the present source code, the developer can return to a prior record. The real form control of the framework itself will be attempted with alpha, beta and creation discharge stages. Any further updates will appear as a support discharge. Mistakes or change solicitations can be influenced by means of to telephone or email correspondence. Luminscape utilizes SharePoint intranet usefulness and prompts that reports can be made to the I.T. supervisor who would then be able to look for work tickets for any progressions to be actualized. |
You must use Microsoft Project for the Gantt chart and Microsoft Visio for all UML diagrams produced for this assignment, otherwise your answers will not be marked. All diagrams must be part of a single file. Additional files and attachments will not be marked.
All tables, diagrams, and charts must be accompanied by a one paragraph description (minimum 100 words) to help explain your rationale and logic. Note that presentation, spelling, and grammar are extremely important aspects of your design. Be sure to proof read your work prior to submission.
Submission Information:
- Compile all the diagrams and specifications professionally into a single MS Word document. (Do not submit a pdf file.)
- Use the following format for the Word document’s filename:
Last Name_First Name_Student Number.doc
(e.g., Smith_John_s2841999.doc)
- Carefully review the assignment marking criteria.
- Do not compress your assignment file.
- Submit your assignment online by going to the “Assignment” section of the course web site.
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