The assessor is looking for currency of competence so use recent work as evidence. As a rule of thumb, evidence from the last two years is preferable and do not go back more than five years.
To have skills formally recognised in the national system, assessors must make sure you have the skills and knowledge to meet the industry standard. This means you must be involved in a careful and comprehensive process that covers the content of all unit/s or qualification/s you can be recognised for.What to do if you need help understanding what is required
Your trainer will provide you with their contact details when you are given this assessment kit. You are able to contact your trainer by email and by phone. Your trainer will be respond to your queries within 2 working days.
On the RPL kit write “See extra sheet” in the answer box. Attach a separate sheet to your RPL kit. Write the unit name and number and the question you are answering at the top of the sheet. Staple this to your kit. Write your full name on the additional sheet in case it comes loose from the kit.
What to do if you need help understanding what is required
This Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit is designed to help you put together evidence through a recognition process to achieve the qualification/skills set. This is a formal process that is based on a portfolio of evidence submitted by you, the candidate.
“Recognition” pathway
This is a “recognition” pathway based on compilation of evidence. The process is designed for those who are experienced and currently working in the industry field of employment. You may be eligible for some but not all of the units that make up the qualification. So it is possible you may be mixing the recognition process with some formal learning.
You build a portfolio of evidence
The qualification/skills set requires evidence of workplace experience. It is important to provide as much information of previous experience as is available.
We appreciate that evidence gathering and portfolio preparation takes some time. However, it is in your interests to get things organised as quickly as possible.
You need supporting evidence to authenticate that the products and processes you are submitting are indeed your work. Third party reports may be needed to support your evidence.
Recent evidence is preferred
The assessor is looking for currency of competence so use recent work as evidence. As a rule of thumb, evidence from the last two years is preferable and do not go back more than five years.
To have skills formally recognised in the national system, assessors must make sure you have the skills and knowledge to meet the industry standard. This means you must be involved in a careful and comprehensive process that covers the content of all unit/s or qualification/s you can be recognised for.
What to do if you need help understanding what is required
Your trainer will provide you with their contact details when you are given this assessment kit. You are able to contact your trainer by email and by phone. Your trainer will be respond to your queries within 2 working days.
What if I need more room to write an answer?
On the RPL kit write “See extra sheet” in the answer box. Attach a separate sheet to your RPL kit. Write the unit name and number and the question you are answering at the top of the sheet. Staple this to your kit. Write your full name on the additional sheet in case it comes loose from the kit.
“Recognition” pathway
Competencies in the Qualification
Total number of units = 15
- 7 core units
- 8 elective units, consisting of:
- at least 6 units from the electives listed below,
- up to 2 units from any endorsed Training Package or accredited course – these units must be relevant to the work outcome
All electives chosen must contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome.
Any combination of electives that meets the rules above can be selected for the award of the Certificate III in Health Services Assistance. Where appropriate, electives may be packaged to provide a qualification with a specialisation.
Packaging for each specialisation:
- All Group A electives must be selected for award of the Certificate III in Health Services Assistance (Operating theatre technician)
- All Group B electives must be selected for award of the Certificate III in Health Services Assistance (Assisting in nursing work in acute care). To achieve this qualification with this specialisation, the candidate must have completed at least 80 hours of work as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of the unit of competency.
Units of Competency |
Core/Elective |
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services |
Core |
CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People |
Core |
HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems |
Core |
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety |
Core |
BSBMED301 Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately |
Core |
HLTFIN001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures |
Core |
BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development |
Core |
CHCCCS002 Assist with movement |
Elective |
CHCCCS009 Facilitate responsible behaviour |
Elective |
CHCCCS026 Transport individuals |
Elective |
CHCCCS012 Prepare and maintain beds |
Elective |
CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support |
Elective |
CHCCCS020 Respond effectively to behaviours of concern |
Elective |
HLTAIN001 Assist with nursing care in an acute care environment |
Elective |
HLTAIN002 Provide non-client contact support in an acute care environment |
Elective |
Assessment Information for Candidates
In order to successfully achieve the national units of competency linked to this assessment, you must demonstrate competency in all assessments. The assessments have been linked to the national competency standards.
Assessment Appeals
All participants enrolling in qualifications at WAIFS have the right to appeal an assessment decision. All appeals must be made in writing and within 7 days of receiving the assessment result. An assessment appeal form is available from WAIFS – please email aand download the form to complete. Appeals made by participants will not affect the outcome of future assessments.
Access and Equity
All participants who undertake qualifications offered through WAIFS will have the opportunity to discuss their learning needs with their Trainer/Assessor. If participants require additional support with reading, numeracy, literacy or developing alternative assessment strategies please contact your Assessor in the first instance.
Level of Performance
This is a Certificate III level course. At this level the candidate will have factual, technical, procedural and theoretical knowledge in an area of work and learning.
They should demonstrate the following skills:
- cognitive, technical and communication skills to interpret and act on available information
- cognitive and communication skills to apply and communicate known solutions to a variety of predictable problems and to deal with unforeseen contingencies using known solutions
- technical and communication skills to provide technical information to a variety of specialist and non-specialist audiences
- technical skills to undertake routine and some non-routine tasks in a range of skilled operations
You will be provided with feedback on your submitted assessments within two (2) weeks of receipt from the WAIFS office. The feedback will be in writing and will indicate competency or whether additional evidence is required.
Successful Completion
On successful completion of the program you will be issued with a Qualification certificate. Where some units of competency have been completed, but the whole qualification has not, a Statement of Attainment will be issued. Where no units of competency have been completed successfully you will not receive a certificate or statement of attainment. Undertaking this process and paying to be assessed is not a guarantee of obtaining a certificate or a statement of attainment. A certificate or statement of attainment will only be issued where you are assessed as competent in a unit/units by your assessor.
Assessment Agreement
I declare that the evidence submitted as part of the recognition of prior learning assessment process is my own work. I understand I must present my own work without the assistance of others unless specified in the assessment task.I understand that I will not be deemed competent until I meet all of the assessment and evidence requirements.
I understand that WAIFS reserves the right to withdraw a qualification if assessment misconduct is found to have occurred. This includes plagiarism, including not following the rules and conventions of referencing, intentionally or unintentionally colluding, copying or using someone else’s work as your own to gain an advantage or benefit.
I understand that if my performance is unsatisfactory, I may be entitled to one further attempt to provide my submitted assessments by the due date. Re-assessment may be to rectify minor mistakes or omissions and/or to repeat assessment tasks. Any further attempts will incur a reassessment fee.I understand that I have the right to appeal an assessment decision but must do so in writing within 7 days of receiving the result.
I consent to the use of any image/recording of myself made by WAIFS for the purposes of publishing materials related to the programs and services that they provide.
Yes |
No |
Candidate signature confirms understanding and agreement with the assessment process.
Candidate’s name |
Candidate’s signature |
Date |
In signing this form the candidate acknowledges that s/he is ready for assessment and that the assessment process has been fully explained. The assessment information gathered (including candidate name, but no other personal details) will be used by the training organisation for specific record keeping purposes.
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1. Explain how you communicate with your patients and co-workers. |
When I am talking with these parties the first thing is to ensure that I listen to them without intercepting into their communication. Giving them time to respond to the concerns they have as I encourage them to talk, Tucker et al 2018. Once they are done expressing their concerns, I get into the discussion respond to all their inquiries one by one. |
2. Give an example of how you have collaborated with your colleagues from different work areas, on a task or deadline, using communication skills and written or digital skills. |
There was a moment when there was an open day screening of patients, it needed us co-workers to cooperate, Eliacin et al 2018. As a team leader I approached each of them shared with them the burden of the work and on their hearts and the day was a success. |
3. Give two examples where you have identified potential conflicts, dealt with communication constraints and resolved the situation successfully. |
It was one day that there were two of my colleagues who used to argue of who is more competent in the area of diagnosing parents. Hence, one day they were in a deep and heated debate and I realized that soon it would yield some baleful results. I called one of them we talked and encouraged him that he can do well in the area of contention, I also found the other college and talked with him, encouraged him how great potential he had on the area. Soon each of them was feeling satisfied and I brought them on a roundtable took some drink, talked and we settled the matter down. |
4. Describe what type of issues you should report to your supervisor or appropriate person. |
In reference to this concern, there few fundamental issues that can be protocol dealt with. Anything that that is administrative in nature that goes beyond my jurisdiction is worthy noted by the supervisor. Also anything that involved the policies of the service which I may not get clear I would refer them to the supervisor. |
5. What type of documentation have you completed in your workplace? What are the correct documentation procedures you have to adhere to? |
In the past experience I have already completed medical record documentation. The procedures that are necessary to be followed in order for a complete adherence are as follows: a. The date of the document must be inserted and the author who has done the work must be followed. b. All the patient's records must be well chronicled in the document c. The abbreviations used in the documentation must follow the desired protocols of the documentation policy. |
6. State one way that you have helped to improve a workplace practice and who did you involved in the process. |
Actually am very delighted to point out that, through the experience I have had in the workplace of involving the patients, listening to them and encouraging them, things have really changed. Of late more patients visit the place for consultation and they are enthusiastic when interviewed concerning the area. I engaged the director in ensuring the facilities that the patients may need are availed. References Eliacin, J., Coffing, J.M., Matthias, M.S., Burgess, D.J., Bair, M.J. and Rollins, A.L., 2018. The relationship between race, patient activation, and working alliance: Implications for patient engagement in mental health care. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 45(1), pp.186-192. Tucker, C.M., Smith, T.M., Hogan, M.L., Banzhaf, M., Molina, N. and Rodríguez, B., 2018. Current Demographics and Roles of Florida Community Health Workers: Implications for Future Recruitment and Training. Journal of community health, 43(3), pp.552-559. |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
Current resume Job description Letter from employer with a duty statement Payslips or copy of a roster A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic. |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1. Describe a situation where you would have to work within your own limitations in a group environment. How would you still work with the group if you had a cultural bias with one of the workers? |
I would work within my limitations when there are various conflicting issues that may be occurring. When there are language barriers and communication hindrances that may occur. Sometimes it is natural that one can have a distaste in another person because of the limitation in terms of the cultural such a situation I would major on what can bring us into oneness and forfeit the differences so that I can meet my goals and objectives of my purpose. |
2. Explain how you can contribute to workplace safety and professional relationships whilst respecting co-worker’s diversity. |
If engaged in such a circumstance there must be the way I will ensure that the environment we are working is safe and adaptable. Through my personal effort to ensure that nothing evil that is targeting my workplace has succeeded. Through engaging the fellow workers in deciding what are the ground objectives we can set to achieve a better environment. Through also being keen to identify any potential harm through the prevailing risky conditions and participating in avoiding them. |
3. What strategies do you use when working and communicating with co-workers from diverse backgrounds? |
When people are coming from diverse environments it is necessary to create an environment that unites them together. Some of the strategies that can be applied include: understanding the cultural differences, contributing to ensure that acclimatization of differences are harmonized , Hartmann, St. Arnault & Gone 2018. It is also imperative to associate oneself in the common things, parties, events these bring people together. It is a precious attainment. |
4. Explain a situation where there was an issue understanding a person’s communication, how did you resolve it, what impact did it have and who did you involve in the process. |
There was a case of a co-worker who communicated to another in unbecoming manner, this almost brought an uproar. It was not easy, the good thing is that the one who talked badly was my friend , Lamontagne-Godwin et al 2018 and I involved him, reasoned with him and changed his perspective. He publicly admitted the oversight and promised to work in harmony with others. This was met with a jubilation from others. I engaged another friend and together we sorted the issue. References Hartmann, W.E., St. Arnault, D.M. and Gone, J.P., 2018. A return to “the clinic” for community psychology: Lessons from a clinical ethnography in urban American Indian behavioral health. American journal of community psychology, 61(1-2), pp.62-75. Lamontagne-Godwin, F., Burgess, C., Clement, S., Gasston-Hales, M., Greene, C., Manyande, A., Taylor, D., Walters, P. and Barley, E., 2018. Interventions to increase access to or uptake of physical health screening in people with severe mental illness: a realist review. BMJ open, 8(2), p.e019412. |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
Write a brief outline of three situations explaining how you have dealt with diversity in the workplace. Current resume Job description Letter from employer with a duty statement Pay slips or a copy of roster A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
HLTAAP001 Recognise healthy body systems
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1. Explain the type of documents you use that contain information about the human body that you interpret in a workplace? |
Medical health record books and publications that have the information that is needed. These documentations contain information needed for anyone to follow the history of the medical cases, the human physiology as well as anatomy, Nazarko 2018). |
2. Describe how you can support a healthy body and how you would promote it to others. |
It is the most solid science of taking care of the body. As defined in science, there are eight natural doctors which I use to support a healthy body. Nutrition, exercise water, sunshine, temperance, rest, trust in divine power, air, Morgan-Jones 2018. These great principles are sufficient and I can recommend them to any person for a healthy body. References Morgan-Jones, R., 2018. The body of the organisation and its health. In The Body of the Organisation and its Health (pp. 41-66). Routledge. Nazarko, L., 2018. The role of the nurse in dealing with stress urinary incontinence. Independent Nurse, 2018(3), pp.18-24. |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
1. Current resume 2. Job description 3. Letter from employer with a duty statement 4. Pay slips or a copy of roster 5. A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
HLTWHS001 participate in workplace health and safety
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1. Give two examples of when you have followed an organisations policy and procedures, when dealing with hazards and emergencies. |
There are two vivid occasions where it required me to follow the policies. There was one day one of our members was stung by a poisonous insect, the scorpion in our daily endeavours. There was an accident that happened to a co-worker at my sight. These two occasions were beyond me, I had to the authorities concerned to help sort out the issues according to the law. |
2. Explain the process of reporting incidents and injuries and how workplace practices can help prevent them. |
There is a laid down procedure that is legal, through filling an incident report form, and submitting to the relevant authorities. Work place practices helps in ensuring that all the hazards possible are assessed and regulated in advance. |
3. Explain how you have participated in safety meetings, inspections and consultative activities. Who would be involved, who would you raise any issues with and how would you help to implement any changes. |
In these very important meetings, contingency plans are planned and people agree on various concerns that tend to draw safety and assessment of various matters. These activities, my colleagues and I have often commented on various issues of substance which have had a telling power, Groenewold et al 2018. |
4. Describe how you maintain your currency of safe work practices and deal with stress or fatigue. |
It is actually through developing strategies that will ensure that the safety of the environment is safe and motivate colleagues which keeps their spirit moving. come up with ways of dealing with stress and fatigue management References Groenewold, M.R., Sarmiento, R.F., Vanoli, K., Raudabaugh, W., Nowlin, S. and Gomaa, A., 2018. Workplace violence injury in 106 US hospitals participating in the Occupational Health Safety Network (OHSN), 2012?2015. American journal of industrial medicine, 61(2), pp.157-166. |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
1. Current resume 2. Job description 3. Letter from employer with a duty statement 4. Pay slips or a copy of roster 5. A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic 6. Completed workplace risk assessment form |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
BSBMED301 Interpret and apply medical technology appropriately
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1. List ways that you use and interpret medical terminology and who would you speak to if you had issues understanding the terminology. |
The most fundamental secret behind a qualification in using and interpreting terminologies, is to be acquainted with the medical language and the use of abbreviation correctly, Madhavan, Subramaniam, Brown & Chen 2018. A doctor experienced on this view can be used to help me in case I have some challenge |
2. Describe the routine tasks you undertake where medical terminology is used. |
There are several situations that demands the use of terminology; especially when there are talks concerning medical convections, interpretation of patient’s conditions. |
3. When would you need to use medical terminology in written form? What important points would you have to adhere to when documenting with medical terminology. |
In the real medical field when there are so many complex condition this skills are needed. It is necessary to follow the medical terminology policies that demonstrate the correct language and abbreviation to use in documenting. References Madhavan, S., Subramaniam, S., Brown, T.D. and Chen, J.L., 2018. Art and Challenges of Precision Medicine: Interpreting and Integrating Genomic Data Into Clinical Practice. American Society of Clinical Oncology Educational Book, 38, pp.546-553. |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
1. Current resume 2. Job description 3. Letter from employer with a duty statement 4. Pay slips or a copy of roster 5. A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1. Explain the types of precautions you would take to stop viruses, biohazards or pathogens from spreading and cross contaminating others. |
Educate people on how to evade them and also through an in-depth plans prevent the conditions that may provide a conducive environment. |
2. State what types of infection control hazards you have seen in the workplace. What procedures you have used to identify and control them and how did you determine the likelihood and severity of harm they could cause. |
There are several of them, the danger to fall down because of the potholes around; the chemicals used in maintaining the horticultural activities. Through a risk assessment plan to identify them, their likelihood of happening, how harmful can be as well as assign individuals to help in curbing them. |
3. How do you control the following infection control hazards; bodily fluids, spills, aerosols or splatter, cross contamination? |
Ensure there are clear notices and information cautioning the patients of each of these cases. Wear protective clothing or gloves to prevent the spreading of these hazardous elements , Qiao, Huang, Zong &Yin 2018. References Qiao, F., Huang, W., Zong, Z. and Yin, W., 2018. Infection prevention and control in outpatient settings in China—structure, resources, and basic practices. American journal of infection control. |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
1. Current resume 2. Job description 3. Letter from employer with a duty statement 4. Pay slips or a copy of roster 5. A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1. Explain how you organise and complete your work schedule to meet your (KPI’s) Key Performance Indicators. What type of contingencies would you put in place to manage your schedule? |
Time management skills is blessing, in order to meet my schedules, I always prioritize on what to do when and how to perform it. I set strict deadlines for myself which I must meet my anticipations. The strategies that I can put in place include ; proper time management skills , organization and promptness , Dingsøyr, Moe & Seim 2018. |
2. What process do you use to monitor your work performance? If you identify any issues that affect your job role, how would you deal with them? |
It is through personal evaluation of the set goals, their percentage of accomplishment. If there is an anomaly I have always purposed to go to the drawing board and work out the considerations. |
3. Describe how you identify and plan to update your skills and knowledge to perform your job role. |
In this situation, you compare your goals and what you have achieved. Automatically you realize that there is a gap hence you plan on how you can improve on the skills employment which will help in advancement of the course References Dingsøyr, T., Moe, N.B. and Seim, E.A., 2018. Coordinating Knowledge Work in Multi-Team Programs: Findings from a Large-Scale Agile Development Program. arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.08764 |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
1. Current resume 2. Job description 3. Letter from employer with a duty statement 4. Pay slips or a copy of roster 5. A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
CHCCCS002 Assist with movement
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1. Explain how you would prepare a person to be moved in accordance with your experience of an organisation’s policy and procedure. |
Understand the condition of the person, according to the policies and organization principles prepare the necessary equipment needed , Wu, Ardiansyah & Ye 2018. |
2. State the techniques and equipment you could use when moving a person. What points are important? |
This is determined by the type of the person to be moved. The place of movement and the necessary skills to be employed in operating the equipment. |
3. What steps do you take, once you have completed a patient move using equipment? If you found a fault on the equipment, what would you do? |
Once you are done, it is necessary to have the person get off the equipment. If there is a complication with the equipment, following the stipulated law assign to the responsible person to fix it. Reference Wu, K.F., Ardiansyah, M.N. and Ye, W.J., 2018. An evaluation scheme for assessing the effectiveness of intersection movement assist (IMA) on improving traffic safety. Traffic injury prevention, 19(2), pp.179-183. |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
1. Current resume 2. Job description 3. Letter from employer with a duty statement 4. Pay slips or a copy of roster 5. A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
CHCCCS009 Facilitate responsible behaviour
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1. You have a patient who is behaving in an aggressive manner. Explain the steps you would take to observe and monitor. What strategies could you use to defuse the situation? Who could assist you? |
In such an event, through personal observation and clinical skills, understand the psychology of the patient. Find out why he or she would behave so, then through the procedures laid out of course with one of the psychologist help the patient. |
2. In what situations is it necessary to deal with individuals in a fair and just manner? How would you adjust your communication techniques if the situation was a cultural sensitive? |
When for example the reason why the patient behaves so is beyond control. It Is necessary in an environment like this to purpose to meet the situation the way it is and save the issue. |
3. Explain a situation when you have had to deal with a person who has a behaviour of concern. What strategies did you use, how did you maintain your safety and did you follow policy and procedure to defuse the situation? |
There was a certain day a patient had some unbecoming behaviour and the environment was affected. Through the family members and an effort with the qualified professionals I was able to help the situation , Schulz, Finstad-Milion &Janczak 2018 Although the circumstance was constraining, we tried to still remain within the policy. |
4. Explain how to report and document incidents and keep up your currency on the reporting process. |
Through the organization’s incident report form as prescribed by the law so that all standards can be adhered to. References Schulz, K.P., Finstad-Milion, K. and Janczak, S., 2018. Educating corporate sustainability–a multidisciplinary and practice-based approach to facilitate students’ learning. Journal of Cleaner Production. |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
1. Current resume 2. Job description 3. Letter from employer with a duty statement 4. Pay slips or a copy of roster 5. A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic 6. Write a brief outline explaining three different situations where you have dealt with behaviors of concern, explaining how you used communication skills to defuse the situation. |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
CHCCCS026 Transport individuals
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1. Explain the steps you would take to prepare to transport a person with mobility equipment. |
It is necessary to identify the type of need does the patient have. Second chose the appropriate equipment situated for the condition. Investigate whether the equipment you are using is well; then transport Wandling, Nathens, Shapiro, & Haut 2018 |
2. What policy and procedures need to be followed when transporting and what steps would you take to make sure the person was safe and comfortable. |
Following the medical regulatory outline carefully of individual transporting which specifies each and everything that should be done. Ensure that the person has sat well on the equipment. Check the appropriateness of the instrument and drive carefully. |
3. Once you have arrived at designated area with a person, what are the steps needed to complete the delivery. |
It is to ensure that the person has gotten out safely. Sign and fill the delivery requirements so that you can be accountable for each and every move. References Wandling, M.W., Nathens, A.B., Shapiro, M.B. and Haut, E.R., 2018. Association of prehospital mode of transport with mortality in penetrating trauma: a trauma system–level assessment of private vehicle transportation vs ground emergency medical services. JAMA surgery, 153(2), pp.107-113. |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
1. Current resume 2. Job description 3. Letter from employer with a duty statement 4. Pay slips or a copy of roster 5. A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
CHCCCS012 Prepare and maintain beds
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1 Explain the steps and process needed when preparing to make a bed. |
Consider whether all the essentials that you need are available. Understand the order of organizing them Ensure that the bed is intact and they prepare it. |
2. If a person is in the bed, explain each step needed to clean and make the bed, considering your communication and policy and procedures. |
The person should wake up, ensure each piece of the material that is needed for the bed is available Dalle Grave, Sartirana, El Ghoch, & Calugi 2018. Ensure that he or she follows the order of planning the bed and leave. |
3. Once you have completed making the bed, what steps do you need to take to leave the bed ready for occupancy? |
This bed once it prepared, you can make notice that the bed is ready now to be occupied by the next individual. References Dalle Grave, R., Sartirana, M., El Ghoch, M. and Calugi, S., 2018. Treatment Overview. In Treating Obesity with Personalized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (pp. 13-26). Springer, Cham. |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
1. Current resume 2. Job description 3. Letter from employer with a duty statement 4. Pay slips or a copy of roster 5. A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1. Explain how you would determine what a person’s individual support needs are and the steps you would follow to provide the support in the plan. |
Inquire about the welfare of the individual, through the laid down procedures report the matter and achieve the objective. |
2. Explain how you would carry out the following points whilst providing support services: 1. Communication 2. Safety 3. Policy and procedures 4. Use of equipment 5. Person strengths 6. Their family members 7. Dignity and privacy 8. Your own ability |
The best thing I have done in the past and the one I can still do is to ensure I am fully acquainted with these policies so that I can just act precisely when I am needed. |
3. How would you monitor support activities you supplied and what process would you follow to report any changes needed. |
Through personal interview of the members, observation of the progress. In case of any change the report form that documents every particular of these cases are filled and sent to the relevant bodies ,Stolt & Suhonen 2019. |
4. Provide examples of security measures you would take to maintain privacy and confidentiality of a person’s records and notes. |
Keep records where they are supposed to be and ensure no one is supposed to go through them unless authorized. References Stolt, M. and Suhonen, R., 2019. Supporting Individualised Nursing Care by Nursing Interventions. In Individualized Care (pp. 187-194). Springer, Cham. |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
1. Current resume 2. Job description 3. Letter from employer with a duty statement 4. Pay slips or a copy of roster 5. A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
CHCCCS020 Respond effectively to behaviours of concern
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1. Explain how you identify behaviours of concern and plan how to respond to them. |
Through interacting with people and identifying yourself with them, one is able to quickly learn of an unfamiliar behaviour in somebody. Once it is confirmed, ensure you make a point where you can rhyme and solve the condition or change the environment. |
2. If you have a patient who is screaming out abusive words. State the steps you would use to respond to the behaviour following organisations policy and procedure. |
In case of such an incident , the first thing is to ensure that the patient is quieted , two he or is spoken and made to understand the problem them implement the policy, Ellis & Tod 2018. |
3. Explain the reporting and review process you follow, after a behaviour of concern incident. |
The policies that are laid on this issue are confirmed, any document that is needed to affirm this is filled and signed and left at rhea custody of the concerned. The committee that is liable deals with the case and it is evaluated later References Ellis, S. and Tod, J., 2018. Behaviour for learning. Professional Studies in Primary Education, p.212. |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
1. Current resume 2. Job description 3. Letter from employer with a duty statement 4. Pay slips or a copy of roster 5. A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic 6. Write a brief outline explaining five different situations where you have dealt with behaviour of concern. |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
HLTAIN001 Assist with nursing care in an acute care environment
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1.Explain each step needed to deliver acute care for a patient regarding: 1. Care plans 2. Data collecting and documentation 3. Use of equipment 4. Allowing for patient’s preferences 5. Communication with all 6. Reporting process 7. Safe practices |
Strategize the means to ensure that the care plan has been implemented; use of the needed documentation layouts as you take the necessary details of the patients; learn how to use the equipment whenever to transport the person. Giving an opportunity for the patients to express their view s. develop a standard conversation strategies. In case of any challenge, it is necessary to develop a proper way to report if any problem. Finally condition the environment in order to ensure safety within the environments. |
2. Describe the steps you would take to care for a patient in an acute care environment. |
Understand the condition that the patient is in. get the history of the condition he or she has and perform a diagnosis, then prognosis and administer treatment. |
3. Briefly explain a situation where you have worked in a dynamic team reporting clinical data. |
There is one of the environment I worked in a certain clinic where there were a lot of documents that needed proper documentation ,Ware 2018. This environment had many subsections which needed my attention because of the various concerns of the patients. |
4. How do you, adhere to work timeframes, seek clarifications if unsure of your duties and how and who do you refer difficulties to. |
The very first thing I do is to get the description of any place I am before I can engage in anything and finally organize myself. References Ware, N.P., 2018. Exploring Nurses' Knowledge and Comfort as Heart Failure Educators in a Non-cardiac Acute Care Environment Prior to Providing an Online Learning Module (Doctoral dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte). |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
1. Current resume 2. Job description 3. Letter from employer with a duty statement 4. Pay slips or a copy of roster 5. A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic 6. Evidence of providing non-client contact support with a nursing team in an acute care setting e.g. performing cleaning or completing documentation correctly. Evidence example: Letter from Employer or supervisor, documented evidence. |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
HLTAIN002 Provide non-client contact support in an acute care environment
Required Knowledge Questions |
Candidate Responses (including examples of relevant workplace or life experience) |
Satisfactory Y/N |
1. What workplace information protocols do you have to follow in an acute care setting? |
It is called administrative protocol |
2. Explain how you collect, process and maintain accurate patient records in acute care. |
This can be done through enquiring to each and every laid policies concerning the task and following it religiously. With accuracy, eligibility and legal framework. |
3. Following an organisations policy and procedure, explain the steps to; Determine equipment needed Organise equipment to a time frame Deal with any equipment issues Clean and store the equipment |
It is paramount to understand who needs a machine at what time, the functionalities that the machine has. Through filling the necessary job cards he or she is assigned the equipment. You should develop a knowledge concerning when the machines needs repair and finally before they are stored they should be clean well positioned to avoid mishaps that may happen ,Liou & Jarrott 2018. References Liou, C.L. and Jarrott, S., 2018. In Their Voices: Client and Staff Perceptions of the Physical and Social Environments of Adult Day Services Centers in Taiwan. Current gerontology and geriatrics research, 2018. |
Required Evidence (Collect the evidence and submit with your portfolio) |
1. Current resume 2. Job description 3. Letter from employer with a duty statement 4. Pay slips or a copy of roster with a minimum of 80 hours of experience in an acute care setting 5. A copy of certificate, statement of attainment or workshops covering this topic 6. Evidence of all of the following: providing support to patients to meet their (I) personal care (ii) activity of daily living needs (iii) maintained clients skin integrity (iv) followed policy and procedures (v) collected data (vi) used common equipment, (vii) assisted with application of patients’ prostheses (viii) taking and recording temperatures. Evidence example: Letter from Employer or supervisor, documented evidence. |
Overall result for unit of competency |
Competent |
Not Yet Competent |
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