Marketing activities covers
Discuss about the List Of Ways To Benefit An Organization?
This paper depicted the various aspect of the marketing. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the marketing mix and orientation strategy of the Sainsbury. This paper enable to determine the marketing activities, orientation organization, importance of four Ps and three additional Ps. Indeed, Sainsbury is the UK based supermarket. It was founded in 1869 by the John James Sainsbury along with Drury Lane. Sainsbury produces the forecourt store, convenience, supercenter, superstore and supermarket related products that is popular in the UK market.
Any activity of the company that undertake to establish brand awareness are called as marketing activities. Trade shows, product placement in entertainment, search engine marketing, cold calling and newsletters & article are the example of the marketing that covers the all activities of marketing. (Bajpai, 2015)
Orientation organization is individuals work, job satisfaction, subordinates, motivation to work and supervisors on the job. Upward mobile, ambivalent and indifferent are the organizational orientations that associated with organizational communication behavior such as motivation and job satisfaction. These are the list of different orientation organization that can evaluate the cost and benefits linked with Sainsbury that is described below:
Handling paperwork: Orientation is helpful to handle the official paperwork. It helps to reduce the cost of the Sainsbuy grocery product or service. A well educated employee helps to handle the paperwork because they are specialist of it. (Ashe-Edmunds, 2015)
Reviewing company policies: Sainsbury policy and procedure are written. So, organization employees should read and note the information about the written policy and procedure. Sainsbury policy includes dress code, harassment, grievance procedure and vacation policy. (Hart, 2003)
Decrease employee turnover: It helps to decrease employee turnover that save money and time on hiring and training employees. Smooth introduction of the new hire employees helps to quick familiar with the organization culture. Orientation organization helps to reduce manpower from the organization that raise the profitability of the Sainsbury. (Shank, & Lyberger, 2014)
Reduce errors: Organization orientation includes job training to protect staff to their roles and responsibility. Organization orientation program helps everyone slowly in their job duties and co-workers. (Ashe-Edmunds, 2015) Different peple have different caliber to take training in their jobs. A well educated qualified employees helps to reduce the errors in the Sainsbury.
Price, product, place and promotion are the elements of the marketing mix. The importance of each four Ps is described below:
Orientation organization
Price: The price elements of the marketing mix is significant in the Sainsbury company because it attracts the customers. Different people have different needs or desire that helps to produce difference price of product. Price determine the Sainsbury quality of the product or service. Price helps to develop the marketing mix strategy of the Sainsbury. (Baker, 2012)
Product: It is an important elements in the marketing mix that helps to attract the customer through variety of the products. Different variety of product helps to fulfill customer needs or demands. Sainsbury has grocery product that is useful in daily human life. (Hart, 2003)
Place: Place is an important marketing mix of the Sainsbury that helps to customer to collect product at near location. It also save customers time and efforts. In the competitive market place plays significant role in the organization due to easy availability of the product. Right place helps to increase the sales and profitability of the Sainsbury. (Shank, & Lyberger, 2014)
Promotion: Promotion is an importance elements of the marketing mix that helps to promote Sansbury product or services. Promotion raise the sales of the Sainsbury that helpful in long term success. Further, promotion attract the consumer in the Sainsbury that is significant elements of it. In the current competitive market, promotion is significant strategy to raise the growth of the Sainsbury. (Baker, 2012)
packaging, people and positioning are the three additional Ps of marketing mix.
Packaging: It is significant marketing mix of the Sainsbury that attract the consumer thorugh packaging. People prefer different kinds of the products or service. Sainsbury product many grocery product with different kinds of packaging style that attract new buyer and youth generation. Youth desire to use different kinds of packaging product that helps to achieve the goals. (Baker, 2012) Attractive packaging is demand of the current competitive market. So, it is helpful to achieve the organization objective or goals because it raise the sales of the Sainsbury.
People: Different people have different kinds of desire or needs that helpful to achieve Sainsbury goal and objectives. People requirement affected organization manufacturing growth and success. If people desire high quality product. Then, Sainsbury have to product quality product or service to fulfill people needs or desires. (Dibb, & Simkin, 2013)
Positioning: It is a significant elements of the marketing mix that helps to establish the product brand in the market. Sainsbury has many branded grocery product This paper depicted the various aspect of the Sainsbury. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy and buying behavior of the organization. We would select the Sainsbury company to elaborate the diverse topic to marketing that is decribed below:
Importance of four Ps
Segmentation and its use for product or service: Segmentation means divide market into several parts that are accessible, actionable, profitable and have growth caliber. In the other word, market segmentation targets the different categories of consumer who know the value of the products or services as compare to others. Segmentation is equal significant for ensuring the success of the organization. These are the five segmentation criteria that used for the Sainsbury product or services that is described below:
Measurable: Segmentation is meansured in the regard of sales value and volume. It helps to identify the size of market segment in reasonable degree of accuracy. Sales value and volume helps to determine the Sainsbury growth and success. A high sales raise the profitability of the Sainsbury that helps to survive in the competitive market. (Dibb, & Simkin, 2013)
Substantial: Sainsbury has many product in their supermarket that affect with different substantial power. Some Sainsbury products are essential for human daily life. So, Sainsbury should produce this kinds of product in the market. Sainsbury should divide products as per their consumer demand and needs. (Shank, & Lyberger, 2014)
Accessible: Segmentation require accessible for quick response about the Sainsbury product or service. Sainsbury require accessible to fulfill consumer demands or needs. Segmentation require accessible process to survive in the competitive market. (Hart, 2003)
Differentiable: A different variety of the Sainsbury product or service helps to fulfill consumer needs or demands. Different people have different demand or needs that depends on their cultural background. (Shank, & Lyberger, 2014)
Actionable: Market segmentation require practical value. Its elements should provide data for a marketing position or sales approach. Sainsbury is popular UK based supermarket that have different kinds of products that require quick action to sell product in the whole UK market. People want quick deliver of the product. So, segmentation helps to quick response about the difficulty of the product. (Dibb, & Simkin, 2013)
Targeting strategies that apply in selected product or service: Targeting strategies is the selection of cutomers those wishes to sell product or services. It includes segmenting the market that select the appropriate market, determine the products that will offered in every segment. In the other words, target market is a group of customers that decided to reach its marketing and ultimately merchandise. There are four target marketing strategies such as undifferentiated marketing, multi-segment targeting, focus or concentrated targeting and customized marketing that can apply in selected product/service of the Sainsbury. Out of them, we would select one differentiated or multi-segment targeting strategy that is described below:
Importance of three additional Ps
Differentiated or multi-segment targeting strategy adopted by the Sainsbury supermarket glocery store. Sainsbury has several grocery product in their supermarket. So, this strategy is beneficial for the Sainsbury targeting strategy. The Sainsbury is following multi-segment targeting strategy serves more than two segments and raise a distinct marketing mix strategy for each grocery product of them. Multi-segment targeting strategy is beneficial because it raise the sales volume, larger market share, economic of scale in manufacturing and higher profit. But, it includes greater product design, inventory, management costs, promotion and marketing research. Further, it is beneficial targeting strategy as compare to other targeting strategy because Sainsbury has different variety of grocery product that require differentiation or mult-segment strategy to fulfill customer needs. Indeed, supermarket comprises dairy, fresh produce, meat and baked goods along with packaged goods and several non-food items such as household cleaners, pet suppliers, kitchenware and pharmacy products. Some supermarket sell a variety of household products such as medicine, clothes and condoms as well as non-food products: sporting equipment, seasonal items and board games. Different people have different kinds of needs or desire. So, multi-segment targeting strategy is beneficial for the Sainsbury because it was able to fulfill different kinds of consumer needs or desires.. In the current competitive market, it is beneficial for the Sainsbury sales volume and profitability. It is helful to raise the profitability of the organization that is main motive of the most of organizations. (Chand, 2015)
Positioning for new product or service: Positioning means how you differentiate your product or service as compare to your competitor and also find an appropriate market for the product or services. In the other words, positioning means where Sainsbury product stand as compare to other company similar product or service in the marketplace as well as the mind of the consumer. Further, it helps to establish product or services within the eyes of the purchaser. A positioning is affected by number of customers encouragement alongwith its competitors. (Shank, & Lyberger, 2014) These are the main changes require when market propose new positioning strategy.
Attractive price: Attractive price require when market propose new positioning strategy. Product price should be attractive through promotional or discount offer. People prefer discount offer product or service. So, Sainsbury should produce discount offer product to attract new consumers. Price plays a significant role in the Sainsbury due to their promotional strategy to attract new customers. (Chand, 2015)
Segmentation and its use for product or service
Quality product or service: Sainsbury have to maintain quality in their product or service when propose new positioning to survive in the current competitive market. Customers prefer quality product or services in any price. They doesn’t compromise with quality of the product or service. (Hart, 2003)
Availibility: Sainsbury should establish new store in every market for easy availability of the each product or service. People prefer those product or service that is available nearest location from home. It save their time and effort to collect the specific product or services. Further, it reduce the transportation cost of the organization. In the current competitive market, people are busy in their job or business. So, they prefer easy availability product or service that save their money, time or effort to buy product or service. (Chand, 2015)
Consumer behavior is the study of organization, groups or individuals that use to secure, use, experiences, services, dispose of products and ideas to satisfy requirement. It merge factors from sociology, psychology, marketing, economics and social anthbropology. It tries to affect consumers from groups such as friends, family, sports and society in general. In the other words, buying behavior is the sum of total consumer intentions, preferences, attitude and decision regarding the consumer behavior in the marketplace. (Hart, 2003) These are factors that affect consumer behavior that is described below:
Supply and demand: Suply and demand situation affects the type of marketing for your goods and services. Supply and demand affect the marketing activities of the Sainsbury. (Hart, 2003)
Routine behavior: Buying behavior affect marketing activities through routine behavior. Some product used by consumer on the daily basis. It is significant factor of the organization.
Complex decision making: It is a significant types of buying behavior that affect marketing activities. It includes peer reviews of products or services that will lead the consumer choice.
Internal factors: It is another significant buying behavior that affect marketing activities. Consumer should aware with three interal factors such as personal, social and psychological that affect the marketing activities of the organization. Here, personal factor affected by the personality of the human. Social factor affected by the society culture. Psychological factor affected by the human demands or needs. (Hart, 2003)
Consumer buying behavior and business buying behavior: Consumer buying behavior is the behavior of those person who buy product or services for personal use. Business buying bahvior is behavior that buy product or service for resale to other consumers or manufacturing other goods. (Basu, 2015) Distinguish between consumer buying behavior and business buying behavior described below:
- Consumer buying behavior is limited for few person. One person is involve in buying groceries that is example of consumer buying behavior while business buying behavior includes multiple participants like product and influencers who establish specific product or services. (Basu, 2015)
- Consumer buying behavior includes thousand of customers in different location. For example: people use washing machine in the same way while business buying behavior maintain long term relationship with their suppliers. A retail business owner install computer to maintain inventory while technology related organization use them for product research. (Chand, 2015)
- Consumer buying behavior involves basic family requirement, occupation, needs, economic situation, membership in groups and lifestyle choices while business buying behavior includes environmental and organizational factors. (Hart, 2003)
- The consumer buying behavior process includes five stages such as information search, purchase decision, evaluation of alternatives and need recognition while business buying behavior starts with need recognition. (Basu, 2015)
Potential segments that serve marketing mix planning: Maketing mix is the set of action that use to promote its brand in the current competitive market. Marketing mix includes the price, product, promotion and place. However, marketing mix increase its elements such as packaging, people and positioning. Measurable and differentiation is the potential segments that serve the marketing mix. Marketing mix planning would be differ from these two potential segments. Measurable segment evaluates the organization sales volume and profitability that helps to organization success. Differentation segments helps to produce the different variety product in the Sainsbury that attract new buyer of it. (Shank, & Lyberger, 2014)
This paper described the various aspect of the Sainsbury’s to present the report to the Chairman. The purpose is to evaluate the environment condition of the organization. This paper successfully spelled out the environmental factor that affect marketing decision and distinsguish between international & domestic marketing and factors of the Sainsbury’s marketing process.
Micro and macro environmental factors that influence Sainsbury’s marketing decision:
Micro and macro are the two kinds of environmental factor. These environment factors are the control of marketers, but they still influence the decision. Sainsbury runs its business environment that is divided as micro and macro environment that has importance impact on marketing decision.
Micro environmental factors: The customers, competition and general public are the micro environmental factor that is decribed below:
The cutomers: Who is the Sainsbury customer that is significant for the environmental factor. The customer affect the organization strategy about the product or services. Different people have different needs or demand that affect the orgazation product or services. Customer is the king of the current competitive market. In the other words, customer is wholesale of the market. So, customer decide the manufacturing strategy of the Sainsbury that which kinds of product should be produced. (Cox, 2006)
The competition: Those are selling same prouct such as Sainsbury product line that is known as competition. Product and its price plays significant role in the competition. Competition is the part of any environment that affect the Sainsbury marketing strategy. A high competition raise the quality of the Sainsbury product due to survive in the organization.
Public: Sainsbury has duty to satisfy the general public that raise the sales and profitability of it. The general public helps to reach its organization objectives and the goals as well. Public is the key of the Sainsbury that helps to achieve the organization objectives because it raise the sales of the organization. (Cox, 2006)
Macro environment factor: There are many macro environmental factor that affect the decision of the marketing managers of the Sainsbury. New law, tax changes, demographic change, trade barriers and government policy changes are the example of macro change. These are the macro environment factor that is described below:
Political: Political factor affect the government rules and regulations such as degree of the economy intervention. What government want to provide, what its priorities. It can affect the vital areas for the business and products. (Cox, 2006)
Economic: Economical factor includes taxation changes, economic growth, interest rate, exchange rate and inflation. Higher interest rate reduce the investment in the Sainsbury. Currency make difficult because it increase the price in terms of abroad currency. A higher country income growth raise the demand for the organization products and these require to be taken into account pricing decision. (Hart, 2003)
Social: Social environmental factor can affect the demand for the organization products, availability, willingness of individuals to work. United Kingdom population has increasing that affect the product and distribution methods. Different people have different needs or demand in the society. (Hart, 2003)
Technological: New technology is the demand of the current competitive market. Technology reduce the cost of the product and raise the quality of the organization product. Technology is the part of macro environment that raise the human living of standards.
Environment: It involves weather and climate change. Temperature changes can affect the industries such as farming, insurance and tourism. Climate change happening due to global warming. It is becoming important factor in the organization to consider and these affect on packaging choice and fair-trade. Environment affect the Sainsbury product line because people want to work in healthy environment that raise the productivity of the organization.
Legal: Organizaiton have to follow the legal rules of the government to run their business. It can affect the organization costs if new procedures have to do developed. Legal environment is becoming significant macro environmental factor in the current competitive market. (Cox, 2006)
Different between international marketing and domestic marketing: Domestice and international marketing are same as per fundamental principle of marketing. These are the significant between domestic and international marketing that is described below:
- The domestic marketing scope is limited because they spread in the nation boundary while international marketing has endless scope and opportunity because they spread in the wordwide market. (Doole, & Lowe, 2008)
- The domestic marketing has less benefit as compare to international marketing. The international marketing added incentive of foreign currency that is significant from the home nation point of view as well. (Shank, & Lyberger, 2014)
- The domestic marketing is limited in the term of technology as compare to international marketing. International marketing allows use and sharing of latest technologies. (Hart, 2003)
- The domestic marketing has nothing to do in political relations while international marketing leads to amendment in political relations between nations. (Cox, 2006)
- The domestic marketing has no barrier because they are working in limited area that can be handly by them while international marketing has many barrier such as cross cultural, currency, traditions, language and cutoms. Different people belongs to different cultural that affect their working caliber in the organization. (Doole, & Lowe, 2008)
Sainsbury’s has four factors of marketing process such as environment analysis, strategy development, marketing mix and implementation the strategy of the Sainsbury. Sainsbury marketing process is described below:
- Environment anlaysis is the first step of the Sainsbury marketing process that define the strength and weakness of the Sainsbury. Sainsbury should choose the target customers for its products and services. Organization shall divide the market in different parts based on different kinds of product and services. (Shank, & Lyberger, 2014)
- Strategy development is the second elements of the Sainsbury that includes value proposal, targeting, segmenting and positioning the Sainsbury goods and services. Its also provides vision of achieving goals. Strategy helps to set organization goal and objectives.
- The marketing mix decision is the third elements of the Sainsbury marketing process that used to attract the customers, beat competitors, increase sales, and provide a better value for its customers. Product, price, place and promotion are the main elements of the marketing process that includes what is produce, how to charge, how to deliver its product or services to the customers, how to tell customers about Sainsbury products and services. (Doole, & Lowe, 2008)
- Implementation is the last marketing process elements of the Sainsbury. It helps to Sainsbury to access the planned throughout production in order to satisfy customers needs and desires. A proper implementation is the necessary part of the organization. (Shank, & Lyberger, 2014)
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Basu, C., (2015). Consumer Buying Behavior Vs Business Buying Behavior. Retrieved from:
Chand, S., (2015). Target Marketing: Four Generic Target Marketing Strategies. Retrieved from:
Cox, R., (2006). Retailing: An Introduction, 5/E. India: Pearson Education India.
Doole, I., & Lowe, R., (2008). International Marketing Strategy: Analysis, Development and Implementation. USA: Cengage Learning.
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Shank, M., D., & Lyberger, M., R., (2014). Sports Marketing: A Strategic Perspective, 5th edition. USA: Routledge.
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