This individual assignment provides you with an opportunity to develop your critical thinking skillsand skills in reading and understanding academic journal articles.
This assignment is an Article Analysis. Your task is to compare and contrast three academic journal articles. You need to:
(a) Summarise each article
(b) Analyse the articles
(c) Provide recommendations
Article 1- Bell, S.T., Villado, A.J., Lukasik, M.A., Belau, L. and Briggs, A.L., 2011. Getting specific about demographic diversity variable and team performance relationships: A meta-analysis. Journal of management, 37(3), pp.709-743.
Article 2 - Cumming, D., Leung, T.Y. and Rui, O., 2015. Gender diversity and securities fraud. Academy of management Journal, 58(5), pp.1572-1593.
Article 3- Guillaume, Y.R., Dawson, J.F., Otaye?Ebede, L., Woods, S.A. and West, M.A., 2017. Harnessing demographic differences in organizations: What moderates the effects of workplace diversity? Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 38(2), pp.276-303.
Summary of Three Academic Journal Articles
The article discusses the demographic diversity variable along with the team performance relationship with the usage of the meta-analysis. This article will discuss the different conceptualizations of diversity along with contrasting the diversity with the team is done in the article. Proper relationship between the team performance and diversity variable are discussed in an effective manner.
The article discusses the demographic diversity variable and team performance relationships in different organizations. With the help of meta-analysis, the relationship and the contrasted diversity with the team has been described in the article. The positive relationship between team creativity along with team innovation has been analysed in the article wherein the demographic diversity is required for product development and design for the team. The main key words that are being used in this respective article are team diversity, meta-analysis, team diversity and demographic diversity.
The article discusses the variable of demographic diversity along with performance of the team relationship with the help of meta-analysis. The main aim of the article is to show and analyse the importance of the team management in the different organizations that is required bringing diversity in different teams. Team diversity is described as the distributional kind of differences among different members of the team in respect of the common objective.
There are different kind of positive effects of the team diversity that is required to be analysed effectively in order manage the different attributes effectively. The similarity-attraction paradigm has suggested the different homogenous teams that is positively related to performance of the team. Different definitions of the diversity have been discussed in the article that is the paramount on how the different kind of differences on demographic variables has created influence on the team performance.
On the other hand, separation refers to the different kind of differences among the team members in lateral position or belief. The variety refers to the categorical kind of differences among different team members wherein it is represented and this contributes to the diversity that is required in the team. Furthermore, the elevated levels of the demographic variables in team are discussed in which the differences are focused in the article. The demographic diversity in the teams performing in the organization has been examined that concerns relating to the deep-level variables.
Although the main focus of the article is on the team demographics along with few specific kinds of attributes. The previous meta-analysis examined relationship between team performance and demographic diversity at aggregate level. The meta-analysis has mainly focused on the demographic variables that play essential role in examining the relationships between the deep-level team composition variables. There is different hypothesis that has been conducted in the article that includes positive relationship between functional background diversity in performance of team and variety of terms.
Analysis of Three Academic Journal Articles
The methods that has been used in the article is meta-analysis of the correlations program used by Arthur, Bennett, and Huffcutt’s SAS PROC MEANS using different procedures recommended by different authors. This meta-analysis has helped in understanding the influence on demographic variable that is team performance and this created positive relationship between the two of them. The specific demographic diversity variable matters that is related to the team performance and there is small effect on the high job-related variables. The main findings included there are different kind of other moderators other than team performance and variables in team diversity that capitalizes the benefits of the functional background variety diversity.
Therefore, it can be recommended that the demographic diversity is essential in nature in different organizations as this helps in improving the overall performance of the different individuals in the team.
Secondly, the managers in the organization needs to make proper usage of the different kind of utility of the diversity training in organization which will focus on the generational differences in the workplace. This will help in offering guidance in reducing such issues and this will bring diversity in the team effectively.
Therefore, it can be concluded that demographic diversity has been accumulated and the meta-analysis has tried to create evidence for demographic diversity team performance in different organizations. The article has helped in understanding the influence of the type of the team on the performance of the team by examining the relationships effectively.
The article helps in understanding the gender diversity and securities fraud with providing different key insights on few aspects. The article will discuss the main aspects and reasons on analysing the causes along with consequences of the securities fraud. There are different kind of theories used that includes diversity and gender diversity with risk aversion theories. The different concepts and aspects of ethicality and gender equality and diversity has been included with usage and application of such theories.
The article deals with the different kind of relationship between the fraud of different securities and presence of the different women on board. The different key concepts that has been used in the article are Gender diversity and Risk Aversion theory for analysing the frequency and severity of the fraud. It mainly focuses on theoretical implications for female versus male dominated industries to understand the concept of the gender diversity in different organizations. The main objective of the paper is to answer the three related questions that includes diversity, ethicality and risk aversion. Different usage and implications of the theories has been used in this respective article for understanding the issues and sort them in an effective manner.
The article helps in analysing the main causes of the different kind of issues related to the ethicality, risk aversion and diversity in the different organizations. It has been noticed that there are different questions that the women in the organizations who the board of directors are the main reason for the fraud in the different securities that is taking place in companies. There are different articles that directly relates to the securities fraud as there is gender discrimination and there is no such diversity in the workplace as well. The literature describes the relationship between the presence of the women and securities fraud that is taking place in different companies. There are different arguments has been generated based on risk aversion, ethicality and gender diversity in companies concerning the different risks that are associated with it.
Furthermore, there has been different new empirical insights provided and the empirical test helped in analysis of the relationship between the gender diversity and market response to the fraud. The article uses the different kind of theories along with hypothesis that deals with analysis of the risk aversion and diversity theory that is required to identify the severity and frequency of the fraud. The theoretical implications for female versus male dominated industries has been discussed in the article.
It has been seen that the women who are in the board of directors’ department, it has been seen that this is not related to the women director, however it is related to the overconfidence and risk aversion. There are different individuals in the market who are overconfident and they do not commit to perform the tasks effectively. The third mechanism is identified that discusses about the differences in gender on boards can help in reducing the fraud when there is presence of the diversity in the organizations.
The gender diversity can create a positive impact on the entire business and this creates positive impact on trust. During conflicts, there can be lack of trust and the increase in the scrutiny of the board of directors to reduce such fraud in the corporate firms. The research method that has been used is that there is large collection of the data that helped in calculating the number of the fraud cases and picked up the issues and avoid such issues effectively. The severity of the fraud has been addressed on share prices by estimation of the market model with function of the same kind of the variables.
Therefore, it can be recommended that gender diversity is essential in nature to reduce the discrimination among the individuals in the organizations. With the usage of different theories, the companies have been able to reduce the frauds in different organizations. The article helps in identification of different kind of frauds and the managers in organizations can reduce it with extra security.
Lastly, the fraud has to be identified and the organizations need to understand that gender diversity needs to be maintained in organizations. The women and men colleagues need to be treated equally and this kind of issues has to be reduced by reducing the male dominated industries in the economy.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the gender diversity is essential in nature in different organizations that affects the likelihood of the firm or violating the different securities. It has been seen that the companies lose more than 5% of the revenue due to the fraud that occurs. The different diversity and fraud theories has been used that helped in occupying the high-level positions in the entire business world. However, it was found that more than 50% of the different frauds has occurred in the organization when the women board of directors has been in such seat. Furthermore, management and gender literature has been used for gaining gender diversity in the organizations.
Article 3- Guillaume, Y.R., Dawson, J.F., Otaye?Ebede, L., Woods, S.A. and West, M.A., 2017. Harnessing demographic differences in organizations: What moderates the effects of workplace diversity? Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 38(2), pp.276-303.
The article discusses the importance of the diversity and the double edged demographic workplace diversity. The effects of the social integration along with well-being and performance along with the main effects of the diversity in the organizations effectively. There have been different primary studies that has been conducted that has both negative and positive outcomes. There has been usage of different models in the article that assist in moderating the effects.
The article discusses about the requirement of the diversity in the workplace and the reasons that moderates the effects of workplace diversity in different organizations. The Categorization-Elaboration Model has been used in the article in order to understand the different kind of importance of social integration and workplace diversity. The importance of the job security and improvement in the employee morale has been described in an appropriate manner. The key words that has been used are work group diversity, organizational diversity and relational diversity.
The article has helped in analysis of the importance of the workplace diversity in different organizations. The business case for the entire diversity holds the relational demography that increases the morale of employees in the different organizations. The diversity management has been of huge importance in the organizations as there are different communication issues in organizations.
It has been commented by different authors that there are different situations in the organizations wherein the culture of employees is not provided importance and there are issues in the entire process of communication as well. The main scope of the review is to analyse the demographic attributes that includes functional and education background that is relevant to the entire research. The workplace diversity is of great importance wherein the innovative strategies are required to be applied for analysis of the well being of the employees.
Both qualitative and quantitative research has been done with the implementation of CEM model that defined the diversity in understanding the differences in the team and solve them effectively. The strategy of the organization has created moderate effect of diversity in organizations in the direction that is expected in nature.
Therefore, it can be recommended that both growth oriented and diversity management strategies have to be adopted by managers in organizations to improve the different kind of performance of the organizations.
Secondly, the companies need to include the viewpoints of employees as this will help in increasing the diversity in workplace and increase morale of employees as well. the practices of human resource management along with leadership qualities has to be adopted to reduce the biasness in the organizations.
Therefore, it can be concluded that diversity in organization and diversity in the workplace in individuals has to be maintained to fight the negative impacts and this will create positive impacts on the entire business. The relational demography effects the productivity and creativity effectually.
Bell, S.T., Villado, A.J., Lukasik, M.A., Belau, L. and Briggs, A.L., 2011. Getting specific about demographic diversity variable and team performance relationships: A meta-analysis. Journal of management, 37(3), pp.709-743.
Cumming, D., Leung, T.Y. and Rui, O., 2015. Gender diversity and securities fraud. Academy of management Journal, 58(5), pp.1572-1593.
Guillaume, Y. R., Dawson, J. F., Otaye?Ebede, L., Woods, S. A., & West, M. A. (2017). Harnessing demographic differences in organizations: What moderates the effects of workplace diversity?. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(2), 276-303.
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