1. Explain the foundation principles of digital marketing, and be able to distinguish between traditional and digital marketing.
2. Identify the relevant laws and guidelines that pertain to the different aspects of digital marketing.
3. Apply digital marketing tactics to develop integrated and effective digital marketing approach across different digital domains.
4. Analyse the role of content within digital channels.
5. Examine the value of on-going analysis and measurement as a way of managing and evaluating their digital marketing efforts and budgetary spend.
Content Marketing and Laws
Content marketing is the creation of original content information in order to engage and form long lasting relation with the customer. Unlike one –time selling experience where customer does not fell increase with the brand products or the service, content marketing is more relation worthy. The aim of content marking is to build through long lasting relationship with the customer. It is a conversation between the brand and the customer, where the brand could notice to their customers need. Through, this type of conversation and relationship, customer is indirectly provided direction to the brand to proceed in a next time. The versatility of the content marketing is in form of acid (Boyd and Ellison, 2007). The process of content marketing does not have to be in just words, it can be in the form of video image and audio. This is actually what the brand is trying to obtain from their target customer.
Digital marketing strategy focus on the enhancement of online marketing and customer retention approaches. Although digital marketing has its own importance for the development of the company via digital platforms, still the application of analytics in the digital world will boost the performance system. The role of analytics can be understood in the digital marketing strategy, it is utmost important to know the basic concepts of marketing Analytics.
The role of content marketing can be understood form the type of content that the company is typing to share with respected to their selling strategy it is process of creation value content to acted customer and convert the customer into repeat buyers. The role of content marketing can be understood in the form of educating brand awareness among the people, content induced info graphic, blocks emails, video social media update and website text. The Needed of content marketing is to spread the industries information and deals to the seeking costumer. The stage behind it is to boost traffic to the business in high rate. It helps to create trust and credibility on the social media platform. Adding credible content makes SEO sustainable easily and attractively.
In Today’s world every business is all about digitization. The marketing activities need extensive promotion for their brand awareness. They need wide use of digital platform to retain customer and increase brand royalty. It also helps in keeping record for the quality enhancement scheme.
The role of content market is to create and share smart content in order to attract the customers and also maintain a permanent relationship with them. It ensures repeat customers and customer loyalty at the same time. In other words it can be said that the type of contents that the company use is directly related to the sale.
Content Marketing and Its Role
Also it is a away to educate and make the customers aware of the particular brand product or their services. The process of content marketing includes popular ones like emails, blogs, info graphics, videos, social media updates, eBooks and text used for websites.
Today’s world is all about digitization. In digital world the marketing and promotional activities o the company cannot takes place without brand awareness through the popular digital platforms. In order to spread the brand awareness among the customers in the market, this content creation is an important tool for the company. This not only retains customer and increase brand loyalty but also helps in record keeping data for the quality enhancement schemes and customer needs and interest (Cetin?, Cristiana, R?dulescu, 2012)
A seal with email often works wonder using this approach. As per a marketing research company named as Demand Metric, 85 percent of the customers create an impression about the company though their content. 57 percent among them read some of the content once in a month and 80 percent of them fill more positive about the company from their published content. The content should match with their selling strategy and targeted customers.
The think that distinguishes business develop content is that all the contents a created by their team of in –house writers. It places an important role in brands’ SEO. As a result, it leads to inbound leads generation. All type of search in engine is optimized with content reach information. The list of contents assets include blocked post, buying line articles, thought leader- ship videos and engaging info graphics
The content marketing programs include social media component that helps to drive customer in to the website and boost targeted buyers.
According to Chaffey (2013) digital places emphasize on more market opportunities. It helps in proving customer engagements throughout the business. Hotel and travel industries could benefit most from content marketing. Adding content about the location, features and history helps in building and open mind pictures among the customer. Costumer could easily benefits for the information that they option. B2B companies wire using content marketing into email marketing. The emails are helpful many clear lay out of the available products and services. It helps to makes a two way communication and thereby making the enter system more interactivity. This takes place to customer reviews and social media post that are shared.
Content marketing is a long term strategy that normally text time to show result. It is a kind of learning process for the marketing strategist to design their next strategy. It increase customer life time value. And it indirectly links or grows news customers to their existing system enabling to build loyalty.
Contribution of Content Marketing to Build Customer Relationship and Engagement of Target Audience Across Digital Platforms
The appropriate strategy used for the content creation for the company website increases the traffic that boosts the business enormously. Content helps in the creation of trust and credibility of the company in the social media platforms. The good and credible content creation in the market and helps the company in making SEO friendly contents and as a result boost tremendously the traffic for the company’s digital platforms. Hence it ensures success and sustenance in the market. Content marketing makes emails more useful. It improves engagement through more with the customers. Hotel and travel brands could do a lot better here, most emails I receive are images of places and prices.
As per Eric and Duncan (2014) adding content about the location, history and things to do in the area helps build an enticing picture in our minds and gives us more reason to book.
In order to retain the customers and return the customer value, the informative and entertaining information can help retain customers which help your bottom line. B2B companies have been using this content marketing strategy in emails for a while. This blog is an example as a summary that will end up in the email newsletter. The B2C emails have some catching up to do and it should look to move away from the common layout in the blocks of products available to buy. Make communication a two way street by building in interactivity using customer reviews, social media posts and shares.
Laws of content marketing: It includes innovative creation of content for the audience, content should must be as simple as possible, understanding the needs of customers, production of supportive resources, present a caring attitude towards the clients, creating right content as per the marketing channels and last but not the least content must be transparent and supportive
Building genuinely content helps to engage right prospects and gain. It helps to gain trust and maintain strong relationship. It is inspire to take action. Gaining trust is the most fundamental element of content marketing in between the customers and the marketers.
As a content marketer it is need to find right partners to spread content the message. They can be a business partner, an influencers or bloggers. When more and more people are collaborated, the content or the company message can be easily reach out to the right people. Influencing is another crucial key to content marketing. It enables to spend more time with online influencers with . quality customers one more interested in company product and services.
Need of Content Marketing
Timeliness is another factor of utmost important in the management of content sources along with its deliveries. Time beats the rule. To seek more Content consumer timely in said score beat value. Staying updated leads the company on top of the market.
New contents ensure refreshes new idea. They value created idea and fresh idea. To avoid the repeat content is necessity. It makes the content very monotonous. Generally no one expected other to share their content. So whenever a content is shared, it should be done in a notifying manner.
Content clarity marks the readers impression and provided clear idea about the information required to spread in the market. Simplicity is an essential readable factor to drive the content success. Use of analytics helps in proving clear sources of information. Next it proved clear stable sources of data.
Amazing and quality information helps to beat online flow of flows. It is often seen that the addictive content are shared in social media platform such as Twitter , Facebook, Linkedln and their own blogs. Sharing and discussing of content open new entry point for search engine and Google. This search engine could easily arrange keyword searches.
Consistent publishing of contents and regular participation in conversations increases accessibility. Followers can follow the content online and take part in regular activities though content market digital platform.
Marketing analytics is the system of measuring and analysing marketing performances to optimize the return and investment. Marketing analytics permit marketers to do their jobs more efficiently. It minimises repeat efforts and reduce wasted marketing dollar. Analytics is a wide subject is nature. multiple discipline are connected with analytics. It wide used of maths, statistics and data analytics. They help in process model to gain valuable knowledge from the data. The inside from the data to used important decision in context business and marketing. Analytics is the discovery of information of data and opting useful business insights (Merisavo and Mika, 2004). One of the important aspect of marketing analytics is that of the Database analytics.
Data base analytics is a direct form of marketing. It uses the databases of the customers or the qualitative potential customers along with their needs and likes, in order to generate a logical manner of market stagey. It helps further in the decision making power of the company among the competitors and to survive in the market for a long period of time. Helping the market in taking major decision for the enhancement of customer loyalty is easily maintained by marketing analytics. The use of marketing analytics is extensive in the company decision making strategy. It is the multi disciplinary branch of maths, statistical data and the advanced form of software tools. The various tools that are used in the marketing analytics are in the form of IT enabled technologies used for the purpose of design and strategy. Insight Analytics is the new product that can answer various questions regarding the available data about the entire system. It involves dashboard across ePCR, Billing and CAD. A combination of fact and data plays a major role in imparting a better understanding of the issue and the business scenario.
Content Distribution
It is the practice of analyzing and measuring the performance of the company within the competitive market. Marketing Analytics helps in the management of the organization’s performance. It contributes in the decision making strategy of the company. It is a way to optimize the result and the profit output of the company in the long run strategy. Marketing analytics plays an important role in investment (ROI). Analytics helps the marketers to play efficient decisions on the marketing strategy to gain optimum profit. They also ensures customer retention capability ((Pai and Arnott, 2013). Through tracking the details of the customer’s choice they are able to take more optimum decision to attract and retains their customers.
Now how the use of marketing analytics play an important role in the performance enhancement of the digital marketing campaigns can be understood with the case of “Minority Report” which is a Hollywood movie. In that the scenario of analytics has clearly tried to represent the technological scenario. In today’s world the proper use of analytics application helps the brand to obtain sharp and exact information as per their requirement. They provide clear help to the brands for their digital marketing campaigns. In this it can give the marketers the clear idea whether the applications are providing them with the right understanding of their future marketing strategy. As a result these marketing analytics tools are making huge efforts in making the right prospect in their e-commerce sites.
Google AdWords is an important digital marketing program. It is applied to enhance the basic performance of retailer companies and gives an open indicator of their website performance (Saleh, Mirzaei, Aghaei and Milad, 2012). More over it is using their effective way of boosting their basic performance. It can provide a wide range of valuable performance indicators in the form of impression, conversion rates and clicks so that the retailers can easily identify the direction of their marketing efforts to drive traffic into their website.
These Analytics packages take the initiative by allowing their retailers to track their visitors throughout their visit. This happens when the visitors arrive the company could track their performance with the number of visitors visiting their website per day and per month. Although there are number of Analytics tools available in the market, however the best one among them is the Google Analytics. It is a free tool. Google analytics has totally linked up with the Google AdWords. It could able to provide the companies with a broad and deep view of performance checking ability of their digital marketing campaigns.
Content Marketing Strategy
Google Analytics helps to provide two valuable classes of metrics: session metrics and performance metrics.
Session Metrics |
Performance metrics |
Deliver information about customer behaviour. |
It can be sued to notice a campaigns overall performance. |
Average page view per visit and navigation technique for the customers lead to high value prospects. |
Individual page performance help the company to track their visitors while on that page, so as to now the particular performance. |
Average session duration is an excellent indicator of the visitor visiting the particular page content. |
Cross-platform performance is important for the retailers in order to measure the performance across devices. |
Bounce rate indicates the retailers regarding the customers who have only landed the page but not visited the page content. |
Enable marketers to know their digital marketing effort and to avoid last trap of last-click attribution. |
Table 1: Session Metrics Vs Session Metrics
The crucial task faced by the marketers is to ensure stay on the provided budget and meeting the target of Return of Interest ROI at the same time. With the application of marketing analytics the marketers are able to focus on the targeted audiences and maintain their budget as well. One of the technique adopted by the marketers are by using the user profile data into order to know the direction of marketing efforts and the target customers.
The essential things about the marketing led with data driven concept is the gain of competitive advantage. It is the best tool to know the competitors and their level in the competition market. One of such kind is social media analytics tools. It is an important to know about their audience demographics.
Search engine data is an important source of marketing data in order to improve the search engine rankings that help enormously to beat the competitors. SEMrush is another tool enormously used to learn the keywords used by the competitors along with their ranks in the market.
Digital marketers are the keen aspirants to know about the user experience. T is the utmost responsibility of the company to judge and get informed when the audience land on the page after seeing the ads, contests, social media posts. The landing pages of the website must lead the user and data driven market. Thereby the website heat maps can provide an insight of the web parts where the customers might have clicked. This is quiet helpful in the increase of conversions that will increase the user experience.
According to Gurau, (2008) with the help of data driven marketing, it can personalise the lead nurturing process. This ensures to enable the customers to feel special and an important part of the company. They enable cookie tracking through which the data allows the marketers to serve the personalised ads to their customers as per the demographic and geographic location.
User profile data of the customers plays an important role in creating an accurate idea about the choice of their customers to boost them in future. The use profile data are used to gain access more data points. The user profile at will be providing with the data like email address, location, age, name, gender, age, interests and background.
Laws of Content Marketing
Data and content are related to each other. With the data it can be easily used to know he performance level of the particular company website and the reader’s level of interest. Tools such as Google AdWords planner is used for the relevant keywords or the phrases to obtain the most demand blog post. The Google Analytics is used to track and measure the blog post idea.
Marketers dig into the marketing campaign in order to know their performance level. The data can be used to reduce the churn rate by geting more marketing opportunities to improve their business.
It is done to know where the audience or the customer is. Its being important criteria to take business decisions. It helps to find it out the geographical locations of the customers, the type of social platforms or the social networks mostly used by them and the typical device usage.
Google analytics is a powerful tool. This tools helps in the seeking of important audience. It helps in the creation of data rich content and their by making the content more valuable and qualitative. This allows in the customization and relevant site experience. Company has taken crucial steps in the up gradation of their digital marketing strategy in order to create potential customers for long duration. SEO based content marketing has led the company website to be in the listed on the top pages of the search engines. SEO technique adoption by Company will enhance the power the digital ranking among their competitors in the top pages of the search engines.
Instead of so many players in the game of market, the company has managed to improve their digital marketing existing strategy and upgrade their system for higher market stability. Company has chosen to adopt the data tool to enhance their online market power and growth. Data is a crucial weapon through the company has performed pretty well in obtaining life time marketing opportunities. It company to build valuable and meaningful relationship with their potential customers and useful in the scenario of data driven marketing campaigns.
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