This an individual assignment. Read the following case study: Rob Parson at Morgan Stanley (A) and prepare a 15-20 minutes presentation answering following questions
Assignment Questions:
1.What is your assessment of Rob Parson’s performance? Should he be promoted?
2.Using the data in the case, please complete the Evaluation and Development Summary presented in Exhibit 3 of the Rob Parson (A) case.
3.If you were Paul Nasr, how would you plan to conduct the performance appraisal conversation? What would your goals be? What issues would you raise and why, and how would you raise them?
4.If you were Rob Parson, how would you conduct yourself in the performance evaluation meeting? What are your goals?
Guidance specific to this assessment:
1.If you were Paul Nasr (Appraiser), what would your goals be? What issues would you raise and why, and how would you raise them?
2.If you were Rob Parson, how would you conduct yourself in the performance evaluation meeting? What are your goals?
1.What are the “pros and cons” that are favourable for Rob Parsons claim for the promotion?
2.Provide your decision ( either way) and support your decision with two to three reasons
1.If you were Paul Nasr (Appraiser), what would your goals be? What issues would you raise and why, and how would you raise them?
2.If you were Rob Parson, how would you conduct yourself in the performance evaluation meeting? What are your goals?
References should relate to performance appraisal systems and reviews
- Knowledge and Understanding Skills
Using the data in the case, please complete the Evaluation and Development Summary presented in Exhibit 3 of the Rob Parson (A) case.
- Cognitive and Intellectual Skills
1.What are the “pros and cons” that are favourable for Rob Parsons claim for the promotion?
2.Provide your decision ( either way) and support your decision with two to three reasons
- Practical Application Skills
- If you were Paul Nasr (Appraiser), what would your goals be? What issues would you raise and why, and how would you raise them?
- If you were Rob Parson, how would you conduct yourself in the performance evaluation meeting? What are your goals?
Paul Nasr, a senior managing director in Capital Market Services at Morgan Stanley, pored over the performance evaluation data packet for his star producer, Rob Parson. They were among the most negative he had ever read. Nasr had increasingly sensed that Parson was having difficulty adjusting to the Morgan Stanley culture, but he had not appreciated the extent of his interpersonal problems in working with people inside of the firm. Nasr had also underestimated the degree to which some of Parson’s actions had violated Morgan Stanley norms.
Parson was a strong revenue producer and had generated a great deal of new business for the firm. Parson was also sharp-tongued, impatient, and often difficult to work with. From Nasr’s perspective, he knew that Morgan Stanley wanted team players, but he felt that he had a responsibility to build a business and that Parson was critical to that effort. Parson was eligible to be promoted to managing director this year. In fact, Nasr had almost implicitly promised the promotion when he recruited Parson to Morgan Stanley. But, with performance evaluations like these, it would be difficult, if not impossible, for the firm to promote Parson.
Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley, a leading U.S. investment bank since its inception in 1935, was in the midst of an organizational renewal. Under the leadership of John Mack, the firm’s new president as of 1993, Morgan Stanley was transforming itself into a “One-Firm Firm.” This vision, which Mack and his top executive team developed, was succinctly captured in the firm’s mission statement:
Our goal is to be the world’s best investment bank and the Firm of choice for our clients, our people, and our shareholders.
We will succeed by meeting the global needs of our clients—both providers and users of capital—at a level of performance which is exceptional. This commitment to add maximum value will be characterized by extraordinary effort and innovation, and by conducting ourselves with absolute integrity.
Morgan Stanley’s people are the source of our competitive advantage. We will distinguish ourselves by creating an environment that fosters teamwork and innovation, by developing and utilizing our employees’ abilities to the fullest, and by treating each other with dignity and respect.
The mission statement, and the “one firm” vision were intended to reorient the firm towards an increasingly complex, fast-paced, global industry. The Morgan Stanley leadership recognized that clients interacted with the firm at many different points of intersection. It was important, from a business perspective, to provide a unified face to the customers and also to have mechanisms in place to effectively coordinate work across the firm.
Implementing the new vision was the responsibility of the firm’s managing directors. Morgan Stanley, like other professional service firms, had an “up-or-out” promotion system with a steep hierarchy. Managing directors were at the top of the pyramid and as such had to be “standard bearers” for all of the junior staff. (See Appendix A for an overview of the professional positions in investment banking at Morgan Stanley).
Capital Markets Services
The Capital Market Services (CMS) division at Morgan Stanley was created as part of an effort to make the firm more responsive to client needs. It was an explicitly interdisciplinary entity designed to serve as a link between the Investment Banking Division (IBD) and the sales and trading arms of the firm, Equity and Fixed Income. The organizational structure was intended to provide clients with more focused attention and service. It also was a mechanism that allowed cross- divisional collaboration and avoided feuds over how to allocate fees across different sub-units.
Professionals in Capital Markets Services were organized into market coverage areas, typically industries. They were expected to work with corporate finance professionals, who were viewed as the “stewards” of client relationships. They were also expected to generate business from organizations in their sector who did not necessarily have an existing relationship with Morgan Stanley. Market coverage professionals were described as “entrepreneurs”—like sales people, but responsible and accountable for their own client base. Gary Stuart, a senior market coverage professional, described what it took to excel:
In order to be an excellent producer you have to really understand the business in the industry you cover. That means knowing who the people are, who to talk to, developing relationships. In addition, you need to be extremely good at understanding the markets and have good market judgment. That takes more than study of the markets. It takes intuitive sense and feel, deal experience, and a certain type of person and way of thinking. You need to truly understand what your client’s needs are. You need to have good client relationships so they’ll tell you what their real concerns and needs are. But you also need to understand the business they’re in and what makes sense for their business so that you can give good advice. You then need to work with product specialists within Morgan Stanley to design the products. It’s the synthesis of these things—great relationship skills, great understanding of your client’s business, an ability to work with product specialists, as well as great market judgment and understanding of the market. That combination puts you in a position where you can create a business.
Working with clients was only part of the job. Market coverage professionals were also heavily interdependent with other professionals in the firm. As Stuart explained:
You need to work with product specialists to help you design and deliver the products depending on whether it’s a preferred stock product or an asset backed product, etc. But, if you’re overly reliant on them, you may miss opportunities. If all you do is drag a product specialist to the client, the deal doesn’t always happen. Product specialists don’t always understand the client’s business—they understand their product. Similarly, if you drag people from the market side out to listen to the client and get a fuller understanding of the market, they don’t always get the business because they don’t always understand the client, and they don’t necessarily understand the product—they understand markets. The market coverage professional is the nexus of all this information—market, product and client. If you understand markets, products, and clients, you have a much better chance of doing business.
Paul Nasr
After becoming president of Morgan Stanley, Mack explicitly sought people who would “shake up the culture.” In a major coup, he was able to recruit Nasr, a highly regarded banker in a competing firm, to join Morgan Stanley. Nasr had nearly 20 years of experience and was credited with building a formidable capital markets business. Nasr soon assumed a leadership role in Capital Markets Services for Morgan Stanley. Nasr described the cultural differences he encountered upon joining Morgan Stanley:
From my perspective, there are a lot of investment banks that have little corporate culture and little infrastructure. These are firms where the “franchise” is not attracting business; individual professionals are. The ability to go out, bring in the business, and write up the ticket depends solely on the entrepreneurial ability of the individual. This means that firms turn a blind eye to certain behaviors, because the pursuit of the business and survival were more important. If you break a few eggs internally to get a ticket written with a major client, nobody is going to raise eyebrows and say, “Hey, slow down. We don’t want to break eggs.” At Morgan Stanley, this just is not true. Here the franchise matters, the culture is important, and the firm cares a lot about the integrity of the process.
One of the areas where Morgan Stanley had historically been weak was in delivering capital markets services to financial services firms such as banks and insurance companies. This was an area where Nasr had been successful in the past, and he knew that, if he found the right person, he could build a much more profitable business for Morgan Stanley. He described his rationale:
If you want to be a major player in fixed income capital markets, you cannot take the 30% of the market that is generated by banks and financial institutions and say we are not going to be active in it. You have to provide full service to your clients. A firm like Morgan Stanley could not be absent from this segment; it could not be weak in this segment. We had to have a major presence.
To develop a presence in this market Nasr recruited Parson, a young banker who had previously worked for him at a different firm. Parson had been very successful, and had since moved on to become a managing director at a smaller firm where he thought he could have a larger impact. He had a proven track record in financial services and Nasr felt Parson had the type of energetic, entrepreneurial nature that Morgan Stanley needed to penetrate the sector:
It takes more than a traditional corporate banker to get this job done. It takes somebody who wakes up every morning and wants to turn the world on fire. Rob Parson was the right guy.
Rob Parson
Throughout his ten years of experience Parson had built strong relationships with the important players in the banking and insurance industries. He knew that he had acquired a strong reputation, yet when he was approached by Nasr to join Morgan Stanley, he was initially skeptical.
I am not the typical Morgan Stanley type. I do not fit the profile at all. I didn’t go to prestigious schools. I was always a hustler but not academic at all. That doesn’t mean I’m stupid; I just never took school seriously.
Parson started college at one of the New York state universities. Somewhat of a rebel, he dropped out after a year and went to California, spending his last teen year running a moped shop on a beach near Los Angeles. Bored, he decided to go back to school and enrolled at California State University, Long Beach. After completing his undergraduate degree he went to the University of Southern California and did a 2-year MBA program in a year, “just to get it over with.” MBA in hand, and on the advice of an uncle in New York, Parson hustled around Wall Street looking for a job. He reminisced, “I’d never even heard of Goldman Sachs. That’s how pathetic I was.” He landed his first job at a commercial bank, went through their training program, and ended up working in their savings and loan business, which was booming at the time. With experience in a lucrative field, Parson was highly marketable and moved quickly through three major investment houses. Although he was reluctant to change firms again, Parson was enthusiastic about the opportunity to work with Nasr again:
There are not a lot of guys in this business that I look at and say, “Wow, that guy’s a cut above.” Paul is definitely a cut above. He’s phenomenal with clients. It’s funny, the other day somebody compared me and him, and said, “Gee you’re a lot like Paul with clients.” I took that as such a compliment. I don’t know how he does it—you can go to charm school, you can go to any school you want—but you can never learn to be what he’s got.
Parson accepted the job and joined Morgan Stanley as a market coverage professional in the Capital Markets division focusing on financial institutions. He was assigned the title “Principal” with the understanding that if he did a good job he would be on the fast track to managing director.
The position that Parson was hired to fill had a reputation for being notoriously difficult to perform and had seen a tremendous amount of turnover at Morgan Stanley. Parson knew the position would be challenging; however, as he reported in his self-evaluation, he initially underestimated the magnitude of the challenge:
I accepted the opportunity to join Morgan Stanley’s Capital Markets effort with the full understanding that the effort was in need of repair. The firm was virtually un-
ranked in the bank league tables, and in my discussions with many of the important frequent issuers, coverage was scant at best. Many clients, in fact, said they had never been called on by Morgan Stanley, either from Investment Banking or Capital Markets. What I found after my arrival was that the situation was even worse than I had expected.The firm had done very little capital markets business even with its most important investment banking clients. There had been dramatic turnover in trading coverage. Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, the Bank group was severely understaffed. To compound the challenge, the overall number of transactions was suffering due to high interest rates.
It was widely known in the industry that clients in the financial services segment were extremely competitive and often engaged investment bankers in cut-throat negotiations over how much they were willing to pay in fees. The person filling this role needed to be very much a self- starter. Stuart described the situation:
You need some aggressive characteristics. You cannot be easily intimidated by clients. You cannot be a person who is easily discouraged, either. You get knocked down a lot more than you do elsewhere. You need to be someone who can stand right back up again. The client base will do things competitively. It will get information or new ideas from you and do the actual deal with someone else. You can’t be discouraged when you lose business.
The senior managers in Capital Markets recognized that in order to service this client base effectively, it could not be “business as usual.” The financial industry clients moved at a more rapid pace than those in other sectors and were among the most demanding. Nasr, in particular, was sympathetic to Parson’s constraints and supported his efforts:
He didn’t have time to build consensus around what he wanted to do. He thought that he knew more about his industry and had better market knowledge than the [Morgan Stanley] people around him. And clients in his sector wanted answers in a matter of minutes rather than hours. The Morgan Stanley way was to build consensus. If he waited for consensus, the business would have been transacted away. So basically Rob goes from point A to point B within the time frame that the client has imposed, fulfills the client’s demand, but in the meantime has broken every rule within Morgan Stanley to get there. So, people say, “Wow, this guy is not following procedure. We work as a community, not individually. This is not Rob Parson’s business. This is Morgan Stanley.”
Unfortunately, some people in the firm were not as understanding. The Morgan Stanley way of doing business, as Nasr and others described, was one of consensus building and teamwork. As Nasr explained:
At Morgan Stanley the franchise is very important. You do not impair the internal culture of the firm just to get one extra deal. We would like to maximize our business, but we would not like to maximize it at the expense of our culture, teamwork, and the integrity of the process.
From reading the evaluations and also recalling conversations throughout the past year, it was apparent that there were widespread concerns about Rob Parson’s “style.” Superiors used words like “volatile” and “abrasive.” Colleagues were concerned about his “lack of team player skills.” One colleague described how he can appear “cocky, overbearing, flip or insincere.” Nasr summarized:
He has created a hostile environment around him. The syndicate guys are not happy with him basically questioning their prices. The traders are not happy with him questioning their knowledge of the markets. And he always thinks he has the right answer, and the majority of the times he does have the right answer, but every time he comes up with the right answer on his own, a lot of people feel undermined.
As head of the department, Nasr started to hear about the problems Parson was having within the firm. He described how he tried to follow up by explaining to people, “he’s a great guy. Give him time. He doesn’t know the Morgan Stanley system yet.” But the problems continued, and Nasr, who was relatively new himself, was reluctant to wield a heavy hand. He recalled:
Rob would come to my office and say, “What’s the problem? What did I do wrong?” And I used to say, “Go and talk to this individual a little bit more.” He was so new here, so I tried to go about it in a very diplomatic manner rather than getting him concerned about his position with the firm. He would say, “How’d I screw up this time?” and I would say, “Well, if I were you, I’d do it this way...,” but I said it in a very nice, gentle way. Maybe I handled him with kid gloves. But I felt that if I had handled him more aggressively, we would have lost him.
From his own perspective, Parson found some aspects of working within the firm to be very frustrating:
I wondered whether what really mattered was the “form” rather than the “substance.” Would the firm rather have the guys that went to the right schools, that say the right things, or a guy like me, who’s a little more rough around the edges, doesn’t necessarily have the right résumé per se, but is generally good at bringing in business?
Despite these problems, Parson was routinely commended for his ability to cross-sell, his willingness to share information and make introductions, and his energetic approach to his job. Stuart described the ways in which Parson was an outstanding contributor:
He makes things happen that wouldn’t otherwise happen. He doesn’t just go out and pitch business that we already know about. He can actually go out to his client situation where there’s no business and create something; talk to the client, figure out a need and create a deal that might not otherwise happen. And, to me, that is an important difference. Not many people can do that. For example, imagine a situation where a client says, “We’re going to issue $250 million of preferred stock. Please come out, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Goldman, Sachs, and talk to me about it, and try to convince me to do it with you.” Okay, this is your basic bake-off and a lot of people can do that. That’s being good at sales, understanding the product and being an effective marketer. Now imagine that you go out and the client says, “You know what, we don’t have any needs. We really don’t need to raise funds.”
Then you have a conversation:
Morgan Stanley: So what are you working on, what are you thinking about?
Client: Well, we’re thinking about how to be a little more efficient with our capital.
Morgan Stanley: Well, do you know about these products?
Client: Well, yes, we’ve heard about those; they don’t really apply.
Morgan Stanley: Well, what if we tweaked it a certain way; would that be of interest to you?
Client: No, because we have an accounting issue. Morgan Stanley: Morgan Stanley: What’s your accounting issue?
Client: Well, my accounting issue is we can’t account for those the same way others can.
Morgan Stanley: Hmm. Well, what part of that is the issue?
Client: Well, here’s the issue…
Morgan Stanley: Let us think about maybe designing something that does work because then, clearly, you might have a need for us.
You come back, you work with product people, you design something, then you go back to the client and make the pitch. You’re dealing in a totally different realm. You’re going to give me the business because I’ve created a product that you can use although you didn’t think you needed us. You didn’t think you had a need. You didn’t have a need. We created a need by thinking about what you’re doing and how you do it and we make more money doing things that way. And Rob is very good at that.
In the time that Parson had spent working on the financial services sector, he made significant gains in building Morgan Stanley’s reputation and revenues. Prior to Parson, the firm had been ranked tenth with a market share of 2%. Parson had been instrumental in securing first- time business with more than ten clients, had secured major deals with existing clients, and was generating substantial revenues for his desk. Now Morgan Stanley held the third rank position with a market share of 12.2%. Nasr praised Parson’s client relationship skills:
Externally he is the most wonderful guy; his clients love him. Every time they come to New York from anywhere around the world, they want to take him to dinner. And you want to go out to dinner with him because he is probably one of the most amusing, entertaining, and interesting people to be with. People look forward to having meals with him.
Nasr felt that the situation was further exacerbated by the fact that Parson had been the only person that he had hired through a prior personal connection.
I hired only one individual in Morgan Stanley from my previous life, Rob Parson. The group obviously felt that I was his protector or his godfather. For me,
there was the issue of fairness. It was very important not to treat an individual who came from the outside differently from any other Morgan Stanley individual. Also, what signal would I be sending to all of the individuals in the Capital Markets group here? That behavior does not count? Or working together is not important? Or we put money and deals ahead of how we treat each other? Or that it is okay to mistreat our analysts or our secretaries? I think that behavior is unacceptable.
Nasr also reflected on the fact that he himself was relatively new to the organization at the point when he recruited Parson. He described, “If I’d hired him after having been at Morgan Stanley a year or two, I would have talked to him more aggressively about the differences between him and the culture of the firm. But I wasn’t yet in a position myself to articulate the differences from that point of view.” He summarized the situation:
Rob Parson is a unique individual. He is unique in his drive. He is unique in his pursuit of business. He is unique in his ambition. His knowledge of markets is excellent and he connects well with clients. And at the same time, he is unique in how many eggs he breaks every day. Everywhere he goes you have to follow him and pick up the broken eggs and put them back together.
Nasr believed that it hadn’t mattered that Parson had been “breaking eggs” at his last job because it was such a different place. The question now was how he, Nasr, as a senior managing director at Morgan Stanley, should deal with Parson’s performance and the issues it raised.
The Performance Evaluation Process at Morgan Stanley
One of the important innovations implemented by Mack when he became president of Morgan Stanley was a firmwide, 360-degree performance evaluation process through which all of the professionals in the firm were evaluated by superiors and colleagues as well as subordinates. Top management at Morgan Stanley had introduced the new performance evaluation process amidst great fanfare with the explicit goal of changing the culture of the firm. Mack believed that changing the criteria by which people were evaluated and compensated would encourage employees to conform to a new way of doing business that emphasized team-work, cooperation, and cross-selling.
The performance evaluation process was also intended to provide comprehensive developmental feedback so that employees could continue to improve their skills in four areas: Market/Professional skills; Management and Leadership effectiveness; Commercial Orientation; and, Teamwork/One Firm Contribution. Evaluators were asked to comment at length on an individual’s strengths and weaknesses providing detailed and specific examples. Although the process had been in place for two years, there was little consensus on what it actually meant in practice. One managing director commented:
There was a cultural feeling, although ill-defined, that someone had to be a “team player.” But there wasn’t an explicit set of criteria that you could manage people toward or that you, as a professional, could manage your career toward.
In his self-evaluations, Parson recognized that he needed to acquire some “patience” and be less aggressive internally. He also reported feeling that he had done “a poor job at self-promotion.” He described wanting to do “a better job communicating internally the extent of my discussions and successes with a broad base of clients across the spectrum of investment banking products.” Parson also clearly articulated his long-term career goal: “to be in a senior leadership role in a client capacity, away from the headaches of pure day-to-day administrative duties.”
As Nasr read through Parson’s performance evaluations (Exhibits 1 and 2), he considered his options. First, he had to decide whether or not the Capital Markets division was going to put Parson up for promotion to managing director. He also needed to complete the evaluation and development summary (Exhibit 3) that would form the basis of Parson’s annual performance review. If Parson were a candidate for promotion, the evaluation and development summary would be reviewed by
the entire promotions committee, a group of senior managing directors from across the firm who reviewed all candidates and made the final decisions. He would also need to have a conversation with Parson explaining his decision and giving him feedback and developmental advice. Nasr knew that the effectiveness of that session would be very important: first, in terms of Parson’s future performance, and second, if the firm decided not to promote him this year, whether or not he would stay.
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