Develop an understanding of key information systems strategy concepts and contemporary developments in IS strategy for competitive advantage, Internet marketing and global systems.
Tencent Product and Services
Tencent is the Chinese investments company, which mainly provide the businesses regarding to the media, entertainment, payment systems, smart phones etc. It provides the facility of the value added services, that mainly operate on phone value added services and operating online advertising services in China. It is one of the biggest organisations who have the largest internet companies all over globally. It is also known for the most valuable gaming company world-wide. The organisation provide the various services which mainly includes the Social networking, e-commerce, web portals, usability of games in mobiles, smartphones etc. These all services provided by the Tencent, are the biggest among all the organisational activities in the business world.. Tencent has addressed to the reasons being specified for developing the resource pooled server technology and standards. It mainly explains about the challenges been faced, offering the insights or the trends for the development of the latest technologies being used for implementing.
Tencent provide various products and services for delivering the products to the customers. It has the main purpose of the providing the charity and supporting thoughtful things , workable environment and the reliability charity cases for raising the large amount of money on the platforms. They have the main aim of encouraging so many young people to provide an appropriate solution on the social problems by using and applying the creative and innovative ideas. The company have the main focus and clear intention for using the best technology and character for delivering to the different products and services. It mainly deals with connecting to the different users, and making the charity participation for more efficient and effective manner. Tencent provide the various products and delivery of services in the various fields like social networks, entertainment and information, ways of making the payments platforms, utilities and in the Artificial Intelligence (Lu yet al., 2011). The products which are being specified are:
- Social Networks-There are various ways where the user can connect to the other person within the China or globally. It provides the facilities and services for doing the instant messages and services instantly from pc or using the mobile phones. There are various platforms that provide the social entertainment which brings about the digital lifestyle for easing way of using an app. The various platforms and app of connecting to the social networks are QQ, WeChat, and Ozone.
- Payment-The organisation has created the ease for making the payments globally without facing any difficulties. Tencent has maintained the commitments and supporting the services for the online payment transaction. They mainly focus on building the comprehensive and the building the integrating payment platforms. There are various platforms used for making the payments are: Tenpay, Weixin or WeChat Pay, QQ wallet.
- Entertainment- The organisation provide the various way for seeing or doing the entertainment things or making the fun which can lead in the development and the interactive way of having the entertainment experience. There are various platforms for reading news, studying, playing games, listening to music etc. are: Tencent Games, China Reading Literature, Tencent Comic, Tencent Pictures, QQ music, Penguin E-sports, Tencent classroom (Qiang, 2011).
- Information- The Company provide the facility for getting the information and browsing the desirable things using various portals which helps in surfing to the internet globally the various platforms are:, Tencent News, Tencent Microblog, Tencent Video etc.
- Utilities- The Company provide the various services for usability of an applications which are good in quality and have the efficient and easy way of accessing to it. The various utility tools are: YingYongBao, QQ Browser, Tencent Mobile Manager, Tencent PC manager, Tencent map etc.
- Platforms- The Organisation provide the various platforms for easily connecting and providing the greater experience in the internet services and provides the facility for storing the large amount of data on the databases. The platforms are: Tencent Open Platform and Tencent Cloud (Meeker, 2015).
- Artificial Intelligence- The organisation provides the new technology products and services in the field of Artificial Intelligence. It helps in expanding the AI technology everywhere and specifically in the China. It mainly helps in making the decision and creativity while providing the facility to the technical support. The following technologies being implemented are: Tencent AI Lab, Tencent YouTu Lab, etc.
Figure 1 Business Structure
- Corporate Development Group- It is been specified for the company’s new incubator for the professional support and platform, It is responsible for the expanding the opportunities in the online finance, making online payments and addressing the key areas for the support. Its main strategy is based on investing and to the professional support for the public relations and marketing.
- Interactive Entertainment Group- It generally contribute in development of the operations and to the Interactive Entertainment products such as online games, online literature etc. which mainly aim to have the aid for the company in leading the brand in the global industry (Sullivan, 2012).
- Mobile Internet Group- It mainly focuses on the mobile internet services and providing the excellent security for the products and services for the utilities services for leading in all the processes in the mobile internet field.
- Online Media Group- It is responsible for performing certain operations and the development in the Tencent online business. It mainly aims for creating the high quality and diverse in the content field of the ecosystem.
- Social Network Group- It built the platform oversees for striving to the best quality and instant messaging for the social networking services. It usually develop and innovative and the value added services which mainly help in the promoting the cloud business for creating to the more values to the end users and to the partners.
- Technology and Engineering Group- It is generally grouping with the technology or to the group for the operational support and to the end users with the full suite of the customer services. It is also responsible for managing and doing the research and developing in the establishment (Lagerkvist, 2012).
The organisation has the clear vision of ruling in the market for the best internet enterprise. Their main aim is to have the clear goal and working on the objectives for setting the new record in the market.
- Their main aim is to respect the users by listening to them and satisfying the needs and the expectations of the customer.
- They mainly aim to provide the respect to the employees by continuously improving the corporate reputation for the company employees (Jiang, 2010).
- It mainly aim to respect the industry in which they are promoting the healthy development in the in the Internet industry and winning the collaborations within the partners.
- Their main aim is to earn the respect from the customers and from the society through the responsible corporate citizenship by contributing in the development of the community (Zou et al., 2014).
Tencent have worked on the various technologies and tools to bring the wide portfolio of the digital services in the field of social media, online gaming, cloud and payment services, blogging, streaming of the music, production of the films etc. Tencent mainly aim to operate on the largest social communication platform in China and seeing to the old ratio of growing growth into the various lead have made the company apply the strategies and goals for ruling in the market. The main strategy of the company is to:
- It is necessary to attract the start-up founders in terms of the prospectus and guidance needed for getting an appropriate entry in the market.
- It is important to maintain the uses investments for the better understanding in the market (Sloo et al., 2014).
- It analyses to invest in the companies that can provide the technology or the content that can brought through various licensing and partnerships.
- It mainly aims to take the larger stakes in the highest per cent ratio or more in companies.
- Its global strategy is based on the transformation of the company from the various Chinese firms which mainly helps in to provide the services that are been accessed through the various desktop computers for the chat purpose and providing the mobile services for accessibility of the games (Tse, 2015).
- Their main aim is to have the rapid growth in the international market by offering the various international versions of its cloud storage product upto 10TB of free cloud storage.
- Their main objective is to have the global and local investments in the venture and to the capital firms.
- Their main aim in terms of the innovation technology are very focused on building the user experience when the users have the best experience for staying with each other that is the biggest value earned in the social network.
- Reinforcement in working with the leading teams and creating the innovative products for the users and building the healthy and the diversified form of the environment in the industry.
- Maintaining the track record for the execution and having the better experiences to the users on the social, browser and content platforms especially on the mobile devices (Zhang & Liang, 2011).
Business Structure of Tencent
It is the term that the large amount of the complex data is been set for the traditional data processing application used for the software and is inadequate for dealing with them. In this theory, the large amount of the data is been captured which is been used for the analysis, search, sharing, transferring the large amount of the data used for maintaining the information privacy. Tencent have the different data in the different things in the industry. It is often as a loaded term which is been used for targeting to the different fields and collecting the data from the social media, game theory, for the Tencent news and from the entertainment. The data of the Tencent company is been collected in the various fields like:
- Trading with the precision for the profitable and the use of the consumer data.
- Transferring of the Intelligence for the potential to the cross industry that have the huge application, data integration and mining done between the retail and to the financial institutions.
- Tracking the route traders have the major concern over the products on which the consumers are ready to pay for the premium and for the items which are chosen from the online stores (Yip & McKern, 2016).
It is the proper business model which is been used for the appearance in having the bigger advantage on one or the other for the perfect business model. This model is been developed for the framework for explaining that the Tencent had adopted all the business dynamic for the business model which leads in the development process. This theory helps in emphasising and focusing on the user’s personalization and providers for integrating the solutions. It is mainly been used by the youngsters for specialising the social networking platform. The company have the various concerns regarding to the developing of the more features like:
- Keeping the users for activating on the site.
- It is been used for caring the service.
- Helps in listening to the voices of the customer (George & Bock, 2011).
Tencent is working on analysing the large amount of the data form the various other different platforms. It helps in analysing the data collected from the various fields which basically helps in serving the company’s business units which has the main effect on the leading to the market for the best analysis on the database collected from the social networks. It is been used for the data analytics as well as on the process of inspecting the data points of their own interest. The analysis of the data is based on the:
- Data Processing
- Data collection
- Data requirements
- Data Cleaning
- Production of the data (Yue, 2012).
31st December 2016 |
31st December 2015 |
On Year Change |
30 September 2016 |
On- Quarter Change |
MAU of QQ |
868.5 |
853.1 |
1.8% |
876.7 |
-0.9% |
Smart device MAU of QQ |
652.5 |
641.5 |
1.7% |
647.2 |
0.8% |
PCU of QQ(for Quarter) |
243.70 |
241.1 |
1.1% |
250.0 |
-2.5% |
Combined MAU for Weixin and WeChat |
889.3 |
697.0 |
27.6% |
846.1 |
5.1% |
MAU of Qzone |
638.0 |
640.1 |
-0.3% |
631.9 |
1.0% |
Smart device MAU of Qzone |
595.2 |
572.9 |
3.9% |
583.6 |
2.0% |
Fee-based VAS registered Subscriptions |
110.2 |
94.6 |
16.5% |
105.0 |
5.0% |
Tencent is responsible for having the better relationships while dealing with the customers and to the society. It not only helps to respond to the investors but also help in promoting the harmony of the whole society. It mainly helps in improving the healthy, sustainable development and developing the suitable internet environment for the Tencent goal. As one of the largest developed company in China it is best known for providing the internet service providers and one of networks owes company in the largest amount of the customers (Tan & Tan, 2012). It helps in making the people lives richer and improves the quality in of an individual lives. They have maintained the ethics so that no third party can take the place and harm the security of an organisation. Internet security is also an important part of the corporation reasonability for maintain the ethics towards the social networks and to the various other platforms (Gencheng, 2011). The Ethical responsibility is maintained towards the:
Vision of the Tencent to rule in the market
Figure 2 Ethical Considerations towards Everyone (Source By- Author)
Tencent is the competitive corporation and is expanding on the large scale for having the relative growth in the near future for providing the good enterprise resources to the customers. It is one of the leading corporations that have been expanded in China and all over the world for providing the best services to the users and other business organisation for the business operational activities. It is been emerged with the latest technology and tools which is being used for implementing the various technologies all over the internet and to keep promising and providing the charitable of the utilities for continuing in the near future.
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