Demonstrating a website that you have developed for the pop up business you have created in Boxpark, Shoreditch. This will include the development of a website using and optimising the site for search engine indexing. You should approach the presentation as if you were presenting to a potential funder for your business.
In undertaking this task, you will be assessed on your ability to develop a user-friendly, search engine optimised website.
NB It is expected that you will draw on and critique academic theories and models as well as industry best practice to support your ideas.
1.Develop a user-friendly website on The site must include:
a.An About Us page with all group members’ names and student ID numbers.
b.A “Services” or “Products” page outlining the nature of your pop up business
c.A page titled SEO as below
2.Ensure that the site uses appropriate search engine optimisation techniques
a.This should be evidenced by creating a page on your website titled “SEO” with a screenshot displaying examples of where you have implemented SEO tactics
Company Background
It is important for every business organization of multinational corporations to have a unique international marketing that can help to introduce new range of products within the consumer market. The current business report is about the international marketing plan of the company Box Park, which is one of the popular food and retail park of UK and is famous for its concept of pop up mall concept that has been successful forms of business in the global market.
The report will use the external market analysis tool that will help to understand the nature of the consumer market in Australia, where the company is planning to expand its marketing range. The Sostac planning, methods have been applied in the following case, which is used in the matter of making international marketing plan. The components of the international marketing will also be able be included within the part of the marketing plan that will help to improve upon the branding strategy and also target the potential customers.
Box Park is one of the popular retail Food Park in Britain, which is a type of pop up shopping mall. The business was initiated with a very simple objective of making use of the repurposed shipping containers. The CEO of the company Roger Wade had aimed to make use of the fashion and cultural aspects of the people and place them under one roof where everything can enjoy the shopping experience.
The use of shipping containers is regarded as one of the strong foothold in the world of architecture. The availability of wide range of products along with lower cost is one of the major reasons for popularity of this organization. The company also follows and environment friendly and traditional way for marketing purpose, that can help to deal with the challenges that exist within the market and also raise the level of environmental consciousness among the people by following the path of sustainable development.
One of the major advantages of the pop-up style of business is that it can help to attract huge people as it can be easily affordable for all class and section of the society. Currently the company is aiming to introduce the pop-up style of business mall within the consumer market of Australia and thereby is aiming to enter the international market by using innovative style of marketing.
The SOSTAC model of marketing consists of several elements that can help in the process of implementing effective marketing strategies and raise the popularity of the brand. According to Hult and Ketchen(2017), it is important to make use of the digital form of marketing in the context of the modern day business, where this kind of model can be used effectively. With the help of the SOSTAC planning, it is possible for the Box Park Company to deal with the overall to decide upon various marketing parameters and therefore able to decide upon their marketing strategies.
SOSTAC Planning
Figure 1: Chart for SOSTAC planning
(Source: Hult and Ketchen 2017)
SWOT analysis is regarded as one of the effective ways of analysing the internal market environment of an organisation by evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. It is also important on the fact that the business planning needs to be implemented according to the threat and opportunity that exist within the external market. Hence, with the help of this marketing tool a company can use their strength and recover from the weakness in order to make full use of the business opportunity that exist within the external market. Moreover the understanding the weakness of an organisation, it is possible to eliminate all possible threats that exist within the external market (Lusch and Vargo 2014).
The huge popularity of pop up retail business in Britain can be regarded as one of the major strength of Box Park and the fact that there are wide ranges of customer products that are available in this type of retail market is regarded as one of the major strength of this organisation. Monocot the nominal level of pricing can help to attract a wide range of customers from different parts of the society. It is also important in this context to mention that the use of shipping containers has allowed the company to have a strong foothold in the world of architecture and raise their popularity because they are using low cost and environment friendly ways in manufacture of their products.
On the other hand, the lack of awareness among the Australian consumers about the pop up retail business is the major weakness of the company. There are also a few doubts among the customers about the quality of the product that are being provided due to the fact that they are using reused materials in manufacturing of the product.
The major opportunity of the company comes due to the fact that, the popup form of little business has yet not been initiated in the Australian consumer market. Hence, they can have a major advantage that can help them to deal with attracting all potential customers.
Due to the fact there are no major Rivals in the Australian market, currently there is no major threat of the organisation.
Papadopoulos and Heslop (2014), have highlighted the importance of the external market analysis that can help in the overall process of making plans for the marketing and other promotional activities. With the help of the information that is collected from the external business analysis, it is possible understand the latest trends within the market and thereby take effective measure for the marketing plan. According toVerbeke (2013), the external environment analysis is one of the major strategic tools in marketing which can evaluate the performance of an organisation. The evaluation can also identify the threats and opportunities that exist within a market. This analysis in the later period of the business planning can help to take effective decision the overall business process.
External Market Analysis
In the modern days the external environment of the business are encountering Rapid change due to fast changing lifestyle of people and it is important for all business organisation to keep themselves updated with the latest change in the market environment in order to maintain their popularity within the target group of customers. It is important in this context to analyse the trade environment and also analyse the legal policies of a particular Nation where they want to operate their business.
Morriset al.(2015), have mentioned about the PESTEL analysis tool which is one of the popularly used market analysis tool that can help to assess the external condition by evaluating the political economic, social, environmental and legal policies. It is important for Box Park to use this tool in order to get information about the external market condition of Australia.
Political: The stable and democratic form of government in Australia can help to support all type of business in a consumer market. It is also possible for the management of the business organisation to have a healthy relationship with the government officials that will help them to make effective business policies. Hence, the political factors are one of the major strong points of the external market analysis in Australia.
Economical: The strong and stable economic factors are also one of the advantages of external market condition in Australia. The income levels of the people are generally higher in spite of the fact that there are few issues related to unemployment. Nevertheless there is a strong demand of consumer product in the market of Australia which can help all business organisations to have a strong market setup condition in the region. The overall GDP of the nations also have significant effects on the overall economic condition of the nation that can have direct implication on the business policies.
Social: The changes within the society with new social trends within Australia have a strong and inferential effect on the business policies. The higher sections of the society in Australia always prefer to visit shopping malls or pop up restaurants, which can be one of the major strength of Box Park. Moreover the nominal level of pricing in this pop up retail unit will also encourage the middle and lower class section of the society of Australia to be included in the potential customer group. The population of Australia as of calculated in July 2017 is estimated to be around 24, 60,500, and is regarded as the 52nd populous nation of the world. The concentration of the population is mainly within the urban areas, which is expected to cross 28 billion by 2030 (Hugo 2013). Few percentage of the population also belongs to the category of indigenous tribe, which is mainly concentrated within the regions of Torres Strait Island.
Micro Analysis of Marketing
Technological: The technological infrastructure is also one of the important points of business that can help in the process of communication. The Advanced Technological infrastructure of Australian environment can also help the business of Box Park to raise its popularity using the digital form of marketing. The company can thereby use the digital form of media in order to communicate with all the potential customer groups.
With the help of marketing mix that is one of the major tools it is possible to decide upon different parameters that includes the pricing and also the promotional strategy of a product. The pricing of the company’s product will have to decide upon by the behaviour of the target groups of customers. In this case, Box Park group of target customers includes the wide range of people and hence, they have to keep a decent level of pricing.
It is important for all business organisations fix the target market group, which will help them to evaluate potential customers and help in the business marketing strategy. It is believed that the customers within the target group have some common characteristics including income Lifestyle age and geographical location. Identification of the target market is one of the key criteria for successful business marketing (Olssonet al. 2015). It is also important for every business company to accurately define its target customer groups in order to properly understand the demands and their needs. The testing of the target customer group is also an essential part of business strategy, where the companies can properly investigate and collect information about the target customer group using customer survey analysis and also understanding the demographic requirement of any region. The decisions that are implemented in the business strategy, focuses on the needs and demand of the target customer group in order to increase the popularity of the product or services that are being offered in the market (Brennan 2014).
The pop-up stores of retail business have been one of the major types of business that are being offered to the consumers of Australia. The unique shopping experience that are being provided by this kind of retail stores has been one of the major reason for high level of popularity of this type of business. People from all parts of the society can be included within the target customer group of this popup business introduced by Box Park. The different types of service and nominal level of pricing in the popup stores has enabled to the company to attract a wide range of customer groups.
Macro Analysis
The branding strategy can be defined as a long-term process of establishing strong reputation within the market and also raising the value of brand awareness among the potential target customer groups. An effective branding strategy can directly affect all the policies of business and also help the organisation to properly communicate with the customers in order to understand their demands and complaints. According toPagani (2013), the branding strategy decides upon the competitive advantage and also brand position within the consumer market. The branding strategy of an organisation makes a promise to the customer regarding the quality and the features of the product or service that are being offered. The purpose of any particular type of business can also be defined properly with the help of branding strategy using functional concepts of evaluation that can be regarded as the immediate reasons for business success (Strauss 2016). It is important for Box Park to maintain a consistency in their branding strategy in order to maintain their reputation in the consumer market of Australia and also help to set a strong platform for the business to continue for longer duration (Barney 2014).
In order sustain in the modern consumer Australian market it is important for Box Park to have an effective strategy of digital marketing which is one of the most popularly formed of campaigning of business organisation. With the advancement of digital media and Technology the use of digital marketing has been effectively used by all major business organisations in order to prepare their marketing policies and raise the level of brand consciousness among all target customer groups. In digital marketing the company is generally used as the online search engines social media and other form of websites in order to provide valuable information to the customers about the range of product of services that are being provided. According toRyan (2016), the digital marketing is believed to be one of the popularly used techniques that company is used communicate with their customers and other stakeholders. One of the major advantages of digital form of marketing is that it can help to save the cost of advertisement as it is much less compared to all traditional form of marketing (D'silva and Michael 2017).
Few of the major techniques that can be adopted by Box Park to make use of the digital form of marketing, includes the Search Engine Optimisation which is believed to be the process of increasing the visibility of the website of an organisation in order to increase their popularity of every search that are made using various search engines. The online content that is provided by an organisation can also be optimised with the help of this technique and can increase the number of result that is provided using a particular keyword. Effective use of Search Engine Optimisation can easily help the website of an organisation to be among the top search results and thereby seek the attention of the Internet users. Hence it is one of the effective techniques to increase the popularity of the website and information that are provided by the business organisation (Tiago and Veríssimo 2014).
The use of social media marketing is also an important part of Digital campaign that can be included in the promotional techniques of Box Park. With the increase of total number of social media users in the current days and rise of popularity of various social media platforms like Facebook IntegraMySpace and Twitter, the business companies can use these platforms as one of the major source to attract the target group of customers and easily provide detailed information. The company can address a wide range of stakeholders using the social media platform and thereby help in the process of business communication. Box Park needs to have a dedicated website page in all the social media platform at the customers can easily communicate with the managers and provide valuable suggestions and feedback in order to improve the quality of product that are being offered in their pop up stores. Use of social media is also believed to be one of the effective ways to improve upon the customer relationship management and help the company to easily connect with their target customer groups.
The Pay per click advertising techniques can also be adopted which is believed to be one of the effective models of Internet marketing what the advertisers a definite fee each time their ads are being displayed. This technique is of particular interest as it is an attempt from the company to encourage the users to increase the frequency of visiting the company website. The Google Ad Words is regarded as the single most popular platform of pay per click techniques that are used by various business organisations in order to increase their popularity in the digital media and also in the search engine. The ranking of the ads that are given on the basis of total number of users is regarded as one of the effective ways to evaluate the popularity of the website of a company in the online market (Royle and Laing 2014).
It is essential for Box Park to have an effective and attractive content that can be used in the online media in order to provide valuable information to the customers and also help to see their attention. With the help of content marketing techniques it is possible for the company to set up the long term strategy by providing the important information to the customer groups. It is also important to ensure that the content that is being provided is short and informative that can easily help in the process of content Optimisation (Stone and Woodcock 2014). It is therefore believe that the high quality content is one of the effective techniques that can be used by the company to decide upon their online marketing strategies.
There is also the form of email marketing where company can send email to all the potential or current customer groups that can help to provide information about the latest offers or new range of products that are being introduced in the market. As there is no cost involved in sending emails and maintaining communication with all the target customer groups, the email marketing is believed to be one of the most cost effective forms of advertisement that can be used by Box Park to communicate with all the target customer groups (Kellyet al. 2015).
One of the important points of marketing campaigns is to fix a particular budget according to the type of business or target customers and also business objectives. In this case, the Box Park is mainly evening to focus on the digital form of marketing which will ensure that the budget of the marketing campaign is at optimising level. It is also important for the company to ensure that an effective financial and budget plan is being prepared.
All companies need to adapt a particular strategy in order to improve upon their relationship with potential customers that will help to improve upon their popularity in the consumer market. The Box Park will use the digital form of marketing in order to have effective policies of CRM, which will help them to provide valuable information about the business and also provide assistance to all the existing customers. The CRM policies will also help the company to retain the existing customers and also gather proper information from them in order to make for the improvement in the service quality that are being provided to the society. The company need to adopt a particular set of guidelines in order to have an effective CRM which is believed to be one of the important components of marketing and raising the popularity and brand awareness within the target group of customers (Solomon 2014).
In the concluding note it can be said that the popularity of the popup form of business in the Britain market that are being introduced by Box Park can be used as one of the major strength to establish their business in the Australian consumer market. It is important for the company to use the tools of external market analysis to prepare their business strategies according to the business environment of Australian consumer market. The SOSTAC planning model is also used in this context in order to target the customers and also use the techniques of online digital marketing to implement effective marketing strategy.
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