1. How e-technologies have changed modern social life and how suppliers of such technologies have sought to overcome the threats and risks associated with these technologies, or
2. How e-technologies have changed modern organisational business operations and how suppliers of such technologies have sought to overcome the threats and risks associated with these technologies.
Importance of e-technologies in modern social life
The paper discusses about how E-technologies have changed modern social life over the years. It explains about the key issue that has lead to such change and how impactful it has become on today’s modern life. The essay also focuses on the threats and risks that relates in these advancements. Using e-technology does not only have positive aspects but also negative as well. The negative aspects therefore are discussed in the essay to provide a clear view regarding how e-technologies function. The essay includes the social and industrial aspects too such as showing the influence of technologies over society as well as in banking sectors, environmental sectors, etc. The paper also provides brief information about e-technology and its significance and further it also explains how it has influenced the modern life and later discussing the threats and risks associated with it and lastly providing the information on how suppliers can effectively manage those risks.
E-technology widely deals with Internet and related information technologies where each and every activity happens over web. It discusses about the emerging factors over internet. It helps in spreading the information to more and more people with the help of internet. It raises the performance of the business as well (Salmon, 2012). One of the important factors behind the fast developing world is that the world has welcomed the advancements of such technologies. The benefits of such technology are that it gives the organization or the society a chance to effectively communicate with the world outside and spread their piece of information to a large area. The importance of e-technologies is that it gives the companies an easy way to promote their business and develop their business with the help advanced technology. E-technologies are successfully able to draw the outcomes for the modern social world and also in a positive way. E-technology has transformed the world and has changed the perspective of the world (Guffey and Loewy, 2012).
Modern social life has changed to a great extent since years. The use of e-technologies has brought revolution in the world today. From the past the world has seen the technological advancements (Bondarouk, 2009). The coming of technologies has grown the way of thinking of the people to a large extent. It has gathered large amount of public and also the communication is further changed between them. Internet plays a major role in bringing the social life in modernity. It has the changed the way of people’s thinking and the way they communicate, and their behavior. Earlier, every communication form had no impact. Everything was one dimensional and hence it was ineffective. However, the growth of technologies such as mobile and internet has changed the way of communicating beyond our thinking capacity and in a positive way. Internet is very much responsible for changing the world (Waller and Ragsdell, 2012). It is not used just as a tool but also as a medium to communicate. It has become an effective method for convincing a large part of society. This has brought a major difference in the fast developing modern world of today. The development of technology has brought changes to every human’s life on the earth. It has changed the way of people greeting each other. Earlier the greetings were sent in the form of letters through posts. Today this has been changed to a great extent and posting of letters have reduced to zero. It has also improved the human relationships and connections by providing a platform to communicate with them as and when required. E-technologies have, made it quite easy to greet long distanced relations with the help of phones and internet. They have easy access to connect with people through emails, social media networking like face book, what’s app, etc. The development of technologies has helped people to meet one another with minimum difficulties. Technology has changed the way of reading by launching the applications like Amazon kindle and bookbub where people can read eBooks over internet. This has resulted in making of e-Learners around the world and has developed the reading habits of the people to a large extent. The major social change brought in by the e-technologies is that it has made the earlier social life very much easier and hassle free (Kolog, Montero and Toivonen, 2018). Technologies have been playing a lead role in the lives of not only people but also industries now days. Industries today have started focusing on promoting their business over internet. This helps them in connecting to more and more public within a short period of time. It has lead to changing in banking sector, education system, agricultural industry, entertainment world and also given shape to many businesses (Yang, Wang and Lu, 2016). The social life today has therefore lead to a huge difference than the earlier period. It has not only welcomed the new technological advancements but has also modified the traditional way of man’s thinking. The effects of e-technologies cannot be estimated in light of the fact that it is as yet changing the manner in which people do everything (Rérat and Jeannerat, 2014). Furthermore, e-technologies also provide various benefits to the companies by maximizing their profitability and outcomes. In this way, the companies have been able to stand out against the competitors in the marketplace.
Influence of e-technologies on social life and industries
E-technologies have changed the perspective of people by bringing in the modern way of thinking. It has shown great advancements in the world. But these advancements are the threats and risks that are associated with them. With the number of positive aspects the negative ones too have great influence. The risk and threats associated with it include privacy. These technical methods are not something to rely upon. The security risk is always associated with them. Sometimes it happens that the confidential data of the company is shared on internet which becomes a factor of risk (Valkenburg and Peter, 2011). The data information that needs to be confidential is blurred out in public which ultimately brings downfall for the company. Although, the information is being recorded to show the items and services as indicated by the needs and requirement, much time of the critical client information is shared on the web with organizations without having any security. The computerized character is endangered and it will continue as before for quite a while to come. Since, it is difficult to erase something once it is on the web, suppliers have been promising safety and security for utilizing their services, they continue refreshing these security (Kumar et al, 2016). These security parameters are applicable just till a specific purpose of time. Suppliers of e-technologies have been refreshing their security includes with the goal that client information is not endangered. The major threat that is present in e-technology is the threat of cost. The using of technology becomes expensive as well. The utilization of technology may solve operational expenses in business and increment on profitability. For instance, to purchase the machine which will succeed 10 people to play out a specific task is becomes very costly. This machine will require nonstop support and a backup expert to work on it and fix it on the off chance that it breaks down. This is how technology becomes expensive also. Hacking is also another major threat that relates to technical advancements (Aboelmaged, 2015). As the technological field is growing the growth of hackers is also increasing. This gives these hackers an opportunity to corrupt the necessary data and ultimately raises issues for the organization. Technology has unquestionably changed how the world functions, affecting relatively every part of present day life. In any case, while present day technology obviously brings various focal points over different areas, it additionally has its offer of drawbacks. The network that ties all gadgets and frameworks to the web has welcomed malicious programs in with the general mixing, uncovering clients and organizations to an extensive variety of dangers (Bak, 2011).
Threats and risks associated with e-technologies
Suppliers are the professionals of technological field who work of preventing the technological sources of the firm or an organization. Suppliers play a very important role in maintaining the modern social life from the threats and risks of these e-technologies (Porter, 2011). They are the one who work as a savior for the company associated with e-technologies by suggesting ways to avoid these risks. They are responsible for keeping the malicious programs away from the organization. These suppliers use many different methods to overcome the threats caused due to technologies (Adner and Kapoor, 2010). The biometric systems are used at work which allows reducing the threat using biometric systems such as fingerprint scanner, facial recognition scanner which helps in verifying the identity of the user. Learning based passwords are set up to safely enter the workplace. These suppliers have been able to overcome the threats associated with technologies with the help of professionals who are able to easily hack the corrupted files and make it worth for the company. One must be aware about the risks that can rise while working. Knowing the risks in prior will become helpful for the suppliers. Also, these suppliers have managed to meet the advancements of the companies using e-technologies by installing the computer systems with latest anti viruses which will keep the virus away from the systems without affecting any important file. The suppliers have started the use of smart robots which replaces the human life. These smart robots are autonomous machines that help the suppliers of e technology to perform more effectively and efficiently. They have safeguarded themselves from spammers and phishing. Spammers are the ones who are responsible for sending unwanted emails over web and phishing is a practice of stealing the sensitive information over web. Suppliers have successfully been able to protect them from this by keeping a track on their days to day practice of spamming a phishing by stopping them. These suppliers train the staff which helps in handling the internet information in a well manner. They teach them how to be an effective learner in the field of information technology (Perrow, 2011). Training the employees helps them in fulfilling the needs of the modern world in a better manner. They analyze the security threats that prevail over internet and accordingly take collective measures to prevent those threats, such as setting the password or making a login ID. The supplier is generally expected to work effectively and give better results and which ultimately it does. The effective working of social life scenario is because the work of supplier is strong and effective. They make a policy where they mention about the working of e-technologies and one must follow them seriously. These suppliers sign a contract with their employees which help them to trust the employees. Hence these suppliers work with an effective approach and therefore have been able to change the modern social life effectively (Arora and Gambardella, 2010).
Cost and security concerns
The paper thoroughly discusses the factors of e-technologies and its impact of social life that has brought revolution in the modern social life. The modern social life has literally changed so far since the years of development. These e-technologies have given the society a chance to cope up into the world beyond. These technologies also cause threats like security and are costly. The essay shows how difficult it becomes to manage the data from the malicious programs and what all measures a supplier of e-technologies has to face to protect the system from all these risks. Hence the paper is a prime example exposing the relationship of the suppliers to e-technologies as well as the organizations. These e-technologies have definitely brought in the change over the years and have provided the world an advanced platform. Therefore, the role and significance related to technology and its field discussed above makes it easy to understand how technology has brought revolution in the world. It is recommended that the companies should promote and improve the e-technologies to beat the competitors and further to uplift profitability and returns.
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