Discuss About The International Journal Of Health And Economic Development.
The portfolio 1 entry content is focused on a startup company VANT founded in the year of 2005 in the high technology manufacturing industry which delivers various build in order products to consumers. Due to enough of economic support the similar type of rest of the companies are facing major application challenges but VANT is getting rapid strategic growth. The organizational strategy designed for the company is appreciable as it works fairly in the industry (Fleming & Koppelman, 2016). As per the consumers request the functions get activated and the products are produced. The needs of communication between the departments are less, due to the design approach. On the other hand the design complexity increases rapidly with the product demands.
In order to reduce such complexities more interaction among the departments are required. Multiple numbers of deliveries have been slipped and it is defined that for VANT these particular issues will keep on growing. In order to reduce these identified issues it is mandatory for the company to implement the most suitable management approaches because the aim of the company is to incorporate proper change management approaches. With the changed organizational structure it can facilitate proper communication and effective decision making (Haas, 2016). This strategy will speed up the manufacturing approach.
After analyzing the details of the application and facilities delivers by VANT it is recommended that, program management is an appropriate approach that can resolve the issues completely. Program management is referred to as one of the most crucial approaches which can lead a company towards commercial and economic success. Program management is comprises of multiple numbers of independent projects and all the projects are served by the company so that it can reach the objectives of the company. In other words, for this company the term program is a master project which is comprises of different subprojects. As per the standards of program management it is defined that, many other factors are associated to program management. It will help them company to define the interfaces with an aligned schedules. Not only this but also, the identified risks can all managed accurately for the coordinated resources and a joint change control.
Though, there is no such difference between the application and function of program management and project management. The misunderstandings regarding discriminations between two disciplines can be reinforced with the program management approach. Apart from this it helps to achieve the business objectives accurately. Moreover, it can be said that program management can create a successful kink between the business strategies with products manufacturing and development. On the other hand, the program management is referred to as a fundamental flaw in the business thinking process.
Approach to the Problem
Program management has a strategic nature whereas; the nature of project management is tactical. With the successful coordination between many projects all at a time can lead to successful program management. The program management is cross functional in nature. Therefore, in order to combat the identified functional and operational issues of VANT the concept of program management can be implemented as its nature is applicable due to its technical and business nature. From the business point of view it seems to be feasible as it ensures that, all the common business processes can be used individually for all the projects. A broader range of project management, business and leadership is needed for managing the issues of VANT.
Project management deals management of only one project at a tome whereas; the program management is focused on management of several projects at a time. The objectives of the company are to successfully manufacture and deliver products to consumers and getting competitive advantages from competitive market (Harrison & Lock, 2017). In order to deliver single element for a complete project program management approach is appreciable. All involved elements to the projects and programs are to be identified an analyzed by the assigned project manager of the company. With the help of program management, a well coordination and synchronization can be processed and executed at the program levels.
In order to process any project for VENT phase gate lifecycle model is required to be implemented by the project managers. At the same time managing all projects successfully is a complex responsibility for the project manager and project team members (Kerzner & Kerzner, 2017). A successful program management approach is comprises of business objectives and program management, program work breakdown structure (WBS), program planning and program success criteria. These are the different levels of program management hierarchy.
Multiple numbers of interdependent programs can be successfully implemented through the program management approach. It enables the operational and functional executive of the company to achieve the intended business objectives of the company. Project complexities will be minimized if the project manager successfully achieves the intended project objectives within estimated project timeframe. In order to successfully achieve additional market share, quality as well as consumer support project focused activities are required to be implemented. All defined activities are required to be successfully performed by the project manager and the project team members (Mir & Pinnington, 2014). According to the program planning individual dates the plans are to be synchronized.
Learning from Portfolio 2
From the program perspectives description of the advantages and disadvantages of TSU approach
TSU is a 21person unit that is established for the development of the proprietary software management tool for another company named as OzChinz. The TSU is headquartered in Perth and on the other hand the OzChinz is headquartered in Sydney. The TSU is assigned for the development of software tool for the purpose of testing different microprocessors.TSU company used to tae huge time for the identification of the resources and gathering resources from those locations (Pilepic, Simunic & Car, 2015). Traditionally it used to take around 6 months for gathering data. Not only this but also they used to collect even in the project ongoing phase which was also quite time taken. In order to satisfy every those person who are involved to the projects, they had seen that list of features are increasing rapidly and fulfillment of all those features are quite difficult.
For avoiding the cost overrunning ad time over allocation issues they had to drop some of the features intentionally. The managers and team mates collectively took the responsibility of analyzing all these difficult situations. Regarding time management and project scope the company is facing challenges accordingly (Gosling et al., 2015). The negative consequences and other project issues should be minimized by the project managers. From the organizational structure analysis it is defined that, the business mode of TSU is changed and converted to a rapid release model. With the help of “release model”, the quality of newly developed products will be improved. The advantage and disadvantages of the approaches offered by TSU are elaborated in the below section:
The rapid release approach developed by TSU supports frequent as well as smaller projects. In addition to this, each of the smaller projects is concentrated to implementation of smaller numbers of projects only. At the project initiation phase during development, in particular the project scope should be released based on the program life cycle. Each of the associate project scope holds around 2 or 3 different level of project characteristics.
The program life cycle approach took place at the project discovery phase this is one of the major advantages for this approach (Shi et al., 2015). Before final launch all requested program features expected to be corporate must be approved by the project managers. The assumed program which is going to be developed by the project manager of TSU is named as program X. Handling a large project like X is seems to be very difficult which is a disadvantage from the program management perspectives. As soon as the large project X is divided into small parts such as XA the management approach become easier to manage. The project stars with the programming part and it is mandatory for the project manager to accomplish their job roles all successfully.
Each and every part will be executed individually considering project requirements. The first part of the project is named as Xa and second part of the large project as Xb then, those individual parts should be executed through approval from the project manager. This is another advantage from the project perspectives as a chance of occurrence of error gets reduced (Cloutier, Myers & Asprea-Wright, 2017). Before merging the information gathered from the sub projects the final integrated project is formulated that reduces the project level errors. Frequent participation in project keeps the project team members engaged to the current technologies and also helps to keep them updated enough. The project team member learns the way of working together as a project team.
It helps the way through which the internal team conflict can be successfully avoided. Though, based on skills and knowledge of the members all the job roles are assigned. As per allotted job roles if the responsibilities are served then, the project objective will meet by the members sooner (Nagovitsyn et al., 2015). The approach of change management will generate faulty results if all specific requirements are not identified accordingly. Therefore, it is defined that there are equal advantages and disadvantages associated to this specific approach.
Based on the current situation it has been defined that, there are certain managerial, functional as well as operational issues associated to the offered services and applications. In order to give an error free service level opportunity to design and develop a software development tool for manufacturing purpose, OzChinz should select the most suitable company instead of TSU. Different benefits are expected from successful program management such as project management is referred to as an ad hoc activity.
Most the business corporation uses the concept of project management and program management for managing the business operations and functionalities successfully (Gosling et al., 2014). Mostly the business organizations that are dealing with change management apply the concept of program management in their business organization. Regardless of the size of the company and project the program management approach should be utilized by the project managers. The project manager and project team members require getting a comprehensive view of the business activities which TSU may fail to deliver (Klochko et al., 2016). In most cases this issue occurs because the large projects run many projects at the same time. However, for running all the projects simultaneously at a time the program office is responsible. The project office is responsible to make a comparison between the change request and the activities that are operated for implementing those mandatory changes.
Also they should make sure that no such duplicity over the project efforts are entertained by the project manager. In order to make sure that project team members and project managers are focused to their strategic goals that time the program manager should evaluate the accordance evaluates (Khan et al., 2017). Even if a project is successfully completed does not mean that the final project result will add values to this. TSU service providers fail to give all necessary efforts though which the project requirements can meet the preliminary project objectives. Therefore, as per the project requirements it can be said that OzChinz should extend to other business organizations to meet the project activities.
The role of a program manager to keep the rest of the members engaged to their job roles are demonstrated in this report section. From the analysis report it is determined that, the Schools Minister in State Government is concentrating to those set of data gathered from the New South Wales (NSW) audit. In order to avoid the audit errors professional stakeholder engagement is very much crucial for program managers. There must be a professional way through which they need to respond. Program stakeholder management is one well known approach that has to be utilized. Not only this, but also detail stakeholder management principles are also elaborated in this section considering program management academic literatures (Thompson et al., 2017). The local authority currently has total of 36 schools in their area that offers catering services to all age group children. Among them 12 schools have swimming pools, classrooms and meeting spaces. However, outside the formal school timing none of the community is being utilized. It is determined that, most of the [parents with whom they have interacted did not support the data of the audits. In order to avoid these issues proper recommendations are also elaborated in the below section.
The Clarkson Principles of stakeholder’s management are elaborated in the below section:
Principle 1: It is responsibility of the project managers to acknowledge and actively monitor all the concerns related to legitimate stakeholders and also they must take care of interest accurately in account for decision making as well as functional operations (Sohmen & Dimitriou, 2015).
Principle 2: All the project managers are needed to communicate accurately with the stakeholders engaged to the project regarding the contribution and respective concerns. It will successfully minimize project related risks that are assumed due to the involvement with the corporation.
Principle 3: This is the responsibility of the project managers to adopt suitable modes and processes related to behavior those are enough sensitive with the abilities and concern of stakeholders constituency (Okiura & Kubo, 2018).
Principle 4: The interdependency of the efforts must be recognized by the project managers and according to that rewards are also to be arranged. Based on the skills and knowledge the work burden should be divided to make sure that the work is completing within the estimated period. If these activities are equally distributed among the team members then all the risks and vulnerabilities will be reduced.
Principle 5: Cooperation among the project team members is also necessary for successful completion of the work activities. Both the private and the public entities should be considered by the project manager.
Principle 6: Work ethics are another thing on which they should focus on. The project managers should avoid all together activities those may endanger some of the absolute human rights. It will help them to identify all the risks and accordingly those risks will be minimized by the stakeholder’s engagement.
Principle 7: If any kind of inter organizational conflict occurs then those issues will resolved accordingly if professionally the stakeholders are connected to their job roles. Open communication, incentive arrangements and on time reporting are the approaches that will ensure the legal and moral responsibilities are all successfully resolved. In addition to this, if the third party involvements is found to be needed then accordingly monitoring and control over the activities are required.
The numbers of stakeholders may vary for different projects but their roles and responsibilities never changes that much. Society, community, employees, government, customers, owners, lenders are the stakeholders generally assigned for any project. It is their role to accomplish the assigned tasks accordingly. In order to deliver any project successfully the two ms important ingredients are stakeholder management and stakeholder engagement. However, in those cases where any of these two approaches are ignored cause serious issues.
Stakeholder management is referred to as a project practice that influence variety of outcomes with the help of consultation, negotiation, compromise, communication, relationship building. A project will be easily assisted if all these factors are successfully followed by the project managers. Before engaging stakeholders to any project the project owners should understand the project requirements and the respective expected project outcomes also. Throughout the project development life cycle phases the stakeholders should keep concentrated to their roles (Tanaka, 2014). Information sharing among the stakeholders is also another important thing. Stakeholder mapping is an important technique that helps to distribute the activities among the associate stakeholders.
There are many reasons for which a project generally fails to meet the project activities. The most common reasons behind such failure are lack of professional communication. Ineffective and insufficient communication leads to project failure. Poor coordinated team work is also root cause for which a project may not reach the estimated project objectives. Proper risk management is another important thing on which the project manager should concentrate on.
The term program management is referred to as a centralized well coordinated management approach that helps to facilitate the project activities successfully towards the success criteria. Rather in order to meet the project objectives and benefits strategic program management approaches are also very much crucial. A program may include elements of all related works outside the discrete project scope. In order to manage multiple numbers of projects all at a time the approach of program management stands crucial (Driscoll et al., 2015). The operational and functional activities can be accomplished if the program management standards are professionally identified and followed by the project managers.
Program stakeholder management helps the way through which a program can affect the stakeholders. The programs of such stakeholder management include organizational culture, major project issues, barriers and resistance for changes. Proper business level communication strategies are required to be analyzed and adopted by the project heads to improve the current business status (Mills & Goldsmith, 2014). Again program governance is another important term that has to be followed by the project manager.
Program management is referred to as a tough task from the project management perspectives. With changing time the program continues growing as well as become more complex. Higher project level complexity leads project towards failure which again expense more to the project managers than the estimation. The terms program management and project management are complimentary to each other (Domitrovich et al., 2016). If any of these terms are not properly followed by the project team members and project manager then major issue occurs. All these failures are trumpeting by the media. In order to create individual service and products the concept of this project management and program management are implemented.
A program is comprises of associate resources those are required for accomplishment of the project. In other words, the contents of a project are programs. Any ongoing activity can be infers by a program. Considering best of the business prcatices such as cost, scope and goals each of the program are to e managed by the project managers. A project manager can ensure the success of any project with the activities like risk management, communication management, cost management and schedule management.
There are certain steps to be followed accordingly through which a project can reach its success. Each of these steps is the basic elements for program management. There are few numbers of project managers who applies these consistent project management steps. The rate of program complexity increases if without understanding full requirements anyone starts to do the projects. Sometime late adjacent to project resource leads any project manager to failure or late project delivery. True understanding on complexity of projects can assist or drive any project towards the preliminarily set project objectives. The unforeseen operational and functional issues can be completely mitigating with the help of the senior management applications. According to Mills and Goldsmith (2014), the projects managers do not have the authenticity to took action against the project actions. In order to overcome the identified organizational strategic operational issues both internal and external influences are important to be incorporated by the project managers. Though, the project manager needs to integrate all aspects accordingly so that successful stakeholder’s management can be accomplished.
Many real word case scenarios are there which shows that with the help of successful program management approach the business organizations can avail commercial revenues and competitive advantages as well. American Airlines are there which creates an overlap in technology as well as program. They realized that in order to manage complex projects and resources spreadsheet utilization is not enough sufficient. For gaining global priority and a broad division the American Airlines has currently started using the concept of resource and program management for time entry (Van Dooren, Bouckaert & Halligan, 2015). The airlines went from a rapid capitalizing 10 percent of their IT labours up to 20 percent. The balance sheet of the company has started gaining over a profit of multi-million-dollar net positive impact. Currently they have a access to better as well as more reliable information to take important organizational decisions regarding the projects and resources.
At the same time, the Royal Bank of Scotland is another well known organization which has started using the program management approach to combat all global commercial and social issues. The company needs to establish reliable, consistent both financial and resource decisions for driving the consistency. The company manages multiple numbers of projects at a time and with the help of the program management they have started achieving Return on Investment (ROI) within 12 months. Besides this they have also started reducing the required cost in all their business units with an improved transparency.
There are some more business organizations such as Exellus BlueCross BlueSheild, Cengage Learning who has started using program management for managing all the projects. The company wanted to integrate planning as well as executing stages for product delivery. There are limited visibilities with resource capacity that can be managed well with program management (Moffatt-Bruce et al., 2017). Another large manufacturing unit named as Flowserver which deals with more than 19000 employees has also become more efficient after the implementation of program management approach. After implementation of program management the customer community unit section if Flowserver has also become more efficient. These are the companies who use the idea of integrated program management and project management to resolve and combat the global operational and functional challenges.
This reflective part shows the reflection regarding the “Assignment 1”, Program Critique about Melbourne Metro Project. From the project scenario I have learned the overview regarding the expected project outcomes. I have realized that, strategic alignment, benefit management, stakeholder management are the most important part for successful delivery of the metro railway project. While working with the project team members I felt that my group members are extremely co-operative and supporting in nature. Program execution and program constitution for successfully governing the projects are also elaborated in this assignment. In order to support the process of program management also different factors and their role in this project are also illustrated in this assignment. I have learned that, the critical success factors should match the assumed success criteria of the project. Supportive working co-operative team members are helpful for successful delivery of any project. Similarly for this project also I have got some extremely supportive team members. In order to accomplish any project within estimated budget and time as well it is necessary to divide a large project into smaller segment. For each segment separate project team members are to be assigned based on their skills and knowledge. Though, skills and knowledge level of the project team members cannot be judged by the project head at the project initiation phase. Rather with the progress of the project the skills of the project team members can be measured. I have learned that, the project manager should arrange proper on job training and development program for the project team associates to make them more familiar to the project requirements. However, I have also learned the difference between team work and team building.
Some of the project ideas have worked out on the other hand some of the project development ideas did not work well. Professional understanding among the project team members is very much crucial to meet the project objectives within estimated budget and time. Certain issues are faced by the project team members while gathering data about the project content such as legal support, social support and demand of the travellers of Melbourne. It is expected that the railway network will cover the suburbs area of North Melbourne. I have learned that the design of the train will be extended up to 220 meter of length. It is learned that the project will successfully meet its objectives only if it meets the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. The design of the railway network will be successful only if professionals design the network or else it would have faced major issues. The major project challenges and gaps will be resolved with successful implementation of meaningful supporting processes. The architectural structure or railway network design approach developed for this project is also much beneficial. The project has got professional technical advisor and business analyst. However, it is learned that the project has faced budgetary limitations and unmanageable tendering issues as well.
For any project there are certain factors those are to be done by the project managers and project team members and some factors that should not be done by the project team members. Firstly, the project head should make a feasibility study, so that they can measure that whether the project is beneficial or not from the owner’s perspective. Then based on the objectives and requirements the time should be allowed. It is the responsibility of the project manager to assign job roles to the project team members to particular roles. Accurate project partnership will make the project much easier to the team members. Critical evaluation of integrated development process will combat the project gaps. Other thing that the project members should follow was open communication, it is expected that if the project manager including members follow open communication then all the errors will be minimized.
The project team members should avoid communication gaps and cultural gaps. For this metro railway project it is defined that, the project team members belong to different geographical background therefore there is huge chance of cultural social barriers. In order to manage these issues the project manager should develop specific norms and values. It should be mandated by the project manager that all those common norms are followed properly by the project team members. I have learned that the main challenge that interrupted the success of the project is the complexity as well as scale of Melbourne Metro tunnel project which expense an AUD 11 billion. While the excavation work of the railway tunneling project was closed the project faced major issue. Some alternative routes are also developed to avoid these issues.
Moreover, from the assignment 1 project I have learned that each and every project is always associated with major risks and damages that may interrupt the project success. In order to identify such issues and risks proper risk management analysis, program management and project management prcatices should be followed by the project associates. Alternative business strategies and risk mitigation strategies can successfully identify the root cause of the errors and minimize the risks accordingly. Mostly, what I have learned is that a supportive working environment is needed to execute any project successfully.
Next time I will make sure that, the actions to be taken at the initiation phase are all maintained successfully.
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