We expect that you will report on, and critically discuss the seminal works, the current academic research, case studies, as well as report on the important industry research that has been undertaken in these topic areas. You will need to identify the main issues that research and industry bodies have highlighted and identify where there are gaps in the literature. Some of the areas where gaps exist have been discussed in the lecture and tutorials.
Hint: In industry as well as academia, Masters Graduates are expected to be able to make evidence-based judgement and recommendations therefore, you will need to make clear statements of what has already been learned. This will lead you to make evidenced based judgements for your final assignment - the Stakeholder Engagement Plan for a parallel runway project at Sydney Airport as if it was being proposed TODAY.
Guiding information:
- Start researching and writing early
- The SCU library has lots of resources on how to do a literature review. Hint look at the LIBGUIDE online.
- Engineering department has been providing three Advanced Engineering Study Group similarly, SCU learning support has been providing students with numerous training sessions that have been addressing how to do assessments, academic writing, referencing, and so on therefore there is no excuse for not producing a professional literature review.
- Your tutor, the library, and student support love students that seek their help so go to the advanced engineering study session, the library, and student support for help but book early.
- As discussed in class for you assignment you can use your imagination by providing graphs, charts, and so on to support your position as these do not add to the word count
- Please ensure that your document is written legibly so that it will be acceptable in academia and in the industry.
- Please ensure that you review the associated marking guide so that you can meet all the requirements.
Stakeholder Engagement in engineering industry
In the current situation it has been identified that the industry named Aviation has become one of the popular business industry (Backlund, Chronéer and Sundqvist 2014). With the increasing economic growth the industry has brought various employment opportunities for the country. It cannot be denied that with the increasing economic growth opportunities the organizations have faced various challenges for maintaining strong relationship with stakeholders. As stated by Hari, Yaakob and Binitha (2015), it is true that the stakeholder engagement is also very important in the case of business development. After analyzing the situation it has been identified that poor conceptualization of work has brought the major barrier in the Aviation industry. By supporting this Richter and Witt (2017) said, due to this reason the community is being affected for the increasing noise pollution.
In order to deal with the challenges, the organizations have decided to introduce the effective conceptualization initiatives in the workplace so that the issue regarding noise pollution can get reduced (Harron and Turner 2016). As the strong relationship with the stakeholder community is very important, therefore, the industry has decided to increase the stakeholder involvement so that the relation with the local community can be maintained in an effective manner (O’Connor et al. 2017). Both the internal and external challenges can be solved by the industry with the effective engagement of stakeholders. It cannot be denied that with the effective stakeholder engagement practices the proper functioning system in the aviation industry can be maintained in an effective manner. It is also beneficial in terms of achieving the goals and objectives of the industry. By introducing the effective ISAM framework, the innovation as well as sustainable management initiatives of the Aviation industry can be benefited.
The purpose of this study is to shed light on identifying the importance of stakeholder engagement in the Aviation industry. In this study the evaluation history of stakeholder engagement in the case of influencing the rapid growth rate of Aviation industry as well as sustainable management has been highlighted. By identifying the important barriers in the aviation industry, the study has shed light on the measurable recommendations so that the improvement can be introduced in an effective manner. It has been also highlighted in this study that the CSR initiatives have significant impact on improving the situation on aviation industry.
The significance of stakeholder engagement is it plays an important role in the case of business development practices (Wong and Brooks 2015). In order to increase the participation of the community, the stakeholder engagement is very important. With the increasing participation of community in the business sector, the dynamic changes can be brought. In the case of Brisbane’s parallel runway project, it can be said that the project has faced various challenges due to the noise pollution. With the higher rate of noise pollution the relationship with the local community, who resides near the airport area, has been affected. In terms of operating in the global context, it can be said that various challenges regarding the investments are being faced by the organization.
Management of stakeholder engagement plan
As stated by Behera (2016), in asset management and engineering sectors, the government stakeholders, technical stakeholders and consultative stakeholders are being considered as important key drivers. In order to bring the operational development in the aviation industry, the government plays an important role. On the other hand, Lohmann and Vianna (2016) it can it be denied that the functioning system in the organizations is being influenced by the rules and regulations. In order to maintain the green sustainability, the role of consultative bodies is essential. It is also true that the role of the consultative bodies is different growth prospects are being actualized by the authority by following the objectives.
Research and development have been mentioned as an important part in order to bring the innovation in the aviation industry. In order to fulfil the needs and requirements of the local community the research and development as well as the technical assistance is important (Ringham and Miles 2018). In order to maintain he infrastructural efficiency, these departments are very effective. In the previous initiatives, it has been identified that the involvement of the stakeholders initiatives are being done for the increasing the venture profitability (Harron and Turner 2016). It cannot be denied that due to the increasing noise pollution, people are losing their interests for residing near to the airport locations. With the increasing complaints of the local community, it has become very challenging for the organizations to satisfy the needs of the community (Kivits and Charles 2015). Therefore, for increasing the engagement of local community, the airport authority has decided to involve the local communities in the various activities so that the rate of complains can be reduced. Not only the noise pollution, but also due to the excessive carbon emission from the aircraft industry, the air qialuty of the particular region getting affected. The role of the stakeholders is also very important because the important barrier or challenges in the aviation industry is being identified by them. In this study, it has been mentioned that with the increasing involvement of the local communities and collective their feedbacks regarding the development initiatives, the aviation industry needs to focus on bringing the changes in the engineering process.
Another way, it can be said that by following the ISAM standard, the aviation industry will get the change to internalize the expectations and needs of the stakeholder community (Harron and Turner 2016). Depending on the growth capabilities the community stakeholders will be properly managed. By involving the large number of people from the local community, the issues can be easily identified. On the other hand, it is true that the influences of CSR activities on the local community are quite impressive. Therefore, the aviation industry needs to focus on planning the CSR functions, so that the implementation of different performance standard can be maintained.
Like every concept, the aviation industry has a long standing history in the matters of evaluation and this method has mandate the involvement of the stakeholder in the matter. From the early years to the modern times the concept of stakeholder engagement has evolved with the function of the stakeholder engagement. For every industry the stakeholder plan is important to make the project successful. According to Delevingne (2018), the theory has been stated and followed in the research and development in the sector of the times. The stakeholder engagement has also involved the innovation of the technologies involving the industry concerning the same. Stakeholder is always associated with the theory of keeping the risk either in terms of profit or loss in the concerned sector. The techniques and the innovative ways in which the stakeholder is to be assessed in mandate in the whole process. However, according to the views of Andriof et al. (2017), the stakeholder engagement in the concerned industry has increased to a large extent where the profit and loss of the company is totally dependent on the stakeholder. If the project or any other work is being done by the company in the positive light, then the stakeholder engagement is also positive in the sense and vice versa.
Figure 1 – Stakeholder Engagement Plan
(Source – CNBC 2018)
The concept of stakeholder evaluation and engagement is based on the concepts of Naturalistic Enquiry and Fourth Generation Evaluation process which is one of the major research and development ways that is being conducted in the method (Henisz, Dorobantu and Nartey 2014). The importance of the stakeholder engagement is in the fact that with the active participation of the stakeholders, the technology and the innovative measures of the project is being evoked in the concerned matter. The variation in the process of sustenance of the stakeholders also help the organization to have better effect on the corporate social responsibilities of the matter in the wholesome task.
There are a number of stakeholder ways and the naturalistic ways help to maintain the function of the stakeholder community with the needs of the project and the means of making the project successful. According to Henisz, Dorobantu and Nartey (2014) there are a number of ways in which the stakeholder holds the work in the concerned matter namely the communication, work in an automated manner and the connectivity of the concerned matter. These three types of factors of the stakeholder engagement has helped the concerned matters to deal with the type of engagement in some way or the other.
The communication between the stakeholder and the concerned authorities help the engineering project and the assets in the concerned matter to be managed and helps to make sure that the issues which are there in the project are tactfully handled. According to Phillipson et al. (2012), Communication is always a source or method of making sure that the project is handled in the right manner and if it is not so, then the industries and the other sectors of the employees can decide with the people of the matter and make sure that their mode of engagement is made in the proper manner. The modes of communication has also helped the employees to make sure that their work is being appreciated and handled by the stakeholder in the proper manner.
Automation of work that is one of the principle aims of the engineering project helps the authorities and the projects to be in accordance to the objectives and aims of the project with which the project had started its operation. The aims and objectives of the work help to make sure that their process of organization also helps to understand the innovative measures that could have been implemented to make sure that the work done is at par the standards expected by the authorities of the organization (Esmail, Moore and Rein 2015).
Though the concept of communication and the automation of work is to make sure that the process of work is being done in a proper manner, the mandate of these casues can however make the whole operations behave in a weird way. It can lead to the collaboration of ideas and work ethics making the outcome hybrid in every matter of the sense. The engagement of these kind of work in the parallel runway is of great importance as it has dual importance in the whole matter making the work of the people easy yet having certain implications. The noise pollution of the runway will decrease to a major extent whereas the automation can sometimes relate to very bad experiences in the matter of the times. The communication on the other hand will help to make sure that the future of the project is at good hands as it will make sure that the employee and the stakeholder have their relationship attached.
The business in general has certain engagement in the corporate social responsibilities in the manner than help to make sure that the stakeholders in the process of work is being done in the proper manner (Cooper 2017). The corporate social responsibility of the people engaged in the work is to be assigned to make sure that the project that is being assigned to the stakeholder’s work for the matter is to be made aware that the work and the issues faced by the workers are taken and considered.
Figure 2 – Stakeholder Engagement
(Source – Andriof et al. 2017)
The stakeholder mode of communication has been changed in the whole aspect of the generation as in the modern world the communication of the matters has increased to a great amount and so that that the functions of the work is being attached in the absolute manner. According to Esmail, Moore and Rein (2015) the power of the stakeholder has made sure to increase the process of stakeholder engagement in the various process of stakeholder engagement.
The automation of the work is done by the number of industries to make sure that the work and the project attached to the matter is being done in the absolute manner and also to the fact that the project is there in the concerned time. The optimization of the parallel runway engineering is to be assigned to make sure that the business of the sector is to be assigned as per the growth of the work in the concerned matter. Since according to Deverka et al. (2012), the automation in the technological process is to be made sure so that the process of innovation is done in a proper manner. In the modern times, the technological advancement is being done in the proper manner with the technological innovation method to have the base of the engineering work attached (O’Riordan and Fairbrasg, 2014).
Therefore, it can be seen that the stakeholder management in the engineering field has changed a major phase with the change in the process of communication and technological innovation.
According to Waligo, Clarke and Hawkins (2013) the parallel runway project at the Brisbane Airport in Australia is the work that is being conducted and the project which has been initiated by the authorities of the work. The main concern of the parallel runway project is the noise that is being emitted by the airport project work which has affected the health and the brain health of the people living in and around the area (Deverka et al. 2012). The communication channels and the technological knowhow of the airport project is to be made according to the technical aspects of the project.
The stakeholders have to be actively involved in the process of the communication with the people of the employees and the people who are affected by the project so that their claims and problems can be reduced by the way of communication which is one of the best modern aspects of the stakeholder plan (Deng, Kang and Low 2013). The technical aspects of the aviation industry is to be assessed to make sure that the engagement plan of the stakeholder is there in the airport authorities. Both the communication plan and the technical aspects of the stakeholder engagement is to be made sure so that the identification of the issues of the authorities of the airport can get all the technological changes of the airport (Waligo, Clarke and Hawkins 2013). At the end, it can be said that with the proper technological amendments and the communication channels, the stakeholder engagement of the work is to be given to the proper form. The communication and technological aspects have to be dealt in proper manner so that the stakeholder engagement is of great value.
Summarising, it can be said that with the proper implementation of the communication channels and the technological knowhow, it can be seen that the stakeholder engagement of the Brisbane airport can be made in the proper order of modern world. The literature review is based upon the concept of the stakeholder engagement in the parallel airport task and also the objectives and aims of the stakeholder are being assessed. The stakeholder engagement of the modern world and its evaluation from the past is also being assessed which is one of the major ways to draw the task of the technological engineering management. The stakeholders have a vital role to play and so they are actively involved in both the pro and the cons of the work in related matter.
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