Team Building in Creative Industry
Les Folies Bergere Theatre is situated in Paris, France. The theatre was officially opened on 2nd May 1869 with the aim of light, entertaining favourite songs, operettas, comic opera, and gymnastics. Several development has championed the hall from changing its name to the current name of Folies Bergere in 1872. All the years the theatre has engaged in various activities such as acting in the music hall revenue (Sweeting, 2009). Similarly, the Les Folies Bergere Theatre has engaged popular taste such as elaborate costumes including a fair deal of nudity, the women’s were frequently revealing, and exoticness of persons and objects from another ethos. For the last decade, the Les Folies Bergere has presented some musical productions with stage entertained like Cabaret. Additionally, other than performers and artists in the hall, there is highly skilled team that ensure the audience has got the music and other activities clear and loud, that is produce and present shows. They include producer, artistic director, stage manager, production team, company management, stage crew, the orchestra, fly men, and technical department (Reid, 2013). The Les Folies Bergere Theatre is on one of the primary tourist attraction in France. The Theatre received positive reputation under the management of Paul Derval (1918 to 1967). The manager staged a chain of extravagant and lavish spectacles presenting beautiful young ladies marching in a state of nakedness. Finally, the Folies has showcased the talents of many of the known entertainers and music-hall artists of Paris such as Yvette, Guilbert, Baker, and Maurice.
Creative industry refers to the different activities that may be concerned with the exploration of knowledge as well as information. In several additional activities that involve creative industry may attribute to talents, personal innovativeness, and skills. Some of the sectors include music, performing, and arts such as Les Folies Bergere Theatre (Surwillo, 2010).
Several characteristics may be attached to this particular industry may include:
No single out principle distinguishes the industry. The demand uncertainty prevails because the audience’s reaction to a particular niche is not known beforehand. Nor understood later. Contrary, the typical industries must have a goal to achieve. They have objectives to follow so that they realize the performance of their activities, usually maximizing profits (Reid, 2012).
The stakeholders perform art for the sake of art’s sake. The people in the creative industry, particularly in the arts, are more concerned with the originality, technical/ professional abilities, and harmony in their works even if they have small wages (Cook, 2011). On the other hand, the manufacturing industries operation with the aim of outdoing their competitors and dominate the market share hence targeting increasing the returns.
Nature of Les Folies Bergere Industry
Motley crew standard. The creative industry especially, the music and arts section they require relative complex innovative products such as films that will distinguished from others in the market. Similarly, the manufacturing industries also ensure they have a unique product that will be easily established by the customers hence making significant sales volume (Reid, 2012).
Team building in Les Folies Bergere helps to integrate people by enhancing collaboration and teamwork among the members. Teambuilding has supported fun activities hence shaping individuals and allow them to connect in a various setting. The corporation has boosted the operation of the theater as far as business success is concerned. The show has also developed group bonding activities that are fun and motivational groups enhancing communication, planning, problem resolving, and conflict resolution. In both creative and typical industries team bonding ideas facilitate term team building through fostering effective linkages, critical discussions, and processing. For instance, the participants in creative such as Les Folies Bergere Theatre must involve each other to produce a quality music that will attract many entertainers (Peacock, 2009). The networking help to boost the business as many people may want to associate with your industries regarding buying the products and coming to watch some of the art performance.
Les Folies Bergere has both structures of the organization, that is, organic and mechanistic. Mechanistic. The theater has shown the several challenges concerning the team building that is directly related to organic and mechanistic in the first place, and mechanistic is centralized meaning that the leadership is close and wired in that one leader may access the other in a simple manner. It means that decision making is kept as high as possible and the communication is always vertical (Lally, 2011). On the other hand, organic is decentralized translating that the departments are far away to each other in that it may take long to access the managers at the time. The leadership control roles and duties are usually delegated, and the communication is lateral. For the mechanical structure of leadership, they have standardization in rules and procedure. They tend to use formal, impersonal and broad application made of rules and conventional procedures. On the other hand, the cellular structure has mutual adjustment in their standards and procedures. The rules and procedures are always few. The structure advocate informal and personal face-to-face contact for integration. Equally, the structure tends to have a working process which is volatile. In the mechanistic, the tasks are always specialized (Mun?oz-Seca & Riverola, 2009). They advocate for the profession in that every member of the organization delivers where he/she can give and perform best. On the other hand, organic structure of the organization tends to share responsibilities among the members of the organization. It may be monotonous since some members may relax in their duties because they know they may have helped to finish the assigned the duties.
Relationship Between Team Building and Business Success
Les Folies Bergere theatre also have different extrinsic and intrinsic motivator. The theatre management has tried to use all means to boost the morale of the people working on it. The management have been pooling together every kind of resource to motivate them, to work hard as well as bring out the quality and outstanding music and other arts for their audience. Both extrinsic and intrinsic have been used. Some of the extrinsic motivators include recognition whereby teams have been given promotion as a sign of recognition. The teams have also been re4cieiving good pay hence help them to remain significant in the music and artwork. The pay has included the bonuses, dividends, and overtime pays (Mathieu, 2015).
On the other hand, intrinsic motivators comprise of motivator empowerments such self- esteem, independence, personal sense of mastery, progression, ambition, commitment, integrity, and responsibility. For one to perform best, they must have love for oneself and appreciate his/her capabilities and competencies they have concerning the music and artwork. The theatre management has ensured that every member of that hall has counted success, able to select the happiness, target challenging goals, and objectives, and maintain a positive attitude (Reid, 2013). The above intrinsic motivating factors lead to a fruitful corporation and empowerments of individuals working together. Progression, on the other hand, create a clear profession path that enhances the workers to have the best morale to work towards achieving theatre goals. The theatre has also cultivated ambition by using the employee’s personality to meet the achievements which play primary role in individual’s objectives. The management and workers have the commitment to deliver to their clients. Responsibility is personal and cannot be taught. Integrity and accountability remain the only primary criteria for every worker to be attached to the theatre. The management has changed the behaviour, attitude, and values for the sake of the development of the hall activities (Lambert & Williams, 2017).
While the extrinsic motivator is enhanced from the external environment, the intrinsic motivator seeks to explain the personal pleasure and contentment to eschew the guilt feeling.
The tangible and intangible motivators are part of the external environment and mainly include monetary rewards like compensation, bonus, and commissions which the theatre consider to be primary motivators and improves the satisfaction of the workers and teams in their hall theatre. The intangible motivator is extensively and wide. For example, the Les Folies Bergere Theatre uses recognition and empowerment. The increment of the motive to task completion is direct to the performance success of the theatre (Swain, 2011). Similarly, the Les Folies organization policies help to build the strength of the worker's satisfaction. The outlook for the policies governing the organization may be favourable to the environment characteristics such as centralization, structure, welfare and culture can determine the workers’ motive towards the performance.
Organic and Mechanistic Bureaucratic Designs
Artistic refers to portray of creative skill in arrangement or execution for instance in artistic video and photography shooting, painting, music, literature, drama and dancing. The Les Folies has shown the entertainment film with a lot of artistic advantage. Similarly, the management has employed individuals with artistic talents where they perform and best in various section of the theatre. On the other hand, production refers to any work of theatre that includes musical, entertainment or arts produced from a written book or calligraphy. It may also include other types of performance expositions like improvisational, burlesque and parody concerts which involve different levels of participation from off-camera workers or assistants for the productions purposes (Long & Morpeth, 2016).
They include: (Bilton & Cummings, 2010)
Production manager ensures that all technical/ mechanical and staging necessity are met.
Les Folies maintains its production and technical directors who work carefully with the artistic director, the musical director, choreographic, and the engineering/mechanical team.
The production also holds several roles that support to deliver the creative teams vision for the show.
Direct performances are also mandated to production.
Production set up the props and take on scene changes.
They ensure that the show runs efficiently and safety and that all tools are performing correctly.
The production team is accountable for sound, lighting and distinctive effect .
They include: (Homan, et al., 2013)
They act as a creative force behind the show and delivers the programs to be performed to audiences.
The artistic direct the production
Les Folies artistic team hires, manages and assesses artistic individuals such as directors, performers, and stage managers.
They are also responsible for conceiving, increasing and executing the artistic vision and importance of the organization, and for critical resolutions about the ongoing improvement of the artistic values and activities.
In other similar theatres, functions may be range from ensuring the quality and completeness of theatre production and also lead the teams of the creative group into recognizing their artistic vision for it. The production and artistic directors of other theatres collaborate with Groups of creative personnel and many other workers, integrating research, stagecraft, set design, sound design and also works with playwright for the active production (Homan, et al., 2013).
The team controls all the technical facets of the show include safe and efficiently use of equipment. They must work in close collaboration with the producer and artistic manager to be directed on what possibility and demonstration on how to apply material and match with the creative vision. They also ensure that the teams in theatre deliver their works of arts actually and audiences must receive them audibly (Wang, et al., 2010).
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivator
The production team manager has several mandates that include taking care for coordinating all the technical and staging necessities of a production. The primary roles in Les Folies maintain that production and technical directors need to work in close collaboration with other staffs such as musical directors, and the technical team. The partnership ensures creative teams have presented the best show to their audience .
Bothe technical and production teams depend on each other in that they work with the corporation to help bring a quality program that will impress the fans. Technical personnel feature in the aspect of production like animation set-ups, performing a complex task in stage management, as well as developing characters rigs (Leigh, 2004).
Les Folies Bergere Theatre Hall has, however, encountered with several conflicts and tension which has halted the smooth operation of the theatre. Some of the conflicts noted include incompatible goals and objectives, unresolved prior conflict, communication challenges, differentiation values and beliefs and task interdependence,
Different teams in Les Folies engage in conflict over aims and purposes they perceive are crucial to them. For instance, a technical team may require an absolute favor of financial support, but instead, the management may decide to deny them the money rather spend the similar amount in other activity or another team like fly men. On the other hand, a different team in the theatre may have the same thing such as promotion and pay increase. The teams or individual struggle for the pay increase for to meet the desired goal but they end up getting nothing. Thus they, perceive goals as incompatible with what they are responsible for doing (Green, 2010).
Unresolved conflict in the Les Folies has been connected to poor communication which emanates from refusal to integration, quality challenges, fail to meet the deadline or delays, mounting stress within the theatre premises, cut short the collaboration and adversely affect the team problem-solving. The unresolved conflict has been escalated due to win-lose orientation instead of having win-win goals (Le? & Jarzabkowski, 2015).
Differentiation in Les Folies has occurred mainly when individuals and roles are grouped or separated into function and division to produce artifacts. The separation result to the conflict in that it makes differences in roles orientations as well as status inconsistences apparent. The role orientation differs significantly in function commonly developing discrepancy adjustments towards the theatre’s first priorities. The teams and individual are having different view escalate conflict since their goals, tasks, and jobs vary. Status inconsistency, escalate the dispute ion that roles or division of the theatre personnel realize they play a great role in the theatre hence demand high status or prestige form the management (Koskinen & Pihlanto, 2010).
In Les Folies, people has been tasked with different functions altogether. Task interdependence create conflict among the workers and teams since the theatre management duties are interrelated hence affect one another. The overlapping authority also escalates the conflict in that two different divisions may seek authority for the same function hence conflict arise (Le? & Jarzabkowski, 2015).
Communication is backbone of the every organization success. Communication result to conflict in that those are in contrary forces brings semantic complications, misapprehensions and unnecessary conversation in the communication channel. Semantic complications are generated by training, choosy perception, and scarce information. Moreover, conflict escalate more when too little or much information takes place (Leigh, 2004).
In a nutshell, according to the above discussion it is evident that general organization structure have a great and significant role to play to cultivate the glory of the organization. Both internal and external roles determine the augment and effectiveness of the Les Folies Bergere theatre. Management and leading are the core premises that have to be emphasized for the growth and development of the Les Folies. Motivation and communication should also be prioritize. Any organization cannot persist without increasing the pay and giving incentives to the workers to boost the morale in the working place.
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