Prepare a report for the Quality Manager with respect to an organisation you are familiar with. Outline and analyse the quality processes presently in use.
The Britannia groups of Hotels are mentioned with the transparent approach to provide the services to the customers who belongs to the different fields and perspectives. The chain is expanded on wider level and there are at least 53 hotels identified in the country. The clusters of various hotels are expanded near the area of Manchester. The Britannia brand was first introduced in the year 1976 and after that, various acquisitions and expansions have been made as per the changing trend in the industry (Britannia Hotels, 2017). The Hotel is successful in providing various services and plans for the improvement and continuous processing as well. In very short journey of 10 years, the Hotel has acquired its specific image and expanded their chain in the countries, such as Birmingham, Aberdeen and New Castle. The project report will be helpful in highlighting the below major sections, which are written as follows:
- The first section relates to the techniques. These techniques are identified as the TQM, CIT, gap analysis and benchmarking system. All these activities are helpful in managing the quality related to the Hotel.
- The strength and weakness will be helpful in providing the proper aspects related to the different quality testing methods.
- Finally, the recommendations and conclusion section are also included for future purpose (Repcic, 2005).
In the country UK, there are various hotels, which are providing their specific services to the clients. The list of services is very wide. The hotel which provides similar services as Britannia are millennium hotel, the Radisson, the Hilton hotels and many more. The Britannia hotel is one of the most popular hotels of London. Several services and aspects are being provided on the different level (Bon & Mustafa, 2013). The quality management and the allocation of the best services is becoming the trend of the organization. In current scenario, testing towards the quality and generation of the specific result is becoming a priority. There are various services which are mentioned for managing the quality. These services are identified as the total quality management, gap analysis, EFQM, Benchmarking, Kaizen, the critical incident techniques and many more.
With reference to the Hospitality sector, the concept of total quality management is getting very common and being framed. The hospitality companies who basically follow the concept of quality management are getting more successful development in their ventures. In fact, the customers are also attracted towards these hotels. The quality services and generation of the developmental aspects are also considered as the areas through which the customers can attract towards their services spectrum.
From the defined set of services, the services which generally get selected are mentioned below: -
The total quality management colloquially is known as the TQM. It is identified as one of the technique which is helpful in assessing the total quality service provided by the company in their processes and services. The Hotel in London mainly possesses the huge infrastructure and wide range of dining facility for its customers. The wide varieties of food stuff and snacks are being served to the customers (Cornelison, 2013). This infrastructure and quality of services are provided to the customers can be checked through specific quality assessing tools and techniques. The total quality management is the method by which complete quality of the organization is being managed and maintained. The total quality management is the tool, which included members from all the parties and subordinates. All members and employees of the organization are being combined to provide specific services to the customers. To define TQM, two major goals can be determined, out of which one is on the primary level and the other is on secondary level. The primary goal of the TQM is to attend every customer who is availing their services from the organization. The team and employees are combined together to work in a simultaneous manner. The secondary objective of the TQM is to provide assistance for the future targets and services. These future targets and services also targets to provide the best quality assistance in a complete form. The continuous improvement and developmental aspects related to the organization can easily be solved with the help of TQM (Martinez, 2001). Apart from this, in case of hospitality of Britannia the TQM is helpful in providing most innovative approach to attract the maximum clients towards the working structure of the organization (Parshuram, 2015). The five principles of TQM are also identified which may help in exceeding the customer’s requirement. These principles are mentioned below:
- Producing most accurate quality work at accurate time.
- Most specific focus on the customers and their priorities
- Possess specific strategy towards the growth and development.
- Continuous improvement and identification of the opportunities
- Encouragement towards the teamwork and mutual respect for one another.
Total Quality Management
By all these aspects and mutual coordination, it will become easier to manage the aspects associated to the TQM of Britannia hotels.
The CIT or critical incident technique is identified as one of the methods in which the analysis of quality related to the hotels can be measured on the basis of a definite set of process. In this technique, the sample from individual aspects is considered on a wide level. The small samples are collected from various areas and according to these samples; the suitable processing can be done. These small samples also help in providing assistance in the accurate direction. The significance of collecting these samples will be that the suitable set of information will be reflected for managing basic aspects linked to the organization (Hashmi, 2016). With the help of CIT, it becomes easy to consider suitable marketing decisions in a framed manner, so the expansion of the business can be done easily. Apart from this, the problems of customer can be solved by continuous interaction and gaining a suitable set of feedback from the customers on a broad level. Other than this, it may also aid in providing specific assistance for bringing the changes in an organization on a financial as well as monetary level.
The new and innovative technique which is identified on an organizational level is identified under as the gap analysis. The gap analysis will be helpful in defining the gap between the current scenario connected to the organization and the target to be achieved. The Britannia is identified with the aromatic fusion of culture as well as modern services. All these facilities are served to the customers. But, as the techniques and norms of hospitality are changing with a fast speed, so it is compulsory to identify the suitable gap analysis between the current facilities provided and the targeted requirements. In the business context, Britannia is providing the luxurious facilities to the clients. All the packages and discounts are provided by the Britannia on a large level. But, due to the high competition index, the organization lacks in some of the areas. The gap analysis is the solution for these issues. In this process, the organization, scope, readiness and resources building for the system are being managed at a definite level. All these elements will be helpful in providing a specific assistance to manage the gap between the current scenario and target to be achieved in a well-organized manner. The gap analysis is also equipped with the ISO 9000 certification. This will be helpful in managing the suitable gap. The baseline for accessing the information and management of the actual scenario is being identified with the help of the gap analysis process. In short, if the hotel management of Britannia uses the specific method of gap analysis, then it will be helpful in providing the most specific assistance in a correct manner (ISO, 2011).
Benchmarking is considered as one of the methods for identifying the quality management related to the organization. For checking the quality of the services provided by the hotels, the process is carried out on a focused level. In this process, the comparative analysis and identification on the organizational level will be prepared. In the Britannia group of hotels, there are various packages and offers for customers to assist the growth and development of the organization. For defining the aspects related to the growth, the comparative study can be carried out between the similar type of hospitality jobs and with the same level of hotels in the industry. There is a wide range of hotels who are offering the same type of opportunities to the customers. In fact, some of the hotels in off-season provide amazing offers to the customers. In this scenario, benchmarking method will be helpful in providing the quality of the process (Kelessidis, 2000). There is a wide range of standards by which the suitable opportunities can be allotted to the candidates on a definite level. The best in class operation are also managed by the benchmarking system. There are various operational plans and services which are developed and defined on the proper level. These operational plans will be helpful in making the internal operations smooth and comfortable in all senses. Apart from this, the benchmarking technique is identified as one of the technique of total quality management which would be helpful in providing the foundation to surpass the best practices in the industry. This procedure of benchmarking helps in promoting the basic developmental aspects related to the organization as well.
The Critical Incident Technique
Apart from the tools and techniques defined in the completion of the process, some of the common and small tools can be additionally applied by the organization at a wider level. These tools are helpful in providing the technical as well as feedback assistance in a clear and precise manner. Few of the tools are mentioned below: -
- Carrying out research and survey is considered as one of the best primary method, which may be helpful in providing the assistance for providing the specific information regarding the products and services.
- Mystery shoppers and other tools are being used to coordinate with the customers and providing them with the suitable feedback.
- Market evaluation is another process, which may be helpful in defining the actual phase related to the process of the organization.
- The audit report is the process by which the higher escalations from different organizations are carried out with the help of a specific audit process. By these audits, the certificate of appreciation to a higher level can be attained (Hermanson & Rittenberg, 2003).
- Self-assessment is also considered as one of the procedure in which various tools and application will be applied. This self-assessment system will be helpful in providing the opportunities for the growth and development as well.
- The other aspects and tools are also identified which may be helpful in improving the suitable aspects related to the Hotel and Tourism industry.
The above sections are helpful in depicting the major types of techniques utilized for the total quality management. But, while studying and using the techniques, it is essential to identify strength and weakness of the techniques as well. By identifying the suitable set of strength and weakness, it becomes easy to calculate the actual capability of the techniques which are going to be implemented in the organization (Business Knowledge team, 2010). These techniques will be able to facilitate the remarkable and outstanding aspects for the development and growth. The tabular description for the strength and weakness is mentioned below:
Types of Techniques |
Strength |
Weakness |
Total Quality Management |
· The first strength related to the TQM is that it may help in testing and managing the quality of the products and marketing related to the Britannia Hotels (Shree, 2011). · The technique is also able to provide the most specific aspects associated to the organization. · It will aid in enhancing the solution for problems and also assist in providing suitable cooperation. |
· The dealing with large budgets and management of the team on a higher level is impossible to manage. · The issues related to the teamwork also became very common and genuine. In contrast to Britannia, the expansion is quite difficult. |
Critical Incident Technique |
· The specific system and methodology is provided by the CIT to evaluate the basic aspects related to the Britannia. · The specific set of information is released through the CIT process. |
· Sometimes, the issues related to the over monitoring and maximizing success are identified on the organizational level. The tourism industry is facing these issues on a common level (Juneja et al., 2011). |
Benchmarking |
· By this, the comparative analysis between the business processes can be managed and identified. The long lasting approach can be helpful in managing the competitive environment. · The performance improvement and growth through paradigm is identified as one of the developing feature related to the Benchmarking. |
· The overall metrics cannot be identified with the help of benchmarking. · The benchmarking technique is not identified as the stand alone activity. It needs some specific support from the other techniques too. |
Gap Analysis |
· The gap analysis will be helpful in providing specific assistance to fill the major gap and the difference between the issues and problems. · The planning related to the competitive environment can also become easier (Wiley, 2011). |
· The time and identity of cost is considered as one of the weaknesses related to the Gap analysis. |
The complete set of instructions and techniques selected for the total quality management is successful in defining various aspects related to the quality in a framed manner. But, as some of the strengths and weaknesses are being identified, so the chances for the improvements are also required in a proper and framed manner. The recommendation is planned according to the current ventures and plans which are provided by the different organization. By identifying the competitive environment, specific set of recommendations are planned. Some of the suitable recommendations are mentioned below in the form of points:
- The first and most proper way to bring changes in quality is the improvement in the training session. The training session is one of the aspect by which an improvement in the quality of services can be enhanced. The Britannia is opening its sister chain on a worldwide level. In fact, in the UK there are only various hotels and cottages of Britannia. The improved marketing strategy and allotment of suitable man power can be done by providing suitable training session to the candidates. In Britannia, various employees are employed on various different positions. To make them fluent in their task and activities, the training session is required on a large level.
- The issues like customer targeting and customer satisfaction is getting very common in the hotel industry. Due to increment in the competition, hotels have to face these issues in the common form. To manage these issues, various methods and techniques are also adapted on a wide level (Kabir & Carlsson, 2010).These methods and techniques are related to increasing the market research and development, identification of basic requirement linked to the organization and conduction of a survey to identify the customer’s demand in contrast to the organizational goals and objectives.
- The right attitude for completing the task is also essential for managing the quality of the organizational aspects. Due to the expansion of hotel chain, the organization is facing various issues related to the dissatisfaction (Kim, 2016).
- The feedback system and online reviews are also identified as one of the most developed tools by which the quality of the Britannia can be improved. Most of the booking can be done with the help of online systems. The feedback booklet is also placed in the hotel through which the customers can able to provide their maximum comments and feedback. These will also help in providing the base for an improvement to the specific tools and applications.
- For matching the coordinated approach related to the current scenario, there are various plans and strategies mentioned for the developmental perspectives. The Britannia has to look forward for promoting the products on an international level. The trading venture, lifetime services to the customers and up-gradation of the existing booking will be helpful in providing suitable developmental aspects on a wide level. Other than this, the quality related to the organization may also be improved.
- Apart from defining these recommendations, the organization needs continuous developmental aspects time to time. The changes and improvements on a daily basis will be helpful in improving the current aspects.
By analyzing all the basic aspects related to the organization, it can be assumed that the quality and services provided to the customers should be accurate and framed in a definite manner. For managing the quality and services in equal proportion, it is essential to put forward the approach of the techniques which are helpful in managing the quality of the products and services in the organization. Apart from this, the recommendations also provided for an improvement as well. Following these recommendations, the framed approach can also be managed in a definite form.
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