Importance of Students' Satisfaction in Education
Discuss about the Factors & Attributes Influencing Students Satisfaction.
Students’ satisfaction is important for developing their future and provides them proper educational system so that they can experiences quality education in their universities. The objective of the universities is to deliver empirical knowledge to students and filter their future studies for their development in studies. In an academic setting, students’ satisfaction helps colleges and universities to make more responsive need in academics and evaluate the performance of students. The purpose of the satisfaction is to provide better educational aspect for students and build them for future. Another purpose is related to the students’ learning curve and how they improve their standard of learning procedure is the most significant factor of this. In case of career preparation and the effective influence of current course is the most important aspect for students (Kauffman, 2015). The importance of students’ development is important in the context of relationship making with teachers and students. The level of satisfaction is depending on the flexibility and quality of learning style and procedures. Their satisfaction is related to quality curriculum, gain knowledge and implement that knowledge in the right place so that in future they can address that knowledge. Students must appreciate the worth of their education and be pleased with their general understanding in order to endorse and support their higher educational institution as a student and as an alumnus. Satisfaction is an applicable determination because many studies have established that other aspects being equivalent, satisfied persons are likely to be eager to put forth more endeavor than unsatisfied individuals (Ali et al., 2016). Hence, before taking any kind of action, students likely access the educational quality of that place and experience a better understanding of the academics and then proceeding for the future actions.
In case of higher education, individual development is important for creating more knowledge and innovate creativity in the learning process. Successful achievement and improvement of students’ learning are the major reasons for the continuation of higher educational institutions. This constructive development in higher education shows the significance of educational institutions considering student approval in a competitive atmosphere. Higher education strongly affects students’ future and students’ also trying to fulfill their need and expectations from the university (Akhlaghi, Amini & Akhlaghi, 2012). So a relative connection between students’ experts must be connected in that scenario. In case of better service, providence perception clash and pleasurable fulfillment of service are the key issues that deliver quality knowledge and experience for students.
Factors Affecting Students' Satisfaction
Students’ need certain multi-dimensional processes for evolvement in education. The processes actually help to learn style, procedure and deliver institutional facts that provide them good opportunities in future. There are some personal factors for personal and institutional factor. Age, gender, preferred learning style, employment, students GPA and quality instructions are the major issues that determine the level of satisfaction for students. As referred by Tessema, Ready & Yu, (2012), the dimension has been set by students’ as per their adaptive quality, nature and the identified technology of their learning material. Students’ satisfaction depends on the course content also. Universities are trying to make a relationship with their students so that a financial aspect of the university also sustain. There are some factors of satisfaction and all these factors influenced better educational experience to students. Academy related factor, overall college experience, major course content, major course, a variety of school, a capstone experience, preparation for quality career and course availability in elective and major are some of the factors that influenced affecting nature that somehow satisfy the extent of student creditability. Student fulfillment in order to scrutinize responsibility exposure and self-improvement purposes across universities and colleges; some others have examined student fulfillment to establish if satisfaction ratings of college occasions and services are connected with the fulfillment of the overall college practice. At rest, others have investigated student satisfaction substances connected to issues such as student maintenance and attrition. According to Barbera, Clara& Linder-Vanberschot, (2013), conceptualizing the student satisfaction and endure better quality of learning process implementing in the universities so in that case the curriculum related issues can be mitigated.
The identified action and study process also encourage the situation in the university so a wide range of satisfaction needed for the campus section. Students’ want they get a good job at campus section, so a good level of knowledge and the regular attending class is the basic need of the student satisfaction. Several researchers have recognized and empirically experienced factors touching or that are associated with students’ contentment. As students’ satisfaction has been planned in a diversity of conduct by researchers, numerous factors have been examined that influence students’ satisfaction. Along with that, teaching aptitude, flexible syllabus, university position, and standing, independence, thoughtful of talent, student expansion and expansion, centeredness of students, campus environment, institutional efficiency and social situation have been recognized as major aspects of student satisfaction. As asserted by Sahin, (2014), quality feedback is also needed from the students and that feedback also encourages the quality analysis of university. Physical facilities along with the mental satisfaction required for students and that satisfaction comes from the variety of course and their teaching methods. In case of academic factors,these levels of satisfaction provide abetter outcome for students. Core subject choice of college and their in-course availability is the most depicting factor that provides theindividual level of satisfaction. There are some courses that offer easy attributes to students and positive segmentation of course offering is liable for that reason.
The Servqual Model for Measuring Service Quality
This section is fully based on the models and applied framework of service quality management. The uplift situation of student education and involving a framework for developing the education system is the key prospect of encouraging students to gain better knowledge. Universities also take these responsibilities to develop the learning process for students and they process some innovative ways so that quality of service can be maintained by the university. There are five factors in Servqual model of service quality (Akhlaghi, Amini & Akhlaghi, 2012). Reliability, assurance, responsibilities, tangibles, and empathy all these are related to the quality service and to generate the possible chances of better reading in a learning situation. Students’ satisfaction is also related to that delivered learning aspect that provides asatisfactory situation for students. This model is a service quality framework that evaluates the scale of quality in service sectors.
Figure 1: Servqual Model
(Source: Created by Author)
In case of measuring, there are some ranges of the scale used in that section and that delivers measure perception ranging. As reliability scale determines 4 as highest, in case of assurance it becomes 5, tangibles in 4 and empathy in 5 and the last one responsibility in 4. So these are the possible highest rating the students can take acquire in that scale. Responsiveness is the key factor that develops prompt service to students and this kind of learning culture is there to make better student relation. Trust and assurance is another factor that conveys anextra bit of confidence and students will perform in such case as per their capability (Kim et al., 2012). Tangibles in communication, equipment, and in some personal reasons are the main factor and due to this situation sometimes physical facilities are neglected. Caring and individual attention is the major work that provides a firm declaration to students and they also feel the same level of individualized attention from students. Some of the experts are reliable for students and for that reason students relying on those teachers.
The measurement of students’ satisfaction can be addressed by the expected quality of their learning expertise (Yang,Becerik-Gerber & Mino, 2013). Students’ have faced quite a few difficulties and for those difficulties, they have segregated their expectation from the teachers. If apparent presentation lags expectations considerably, the disparity will happen, and the deficit in the apparent presentation will be embroidered.
Figure 2: The Satisfaction Function
Expectations and Perception of Students
(Source: Created by Author)
Learning organization has some expectations from students. If the quality and expectations are provided by students then the level of satisfaction also increases. But if the insecurities about performances are there then it is quite dissatisfactory for the learning institutions as well as for students. Satisfaction is declared as the subjective thing where the quality of product and service is the main issue. Customers also accept the fact and use that, in the same contrasting arena students also have this kind of situation where they want to match the level of quality or the value of their learning and most cases are there where students are not satisfied with their institutional or managerial work. In that particular situation, concepts and facts on the theoretical curve are there to understand the meaning of satisfaction function.
Satisfaction is the degree of performance or an adjustment of people emotion that encourage meeting their productivity and making a theoretical approach to satisfaction. There are three theories that need to be mentioned in that section like Assimilation theory, Contrast theory, and Assimilation-Contrast theory.
This theory is based on Festinger’s dissonance theory and the theory is a bit of comparison between expectation and product performance (Lyons, Reysen&Pierce, 2012). Consumers can also diminish the nervousness consequential from an inconsistency between opportunity and product presentation either by distorting potential so that they agree with professed product presentation or by raising the stage of approval by minimizing the comparative significance of the disconfirmation practiced.
Contrast theory was first introduced by Hovland, Harley, and the sheriff and it completely based on the own attitudes that represent opinion or statements. Contrast theory demonstrates an optional observation of the consumer post-usage assessment procedure than was obtainable in assimilation theory in that post-usage understandings guide to consequences in conflicting predictions for the possessions of opportunity on fulfillment. This situation of the conflict theory not only applicable in the organization but also happen in case of students (Mokhlis & Yaakop, 2012). The learning section is the most affecting scenario and the students’ expectation is high in that situation so a better experience is required in that situation to meet students’ satisfaction.
There are numbers of shortcomings and argumentations are there in case of Assimilation-Contrast theory. Firstly, the approach declares the relationship between anticipation and satisfaction but does not identify how disconfirmation directs to either fulfillment or disappointment. Secondly, it also declares that consumers are aggravated adequate to fiddle with either their prospect or their perceptions about the presentation of the creation, this is quite natural in modern times also (Kauffman, 2015). There are some students who are creating aproblem for the institutions. It has found that scheming for definite product presentation can guide to a constructive relationship between anticipation and satisfaction. Consequently, it would emerge that disappointment could never happen except the evaluative processes was to start with unenthusiastic customer outlook (Chen, Yen & Hwang, 2012). Though the outlook also changes person’s contrast and showing the attitudes in communication, it is an attitude that leads into low ego involvement. There is aresponse that delivers judgment about the education system and learning. The contrast will come in that scenario as the learning style of every people is different so the understanding is also different and that impacted over students and they have different satisfaction level, in this process, conflict starts (Kahu, 2013). Students’ involvement and learning effects are the responsible factors for this. The ego involvement direction of communication and understanding of learning is the major aspect that needs to consider in that section and therefore it results in good effects for students in terms of better learning curve and that reflected on their performance.
Theoretical Approaches to Satisfaction
Recent changes in course are the most effective concern for students and they are paying more attention for this reason. The issues of quality and development are a complex concern for students and due to this reason they are concerning about their course and how this can be completed. The most important part of the course understanding is the experience and expectation of course outcome (Oliver, 2014). In case of experience if the student has any kind of experience then the learning process or manages the lesson in quick time is possible. On the other hand, expectations from those students who do not know about the lesson and they expect toform their teachers to analysis the subject properly so that they have a vivid understanding about the subject. If good universities are considered, then a unique nature of studying procedure is available. The crucial success of their understanding is depending on the information and teaching tactics. Overall satisfaction declares the skill, accessibility and enthusiastic staffs enhancement in number and these are the concerning idea that provides high chances for the student's satisfaction. The accessibility and enthusiasm in learning outcomes are important and relevant in this prospect that students usually not habituated with the fact and not ensuring the better study process rather better infrastructure and the feedback from students can make a better scenario for classes. The marking criteria are an important aspect for students as they have to understand the understated point and they have to prepare for that particular session. This is the part of theassessment to get fair results in their exams. In case of competitions, course selection and justify those course with their capability is the prime focus for students and they have to justify that with their marks. Some of the courses are very easy to analyze, understanding and the implementation for those course in the practical arena to define the meaning is very easy (Woodall, Hiller & Resnick, 2014). Whereas, there are so many tasks those have o such references and experts view understanding is the only way to define that task. In that scenario, course selection and analyze the course in a right manner is essential and important for the students.
Therefore it can be concluded that learning procedures and students’ satisfaction are an inter-related and quality of the study is the most important aspect in this regards. With the expansion of learning, the significance of students’ fulfillment was evolved in the literature of higher learning. At the establishment, Students satisfaction models were used to clarify student agreement and later urbanized learning based models to clarify it. The paper was analyzed about the speculative and experiential literature of learning with the seeking matter of attractive obtainable stock of information. The notional review proved that happiness is an emotional procedure and is exaggerated by many aspects in diverse settings. The issues and programs are very important in that segment so as the different models explain the literary view and knowledge and factors to improve the scenario of students satisfaction. In case of responsiveness of students’, they define their process in satisfaction but most of the cases the administrative curriculum enhances the quality of satisfaction and enrich the way of learning for students.
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