Discuss about the Effect of Human Resources Development Practices on Organizational Effectiveness.
Human resource development or HRD refers to a framework, which helps the employees to improve their personal and professional skills. HRD practices enable the employees to develop the organizational skills, abilities and knowledge (Brewster et al. 2016). Employees seek the opportunities from the HRD. Employee training, succession planning, mentoring and employee career development are the major components of HRD. The abilities and the attitudes of the individuals to lead them towards the self-actualization and the personal growth is termed as the Human resource development. According to the concept of HRD individuals get unlimited potentials for their development and growth within the organization. Therefore, such potentials can be multiplied by proper systematic efforts. In the educational industry, it is crucial for the organization to develop the human resources to enhance the organizational activities. Establishment of the right type of environment within the organization enables the individuals to exhibit full expression of their potentials and contributes more to achieve the organizational goal. Investment of time and effort of growth are the two major elements that are associated with the human resource development (Anand 2015). The organizations, as well as the educational industry, adopt HRD to measure and develop the existing manpower in their organization. In the modern industrial world, HRD is a popular approach in order to enhance the learning process.
In order to develop the organizational performance, it is crucial to incorporate proper human resource practice. This study deals with the human resource development practices and its importance in the context of Ministry of Education in Jordan. In the recent years, more importance is given to the people in the organization as the success of an organization depends on the human assets (Grobler and Warnich 2016). Therefore, the human asset is important than any other assets. The Ministry of education involves in the formulation and the implementation of the rules, regulation, and policies related to the education. Thus, human resource development is the crucial part of the educational sector to develop the working process. In the educational sector to develop, the skills and knowledge of the employee's human resource development practices should be implemented. In the educational sectors, the human resource development helps the employees to sharpen their capabilities to carry out various functions in their organization. In the educational sector, it is important to develop the skills of the employees and to make them competent, as it is a people-oriented field. Management of the education system is associated with the human resource development practices. However, ministry level responsibilities include financial and administrative concerns.
Importance of the Topic
In order to manage this properly, HRD is necessary for crucial. For the educational ministry, it is crucial to adopt the service-oriented approach in the management. This will help the educational sectors to rethink the process through which the responsibilities can be identified and it will be assigned at each stage. However, the personnel management process in the educational sectors is very typical and complex (Alagaraja et al. 2015). In the educational sectors, the teachers have huge responsibilities to improve the skills of the human being on the other hand; the non-teaching staffs are associated with the administrative functions. In this present study role of an impact of human resource, development practice will be addressed in the context of Ministry of Education in Jordan.
Jordanian educational system has gained material achievement in the year 1987 in the First National Conference for Educational Development. They have obtained such material achievement in terms of quantity and quality (Jordan.gov.jo 2017). On the other hand, such achievement is associated with the modification of the educational infrastructure, development of educational policy and due to an increment of the students and teachers in the schools. In order to carry out such methods, it is crucial for this educational ministry to adopt human resource development practices. On the other hand, Ministry of Education gives special emphasis on providing the free compulsory education in every school. This process needs more human resources that are the faculties in the educational sectors.
Such Ministry of Education in Jordan focuses on the diversification of the vocational courses such modification of the vocational training courses, which needs more employees or human resources. The human resource development practice allows an organization to develop superior workforce (Sure 2013). As a result, the employees and the organization can accomplish their objectives and improves the service process. Human resource development can occur both inside and outside of the organization. Formal training is the part of the human resource development. On the other hand, human resource development can be carried out through the informal process in an organization. As for example, providing internal training by the managers to the employees is a part of human resource development. For the educational sector, internal development of the employees can enhance the organizational performance (Mathew 2014).
Ministry of Education is involved in the comprehensive development of the textbook, curriculum, development of the school buildings, educational technologies, educational premises, training, rehabilitation, supervisory and administrative. In order to maintain such processes, it is important to incorporate human resource development practices in this organization. In order to deepen the qualitative effect of the educational process, it is crucial to develop the human resource practices within the organization (Ul Hassan 2017). Development of the infrastructure is crucial for the Ministry of Education in Jordan, which is associated with the training. In order to improve the skills of the employees as well as the teachers training is mandatory. However, the education industry is directly associated with the human development. For this reason, it is crucial for this sector to enhance the skills of the employees who are associated with teaching, administrative and developing rules and regulation in the educational sector.
Aim of the Research
In the recent years, it is important for the Ministry of education to develop the policies and infrastructure of the education to enhance the education system in a country (Mathew 2014). In the context of Ministry of Jordan, they need to train their staffs properly to carry out the business operation in the educational sector by improving the existing education system in a region. However, education is a core area of the human development. For this reason, the individuals those are associated in this sector need to improve their knowledge to enhance the efficiency.
This topic focuses on the effect of the human resource development practices on the performance of the Ministry of Education. However, this topic focuses on the importance of the human resource development practices in the organization. It has been received that organizational performance is directly related to the workforce. However, if the performance of the workforce is low then it is hard for an organization to achieve the success in the industry. This topic reveals the loopholes and the current challenges of the Ministry of Education in Jordan. Therefore, the needs of the human resource development in the context of Ministry of Education are revealed in this study. However, the current scenario of the Ministry of Education in Jordan is highlighted in this topic. Hence, the learner will get a preliminary idea about the current educational system in Jordan. On the other hand, the area of improvement is also identified in this section.
Aim of the Research
The aim of this study is to identify the effect of the human resource development practices on the Ministry of Education in Jordan.
Objectives of the Research
- To understand the concept of Human resource development practice
- To identify the possible practices in the HRD
- To evaluate the impact of the human resource development practices on Ministry of Education in Jordan
Research Questions
- What is the significance of HRD in organizational performance?
- What are the major areas of HRD in the context of education industry?
- What are the potential impacts of the Human resource development practices on the performance of Ministry of Education in Jordan?
Research Philosophy
Research philosophy is crucial for every research study as other methods depend on the research philosophy. However, it is important for the researcher to choose the specific philosophy to assess every parameter associated with the effect of human resource development practice on the Ministry of Education. In this current study, an insight analysis has been carried out by the researcher in order to understand the depth of the topic. There are three types of research philosophies include the positivism, interpretivism, and realism. In this present study, the researcher has taken positivism philosophy. Positivism philosophy enables the researcher to carry out the research in a critical and logical process (Mackey and Gass 2015). On the other hand, realism and interpretivism are excluded by the researcher as realism is based on the research outcome and interpretivism is associated with the perception of the human being. Positivism is based on the quantifiable observation. Positivism philosophy is associated with the ontological and atomistic view. Positivism philosophy is directly related to the viewpoints on which the researcher needs to be focused. In this study, positivism philosophy enables the researcher to carry out an in-depth analysis regarding the selected topic. Positivism philosophy ensures that the researcher is independent in his research. In this study, application of the positivism philosophy allows the researcher to understand the topic and evaluate the impact of HRD more critically.
Research Approach
Research approach includes inductive and deductive approach. As commented by Silverman (2016), inductive approach is based on the data collection, data observation, and data analysis. In the inductive approach, effective analytical tools and potential theories are used to gather and analyze the data. However, the theories, which are used in the inductive approach, are relevant to the topic. On the other hand, the deductive approach highlights the hypothesis process, theory selection, data analysis and implementation. In this present study, the researcher has selected deductive approach. Development of the hypothesis based on the existing theory is the crucial part of the deductive approach (Panneerselvam 2014). Deduction of the conclusion from the proposition is the main method of the deductive approach. In this approach, the outcomes of a study are measured against the observation. Deductive approach helps the researcher to analyze the data based on the existing theories and the models regarding the selected topic. However, the researcher avoids the inductive approach as it is based on the new models and theories. Hence, the researcher is not able to gather the necessary information to conduct the research in a right direction.
Research Design
A research design is the crucial part of the research methodology where the researcher is able to interpret results properly, which is obtained from the data analysis (Choy 2014). However, the analysis of the data is based on the purpose and objectives of the study. The research sheds light on the research design, which is associated with the research topic. Descriptive, exploratory and explanatory are the major basic designs that are used in the researcher. However, the exploratory design highlights on the background information of the research problem. On the other hand, explanatory design finds the exact reason for which the problem occurs.
Researcher prefers the descriptive design in maximum studies as the descriptive design makes a connection between the objectives of the research study and the findings (Panneerselvam 2014). The researcher has selected the descriptive design in this study. Hence, the descriptive design allows the researcher to find out a relation between the objectives, findings and the conclusion. This highlights a significant outcome of the research methodology in a study. Maintaining the relationship between these three areas of the study highlights the attentiveness and the dedication regarding the concerned areas. On the other hand, the descriptive design focuses on the statement and casting light on the present situation or problem that occurs during the data collection. Descriptive design enables the researcher to analyze the current problem in a proper way. However, a number of variables are employed in the descriptive research. As a result, the researcher is able to explain the research findings. Hence, for this study, the selection of descriptive design is appropriate.
Research Strategy
This current research topic is based on the effect of human resource development practice on the Ministry of Education in Jordan. For this reason, the view-points of the employees of the Ministry of Education need to be collected. However, the managing heads of the organization are selected for conducting the interview. In this study, interview has been taken as the research strategy to collect the feedback from the concerned persons. However, an interview is an old and popular method to gather authentic data regarding any topic (Dai et al. 2016). Hence, conduction of the interview in this current study is helpful for the researcher to obtain authentic data regarding the topic.
Sampling method
Probability and non-probability are the two basic types of sampling techniques that are used in the research study. In this study, the probability-sampling method has been selected. Therefore, random sampling technique has been used in this research. This allows the researcher to gain a better understanding of the effect of human resource development practice on the organizational practice. However, random sampling is effective to determine a smaller sample size from a larger population (Csikszentmihalyi and Larson 2014). In the random sampling process, the researcher first makes a list of the participants from which a certain number of the individuals are selected for collecting data. Simple random sampling enhances the accuracy of the research method. Hence, there is no other method to select a small sample size from a large population except the simple random sampling. In this method, there is no need to divide the large population into a small population. This is an accurate method of selecting the sample size to collect data in a research study.
Sample Size
In this present study, the researcher has selected 5 managerial heads of Ministry of Education in Jordan in order to conduct the interview. This sample size is appropriate for this study. However, such concerned persons have given valid information regarding the impact of human resource development practices on this organization. Such 5 managers are selected for the qualitative data collection.
Data Collection method
Primary and secondary data collection methods are common in any research study. This current study is based on the effect of human resource development practices on the organizational effectiveness. For this reason, the involvement of the managerial heads of Ministry of Education Jordan is important for gathering data. In this present study, both primary and secondary data collection processes are undertaken to collect valid and authentic data. In primary data collection, process interview has been conducted to gather qualitative data. In this method, 5 managers of Ministry of Education are taken to conduct the interview. On the other hand, in the literature review section, secondary data collection process has been undertaken. For the secondary data collection several journals, articles, and government websites are used. Exclusion and inclusion criteria have been undertaken to select the authentic journals from the databases. However, to gather authentic data both primary and secondary research are crucial in a research study (Lewis 2015). In the context of primary data collection, the information can be collected directly from the respondents. This is the major advantage of the primary data collection. However, the interview provides genuine information as well as a better approach to the study. The managerial heads of the Ministry of Education are able to execute valuable data regarding the effectiveness of the human resource development practices in their organization. On the other hand, application of both primary and secondary data makes the research study more reliable, valid and authentic.
Data analysis process
In this current study, qualitative data collection has been done in the primary data collection method while secondary data collection process has been used in the literature review section. Data analysis is an important part besides the data collection in this research study (Palinkas et al. 2015). In this research study, data has been represented via charts, graphs, and tables. Such deduced figures give a better understanding regarding the collected data. In order to evaluate the qualitative data transcript of the candidate’s speech has been developed in this research study. On the other hand, a thematic analysis has been carried out in this study to analyze the interview of the managerial heads. On the other hand, article review has been carried out from the different journals to evaluate the secondary data.
Accessibility, validity, and reliability
Accessibility issue is the big issue that often occurs in the research study. However, often the researcher is unable to access the journals, which are in the paid version (Couper 2017). Due to low budget, the researcher failed to collect data from the paid journals. On the other hand, validity is another issue while conducting a research. However, many journals did not include valid data and some were not published currently. Therefore, reliability issue is a major barrier while conducting a research. Some journals did not provide authentic data, which resists the researcher to use these journals.
Ethical Consideration
This present research study is conducted under the proper ethical guidance and no action has been undertaken, which would affect the legal procedures. However, it is important for the researcher to follow the ethical requirements while conducting a research (Creswell and Poth 2017). During the conduction of the interview, it is crucial to keep in mind that no candidates would be forced to take part in the interview. On the other hand, the candidates should get the chance to withdraw his or her participation from the interview session. Therefore, it is vital for the researcher to understand the purpose of the interview and academic activities should be taken during the data collection process. It is necessary for the researcher to keep in mind that no promotional act can be conducted during the interview. According to the Data Protection Act 1998, the personal information of the candidates should not be disclosed. Therefore, no personal question can be asked of the candidates, which will hit their sentiments. In the context of secondary data collection, proper citation is necessary and no manipulation can be done. Hence, the data should be presented according to its actual form.
Problem Statement
Despite the significant achievement, the Ministry of Education in Jordan has been facing many immense challenges. However, there are large numbers of children in Jordan who are not going to school. On the other hand, urban and rural disparities and low quality of education are the major challenges of the educational sectors. Lack of teaching faculties is a common problem of the educational sectors, which resists the enhancement of the education in a country (Ebisine 2017). As per the statistical data, 42% of the total children of Jordan are unable to access the proper education. Lack of proper learning environment resists the female children to access the education. On the other hand, safe building, safe drinking water, and sanitation facilities are the common drawbacks of the educational sectors that affect the education system. However, it has been found that 80% of the students of second and third-grade primary school underperform in reading (Jordantimes.com 2017). On the other hand, the students of the elementary schools in Jordan are falling behind in accomplishing mathematics. Therefore, the current policies of the organization are not advanced to bring improvement in the organizational performance and meet the current demand of the educational system in Jordan. Lack of poor communication between the departments in the Ministry of Education in Jordan is another big challenge. However, the staffs are not communicated properly with their co-workers that affects the entire team-work.
Based on the above problem it has been found that Ministry of Education needs to develop their human resources to cope with this current challenges. Lack of qualified teachers is the major problem of Jordan educational system. Thus, by recruiting more qualified faculties will be an effective process for an education industry to enhance the availability of the education system in the people (Weiner 2017). On the other hand, Jordan Ministry of Education needs to implement proper training process to develop the human resources, which will enhance the organizational activities. However, poor organizational policies in the education sector affect the image of the organization. Thus, HRD enables an organization to increase the efficiency of the employees and improve the performance level. However, such drawbacks are associated with the poor skill of the employees as well as the teaching faculties. The poor performance of the employees affects the entire image of the organization. Hence, for Ministry of Education, it is crucial to bring change in the existing policies and educational system to cope with the above challenges.
Organizational effectiveness is associated directly with the human resource development practice (Ebisine 2017). In the context of Ministry of Education in Jordan, they need to improve the organizational performance by enhancing the skills of the employees as well as the teaching faculties. Teachers that are more qualified need to be recruited into the system to enhance the education process. However, improvement of the infrastructure is another big challenge for the Ministry of Education, as they need to develop their workforce to establish a better infrastructure in this sector. Performance of the organization is associated with the workforce. In the present day, development of the workforce in the education sectors is a big challenge as poor faculties resist the flow of the performance in the educational sector.
Concept of Human resource development practice
Human resources are the active resources of an organization. However, the other resources remain inactive if there is lack of competent people to utilize such available resources in order to enhance the services. Human brain includes limitless energy to think and act in a productive method. For this reason, presence of qualified and the competent human resources are the key elements of the organizational success (Payne and Isaacs 2017). On the other hand, the emergence of the HRD within an organization, especially in the education sector, plays a crucial role in developing the professional skill of the people. HRD practices are involved in developing the skills, knowledge, attitudes, and competencies of the people in an organization. However, the staffs transform into the human resources while they are able to be competent and show effective performance towards the organizational activities. In the education industry, human resource development practices is a mandatory requirement to develop the skill and knowledge of the staffs in order to enhance the education process within a region or country (Maier et al. 2014).
An organization gets assurance about their success if it has strong human resources as it enables the organization to meet their objectives and goals. One of the major practices of the HRD is the training. This particular HRD practice allows the employees to improve their existing skill and competency level (Kehoe and Wright 2013). The educational industry needs to arrange the effective training and development process to enhance their staffs’ skill. However, human resource development is a continuous practice and well-integrated approach. This ensures the better quality of the service within an organization. Human resource development practice is crucial for modernization and industrialization. However, it is crucial for the educational sectors to increases the number of skilled employees by developing the human resources as it improves the economic structure of an organization (Russ-Eft 2016). Implementation of the vocational training to the educational sectors is helpful to maximize the skills of the staffs. However, if the staffs are well trained in the education industry then they are able to modernize the education process in a country or a specific reason. As for example, the learning program of the schools and university is improved due to the enhancement of the staff training in the ministry of education in any country. In the context of an organization, human resource development or HRD will enhance the employee engagement.
In the recent years, the organization, as well as education industry, is operating in changing and complex environment. This is a major factor, which influences the implementation of the human resource development practice in an organization. For the education industry, it is important to develop the HRD practices to cope up with the challenges, which occur due to the changing environment (Kehoe and Wright 2013). To implement new practices in the educational sectors the ministry of education in a country needs to develop their employees to implement the change within the country or organization.
Different types of human resource development practices
Training and development are one of the major practices of human resource development within the organization. However, training and development program is associated with the employee retention within an organization (Chin et al. 2017). Implementation of the training within an organization meets the employee needs, which ensures the success of an organization. An organization is able to fulfill the needs of the employees while the information is shared in a perceived manner. In the education industry as for example, in the Ministry of education employee retention can be done by enhancing their knowledge through the implementation of the training. It is crucial for an organization to invest more in the training program to develop their human resources, which also enhance the performance of their key employees. In the education industry, more employees are required in different departments that are from administration to teaching. Thus, it is important for the Ministry of education in a country to retain their employees to keep their service intact. Hence, training is an effective process as it generates an urge among the employees of the education industry, which insists them to retain in this industry (Knowles et al. 2014).
Career development program is another crucial element of the human resource development practice. In the recent years, the education industry is showing their interest in career development program to enhance the human resource development. Such development programs are helpful to employee development practice. Hence, in the education sector such career development program enhances the employee commitment as well as the personal productivity (Chin et al. 2017). It is well-known to all that education industry is a growing industry in the recent years. Thus, this industry relies on the employee development, which is achieved by the career development programs in an organization.
Succession planning is another important practice of the human resource development. It is the process of development of new leader, who replaces the position of old leader. This development practice is undertaken when the old leader leaves the organization or dies. In the education industry the succession, planning helps the organization to develop the internal staffs (Shuck et al. 2014). By using this process, the Ministry of education in a country can identify the employees having current skills or the employees who have the ability to adopt new skills. Through this process, the human being in an organization is able to move up from one position to another position within an organization by utilizing or acquiring skills. Implementation of the new strategy is helpful for an organization to carry out the succession planning. However, succession planning is significant for the performance management of the employees in an organization.
Mentoring refers to an empowerment tool or personal development practice. However, mentoring helps the employees to increase their potentiality and achieve progress in their career. However, mentoring focuses on the partnership between two individuals in an organization (Shuck et al. 2014). The mentor is associated to enhance the performance of the mentee. In this case, the mentor share experience regarding the work with the mentee and the relationship between these two persons depends on the trust and respect. In the education industry, application of such human development practice boosts the confidence of the staffs and enhances their performance.
Social Learning theory
Social learning theory of Bandura’s is an important theory of human resource development. According to this theory, people can learn by observing other people. This theory is considered as the bridge between cognitive learning theory and behaviorist theory (Thomas and Simpson 2014). Attention, memory, and motivation are the major three components of this theory. However, in an organization, people can observe other behavior and attitudes and develop ideas. This allows them to enhance personal growth. However, by the application of social learning theory, the education industry can enhance the human resource development in their organization. This theory stated that learning is a cognitive way, which occurs in the social context via direct instruction or making the observation. Social learning theory highlights the vicarious reinforcement, which enhances the learning process. Implementation of this theory in the educational industry can be effective to influence the employees to learn and develop their skill by observing their co-workers. In the organizational context, social learning theory is effective to enhance the human resource development practice and to increase the organizational performance.
Constructivism and Cognitivism theory
Constructivism theory influences the individual to take part in their personal development process. However, application of this theory enables the employees to involve actively in their own development process (Rosenthal and Zimmerman 2014). In this context, the people are able to review their previous experience and make improvement in their existing skills. In the education industry, application of this theory will be helpful to give shape the human resource development process. Next, the cognitive learning theory highlights on the metal development rather than the physical activity. By applying this theory, the instructor is able to encourage the people to expand their knowledge. In the context of education industry, they can use this strategy to influence the staffs to enhance their strategic thinking. This is directly associated with the personal development. Hence, the managerial heads of the Ministry of Education can use these two learning theories to enhance their human development practice.
Developmental task theory
According to this theory, individuals should achieve their goal after a certain period (Hutteman et al. 2014). In order to obtain the objectives, the individuals need to perform effectively and meet the target that is created by the society. Hence, by applying this theory the organization is able to maximize the performance of the employees by creating time bound learning process. This allows the individuals to show a smooth progression within a limited time span. This theory makes the staffs competent and efficient during their performance. In the context of education industry, human resource development is a vital aspect to meet the organizational goals and objectives. Hence, use of this particular theory will be helpful for the organization to improve the skill of the employees by enhancing their personal development process.
Effect of human resource development on the organizational productivity
Development of the productivity is one of the major positive aspects of the human resource development practice in an organization. However, the human resource development practice reduces the poor performance of an organization by enhancing the human resource development and the training process. Human resource development has a direct impact on the profitability of the organization (Okoye and Ezejiofor 2013). Human resource is the major asset of the organization. However, the organization neglects the management and development process of their chief assets that is the human resources. In the context of education industry, human resource development is essential to recruit, manage, and provide direction to the employees to work in their organization. Human resource development is considered as the strategic approach in order to manage the people within the organization. In the education industry, the human resource development leads the employees to contribute more to the organizational productivity. This enables them to meet the organizational objectives and goal. However, it has been found that Ministry of Education in Jordan has been facing many issues regarding the quality of education in that region. The major problem is the lack of qualified faculties in the educational sector. Hence, by the human resource development, an organization is able to enhance their administrative activities (Aryee et al. 2016). Human resource development includes administrative activities in order to enhance the skill of the employees. Human resource makes the workforce in an organization and it encompasses and co-ordinates all the human elements to maximize the productivity of an organization.
Ministry of Education in Jordan is involved in achieving the general objectives of the education in the kingdom. According to the Education Act 1994, the Ministry is associated with many tasks. As for example, the establishment of the public education institutions and administrating these institutions are the vital tasks of the Ministry of Education (Ibe.unesco.org 2017). Apart from these supervising the private educational institutions, establishing a scientific research, enhancing the student activities, providing school buildings are the major tasks of the Ministry of Education in Jordan (Jo et al. 2016). In order to carry out such activities, it is crucial for this organization to incorporate the human resource development activities in their organization. Teaching faculties are the most important human resource of Ministry of Education. Their main aim is to develop the skill and knowledge of the teacher to enhance the education system in Jordan.
Lack of skilled labor is the major challenge for any organization that resists the organization to compete in the market. This is a vital reason for the low productivity in an organization. As commented by (Okoye and Ezejiofor 2013), an effective human resource development is associated with the improving and maintaining all the aspects of the organizational practices that may affect the staffs from their first day of selection to the days that they have in an organization. In the context of Ministry of Education, they need high-qualified candidates for their education industry to enhance the educational practice. Hence, human resource development practices enable the organization to devise a proper selection procedure in the organization to identify the suitable candidates for the desired position. This selection process is directly associated with the productivity of the organization as skilled teachers are the vital assets of the Ministry of Education. This enhances the performance level of this organization.
Impact of human resource development on the learning process of the organization
Human resource development and human resource management are associated with each other as HRD is the integral part of HRM in an organization. Training is considered as the best practice for HRD in an organization. On the other hand, education and training are the roots of human resource development. Education industry is fostered to develop a learning climate in their organization to enhance the performance of the organization. Human resource development practice allows the people to re-create their learning ability within the organization. However, if all organizations in a country adopt HRD practices in their organization then a knowledge base society will be developed, which will allow the employees to gain competitive advantages (El-Fekey 2015). Investing of human capital is as important as the financial capital in any organization. However, such investment includes organization development, career development, and training. In the recent year, qualified employees in the Ministry of Education are a major crisis, which needs individual development. Individual development in an organization is associated with the organization development. However, in the education industry, there are several needs regarding the human resources. One of the major needs is the staff forecasting. Staff forecasting allows the education industry to identify the staff needs in their organization (Aryee et al. 2016). In the context of Ministry of Education, skilled staff is their major requirement to enhance the performance of the organization. Hence, staff forecasting tool is a valuable method of the education sector to determine the non-teaching staffs in this particular sector.
Training is another human resource needs for any organization. In the Ministry of Education in Jordan implementation of the training enhances the staff competency, which is directly associated with the organizational performance. As asserted by Renwick et al. (2013), not only pre-service training but also in-service training on regular basis is crucial human resource development needs. Literature shows that Jordan Ministry of Education seeks staff development to improve the education system of this particular region. This highlights on the training requirement in this particular sector.
A performance report is another requirement of HRD. Analysis of the performance report allows the organization to recognize the candidates those are eligible for the promotion (Okoye and Ezejiofor 2013). In the recent years, the Jordan education system has been facing problems regarding the high demand for the expansion of the education for the youth population. This is the major concern of the Ministry of Education in Jordan. Jordan education system needs development in the faculties and extra curriculum activities (Kinghussein.gov.jo 2017). In order to meet these requirements, the Ministry of Education needs to enhance their staff development practice. Today, the Ministry of Higher Education in Jordan contributes more to developing the community colleges by incorporating HRD practices in their system.
Labor relation is a need of HRD in an organization. The success of an organization depends on the relationship between the labor and the managerial heads. In order to develop the employees, the organization needs to develop a good labor relation. This makes the employees to be more attentive to the career and their job (Knowles et al. 2014). For the education industry, it is important to establish a good staff relation with the managers before implementing the HRD practices within the organization. Staff rotation is another practice of the HRD. Due to the major consequences as for example, for the poor quality faculties, the Education Ministries are forced to implement the staff rotation process. This allows the Education Ministries to get a better outcome from their existing staffs. This staff rotation process makes the employees eligible to get promotion in the Education Ministry.
Significance of HRD in the Ministries of Education
HRD is the Ministries of Education is associated with the individual career option, forecasting employment selection and performance monitoring. Therefore, improvement in the communication system is another positive aspect of HRD (Gold et al. 2013). Recruitment and posting of the teaching and non-teaching staffs is the major responsibility of Ministries of Education. For this purpose, staffing needs have been identified through the implementation of the HRD practices. In the context of Jordan Ministry of Education, their strategic plan highlights the transformation of the training and education landscape. Empowerment of the staffs maximizes the education workforce. HRD of Ministries of Education contains curriculum development. In the Ministry of Education in Jordan, the curriculum development department is responsible for the audit in the schools in order to provide assistance to the teachers (Coleman 2015). On the other hand, monitoring of the staff performance is another key activity of the curriculum development department.
The staffs of the curriculum development department are associated with providing guidance to the students in both primary and secondary schools. On the other hand, they provide training to the teachers to enhance the education process, which is a part of the organizational success in the context of Ministry of Education in Jordan. HRD enhances the competency of the HR in an organization. In a dynamic competitive environment, any organization needs to be flexible and increase their human resources (Kinghussein.gov.jo 2017). HRD is directly associated with the continuous improvement of the staff performance. In the Ministry of Education in Jordan, implementation of the HRD allows them to develop a planned and systematic process to bring wide change in the existing policies and the practices. HRD is associated with the staff improvement that sheds light on the enhancement of the organizational performance. Continuous improvements in an organization sustain the process and improve the functionality of the workplace. In the context of Ministries of Education, continuous improvement via HRD practices is a suitable for the growth of the organization. This leads the organization to get a good position in the global education industry.
Importance of HRD in the organizational efficiency
HRD gives an opportunity for the career development. In an organization, HRD allows the employees to grasp the opportunities regarding the career development. In the context of Ministry of Education, training and development are implemented as per the employees need in this organization. Employee commitment is another positive aspect of HRD practices. However, training makes the employees efficient and efficient employees are committed towards their work as well as their job via HRD practice. A proper training and development to the employees in the Ministry of Education enhance their effort toward their work. Job satisfaction is the positive outcome of the HRD practice in an organization (Wang et al. 2016). Well-oriented and developed people in an organization show a higher degree of commitment. This influences them to show better performance, which is directly associated with the job satisfaction. One of the major outcomes of HRD is the organizational change management. HRD facilitates the change in an organization. However, in the context of Jordan Ministries of Education, changes occur in the existing policy by utilizing the HRD practices. HRD involves in managing the conflicts and by improving the labor-management relationship (Cunningham and Villaseñor 2016).
Performance improvement is another outcome of HRD practice in an organization. Employees develop their necessary abilities and skills with the help of HRD. As a result, the employees show effective performance, which ensures the greater organizational effectiveness (Reddy 2016). Ministry of Education needs the HRD in their organization to reduce the conflicts in the work practice. The specific developmental needs of the staffs in the education industry can be determined by implementing HRD. In the education industry, the HRD is a great contributor to the organizational success. Innovation establishment in the Ministry of Education is a big contribution of HRD. By utilizing the HRD practices in the education industry, a new process has been developed.
HRD practices develop a learning-oriented culture in the organization. In the education industry establishment of the learning-oriented culture is crucial for the development of the staffs (Gold et al. 2013). Hence, HRD allows the Ministry of Education to create a learning-oriented culture in terms of values, belief, and assumption of the organizational staffs on developing and transferring knowledge. However, development and the skill training is related to the organizational growth and the quality service (Akey et al. 2017). Development of the learning culture in an organization via HRD practices enhances the teamwork and career of the staffs. Due to the globalization, the education industry faces an increased competition in the recent years. In order to cope up with the challenges, the education industry or Education Ministry enhances their employee engagement by developing their professional skills through HRD practices. An effective HRD practice results in the collaborative work of the team members. Apart from this HRD is beneficial for the education industry to establish a positive working environment in the organization, which enhances their staff as well as the organizational performance.
The entire piece of work reveals a brief overview of the effect of human resource practices or HRD on the organizational effectiveness. However, this study stated the case scenario of Ministry of Education in Jordan. It has been found that education sector plays an important role in developing the human being. A balance should be kept between the dictated quantity and the desired quality in the education sector. Ministry of Education in Jordan is associated with the rules, regulation, and policy regarding the education in that particular region. On the other hand, development of the infrastructure and the training procedure are the major areas of the HRD practice. Implementation of the HRD practices in the Jordan Ministry of Education is associated with the development of a positive work culture in the organization. However, it has been found that in Jordan, lack of proper infrastructure, lack of qualified faculties, curriculum activities and poor communication between the departments are the major barriers of the education sector that need to be improved. On the other hand, poor communication affects the collaborative work of an organization.
In the education industry, human resource development is crucial, as it is the major asset of an organization. It has been received that training, mentoring and career development program are the major human resource development practices that facilitate the organizational growth. However, in this current research study, both primary and secondary data collection methods are undertaken. In the primary method, qualitative data collection method is selected and an interview has been selected as the research strategy. On the other hand, in the literature review section, secondary data collection method has been selected, which includes article review. In the interview, 5 managerial heads of the Ministry of Education have been selected to collect the feedbacks. In the literature review section, studies show that HRD is an integral part of the HRM, which is directly associated with the organizational growth. On the other hand, it has been found that employee commitment can be enhanced by the implementation of the HRD practice. In order to enhance the staff performance, HRD plays an important role as training is the vital part of HRD. In order to improve the skill and knowledge of the staffs, HRD is mandatory for an organization, especially for the education industry.
Effective communication is a significant outcome of human resource development practice as the staffs get an opportunity to improve their language by taking proper training. Hence, it has been received that human resource development practice is crucial for any organization to get a competitive advantage in the global market. Moreover, HRD consists of the curriculum department in the education industry, which identifies the developmental needs of the staffs. Hence, it can be concluded that HRD has a positive impact on the organizational growth in the context of Ministry of Education
A survey is conducted among the managers of Ministry of Education. The sample size was 5 managers who are currently working in this organization.
Q1. How far do you agree that human resource practices are crucial for organizational development?
Q2. What are the major practices of human resource development?
Performance management
Q3. How far do you agree that HRD plays a great role in career development in Ministry of Education in Jordan?
Q4. Do you think that the current HRD practice in Jordan Ministry of education is effective?
Q5. What are the major loopholes of HRD in Jordan Ministry of Education?
Q6. What is your opinion about the significance of effective communication in HRD?
Q7. How far do you agree that training is the most vital element of HRD in Jordan Ministry of Education?
Q8. What is the role of job satisfaction in human resource development in Jordan Ministry of Education?
Q9. What type of organizational environment is necessary to implement human resource practices?
Q10. How far do you agree that HRD is involved in maximizing organizational efficiency?
Q11. What are the major impacts of HRD on organizational performance?
Q12. What are the possible ways to improve the HRD practices in Jordan Ministry of Education
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