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Introduction to Racism

Write an Essay on Racism.

Racism refers to the inhumane behavior of treating someone differently owing to their race and culture. People experience prejudice when a decision is formed without any kind of reason. Racism is an evil force that pervades our society and inspite of the advances made racism continues to act as a negative force that prevents the progression of the human race. It denies the human race of their dignity and is an act of supreme injustice (Forrest, Lean & Dunn, 2016).  According to me, racism paves the path for economic oppression that dehumanizes our society. I think that racism violates the basic principles in relation to social justice and brings to the fore  the untold suffering that those who are displaced and homeless have to feel on account of racism that is perpetrated by a section of people who conceive of themselves to be racially superior (Whitmore, 2013).

The AFL player, Adam Goodes being vilified in public platform though he was a great footballer goes on to show how racist behavior is woven in the fabric of Australian football. In the year 2013, a girl who was thirteen years old called Adam Goodes an “ape” that is indicative of the racial connections.  I think that the fact that it came from the mouth of such a young girl speaks volumes about the deeper malaise in relation to racism that pervades the Australian society (Walton et al., 2014).  It shows how the notions of racism are implanted in the mind of the Australian people from such a tender age that highlights the taboos and prevailing notion against the indigenous class. I think that the fact that he was victimized for having indigenous connections  represent how human society is still dominated by notions of race that victimizes a group of people and strips them of their right of equality (Jonason, 2015).

According to the Catholic social teaching, human life is sacred and dignity of human being sets the ground in the creation of a society that abides by moral principles. It conceives of a person being created in the image of God and so disrespecting the individual leads to the supreme creator not being respected (Grigg & Manderson, 2016).  The ethnic minority groups are represented within public debate and in politics by the opinion makers on their own terms who originate from that of the majority group. Racism does not merely refer to the overt form of social domination but it also refers to subtle forms that are expressed in relation to daily practice (Bodkin-Andrews & Carlson, 2016).

Instances of Racism in Society

Research has shown that understanding impacts in relation to racism can be immensely helpful in developing anti-racism interventions. Impact in relation to racism that is perpetrated on the Aboriginal along with Torres Strait Islander are well-documented. I think that recognition of racism is an essential part of anti-racism education strategy. Silence along with denial act as the two major impediments in relation to countering racism within Australian society (Nelson, 2015).  People who are subject of racial discrimination often stay silent regarding what has occurred. I think that they have the idea that racism cannot be done away with and hence accept the inferior position thrust on them by staying silent and not retaliating to the verbal slurs that are inflicted on them. It is found that the situation gets aggravated when racist behavior goes unchallenged because complaints are often ignored and denied (Dandy & Pe-Pua, 2015).

The true fabric of society can be understood by the way the vulnerable members of society are treated. I think that deprivation of poor affects a wide gamut of society and affects the whole community. I think that by paying special attention to the people who are marginalized the entire society can be redressed and it can lead the way in creating a just society. The needs of the poor should be taken into due consideration in order to create a just society based on the premises of equality. Education strategies that are anti-racist can help in curbing racism and there should be a trained Anti-Racism Contact Officer (ARCO) who can assist the parents and students in relation to complaints about racism. The principal of a school can select a member of teaching staff to become the ARCO of the school who has good mediation skills (Nelson, 2013).  I think that they will be able to act as impartial facilitators in handling with the complaints. The state has an essential role to play and it should ensure that the schools are appointing an ARCO so that the prejudices against racism are obliterated from the face of society. The state is an instrument that can ensure the promotion of human rights and help in building common good (Nelson, 2014).  The government can play a pivotal role in removing the ugly thing called “racism” from the society. I think that it is important to understand the people of colour before forming an opinion on them (Whitmore, 2013).

Addressing Racism through Education and Anti-Racism Interventions

According to me, right amount of communication can help to resolve the conflict and remove the prejudice in relation to racial abuse. In order to seek clarity one should be asked for more information that can prove to be a stepping stone in removing differences. Any gaps in relation to knowledge should be bridged by asking for more information and one should be inquisitive one can reach a place of understanding (Massaro, 2015).  According to Catholic Society Teaching, a healthy society can be created if the human rights are protected. Being a responsible citizen, I think that one should come forward and ask questions that can help in erasing doubts and lead to better understanding. I think that once a connection is established it would become easier to understand the perception and feelings of other people (Lewis, 2014).

One should always step forward when any incident of racism is occurring and the racist assumptions should be challenged by revealing important facts along with that of evidence. I think that learning about racism can and supporting community events that are anti-racist can go a long way in minimizing the evil effect of racism within our social structure. Protests and rallies can be brought about that would talk about the importance of an equal society and how it can lead to the growth of the nation on the whole (Nelson, 2013). I think that making people conscious about the significance of a society where everyone is treated in a just manner can help in removing the wrong perceptions that one group of people have towards that of another group (Grigg & Manderson, 2016).  

According to the Catholic Social Teaching, all workers have the right to earn decent wages under working conditions that are safe. There should not be any kind of discrimination in regard to people who belong to minority groups and this would help in creating a productive labour force where everyone would contribute to their utmost and lead to the development of the nation. I think that it would motivate all kinds of workers and engaging the employees can prove to be crucial in creating a harmonious society (Walton et al., 2014). There can be workers unions where people belonging to minority ethnic group can be members that would help in making sure that the voice of the minority is also represented and the decisions that are taken by the union would respect the opinion of the marginalized class (Forrest, Lean & Dunn, 2016). 


Bodkin-Andrews, G., & Carlson, B. (2016). The legacy of racism and Indigenous Australian identity within education. Race Ethnicity and Education, 19(4), 784-807.

Dandy, J., & Pe-Pua, R. (2015). The refugee experience of social cohesion in Australia: Exploring the roles of racism, intercultural contact, and the media. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 13(4), 339-357.

Forrest, J., Lean, G., & Dunn, K. (2016). Challenging racism through schools: teacher attitudes to cultural diversity and multicultural education in Sydney, Australia. Race Ethnicity and Education, 19(3), 618-638.

Grigg, K., & Manderson, L. (2016). The Australian Racism, Acceptance, and Cultural-Ethnocentrism Scale (RACES): item response theory findings. International journal for equity in health, 15(1), 49.

Jonason, P. K. (2015). How “dark” personality traits and perceptions come together to predict racism in Australia. Personality and Individual Differences, 72, 47-51.


Massaro, T. (2015). Living justice: Catholic social teaching in action. Rowman & Littlefield.

Nelson, J. (2014). Place?defending and the denial of racism. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 49(1), 67-85.

Nelson, J. K. (2013). Denial of racism and its implications for local action. Discourse & Society, 24(1), 89-109.

Nelson, J. K. (2015). ‘Speaking’racism and anti-racism: perspectives of local anti-racism actors. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 38(2), 342-358.

Walton, J., Priest, N., Kowal, E., White, F., Brickwood, K., Fox, B., & Paradies, Y. (2014). Talking culture? Egalitarianism, color-blindness and racism in Australian elementary schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, 39, 112-122.

Whitmore, T. D. (2013). Catholic Social Teaching. Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America, 47.

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