Develop and apply a range of leadership and communication strategies to achieve project success for all stakeholders.
Knowledge and understanding of the management of stakeholder objectives and the impact this has on the agency of project teams.
Ethical moral reasoning (recognises ethical and moral issues within a discipline and is able to reason based on these principles).
Use of academic and discipline conventions and sources of evidence.
The human resource management or HRM is one of the most basic as well as strategic approaches to the effective or efficient management as well as control of several organizational personnel so that all of them could help the organization in gaining the competitive advantages (Baron, 2016). The human resources even concerns itself with the several organizational changes as well as industrial relations, which are important for the maintenance of proper balance in the company with the requirements rising from governmental regulations or collective bargaining.
The following report outlines a brief discussion on the popular and significant case study of Ecological Wastewater Solutions Pty Ltd or EWS. They have few noteworthy objectives of supply chain sustainability, organizational structure and legalities. Recently, while executing the project of up gradation of IT systems and processes, they have identified three specific risks. Hence, EWS has decided to make a HR plan for the project.
Brief Idea of the Case StudyEcological Wastewater Solutions Pty Ltd or EWS started their business in 2006 for delivering an environment friendly waste water management system and treatment of sewage to the advanced secondary levels. They have provided several benefits to their customers and have involved in the expanding or growing process of taking on new markets and opportunities. They have various significant opportunities in their business and hence they have developed certain objectives. However, it is being noticed that the organization has faced loss of revenues during their project execution. For their project of up gradation of information technology systems and processes, the project team of EWS has identified three potential risks of having inability to the process orders within timely manner, lack of quality within the shipping process and competitors taking advantages in any down time. For the eradication of such potential risks in project, EWS has decided to make a human resource plan for the betterment of the project of upgrading information technology based systems as well as processes eventually.
Draft Organizational Chart of the Project TeamThe organization of EWS has recognized the requirement of establishment of the number of project teams for achieving the objectives of supply chain sustainability, organizational structure and legalities (Baum, 2016). The projects, which address each and every above mentioned objective need the proper management of complexities of several project teams that are distributed amongst the various backgrounds, time zones and experiences. All of these individuals are located in Vietnam, China, Australia and Japan (Jackson, Schuler & Jiang, 2014). They involve representatives from the organizational information technology, marketing, sales, accounting, legal, manufacturing, and human resources and even finance departments. The project team comprises of project manager, project team members, stakeholders including potential suppliers, customers and even investors (Hoch & Dulebohn, 2013). This particular project team has the core responsibility of making the project successful and effective in respect to the other projects. There is a major contribution to each and every project objective and even meeting the business requirements.
Project Overview
The staffing or recruitment plan eventually provides the proper presentation as well as justification of each and every staff needed to implement that specific project. This staffing plan requires to recognize the complete personnel that would be supported (Bratton & Gold, 2017). The approaches of the staffing plan for this specific project of Ecological Wastewater Solutions Pty Ltd are to be executed properly for recruiting the members. These major approaches are given below:
- i) Estimation of Manpower Requirement: The total manpower of this particular project is to be estimated in the first step for understanding how much manpower is required to execute the project efficiently. The finding out of number as well as type of the staffs are substantially important by the company in near future (Purce, 2014). The manager of the project should check the qualification background of the people to be recruited in the project. This is extremely important for work load analysis, work force analysis and the comparison of these two for finding out of requirements.
- ii) Recruitment: The second approach in this particular plan is recruitment. This refers to the procedure to induce the people for applying for this project job within EWS (Jackson, Schuler & Jiang, 2014). After assessment of the number or type of the people needed, the project manager subsequently tries that maximum people must apply for this job for helping the organization in obtaining more options.
iii) Selection: After the approach of recruitment in the plan, the third distinct is selection. This particular step refers to the selection of the most appropriate people for filling the position (Jackson, Schuler & Jiang, 2014). This type of selection could be done with a specific procedure like tests or interviews. Hence, the best employee is being selected.
- iv) Project Orientation: The fourth distinct approach of the staffing plan is the project orientation of EWS. After the selection, the employee is provided a brief orientation about the project and hence they would get a better ideology of the project.
- v) Training: The project members would be given proper training before the work of the project is to be completed (Stone & Dulebohn, 2013). This training would help to improvise the competencies of employees.
Once staffing plan is completed, the next plan is for team building. There are some of the major and the most important and significant strategies and approaches for team building of this project of EWS. These strategies would be extremely effective and efficient for the project of EWS. The strategies would ensure that there is no disruption to the employees or their ongoing operations (Aswathappa, 2013). The major strategies and approaches for team building plan to build a team, who would work together for achieving the project goals are given below:
- i) Determination of Project Goals: The first and the foremost strategy of the team building plan is the determination of project goals. Each and every member of the project team should have the basic idea of the project goals and objectives so that there is a transparency of the project outcome to all project members of EWS.
- ii) Selection of Budget and Project Location: The second approach of this plan is the proper selection of project budget and location (Boella & Goss-Turner, 2013). Since, EWS has aimed to make the wastewater management system, it is quite important for selecting a proper location and appropriate budget so that excess resources are not being used.
iii) Scheduling of Project Time: The third strategy of this particular HR plan of EWS project is proper scheduling of the project time. The project should be completed within provided deadline for avoiding any type of discrepancies and issues.
- iv) Establishment of Leadership: The next strategy of the team building of the project of EWS is the establishment of leadership (Jackson, Schuler & Jiang, 2014). The leadership team of this project should select a suitable leader for the work, who have appropriate leadership skills.
- v) Building Relationships between Employees: The fifth important and significant strategy of the EWs project is building of relationships between several team members (Brewster, 2017). Every member of the team should have the ability to communicate with the other members for accurate project execution.
- vi) Fostering Teamwork: The entire teamwork should be fostered after the proper establishment of employee relationships and communication.
The staffs of the EWS project should be managed properly with significant strategies. The staff management is one of the most important and significant requirement for any project since it is responsible for increasing the overall productivity (Nankervis et al., 2016). The effective staff management plan for this specific project could be done by following the strategies.
- i) Being Consistent: The first and the foremost effective strategy for staff management is being consistent (Bamberger, Meshoulam & Biron, 2014). The team leader should have consistency regarding project execution and he should convey the message to his team members.
- ii) Focus on Clarity and Accuracy in Communications: There should be a major focus on the clarity as well as accuracy within communications for bringing better success in this EWS project.
iii) Setting the Project Goal: The third significant and important strategy for the completion the EWS project is setting of correct project goals and objectives (Anyadike, 2013). Each and every project member should be a have better knowledge of the project goals and objectives.
- iv) Public Rewards and Recognitions: The rewards and recognitions of the project teams should be provided publicly so that the staffs get a motivational push from the team leader.
- v) Encouragement of Ideas and Opinions: The ideas and opinions of each and every project team member should be encouraged so that the members are motivated.
- vi) Remaining Transparent: The transparency in the work majorly shows integrity for the leader and hence trust is built with the other members of the team (Marchington et al., 2016). This is an important and significant strategy of staff management.
Communication is one of the major and significant requirement for effective project teams. It is extremely crucial for communicating efficiently in negotiations for the purpose of ensuring that the goals are being achieved successfully (Brewster, Chung & Sparrow, 2016). The effectiveness in communication could eventually help the project team in fostering the better working relationship between the team leader and its members, hence improving the efficiency and morale. For this particular project of Ecological Wastewater Solutions Pty Ltd, there are some of the basic and important strategies that could help in better communications with the other team members within the project team. In this particular project, some of the stakeholders are remote (Yadav & Dabhade, 2014). These strategies of better communication in the project are given below:
- i) Providing Undivided Attention: It will the responsibility of the leadership team of EWS project to provide undivided attention to each and every member of the team without any type of discrimination. This would help the project leader in understanding the project without any type of complexities (Bailey et al., 2018). Moreover, the team members would feel motivated due to the attention given to his or her words.
- ii) Regular Meetings: The next effective strategy for better communications within the EWS project is meeting regularly. The team leader should hold regular strategic meetings for the project team. This would provide opportunity for being present while the project changes and activities could be discussed in the project team (Kavanagh & Johnson, 2017). These regular meetings would be extremely effective for the project teams.
Staffing and Recruitment Plan
iii) Making Inclusive: The project team members should be included in every conversation for maintaining a proper balance in communications within the project team.
- iv) Proper Follow Ups: The project leader should undertake proper follow ups of the project so that the project is not left out at any point (Stredwick, 2013). These follow ups would be important for providing a better communication planning in the project.
- v) Audio and Video Conferences: Since some of the stakeholders of this EWS project are remote, audio and video conferences are extremely effective to maintain the communications amongst all of the team members without any complexity.
Each of the project team should be assessed properly for evaluating their effectiveness (Alagaraja, 2013). As this project would be for wastewater management, it is extremely important to assess their effectiveness to gain utmost efficiency and success. The major and the most significant goals and objectives of the organizations are easily obtained with the help of this particular planning. Another important and significant advantage of this part of human resource planning is the proper prevention of the business from falling in the trap of shifting workforces (Brewster, Chung & Sparrow, 2016). A requirement of the new critical set of skills is being fulfilled easily, without any type of complexity. The most significant strategies for assessing the overall effectiveness of the project team are as follows:
- i) Time Management: The first and the most significant strategy for the assessment of the project team effectiveness is the time management (Bamberger, Meshoulam & Biron, 2014). It should be checked that how well time could be managed by them for the proper maintenance of project team.
- ii) Measurement of Productivity: The overall productivity should be measured periodically so that there is no chance of missing out of project progress report.
The overall performance of the organizational workers could be easily maximized with the help of this type of planning in human resource management and the strategic objectives of an employer are obtained eventually (Yadav & Dabhade, 2014). The human resources majorly concerns about the proper management of people in any specific company after providing proper focus to the systems and policies. The improvement plan should be established properly for finding out the major flaws or shortcomings of the project. The most significant roles of the human resource department for this detection of shortcomings are determination whether the performance improvement plan or PIP would be the correct action for the specific situation. The second role is the administration of every PIP in joining with the manager for preventing any type of bias within the project (Jackson, Schuler & Jiang, 2014). This would be extremely helpful for the project manager or leader of EWS project as he would be getting proper support from each and every team member. The third important role would be providing ongoing guidance to both employee as well as leader throughout the project plan.
Therefore, from the above discussion, conclusion can be drawn that human resource planning is the basic process of forecasting the subsequent future requirements of human resource for any particular organization and also determining the procedure that how the existing capacity of the organizational human resources department could be utilized for fulfilling each and every requirement. This type of planning majorly focuses on the subsequent economic concepts of demand and supply for that specific organization. The organizational or project members get a clear idea about these processes of human resource planning and project does not exceed or fall short of the project requirements. There are four proper steps in the HR planning, which are current HR supplies, future HR demands, demand forecasting and finally human resource sourcing strategies and their implementation. The above report has clearly outlined a detailed description on the human resource planning of the case study of Ecological Wastewater Solutions Pty Ltd or EWS. The organizational chart and staffing plan is provided here. Moreover, the team building plan for this organization is also provided in the report.
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