According to Dasgupta and Gupta “The increasing turbulence in the external business environment has focused attention on the resources and organizational capabilities as the principal source of competitive advantage.”
The present business scenario
Gupta and Dasgupta (2009) opine that the business organizations that have been featuring in the present market scenario need to maintain a proper focus on the structure of the organization in order to put forth an increment in the competitive advantage that is maintained by the concerned company in discussion. The multitude of companies that have been featuring within the global market have been known to put forth a proper growth in the era of the constantly changing needs of the community, the ever-changing market segmentation and the constantly changing implementations of the globalization within the given market (Heisig et al., 2016). The several business organizations that tend to review the external changes that have been taking place as well as the effect of the external environment on the matters that relate to the productivity of the concerned company and the industry as a whole (García-Holgado et al., 2015). The reinforcement of the innovation within the given organization is generally based on the market segmentation and the globalization that is faced by the given organization. The innovation aims to help the concerned organization to put forth an integration on the issues that are related to the diversity as well as the heterogeneity within the given markets.
The business organizations that have been functional within the given market should aim at the knowledge gain during the period of its growth in order to deal with the gaining of the competitive advantage over the other companies that have been functioning within the same industry (Webb, 2017). The organizational environment assists the company to deal with the issues that are related with the innovation as well as the experimentation within the given organization in order maintain a proper balance in the experimentation as well as the evaluation of the performance that is delivered by the concerned employees of the organization. The organizational strategy should aim at fostering the issues that are related to the education of the employees of the organization, the sharing of the ideas among the employees (Dayan, Heisig & Matos, 2017). The adopted organizational strategy must adopt to the issues that are related to the healthy practices that are undertaken for the communication within the organization as well as the importance of the proper comprehension of the needs of the clientele and the other pressures that are exerted by the external environments of the concerned company. The given organizations should also be aware of the issues that might affect the internal operations of the organization as well (Wang, Noe & Wang, 2014). The external issues of the organization might also be affecting the knowledge of the members of the workforce of the organization as well as the culture that is maintained within the organization. The global organization has been facing issues in the matters of the sustainable growth fostering cultures that are maintained within the organization. This condition is known to have been resulting from the issues that are derived from the shortened life-cycle of the products as well as the aggravated use of the technological factors within the given market (Girard & Girard, 2015). The inability of the organizations in order to deal with the issues that are related to get rid of the older knowledge and in replacement learn the newer systems of the as well as integrate the new and the old knowledge systems within the concerned organization (García-Peñalvo & Conde, 2014). The integration of the gathered knowledge help in the ways that are related to the launching of the better products and services within the given market. This might also help in the matters that are related to the development of the better and newer business models.
The importance of innovation
The advancement of the concerned company is generally based on the proper sharing of the knowledge that is gathered by the organization. The organizational change is heavily dependent on the issues that are related to the innovative nature of the concerned employees of the organization (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe & Jackson, 2015). The innovation on the part of the organizational workforce might help in the matters that are related to the conditioning of the human resources within the company as the knowledge assets of the company as a whole (Reich, Gemino & Sauer, 2014). This might help in providing the concerned company with an extremely attractive leverage on the competitiveness of the concerned company. The concerned management of the organization should implement the measures that are necessary to deal with the management practices that enable innovation and the other practices for the innovation within the company (Del Giudice & Maggioni, 2014). This helps in harnessing the knowledge that is required for the innovation within the given organization. The management of the human resources and the knowledge is required for the implementation of the sharing of the knowledge within the organizational workforce. The concerned organization should aim to organize both the explicit as well as the implicit knowledge of the given organization in such a manner that the employees of the organization face an urge to deal with the issues that are related to the learning within the concerned business organization (Botha, Kourie & Snyman, 2014). This in turn helps in the reinforcement of the various members of the organization in order to deal with the issues that relate to as well as provide encouragement to the concerned employee of the organization for the repeated nature of the activities that are related to the knowledge sharing within the organization.
The innovation within the given concern is thus found to face an increment due to the various implementations within the given organization, thereby leveraging the competitiveness within the given organization. The allowance that is provided to the environmental guidance in context of the management of the human resources and the knowledge that is contained within the organization and the context of the innovation that is exhibited within the organization is important (Wang, Noe & Wang, 2014). The allowance of the environmental guidance should be provided more importance regardless of the failure or the success that is met by the concerned organization. This would in turn help the concerned organizations to develop a basis of the innovative ideas that they might implement within the given business organization in order to help in the increment of the overall performance of the company (Hislop, Bosua & Helms, 2018). This in turn would lead to the conditions that are necessary in order to deal with the issues that help to increase the competitive advantage of the concerned organization as compared to the other companies that have been operating within the same market.
Gupta and Dasgupta (2009) further argue that the creation of the knowledge within the given organization refers to the generation of a completely new knowledge on a given issue within the given environment that is collaborative in nature. the knowledge of a certain person or an organization might refer to the several approaches, the market issues, the mistakes, the processes, the products, the successes and the tools that are implemented within the given organization in order to deal with the efforts that are made for the achievement of the strategic goals that have been set by the concerned management of the organization in discussion (Wang, Noe & Wang, 2014). The creation of the knowledge within the organization is heavily dependent on the various factors that might be termed as the learning activities within the organization. These factors might include both the external factors as well as the internal factors within the organization. The knowledge creation within the given organization is known to be dependent on the various issues that are related to the dynamic capability as depicted by the concerned organization (Tseng & Lee, 2014). This quality might help the concerned organization to deal with the turbulence within the operative environment of the concerned business organization. The adaptation of the concerned business organization is assisted by the capabilities of the organization. It also assists the resilience that is required for the improvement in the matters of the competitive advantage within the given market wherein the organization might have been operating.
The role of knowledge gain
Kurtz and Varvakis (2016) opine that the capabilities approach towards the organizational functionalities aim to deal with the factors that are related to the understanding of the sustainability of the competitive advantage of the concerned business organization within the given market conditions. The consideration of the resources and the capabilities within the organization should be taken into consideration in order to make an observation in the matters that are related to the adaptation of the changing environments wherein the concerned organization has been operating. This is important in order to deal with the issues that are related to the difficulties, instability and the turbulence that is faced by the concerned organization in contact of the external environment of the organization (Hislop, Bosua & Helms, 2018). These factors might in the long run affect the growth potential and the survival of the concerned organization as impacted by the external environment of the organization. Thus, it might be opined that the creation of the knowledge within the given organization helps in the creation of the internal environment of the country which is known for fostering the organizational resilience within the given company (García-Peñalvo & Conde, 2014). The organizational resilience within the organization eases the adaptation of the changes that are present within the organization (Tseng & Lee, 2014). This helps in the matters that are related to the development of the resilience and the dynamic capabilities within the given organization. This is especially more important for the enterprises that are small or are medium sized.
On the other hand, Alrubaiee et al. (2015) suggests that the knowledge within the organization is majorly calculated on the basis of the inculcating dialogue that is maintained between the explicit and the tacit knowledge. The creation of the dialogue for the assistance in the knowledge creation is majorly based on the management of the knowledge within the given organization (Donate & de Pablo, 2015). The management of the factors that have been contributing to the culture, leadership, structure and the technology within the concerned organization help in the management of the implicit knowledge within the concerned organization. Becerra-Fernandez and Sabherwal (2014) opine that the creation of the knowledge within the given organization helps in the stimulation of the innovation within the external environment wherein the concerned organization have been operating despite the turbulence that is present within the suggested environment. This helps in the development of the competitive advantage of the concerned company within the given market. The learning within the organization is known to be infused with the management of the knowledge within the organization (Dayan, Heisig & Matos, 2017). This might help in the matters that are related to the preparation undertaken by the company for the subsequent turbulence that might be faced by the concerned organization in the near future. The business organizations are hugely benefitted by the introduction of the new concepts due to the fact that the new concepts within the organization reveal the fact that the capability of the organization to survive under hostile conditions. Barley, Treem and Kuhn (2018) opine that the creation of the knowledge within the organization is heavily dependent on the various factors that might be termed as the learning activities within the organization. These factors might include both the external factors as well as the internal factors within the organization. The knowledge creation within the given organization is known to be dependent on the various issues that are related to the dynamic capability as depicted by the concerned organization (Wang, Noe & Wang, 2014). This quality might help the concerned organization to deal with the turbulence within the operative environment of the concerned business organization.
Management of human resources
The process of the creation of the knowledge within the organization should maintain the focus on the matters that are related to the interaction that is maintained by the organization within the external environment of the given organization. The concerned companies are known to have depicted the addressal towards the given organization in the matters that are related to the identification of the information that bears relevance to the competitive nature as demonstrated by the concerned company (Todorovi? et al., 2015). This in turn helps in the creation of the newer knowledge within the given company and the industry as a whole. The strategic utilization of the available resources of the company should be promoted by the culture, the leadership, the structure and the technological implementations as are put forth by the concerned company. This might help in the proper management of the human resources within the given business organization (Heisig et al., 2016). This in turn assists help in the management of the implicit knowledge within the concerned organization. The creation of the knowledge within the given organization helps in the stimulation of the innovation within the external environment wherein the concerned organization have been operating despite the turbulence that is present within the suggested environment (García-Holgado et al., 2015). This helps in the development of the competitive advantage of the concerned company within the given market. The learning within the organization is known to be infused with the management of the knowledge within the organization (Botha, Kourie & Snyman, 2014). This might help in the matters that are related to the preparation undertaken by the company for the subsequent turbulence that might be faced by the concerned organization in the near future.
The management of the knowledge within the industry has faced an ease due to the fact that the companies of the present days are majorly utilizing the information technological factors. The major tools that are being used by the organizations are those that involve the hardware systems, the required software system, the several databases that are mandatory for the operations of the concerned organizations as well as the tools that are required for the measurement and the smooth operations of the intelligence (Webb, 2017). The sharing of the knowledge within the organizations aim to discuss the factors that are related to the issues for the creation of the competitive advantage within the concerned company. However, the sharing of the knowledge within the organizations do not hamper the various issues that are related to the profit margins within the given organizations (Becerra-Fernandez & Sabherwal, 2014). The technological implementations within the organizations help in the matters that are related to the rise in the use of the technology by the given clientele of the organization. the technological implementations also help in the expansion of the client base through the implementation of the social media marketing within the concerned organization. Gemino, Reich and Sauer (2015) opine that the leadership that is maintained within the organizations help in the matters that are related to the implementation of the issues like the creativity within the organization, the diversity within the organizational workforce, the heterogeneity within the workforce as well as the innovation that is implemented within the given organization (Del Giudice & Maggioni, 2014). The leadership that is maintained within the organizations further assists the employees in the discovery and the definition of the problems and the respective solutions within the functionalities of the given organization (Girard & Girard, 2015). The proper leadership within the given organization aims to help in the promotion of the sharing of the knowledge among the various employees within the organization (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe & Jackson, 2015). This in turn helps in the matters that are related to the encouragement of the communication within the given organization which in turn helps in the implementation of the proper teamwork within the organization as well.
Importance of environmental guidance
Gupta and Dasgupta (2009) further opine that the learning within the organization aims at the transformation of the proper and valuable ideas within the organization into matters that add value to the organization as well. The organizations within the given industry might need to focus on the matters that are related to the issues of the social and the economic challenges that need to be faced by the concerned company (Reich, Gemino & Sauer, 2014). The business organizations are often advised to deal with the issues that are related to the adaptability of the changes and depict the collectiveness within the work schedule (Rosemann & vom Brocke, 2015). This in turn would help in the increment of the competitive advantage within the given organization.
Thus, from the above discussion it might be opined that the creation, the sharing and the utilization of the knowledge is an absolute necessity for the increase in the competitive advantage of the concerned company. The creation of the dialogue for the assistance in the knowledge creation is majorly based on the management of the knowledge within the given organization. The management of the factors that have been contributing to the culture, leadership, structure and the technology within the concerned organization help in the management of the implicit knowledge within the concerned organization. The sharing of the knowledge within the organizations aim to discuss the factors that are related to the issues for the creation of the competitive advantage within the concerned company. The technological implementations within the organizations help in the matters that are related to the rise in the use of the technology by the given clientele of the organization. The technological implementations also help in the expansion of the client base through the implementation of the social media marketing within the concerned organization.
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