Definitions and Differences
Discuss about Immigration vs Emigration?
Immigration and Emigration take place on account of people willing to move from one country to another. In the process of immigration movement of people happens to a country and in the process of emigration the movement happens from a country. Immigration can be called as moving into a country and emigration means moving from a country.
An individual who immigrates is called as an immigrant and an individual who emigrates is called as an emigrant. An Immigrant is a person who migrates to a country and an emigrant is a person who migrates away from his home land 9 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (2005), Education Without Borders: International Trade in Education, Economic Analytical Unit, Canberra Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs 1999).
Immigration and Emigration can happen in an individual’s life at the same time as if a person moves away from a country in order to live in another country he becomes an immigrant to that specific country and he becomes an emigrant to his home country. This process of Immigration and Emigration happen because of similar type of reasons like economic, political, social, religious and social persecutions.
These words of Immigration and Emigration have been derived from Latin but they are opposed to each other in terms of what they mean. Emigration is associated with a positive hope where people move away from their home land with a hope that something good will happen to them in terms of employment opportunities, education, religious and social welfare. There are stricter laws for Immigration and Emigration where the former aspect is strictly controlled and monitored by Governments of those countries. This is done especially to protect the rights of their own citizens.
Select one social policy of emigration and immigration, access and discuss the effect of this policy
Most of developed countries have been victimized with the concept of immigration and very less of emigration. One of those countries which tops the list is the United States. Mainly in this case it is difficult to understand the history of the United States without acknowledging the millions of immigrants who have settled in the borders and who have migrated to shape their careers and lives for the future. There is a popular belief that the United States is one such country which has stood as a refuge for millions of people who have been oppressed in different parts of the world (Hawthorne, L 2001).
There have been various policies which could have been confusing and which might have also seemed complex because of the immigration policies and practices which have been brought into practice. This has mainly occurred in response to the immense social and political pressures which the Governments have gone through individually. There have been theories which have explained this phenomenon in order to characterize and differentiate among these concepts of immigration and emigration.
The theories like melting pot or assimilation contends that immigration has blended well in the United States and people have eventually become Americans as more and more no. of people started settling in and have become Americans or the citizens of the country. This has always happened as people have forgotten their roots and origin of their nations. There are other theories which have also explained this like the theory of Mosaic where it has proved that America is a land of many people from various cultures and backgrounds and of those people who belong to various ethnicities who try and adapt to the United States and its culture and eventually settle in by retaining their culture and ethnic identities (Hobart Illing, D 2006a).
Causes of Immigration and Emigration
The policies of migration would have various types of impact on different sections of the society in terms of integration and social cohesion. All the policies which might have been formed on the basis of immigration and emigration would impact the national identity of an individual in terms of ethno cultural fixtures which suggest a type of difference and globalization impact on the people who immigrate.
Immigration and Emigration also impact integration which has a set of outcomes against the societal average. It is all about the impact it has on the employment, housing, social, health and marriage factors. On an average the migration and emigration impact could prove both hard and soft in all the aspects.
Select an area of discriminatory and anti-discriminatory practice about this topic
There are anti-discriminatory laws which have been framed and which are being practiced in this context. This has been formed in order to ensure that the Organizations don’t violate any of the legal frames of conduct formed by the Governments of those countries in relation to the employment practices. Separate divisions of departments in the Judiciary wings are responsible to ensure that the enforcement of the legal practices happens as per the national provision of laws.
Some of the laws by which they are governed by are that the
- Employers might not refuse to hire and they might still allocate some type of jobs for their workers and they might not terminate their employees to display the importance they give for employee satisfaction. There are stricter laws which have been formed in order to protect the interests of the employees and not create any bias in terms of hiring practices even in cases of international employees
- The employees are not required to hold a certain citizenship or visa status and this law has been mandated by most of the Governments. This would also prove its sanctity that the citizens of that particular country will not be favored against all the other nationals. Also there are strong grounds on which the employers are monitored where they are not supposed to have preference to hire undocumented employees over the others. This would display a feeling of discrimination and the other employees might lose interest in working
- Employers might not discriminate in demanding more documents other than what the legal department requires on behalf of the Government which could be called as a document base
- The employer organizations should not also raise any protest against the rights of the workers under anti – discrimination provision. If the employer does this they are required to hire or rehire the workers, ensure that their pay wages , pay related to their civil rights are ensured that they are paid and they should also avoid any further discrimination (Engineers Australia 2005).
In what ways has this topic influence your professional practice
It gives us a deep insight into the migration and emigration policies, the reasons why as to the Government frames such policies, what is the intention of the Government in order to form such laws and what are the basic measures which a Government ensures that it takes to protect the interest of its employees. People are under a general perception that the countries are strict and they don’t allow any of the other citizens to utilize the opportunities of working in a different land or a country however it is of the best practice of a nation to protect the entry of other nationals based on laws as it is the only factor which can bind people to ethics.
Katja Hujo and Nicola Piper's edited volume on 'South-South Migration: Implications for Social Policy and Development' (2010), on which you can find further information .
Arjan de Haan and Shahin Yaqub's paper on 'Migration and Poverty: Linkages, Knowledge Gaps and Policy Implications' (2009
Nicola Piper's Paper on 'Migration and Social Development: Organizational and Political Dimensions' (2009)
Hein De Haas’ paper on ‘Remittances, Migration and Social Development: A Conceptual Review of Literature’ (2007) can be accessed under the Publications tab in the upper right corner of this page.
Katja Hujo and Nicola Piper's paper on 'South - South Migration: Challenges for Development and Social Policy' (2007
Chiswick, B & Miller, P (1992), ‘The Endogeneity Between Language and Earnings: An International Analysis’, Discussion Paper 93.03, February. Department of Economics, University of Western Australia, Perth
Colebatch, T (2002), ‘Migration Quota May Rise Again’, The Age, 19 January, p 1, Melbourne
Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (1999), Review of the Independent and Skilled Australian Linked Categories, Canberra
Department of Immigration Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (2005), ‘The Migration Occupations in Demand List – an Overview’, Canberra, provided to the authors January 18 2006
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (2005), Education Without Borders: International Trade in Education, Economic Analytical Unit, Canberra Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (1999), Review of the Independent and Skilled-Australian Linked Categories, Canberra
Engineers Australia (2005), Unpublished data provided to the researcher by P Gillespie.
Hawthorne, L (2001), ‘The Globalisation of the Nursing Workforce: Barriers Confronting Overseas-Qualified Nurses in Australia’, Nursing Inquiry, Vol 8 (4): 213-229
Hawthorne, L (2005), ‘Picking Winners: The Recent Transformation of Australia’s Skill Migration Policy’, International Migration Review, Vol. 39, No. 2 Fall, New York
IDP Education Australia (2002), Data provided at Seventeenth Australian International Education Conference,
Hobart Illing, D (2006a), ‘Universities Depend on Money From Foreign Students’, 6 January p 5, Sydney
Illing, D (2006b), ‘University Maelstrom as Students Decline’, 12 January p 3, Sydney Immigration New Zealand (forthcoming), 2004/05 Trends Report INZ, Immigration New Zealand, Wellington
Kinnaird, B (2005), ‘The Impact of the Skilled Migration Program on Domestic Opportunity in Information Technology’, People and Place, Vol 13 No 4
Marginson, S. & Considine, M. (2000) The Enterprise University: Power, Governance and Reinvention in Australia (Cambridge University Press, Melbourne)
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