You will be acting as a team of consultants to a fictional global professional services firm with expertise in accounting, auditing and tax advisory. In all aspects, the firm is comparable to KPMG. Your task is to produce a report to advise the organisation’s Australian unit (a business comparable to KPMG Australia) on what should be done to effectively manage employees.
Financial section plays vital role in organizational success and growth. Every business enterprise needs to focus on their financial section so that all transactions could be recorded in fair manner in order to obtain positive outcomes. Some companies collaborate with external sources to handle their financial section such as tax advisory, auditing and other types of financial services while some of the companies hire financial experts and maintain a separate team within the organization to perform their operations in an appropriate manner (Miner, 2015).
In this report, professional services will be discussed for Global Consultants which is an expert in providing professional services. In this industry, major players are KPMG, Deloitte, Ernst & Young (EY) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Global Consultants has various subsidiary units and amongst them, one of the subsidiary units is situated in Australia which is suffering from various issues in terms of managing employees and fulfilling their objectives and demands. This is affecting organizational performance and in relation with improving organizational performance, appropriate recommendations will be discussed so that the issues faced by the subsidiary unit of Global Consultants could be enhanced. Issue analysis and recommendation will be the highlight of this report and four major issues will be analysed in terms of managing employees for Global Consultants. These issues will be discussed in consideration to the theories and concepts of organizational behaviour and for each issue faced by organizational Australian unit, appropriate and relevant recommendations will be discussed so that weaknesses of the organization could be eliminated along with adopting appropriate measures for converting opportunities and into organizational strengths.
Global Consultants is organised mainly into three service lines such as auditing, advisory and tax related services. They provide these services mainly to business enterprises and they are hired for improving organizational performance along with gaining positive outcomes. Financial services provided by Global Consultants helps other companies to handle their business operations. Tax, auditing and advisory services are crucial for every type of business as it plays significance role in every situation i.e. while starting business, for sustaining as well as for expansion in other markets. Global Consultants has a subsidiary unit in Australia which is not performing in appropriate manner due to insufficiency in managing employees. This has generated various issues for the organization through which client satisfaction, defending acquired position, etc. affects organizational performance.
Issue analysis
Audit is a systematic approach which examines books of accounts, financial statements and non-financial disclosures to portray a fair and transparent picture of the organization. This helps the organization to display its positive image in front of the stakeholders so that funds could be raised along with developing a positive image in the competitive business environment. Apart from auditing, Global Consultants also provides management consulting and tax advisory services so that the organizations could improve their performance. Management consulting services includes analysis of organizational operations along with determining the aspects such as change management, process analysis, technology analysis, and strategies adopted by the organization. This helps the advisory consulting services to identify issues faced by the organizations so that appropriate measures could be adopted which could help the organizations to eliminate the issues as well as to develop efficient ways for performing tasks in more appropriate manner (Pinder, 2014).
Management faces various challenges while managing employees. Managers mainly interact with employees and thus, they are people who mainly confront challenges faced by employees. Change management, lack of motivational practices, coaching and monitoring practices and various other functionalities which generate issues for the management of organization in relation with management of employees. Managers are required to adopt certain measures through which issues could easily be entertained along with minimising risk factors which could affect organizational performance. Every business enterprise faces various types of challenges due to technological advancement, unstable economic and political situation and due to change implementation at workplace. Apart from this, management also faces numerous other issues in terms of performing their functionalities due to rapid changes in business environment and changes in macro environmental factors (Luthans, Luthans & Luthans, 2015). In relation with this, organizations are required to adopt and develop strategies on the basis external and internal business environmental conditions so that the challenges could be tackled in an appropriate manner along with gaining positive outcomes (Earley, 2015).
Every business has certain values and objectives in relation with their operations and with relevance to those values and objectives, strategies are designed and formulated so that organizational desired objectives could be attained along with developing an effective image in the target market. Growth, competitive advantage, data processing and data analysis, technology innovation and promoting talent within the workplace are certain crucial and primary objectives for every organization (Choudhary, Koester & Pawlewicz, 2017).
Global Consultants in Australia are facing issues in relation with management of employees. This is affecting organizational performance, thus, they are not able to redder quality professional services to its clients. Due to this, organization is not able to enhance its performance and it is also organizational global image. Global Consultant’s Australian unit is mainly facing issues in relevance with managing employees. Managing employees is concerned with various aspects such as employee motivation; training and development sessions, leaders’ attitude, their efficiency and lack of measures for enhancing job satisfaction in employees are some of the major concerns. It has been analysed that until and unless, organization is not able to manage its operations, employees and other aspects, it will not be able to provide or render qualitative products and services in the marketplace. Ultimately, internal as well as external factors affect organizational performance (Bell, Causholli & Knechel, 2015). Following are certain issues and challenges faced by management of Global Consultants in Australia in terms of managing employees:
Employee empowerment
It is a type of power of autonomy and responsibility given to employees in relation with decision making for specific tasks and operations. In other words, employee empowerment provides low level employees to take decisions in terms of assigned tasks so that appropriate opportunities could be originated along with enhancing the organizational performance. Concept of employee empowerment denotes to the involvement of employees in decision making process. Employee empowerment is the responsibility given to employees for making decisions in relation with the specific tasks so that performance of the organization could be enhanced (Fernandez & Moldogaziev, 2015). Employee empowerment is one of the most appropriate techniques to boost up the confidence of employees along with enhancing employees. But organizational Australian unit is unable to decentralise the power. Global Consultants is executing centralised method of decision making. In this method, they are taking decision by their own and employees are not involved in the decision making processes. This is affecting organizational operations and organization is not able to set up an appropriate reliable image amongst the employees which is ultimately affecting employer-employee relationship (Kim & Fernandez, 2017).
Human resources are the most effective and efficient resource for an organization as they are people who perform the tasks in the manner as directed by the organizational management. Due to centralised power, Global Consultants is failing to manage its employees and their operations through which organizational performance is getting affected. There are several advantages of employee empowerment through which employees’ performance could easily be boosted. Due to centralised decision making power, management of Global Consultants has failed to develop reliability amongst the employees and it is ultimately affecting organizational performance. Apart from this, organization is planning for bringing automation at workplace and this change is not yet communicated to the employees (Allen, Lehmann-Willenbrock & Sands, 2016). Major issue which arises due to non-communication of change to the employees is resistance from employees. Until and unless employees are not engaged in the decision making processes and in the change management processes, organization will not be able to attain its desired goals and objectives. The scenario is being suffered by the Australian unit of Global Consultants and this is affecting their domestic as well as global goodwill.
The new change adopted by Global Consultants is linked with automation and it is being adopted for smoothening organizational operations along with enhancing the service quality, accuracy and the effectiveness of their services so that customer satisfaction could be enhanced. The main objective behind adaptation of automation at workplace is building reliability amongst the clients in relation to their service offerings. But the fact cannot be denied that with the effect of adaptation of automation at workplace, lot of employees will lose their job which is ultimately developing job insecurity amongst the employees. Job insecurity is increasing labour turnover and it is affecting organizational performance. Organization is required to appoint new employees that will lead to enhance appointment cost; training cost as well as lot of time will be consumed for making employees as per the organizational requirements. Thus, this is another issue faced by management of Global Consultants in relation with managing employees (Choi, et. al., 2016).
Employees could be managed by fulfilling their needs, demands and by providing them incentives in form of monetary as well as in kind forms. The whole procedure is linked with the organizational performance because happy employees act as an asset for the organization while frustrated and unproductive employees are treated as liability (Sok & O'Cass, 2015). Global Consultants in Australia is struggling from various issues because they are operating through traditional approaches and these approaches are centred on organizational management basis. Thus, it is required for the organization to manage its functions in an appropriate manner so that the desired goals and objective could easily be attained.
Apart from these issues, employees should be involved in the change management procedures and in all those procedures which could affect their performance. This is necessary so that they could get aware about the new policies, measures and rules implemented in the workplace. As Global Consultants is operating on traditional approaches, thus, they did not invite employees in decision making, change management and in other procedures. Thus, they are not able to develop a reliable image amongst the employees. Success factor for every organization is linked with their employees’ efficiency, talent, capabilities and experience. In relation with the organizational improvements, it is required for the organization to manage its operations in such a manner so that employees could be provided with appropriate training measures in terms of improving their efficiency so that the desired goals and objectives could be attained. Employee empowerment is one of the critical issues facing by managers of Global Consultants in the process of transforming organizations (Appelbaum, et. al., 2015). Theoretical aspects of the employee empowerment are also linked the democratising function with the employee engagement.
Employee motivation is an essential element for enhancing employees’ efficiency, building reliability amongst them towards organization as well as to boost up organizational efficiency. Motivation is the factor through which employees’ confidence could be boosted and it is an activity which is used for expend energy in relation with attainment of goals and objectives. Global Consultants does not have sufficient motivational strategies to empower employees’ confidence with regards to the organizational operations. Motivational strategies have positive impact over employees’ performance and it helps the employees to put their efforts on the basis of ways directed by management in relation with attainment of their desired goals and objectives. Motivational theories are of two types of i.e. content theories and process theories. Amongst the content theories, one of the most effective theory is Maslow’ hierarchy of needs and this is one of the earliest and widely known motivational theory (Elnaga & Imran, 2014). Motivation is the best practice for enhancing employees’ performance along with converting their efforts for the attainment of organizational objectives. Despite the fact that there are huge advantages linked with adaptation of appropriate motivational theories, Global Consultants have not adopted any motivational strategy for enhancing their organizational performance. It is necessary for the organization to motivate its employees in order to enhance its efficiency so that organizational performance could be enhanced. Every business enterprise has vision, mission as well as objectives along with the sustainable growth and development in the competitive and dynamic business environment. Employee motivation is the biggest and most effective tool for enhancing organizational performance and there are huge benefits of implementation of motivation at workplace such as less labour turnover, higher customer satisfaction, retention power of existing and potential customer increases along with enhancing productivity (Namasivayam, Guchait & Lei, 2014). There are various negative consequences of having unmotivated employees in Global Consultants. Following are certain issues which are found in the Global Consultants due to non-adaptation of motivational strategies:
- Productivity Concerns: Without motivation and appropriate rewards, employees do not give their best in order to meet organizational goals and objectives. It has been observed that employees in Global Consultants are found using phones, suffering social media and various other practices which lead to decrease productivity of the organization. They just complete the assigned work and apart from this, they did not put many efforts for enhancing customer satisfaction or for attainment of additional objectives for the organization. Employees are the people who perform tasks on the behalf of organization, interact with clients on the behalf of organization and deal with other parties so that the desired goals and objectives of the organization could be attained. Less rewards is another critical issues faced by employees in Global Consultants, management of organization is unable to appreciate the employees on their additional efforts which have lead the organizational management weak in managing employees in appropriate manner (Yusoff, et. al., 2016).
- Unable to overcome adversity: Unmotivated employees are not ready for facing challenges and they start reporting to the top level management to deal with challenges. Whereas, motivated employees take initiative to overcome from the challenges so that organizational performance could not get affected and if they are not able to confront it in appropriate manner, then they move towards top level management as the last available option. Global Consultants provide professional services such as advisory, tax, and audit related services to various business enterprises (Jose & Mampilly, 2015). Main motive of their services is to enhance organizational performance other organizational performance as well as to identify the issues in their operations so that appropriate resolutions could be provided in terms of enhancing the performance. But Global Consultants in Australia is failing to manage its employees due to which they are not able to fulfil their clients’ requirements. Their competitors in Australia are covering their market share and customer base in the target market which is affecting organizational goodwill in the global market (Lazaroiu, 2015).
- Carelessness for the job: Employees of Global Consultants seems to be careless in relation with their assigned job. They do not take stress about the deadlines and other aspects because they are not paid for their extra efforts and the extra ordinary performance (Facer, et. al., 2015).
- Poor customer service: Customer service is the most vital factor for organization in terms of enhancing organizational performance. Customer service suffers when employees are not motivated and in this regard, they do not care about the company’s vision, mission and objectives. For inventing new ways for promoting innovation and creativity, companies provide various resources and measures so that employees could think out of the box but Global Consultants fails to do so, thus, they are not able to meet with the customer’s requirements and demands (Kiruja & Mukuru, 2018).
The most appropriate and earliest motivation theory is Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. Every employee seeks for fulfilment of their basic needs against their actions performed for the organization. This motivational theory includes various aspects such as self-esteem needs, psychological needs, safety needs, etc. Amongst them, psychological needs are the basic necessities of every human being. With regards to these needs and wants, organization should take care of their employees so that the positive image could be created amongst the employees for organization (Ahmad, et. al., 2014).
Teamwork is the vital factor for accomplishing the tasks in an appropriate manner along with gaining positive outcomes. For promoting team work, it is required for the managers and leaders to develop interactive workplace environment along with motivating employees towards organizational vision and mission so that the desired goals and objectives of the organization could be attained. Apart from this, it has been observed that with the help of team spirit amongst the employees, any challenge could be overcome easily along with gaining positive outcomes (Mikkelsen, Jacobsen & Andersen, 2017). Mangers of Global Consultants are not able to develop team spirit amongst the employees and due to this, every employee perform as per their manner without following organizational rules, standards and regulations. Generating team spirit amongst the employees is one of the primary steps for building team. Team building exercises are executed by every business entity because one task which would take one month for accomplishment by one individual could get completed in one week if group of individuals will perform the task. Along with this, teamwork mostly generates positive outcomes. Tasks are assigned to teammates on the basis of their talent, skills and knowledge, thus, the particular project could be accomplished in an appropriate manner. But in scenario of Global Consultants, team work is not promoted by the managers and still they are performing on the traditional approach under which one task would be performed by one member rather assigning the whole project by a group of individuals (Shields, et. al., 2015).
Every individual has its own strengths and weaknesses and in relation with this, it is required for the organization to analyse their positive as well as negative aspects so that tasks could be allocated on that basis. Managers of Global Consultants are not able to analyse their employees’ strengths and weaknesses due to which they allocation of tasks is not done in appropriate manner.
Workforce diversity is another major issue faced by Global Consultants’ managers. This affects organizational performance in negative manner because until and unless, managers are not able to maintain appropriate balance between the employees, desired goals and objectives could be attained. Some of the characteristics of workforce diversity are gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc. Companies which embrace diversity could easily broaden its skills and become competitive and more effective in terms of gaining competitive advantage. Workforce diversity also brings certain challenges and issues such as discrimination and sexual harassment (Körner, et. al., 2016).
Discrimination is the biggest challenge for the organization for the Global Consultants as it has affected organizational performance. Discriminatory practices are executed by managers and this is a negative element for the team building exercises.
Managers are not able to adopt workforce diversity amongst the workplace due to which efficiency of the organization as well as employees is affected. In relation with adapting workforce diversity, organization is required to provide appropriate training and development sessions so that employees could be able to enhance and mould their skills on the basis of dynamic business environment. Apart from this, it has been observed that organizational managers are not diversified in nature to adopt unique and advanced skills for upliftment of organizational performance (Woodcock, 2017). This has affected organizational performance because employees are operating through traditional skills and strategies which are not capable enough to meet with the clients’ diversified demands and the latest business environmental conditions.
With this regard, it is necessary for the organization to enhance its efficiency along with determining loopholes in the organizational operations so that the hyperbole of positive synergies could be developed amongst the employees to promote teamwork. Managing employees is the major concern for Global Consultants and due to this; they are not able to cope up with their client’s requirements. Apart from this, organization is also losing their acquired position in the target market. Global Consultants is present in various parts of the world and they have adopted appropriate measures as per the target audience’s requirements (Galegher, Kraut & Egido, 2014). But managers of Australian unit are unable to cope up with the same, thus, following are certain recommendations through which the issues could be eliminated along with enhancing employee’s efficiency so that the desired goals and objectives could be attained:
It is necessary for every organization to understand that their success is dependent upon employees’ success and same goes with the efficiency, until employees’ efficiency will not be enhanced, organization will not be able to enhance its efficiency. In order to empowering employees, following ways should be adopted by the managers of Global Consultants (Australian Unit):
- Give employees generous boundaries: Boundaries restrict the employees but it also empowers employees. In relation with the attainment of positive outcomes, managers should impose boundaries so that employees could determine their limits of taking decisions by their own (Gaffney, 2015).
- Listen intently: Global Consultants are required to enhance their performance and in order to find the perfect way for the same, it is necessary to hear every employee’s views and opinions so that a perfect way could be determined for enhancing organizational performance.
- Trust employees: Before implementation of any policy, strategy or new method, managers should show their belief on its employees. This helps the employees to feel motivated as well as they feel that their actions and views are important for the organization (Hanaysha, 2016).
Employee motivation makes them feel satisfied with their jobs and it also ensures that they will not search for other jobs. This reduces labour turnover as well as various types of costs which would be incurred for training new employees as per organizational requirements. Following are certain ways which are recommended to the Global Consultants for enhancing employee motivation:
- Promoting employee career path development: The foremost action for motivating employees which needs to be performed by employers is promoting career path development. Meetings should be scheduled with the employees to analyse their career goals and these meetings should be conducted on monthly basis for maintaining regular interaction. With the help of these meetings, employers could analyse the vision of an employee and on the basis of that vision, further guidance could be provided to the employees. This will help the organization to develop an effective image amongst the employees towards them (Salas, et. al., 2015).
- Celebrate small successes: Small successes needs to be celebrated for attaining big milestones. This boosts up confidence of employees and motivates them to put extra efforts so that the big milestones could also be attained easily. While celebrating small successes, it is necessary for the employers to appreciate employees’ hard work along with providing them additional benefits in return to their additional efforts (Garcia, et. al., 2018).
- Respect: Every employee acts as an asset for the organization, thus, it is necessary for the top level management and their colleagues to give respect to each other. With the help of this activity, organization could easily develop a separate and effective position amongst the employees.
Teambuilding exercises are crucial element for organization and it helps the organization to attain its desired goals and objectives.
- Interactive sessions: Managers and team leaders are required to conduct interactive sessions for teammates before every project so that they could understand each other along with gaining appropriate information about each other. This helps employees to get comfortable with each other and while performing the tasks, they could easily share their views, opinion, etc. while determining an appropriate solution for the accomplishment of tasks (Goswami & Goswami, 2018).
- Emphasize significance of teamwork: It is necessary for the managers to explain significance of teamwork before starting any project. Some of the benefits of timework are accomplishment of tasks in appropriate manner in given deadline along with gaining positive outcomes (Joshi, Inouye & Robinson, 2018).
- Widening recruiting base: It has been recommended to the managers and leaders of Global Consultants to widen their recruitment base so that employees from various locations with unique skills could be appointed. This will help the organization to develop a diversified workforce (Cascio, 2018).
- Training: In relation with understanding each other, organization should provide appropriate training and development sessions so that employees so that they could interact with each other. This will also help them to work with each other by attaining positive outcomes for the organization (Barak, 2016).
From the aforesaid information, it can be concluded that Global Consultants is a vast organization engaged in rendering various types of professional services. It is satiated in various parts of the world and their main service area is tax, auditing and advisory services in relation with financial section. Their Australian unit is not performing in appropriate and they are suffering from certain issues in relation with managing employees, due to this, organizational performance was getting affected. With this regard, recommendation has been provided to the managers of the organization so that performance could be improved along with gaining positive outcomes.
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