Background of the assignment
This assignment forms Part 2 (final part) of the major assignment. Students are provided with a business case in which an entrepreneur, Xiaojing Wu, from China immigrated to Australia and considered setting up a small business in South Australia. Xiaojing decided to start her business as a partnership but decided to dissolve the partnership after one of the partners was dismissed for conducting an unauthorised transaction. Subsequently, Xiaojing formed a public company named ChiHerbal Ltd. In Part 1 of the assignment, students are required to discuss the accounting regulation and reporting requirements for companies.
In Part 2, students are required to prepare journal entries to account for a range of transactions undertaken by ChiHerbal Ltd.Business Case Refer to the transcripts for Modules 2, 3, and 4 (except Impairment of Assets)
Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the regulatory framework that governs financial reporting in Australia with emphasis on the Conceptual Framework for financial reporting
3. Apply accounting principles and standards when accounting for non-current assets, revenue and liabilities and recognise the judgements required in a range of diverse business contexts
5. Differentiate between shares and debentures and apply appropriate accounting procedures
Students are expected to review the content of Modules 2, 3, and 4 (except Impairment of Assets in Module 4). Students are required to account for the formation and operations of ChiHerbal Ltd, i.e. transactions regarding the company’s financing activities, fixed assets, and intangible assets.
Assignment Part 2 Questions
Assume you were the accountant of ChiHerbal Ltd, address the requirements of the following independent scenarios for the company.Scenario 1 Financing Company Operations
On 1 August 2017, ChiHerbal Ltd issued a prospectus inviting applications for 800,000
ordinary shares to the public at an issue price of $12.87, payable as follows:
$4.20 on application (due by closing date of 1 November)
$4.90 on allotment (due 1 December)
$3.77 on future call/calls to be determined by the directors
By 1 November, applications had been received for 860,000 ordinary shares of which applicants for 100,000 shares forwarded the full $12.87 per share, applicants for 300,000 shares forwarded $9 per share and the remainder forwarded only the application money.At a directors’ meeting on 7 November, it was decided to allot shares in full to applicants who had paid either the $12.87 or $9 on application, to reject applications for 20,000 shares and to proportionally allocate shares to all remaining applicants. According to the company’s constitution, all surplus money from application can be transferred to Allotment and/or Call accounts.
Share issue costs of $12,000 were also paid on 7 November. All outstanding allotment money was received by the due date.A first call for $1.66 was made on 1 February 2018 with money due by 1 March. All money was received by the due date. A second and final call for $2.11 was made on 1 June with money due by 18 June. All money was received by the due date.
a) Prepare the journal entries to record the above transactions of ChiHerbal Ltd.
b) Prepare the equity section of ChiHerbal’s statement of financial position once the above transactions have been recorded.
Scenario 2 Property, Plant and Equipment
In the 30 June 2016 annual report of ChiHerbal Ltd, the equipment was reported as follows:
Equipment (at cost) $500,000
Accumulated depreciation 150,000 350,000
The equipment consisted of two machines, Machine A and Machine B. Machine A had cost $300,000 and had a carrying amount of $180,000 at 30 June 2016, and Machine B had cost $200,000 and was carried at $170,000. Both machines are measured using the cost model, and depreciated on a straight-line basis over a 10-year period. On 31 December 2016, the directors of ChiHerbal Ltd decided to change the basis of measuring the equipment from the cost model to the revaluation model. Machine A was revalued to $180,000 with an expected useful life of 6 years, and Machine B was revalued to $155,000 with an expected useful life of 5 years.
No. of Shares applied for |
No. of Shares Allotted |
Money Received |
Application $4.2 |
Allotment $4.9 |
Call 1 $1.66 |
Call 2 $2.11 |
100 000 |
100 000 |
1 200 000 |
420000 |
490, 000 |
166,000 |
211,000 |
300 000 |
300 000 |
2 700 000 |
1 260 000 |
1470 000 |
- |
440 000 |
400 000 |
1 760 000 |
1 680 000 |
160 000 |
20 000 |
0 |
80 000 |
860 000 |
800 000 |
$5 740 000 |
$3 360 000 |
$2,120,000 |
$166,000 |
$211,000 |
General Journal
To 1 November 15 Cash Trust Dr 5,919,000
Application Cr 5,919,000
(Cash received on application)
November 7 Application Dr 84,000
Cash Trust Cr 84,000
(Refund to 20 000 applicants)
Application Dr 3 360 000
Allotment Dr 4,214,000
Share Capital Cr 7, 574,000
(Allotment of 860 000 shares)
Cash Dr 5857000
Cash Trust Cr 5857000
(Transfer of trust funds)
Application * Dr 2 420 000
Allotment Cr 2,120,000
Calls in Advance Cr 377,000
(Allocation of application
across allotment and calls in advance)
* please see on the working table
Share Issue Costs/Share Capital Dr 12 000
Cash Cr 12 000
(Payment of share costs $12 000)
December 1 Cash Dr 1,932,000
Allotment Cr 1,932,000
(Cash received on allotment)
February 1 Call 1 Dr 1,427,600
Share Capital Cr 1,427,600
(Call of $1.66 per share)
Calls in Advance Dr 166 000
Call 1 Cr 166 000
(Transfer of calls received
in advance)
March 1 Cash Dr 1,162,000
Call 1 Cr 1,162,000
June 1 Call 2 Dr 1,814,600
Share Capital Cr 1,814,600
($1.40 per share)
Calls in Advance Dr 211,000
Call 2 Cr 211,000
(Transfer of calls received
in advance)
June 28 Cash Dr 1,477,000
Call 2 Cr 1,477,000
Chi Herbal Ltd
(as at 1st June 2018)
Contributed equity:
(800 000 shares paid to $12,87) $10,296,000
Less Share issue costs 12,000
Total Equity $10,284,000
Scenario 2: Property, Plant and Equipment
During 31 December 2016, there was a Change from the cost model to the revaluation model
Depreciation expense – Machine A Dr 15,000
Accumulated depreciation Cr 15,000
(1/2 x 10% x $300 000)
Depreciation expense – Machine B Dr 10,000
Accumulated depreciation Cr 10,000
(1/2 x 10% x $200 000)
Machine A Machine B
Cost 300,000 Cost 200,000
Accum depn 135,000 Accum depn 40,000
165,000 160,000
Fair value 180,000 Fair value 155,000
Increment 15,000 Decrement 5,000
Accumulated depreciation – Machine A Dr 135,000
Machine A Cr 135,000
(Writing the asset down to carrying amount)
Machine A Dr 15,000
Gain on revaluation of machinery (OCI) Cr 15,000
(Revaluation of asset)
Income tax expense – gain on
revaluation of asset (OCI) Dr 4,500
Deferred tax liability Cr 4,500
(Tax-effect of revaluation)
Gain on revaluation of machinery (OCI) Dr 15,000
Income tax expense (OCI) Cr 4,500
Asset revaluation surplus – Machine A Cr 10,500
(Accumulation of net revaluation gain in equity)
Accumulated depreciation – Machine B Dr 40,000
Requirements and Learning outcomes of the assignment
Machine B Cr 40,000
(Writing the asset down to carrying amount)
Loss – revaluation decrement (P/L) Dr 5,000
Machine B Cr 5,000
(Revaluation of machine from $200 000
to $155 000)
Depreciation expense of Machine A Dr 15,000
Accumulated depreciation Cr 15,000
(1/6 x 0.5x $180,000)
Depreciation expense of Machine B Dr 15,500
Accumulated depreciation Cr 15,500
(0.2 x 0.5x $155 000)
Machine A $ Machine B $
Carrying amount 165,000 Carrying amount 139 500
Fair value 163,000 Fair value 136,500
Decrement 2,000 Decrement 3,000
Accumulated depreciation for Machine A Dr 15,000
Machine A Cr 15,000
(The writing down to the carrying amount)
Loss on revaluation of machinery (OCI) Dr 2,000
Machine A Cr 2,000
(Revaluation downwards)
Tax liability Deferred Dr 600
Income tax Cr 600
Asset revaluation surplus for Machine A Dr 1,400
Expense (Income tax Dr 600
Loss on revaluation of machinery
Cr 2,000
(Reduction in accumulated equity due
to revaluation decrement)
Accumulated depreciation – Machine B Dr 15,500
Machine B Cr 15,500
(Writing down to carrying amount)
The loss by revaluation decrement of Dr 3,000
Machine B Cr 3,000
(Writing down to fair value)
Scenario 3: Leases
Part A
Chi Herbal Ltd should base their classification criteria on the following:
- The lessee cannot cancel the lease contract. A finance lease cannot be canceled as the lessee has the ownership of the property for the time agreed.
- The lessee enjoys all the rewards and takes all the risks of the asset until it is returned, on the date agreed.
- The finance lease treatment is similar to that of the loan as It appears in the balance sheets.
- Linhong, G., & Jun, L. (2017) stated that, the present value of the minimum lease payments is substantial all the economic
life of the leased asset.
PV of MLP = 30,500 x 2.8550 + 3,115 x 0.4972
= 30,500 + 85,650+ 1,350
Present Value of Minimum Lease Payment ÷ Future Value= 103,791÷ 129,000 = 80.5%
(v) The five-year lease term represents the asset life (i.e. 5/6*100 =83.3%)
(vi) The lessee bears all maintenance and insurance costs consistent with ownership. The lessee incurs all insurance and maintenance cost just like the owner of the asset.
The Chi herbal should classify as a finance lease.
PV of MLP = 30 500 x 3.3522 + 3,115 x 0.4972
= 1,022,42.1 + 1548.778 =
Chi Herbal Ltd (Lessee)
Schedule of lease payments
MLP Interest Liability liability
expense reduction balance
$ $ $ $
31 Dec 2015 103,791
31 Dec 2015 30 500 30 500 73,291
31 Dec 2016 30 500 10,994 19,506 62,297
31 Dec 2017 30 500 9,345 21,155 52,952
31 Dec 2018 30 500 7,943 22,557 30,395
31 Dec 2019 30 500 4,559 25,941 4,454
31 Dec 2020 3115 668* 4,454
*Includes adjustment for the effect of rounding
31 December 2016
Lease Liability Dr 19,506
Interest Expense Dr 10,994
Cash Cr 30,500
(Second lease payment in advance)
Depreciation Expense Dr 20,135
Accumulated Depreciation Cr 20,135
(Depreciation for year 1, [$103,791– 3,115] ÷ 5)
31 December 2017
Lease Liability Dr 21,155
Interest Expense Dr 9,345
Cash Cr 30,500
(Third lease payment in advance)
Depreciation Expense Dr 20,135
Accumulated Depreciation Cr 20,135
(Depreciation for year 2, [[$103,791– 3,115] ÷ 5))
31 December 2018
Lease Liability Dr 22,557
Interest Expense Dr 7,943
Cash Cr 30,500
(Fourth lease payment in advance)
Depreciation Expense Dr 20,135
Accumulated Depreciation Cr 20,135
(Depreciation for year 3, [$103,791– 3,115] ÷ 5)
31 December 2019
Lease Liability Dr 25,941
Interest Expense Dr 4,559
Cash Cr 30,500
(Fifth lease payment in advance)
Depreciation Expense Dr 20,135
Accumulated Depreciation Cr 20,135
(Depreciation for year 4, [$103,791– 3,115] ÷ 5)
31 December 2020
Depreciation Expense Dr 20,135
Accumulated Depreciation Cr 20,135
(Depreciation for year 5, [$103,791– 3,115] ÷ 5)
Lease Liability Dr 4,454
Interest Expense Dr 668
Leased Equipment Cr 3,115
(Return of leased asset at guaranteed residual value)
Accumulated Depreciation Dr 98,669
Leased Equipment Cr 98,669
(De-recognition of leased asset)
Scenario 4: Intangible Assets
In the 2014/2015, the chi herbal had finished the project believing that, it was going to be successful. Although the company had the freedom to do what it takes to make sure that, the problem is solved, but had to follow the guidelines provided in paragraph 57 of the AASB 138. The start and the end of the project should be predetermined in accordance with some factors listed and explained below. It is accountable for its outlay in the following ways (.
Technical feasibility
Linhong, G., & Jun, L. (2017) explained that, The company will be accountable for the unproductivity of the project if it occurs. It is very difficult to forecast the future of any business in terms of profitability or ability to serve what it is supposed. To reduce this, the Chi herbal must do some research. Regarding the international financial reporting standards, the carrying cost must be equal to the fair value of the asset.
During the viable period of the asset to be introduced, the chi herbal should make sure that the revaluation is taken into account. The revaluation process helps the owner of the asset to keep its updated value anytime and therefore avoid unproductive projects. The workability and flexibility are the other important aspects of the business projects to consider. It is not sensible when the machine that is not operable is introduced in the market for serving other people.
According to paragraph 57 of AASB, the asset should be categorized as either intangible or not tangible in nature. Intangible assets are like goodwill, permits, patents, copywrites and trademarks. This intangible asset is also considered in the valuation of the asset. Other intangible assets like the trademarks should be measured initially at cost according to the paragraph 58 of AASB. The chi herbal is accountable for such costs and should be taken care of at the start of the business. Both types of the assets should be well categorized so as for the project to be recognizable as stated by Linhong, G., & Jun, L. (2017). The fixed asset is considered as the asset that can be transferred and the intangible asset is known by its nature of not able to see, touch or physically transfer it. This is in accordance with paragraph 57 of AASB.
Scenario 1 Financing Company Operations
Intention to complete and sell
The chi herbal does the research, prepares the patent, and until it is complete, it can be used. It must be clear that the intention of the business is to complete and also to sell. Paragraph 34 of AASB states that the cost of research on an internal project should be considered when incurred. The chi herbal must have considered this during the research period of 2011 and 2012. From where it now moves to the testing period. Wong, K., & Joshi, M. (2015) stated that, for the patenting, the government will make sure that every move until the time it is complete is countable and it followed the provisions of AASB and the law.
Chi herbal will keep records of the patent administration so as to keep evidence of ownership. Bear in mind that, anybody can claim for the properties that are viable economically and hence still the innovative or incentive techniques of the other. The chi herbal should be accountable for any error or misrepresentation until it is complete.
The project must be able to sell and being used
In the year 2016/2017, the project was modified to make it sellable due to arising design problems. The chi herbal must reduce the claims related to the warranty regarding the operation of the filter system. The chi herbal is accountable for such claims and should make sure that everything operates at a very high efficiency. The project must have the demand, and the filter system usable by the users. The intangible assets are acquired when the government is sure that, what you did is viable and carries an economic value.
A good invention or innovation attracts the economic factors and therefore, its survival will be based on them and their fore leads to the legal ownership. The invention and innovation show a unique acquired skill of a person that should be protected. The chi herbal must have come up with the solution to solve the existing problem, and therefore, the solution must be usable by the whole community as should be researched in 2011 to 2012 and 2012 to 2013. And, the testing in 2014 and 2015 should ensure the compatibility between the customer and the problem.
The existence of a market
Chi herbal is accountable to make sure that there is a market for their product. There must be a customer and a certain price which the customer is supposed to pay. As done in 2026/2017, the research done to modify the design may be meant to enhance the market share, ore to attract hire price. More so, the chi herbal identified the market before, in connection to the available gap for the need for filters, to eliminate the iron content.
Linhong, G., & Jun, L. (2017) also concluded that, for the market to exist, there must be a high demand for the product is started. Chi herbal had been looking at what the farmers are going through and thereafter came the solution to solve this and enable the customers to use the clean water in their production and hence increases the productivity. This company had also helped to curb the problem that could arise due to shortages of the farming products in the market. The shortage is also the determinant what the customers want from the filter system
Availability of resources
The chi herbal will be accountable for the resources available. This company had enough resources when they were making this product. The resources include human resource and the raw materials. The company used the raw materials in a way that could help them achieve what they wanted. This means that they could be able to budget for the available resources and come up with a sensible product that can boost the economy.
More so, the resources also include the acceptance of the project by the government that could lead to the patent offers. In 2016/2017, the company had prepared some fees to pay for the patent. In 2017/2018, the company had to pay some fees for the patent, so that, no one could come up with the fake product like that. Chi herbal also had enough financial resources to cater for every activity needed regarding this project.
Ability to measure costs reliably
After the modification of the design in 2016/2017, the product cost was readily available. According to the paragraph 57 of AASB 138. Linhong, G., & Jun, L. (2017) explained that, It is advisable to record and measure the cost outlay appropriately, whether intangible or tangible. This will help with the knowledge of patent cost and other intangible assets. It also helps the project to run in a way that is profitable and accountable.
The cost incurred in 2017/2018 is the only amount that can be capitalized. The expensed money is all the amount of money incurred until 2016 and 2017.
Linhong, G., & Jun, L. (2017). A Case Study of Successful Financial Leasing Project. INNOVATION AND MANAGEMENT.
Wong, K., & Joshi, M. (2015). The impact of lease capitalization on financial statements and key ratios: Evidence from Australia. Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 9(3), 27-44.
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