Describe one motivation theory and discuss how this motivation theory could be applied in Simunovich Olive Estate.
Marking guide: Any motivational theory can be discussed, 1 mark for correct description of the theory,
Describe your alternative motivation theory chosen and discuss how this second motivation theory could be applied in Simunovich Olive Estate. (10 marks) Marking guide: Any alternative motivational theory can be discussed, 1 mark for correct description of the theory, 4 marks on its implementation in the company.
4 marks for showing organisational factors affecting the theory, 1 mark for overall discussion.
Learning Outcome: 7
Identify and apply the appropriate leadership style from the University of Iowa Studies to a leader of your chosen company for correct identification of style from Iowa studies and 4 marks on how it is applied for the leader at your company. 1 mark for overall discussion.
Discuss whether a leader from Simunovich Olive Estate might be termed a charismatic leader”, justify your answer with three examples from the organisation literature.
Learning Outcome: 7
Select a situation where delegation could be applied in the above organisation. Recommend to their senior executive team how they should manage this by applying the process of effective delegation.
Marking guide: 1 mark for correct identification of delegation situation and 5 marks for discussion of applying delegation process.
Apply Lewin’s three step change process, described in your text, to an area where change can be perceived to have occurred in the organisation.
Marking guide: 1 mark for correct identification of each step 1 marks for discussion of how each step applies . 2 marks for discussion of resistance and overcoming this.
Discuss how the “white waters” metaphor for change applies to the above company.
Marking guide: 4 marks for correct identification of features of white waters, and differences caused by environmental factors, and 2 marks for discussion.
Explain what external forces necessitated innovation and change to their business practices. Give examples of the innovations made.
Marking guide: 1 mark each for identification of features of innovation and 5 marks for outlining change and how this organisation is affected by change.
Discuss TWO strategies managers at Simunovich Olive Estate could use in their role as change agents to overcome barriers to change. Give an example of an action taken.
Marking guide: 2 marks each for strategy taken by the leader and 4 marks for discussion as to how these strategies were used to overcome potential barriers.
Simunovich Olive Estate
As opined by Lee (2017), the impact of recent technologies on the business models as well as processes used by the different contemporary business enterprises has drastically changed the nature of the modern business world. Waddell et al. (2016) are of the viewpoint that because of this the focus of the contemporary business enterprises has shifted significantly from the notion of profitability to the aspect of employee performance. The net result of this is the fact that the concept of leadership has become an integral part of the different modern organizations. The contemporary leaders are required to effectively utilize the tool of motivation to influence the performance of the different workers or employees (Bolman & Deal, 2017). This report will analyze the concepts of leadership and motivation and the purposes that they serve in the contemporary business world in the particular context of the organization Simunovich Olive Estate.
Simunovich Olive Estate is a 30,000 olive tree estate located in the nation of New Zealand and offers extensive tour, dining and other kinds of services to the customers (, 2018). More importantly, the wine tasting service that the organization offers to the customers has gained much popularity in the contemporary times and at the same time are being highly appreciated by the customers (, 2018). It is pertinent to note that in addition to the wines that the concerned organization offers to the customers which are manufactured from the olives grown in the estate of the concerned organization it also offers various kinds of exotic food to the customers as well (, 2018). In particular, the BBQ, beef, chicken, desserts and others are particularly popular among the customers (, 2018). In addition to these, the organization at the same time takes the help of constructs of leadership and motivation to enhance the performance level of the employees in a positive manner.
The organization under discussion here actively takes the help of Hertzberg’s Dual Factor theory within its framework for effectively motivating the employees who are associated with them. Lozano, Nummert and Ceulemans (2016) are of the viewpoint that as per Hertzberg’s Dual Factor theory there are two factors within the framework of any organization which affect the performance level of the employees, namely, the positive and the negative factors. The positive factors are the ones which enhance the congenial working factors within the framework of any organization which in turn positively improve the performance of the employees (Higgs & Dulewicz, 2016). The negative factors, on the other hand, are the ones which hinder the performance of the employees and thus are detrimental for the interests of the organization and also the employees (Moxen & Strachan, 2017). The organization under discussion here taking the help of this theory of motivation tries to enhance the effect of the positive factors which enhance the performance level of the employees. More importantly, the organization for the effective utilization of these positive factors has fostered a congenial work culture within the framework of its organization so as to create the kind of work environment wherein the employees would be able to perform as per their maximum potential (Kempster, Higgs & Wuerz, 2014). Thus, it can be said that the effective utilization of this motivation theory is one of the major reasons for the unprecedented success that the concerned organization had been able to attain in the recent times.
Simunovich Olive Estate and Motivation
Adam’s Equity Payment theory is an important motivation theory which is being extensively used by the different contemporary business enterprises not only for offering adequate wage to the employees but at the same time to motivate them in an effective manner as well (Ghasabeh, Soosay & Reaiche, 2015). For example, one of the major grievances that the different employees related to diverse organizations is that they are not offered adequate wage and also discrepancies are being made regarding the wages offered to the different employees (Mittal & Dhar, 2015). Recent researches have suggested that this discrepancy that the organizations make for the payment of wages adversely affects the performance of the employees by reducing their motivation level (Lee, 2017). It is precisely here that Adam’s Equity Payment theory becomes important by virtue of articulating the fact that the different organizations can positively enhance the performance level of the employees by offering them equal amount of salary on the basis of the jobs that they perform. In this regard, it can be said that the major precept of the theory is “equal work equal pay” (Waddell et al., 2016). The organization under discussion here for the improvement of the performance level of the employees can take the help of this theory of motivation. Furthermore, the organization in order to effectively utilize this theory will have to reconfigure the job roles as well as the wages that are being offered to the employees of the organization. More importantly, the organization would have to ensure the fact that the equal amount of wage is being offered to the different employees of the organization who are performing the same kind of job roles.
Mikey Newlands is one of the most popular leaders of the organization under discussion who has not only helped to improve the performance of the employees but at the same time the overall prospects of the concerned organization as well. He takes the help of the leadership style of transformational leadership for the process of effectively leading the different employees of the concerned organization. As opined by Goffee and Scase (2015), one of the most important aspects of the transformational style of leadership is the emphasis of the leaders on the process of “leading by example”. Mikey Newlands taking the help of this style of leadership has designed the entire food menu offered by the concerned organization to the customer himself and also comes with various kinds of innovative food regarding the manner in which the food and other kinds of services offered by the organization to the customers can be improved (, 2018). In addition to this, it is seen that he actively encourages the different employees of the organization to use the constructs of innovation and creativity with the cannon of the work roles that they perform and also helps them in the performance of these job roles. More importantly, for motivating the different employees of the organization in an effective manner he also appreciates as well as reward the hard effort put in by the different individuals for the completion of their job roles (, 2018). Thus, it can be said that this style of leadership used by Mikey Newlands is perhaps one of the major reasons for the effective performance given by the different workers of the organization under discussion here.
Leadership Styles and Motivation Strategies
Waddell et al. (2016) are of the viewpoint that the charismatic leaders are the ones who take the help of the tools of persuasion, effective communication and others to encourage the positive behavior of the employees and thereby enhance their performance. As opined Bolman and Deal (2017), by a charismatic leader is required to have various kinds of character traits like effective communication, maturity, persuasion, confidence, positive body language and others which are likely to help them to positive influence the employees so as to enhance their performance. In this regard, it needs to be said that Mikey Newlands proactively communicates with the different employees who are working under him to not only cascade important work related information but also to take their suggestions regarding the manner in which the services offered by the organization can be improved (, 2018). More importantly, it is seen that Mikey Newlands displays a high level of confidence as well as a positive body language regarding the work that he does and also for leading the followers who are associated with him. For example, he has a high level of confidence on the abilities of his followers and actively encourages them to “think out of the box” for the completion of their job roles (, 2018). Lastly, he has a high maturity level and it is through the use of this character trait that he not only influences the behavior of his subordinates but also effectively manages the different kinds of workplace conflicts. More importantly, it is seen that Newlands is sensitive towards the feelings of the different employees of the organization and actively takes the help of the notion of emotional intelligence for leading these individuals. Thus, it can be said that t is possible for a leader of the organization here to use charismatic leadership style.
An important situation wherein the use of delegation can be made within the framework of the organization under discussion here is related to the aspect of management of customer relationship. Van der Voet, Kuipers and Groeneveld (2016) are of the viewpoint that the business prospects of an organization depends significantly on the kind of relationship that the concerned organization has with the different customers who are associated with them. Furthermore, the organization Simunovich Olive Estate in the recent times has faced various issues related to the management of an effective relation with the different customers of the organization. Thus, the organization can take the help of the process of delegation for delegating the job role of managing an effective relationship with the different customers of the organization. The senior executive team of the concerned organization can follow the six stages or steps for the effective implementation of this change. For example, in the first stage the team would be required to prepare the employees for the change that they are going to implement (Waddell & Pio, 2015). In the second stage, the team would be required to assign adequate job roles to the employees. In the third stage, the team would be required to confirm whether the changes are being understood by the employees or not (Naile & Selesho, 2014). In the next stage, commitment of the employees needs to be assessed and also the team needs to ensure the fact that they are not resorting to the use of “delegating back” (Hayes, 2018). Lastly, the team as well as the different members of the team would have to take accountability for the job roles or the tasks that have been delegated to them.
Delegation and Change Management
As opined by Grant (2014), Lewin’s three step change process is one of the most commonly used models for the implementation of different kinds of changes within the framework of the modern business enterprises. The three important stages of the model under discussion here are unfreeze, change and refreeze (Naile & Selesho, 2014). For example, in the recent times it is seen that the organization has changed the service model used by it for the effective delivery of services. In this regard, it needs to be said that the organization in the earlier times used to use buffet system for offering food to the customers however the organization has changed that and currently waiters serve the customers. In this regard, it needs to be said that the stage of unfreeze was the one when the organization realizing the drawbacks of the buffet system decided to use the new system and information regarding the same was conveyed to the employees. The second stage was the stage of actual implementation of this change and the final stage of refreeze can be seen as the one when this service model was integrated within the workplace culture of the concerned organization.
Goffee and Scase (2015) are of the viewpoint that two important metaphors, namely, the calm waters and the white waters have gained prominence within the cannon of organizational change management and more importantly within Lewin’s model. The white waters refer to the unpredictability of the environment in which the change is being implemented (Lee, 2017). This can be related to the workplace environment of the organization under discussion here in which the above mentioned change was implemented. For example, the organization had to no idea regarding the results that the concerned change was likely to offer them. In addition to this, it was not sure regarding the manner in which the different employees related to the organization would react to the change which was implemented. As opined by Moxen and Strachan (2017), the effectiveness as well as efficiency of a change depends greatly on the extent to which it is being accepted by the employees of an organization. Thus, the workplace environment of the concerned organization can be categorized as a white water because of the fact that the organization itself was not sure regarding the way in which the employees would react to the intended change.
There are various external forces which had necessitated the use of innovation and change in the business model followed by the organization under discussion here. Firstly, business competition is one of the major factors which has necessitated the use of change and innovation within the framework of the organization Simunovich Olive Estate (Lozano, Nummert & Ceulemans, 2016). The second factor which motivated the organization Simunovich Olive Estate to use these entities is the desire of the organization to earn a higher amount of profit and also to attain competitive advantage as well (Mittal & Dhar, 2015). Thirdly, desire of the concerned organization to improve the experience of the customers is another factor which motivated the organization to use the concepts of innovation and change. In addition to these, the aim of the organization to offer the best quality services to the customers is another gratification factor which propelled the organization to use these entities.
Overcoming Barriers to Change
The two major barriers that the organization faced during the implementation of the above mentioned change was the resistance from the employees and lack of expertise of the employees to use these changes (Waddell & Pio, 2015). For overcoming the first barrier the organization can take the help of Lewin’s model and also use the process of leadership in an effective manner. For example, the organization can educate the employees regarding the changes, the reasons why the organization is opting for the use of the concerned and the likely benefits that the use of the concerned change would offer to the employees and also the organization (Grant, 2014). For overcoming the second barrier, the organization can offer adequate training programs to the employees wherein they will be taught to use the change in an effective manner so as to improve their performance (Hayes, 2018). The leaders would also need to offer coaching and mentoring services to the employees for the attainment of this end.
An area where the organization Simunovich Olive Estate can use the process is planning is the management of effective relationship with the customers. The organization in order to use the tool of strategic planning would have to firstly analyze the problems that they are facing due to the use of their existing customer relationship management model (Waddell & Pio, 2015). Secondly, the organization can identify the possible options that they have at their disposal for the resolution of the issues that they are facing related to the effective management of relation with the customers. In the third stage, the concerned organization would have to select the option which will be in synchronicity with their organizational goals, objectives, culture and other aspects of their organization (Lee, 2017). The final stage of the planning process would be the stage of implementation wherein the organization would actually implement the change.
Simunovich Olive Estate takes the help of both operational as well as strategic planning tools for the effective management of diverse aspects of their business. For example, it is seen that the organization takes the help of the process of operational planning for the effective management as well as the improvement of the different aspects of the operations of their business (Van der Voet, Kuipers & Groeneveld, 2016). The organization, on the other hand, takes the help of the tool of strategic planning to align the different departments as well as its related aspects with the overall strategic goals or objectives of the entire organization itself (Naile & Selesho, 2014). Thus, it can be said that the tool of operational planning is a sub-set of the larger process of strategic planning which is being used by the organization for the enhancement of its business performance.
Simunovich Olive Estate for the process of strategic planning takes the help of the strategy of Innovative Value Chain. The organization following this strategy firstly identifies the different options that are available to it (Goffee & Scase, 2015). In the second stage, the organization selects the option which is most suitable to it and the final stage is the stage of diffusion wherein the idea is being implemented. The organization can utilize the tool of SWOT to aid them in this process since the tool offers insightful information regarding the key competencies of the organization (Ghasabeh, Soosay & Reaiche, 2015). For example, an effective use of this tool would offer information to the concerned organization regarding the threats that they face and also the opportunities that galore them and on the basis of these factors they can devise the right kind of strategies (Mittal & Dhar, 2015).
An area of the organization wherein change is necessary is the waste management system used by the organization. For the effective management of the waste generated by the organization it needs to come up with an effective plan which will not only be cost effective but at the same eco-friendly as well. For the effective implementation of this, the concerned organization would have to firstly make new assumptions as well as forecasts regarding the benefits that the use of the new system would offer them (Grant, 2014). In the next stage, the organization would have to review the actual benefits offered by the new system that it has implemented for the management of waste generated by it (Hayes, 2018). In the final stage, it would have to compare the results that it had derived through the use of this new system with the ones of the earlier system and also with the initial assumptions made by it. On the basis of these results the organization can formulated a monitoring system to monitor the performance of this new system.
A concurrent control type that the organization under discussion here can use is the one related to the service model used by it. For example, the employees would be required to understand the kind of customers that they are dealing with and modify the delivery system (buffet or manual serving system) on the basis of this. However, the effective use of this control type would not only require a substantial amount of effort on the part of the employees of the organization but would at the same time require them to have various skills like cultural competency, emotional intelligence and others (Waddell & Pio, 2015). A feedforward control type that the organization can utilize is related to the waste management system that it is using. For the effective use of this method, the organization would have to use prior preventive measures so that any damage is not caused (Lee, 2017). Thus, for the management of waste generated by the organization it would have to take into consideration all the problems that might occur and devise the system on the basis of these factors.
To conclude, the contemporary business world is drastically different from the ones of the earlier times. Furthermore, the focus of the organizations had shifted from the aspect of profitability to employee performance. More importantly, for the enhancement of the performance of the employees the organizations are taking the help of the processes of leadership and motivation. In addition to these, the contemporary organizations are also resorting to the use of different kinds of innovations and change so as to enhance the performance of the entire organization in a positive manner. The benefits that the effective use of these notions offers to the organizations become apparent from the above analysis of the organization Simunovich Olive Estate.
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