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Discuss About The Urban Infrastructure Transition Buildings?

Information management policy is a crucial document for companies like Excel Group. This is in terms of enhancing the parameter of corporate governance. As a matter of specification, this policy provides guidance of the staffs regarding the fulfillment of the needs, demands and requirements of the stakeholders. This is through the efficient and effective measurement of the information (, 2018). Using policy template would ease the burden of the staffs in terms of including the key aspects and components within the agency policy. Moreover, the template would enhance the clarity of the staffs regarding the purpose, scope, legislation and effective maintenance of the information. Development of strategies, stating the principles and context, objectives and recommendations, would be beneficial. Inclusion of the Incident and Injury Report Form in the strategy would be one of the crucial steps for managing the information (, 2018).

At the initial stage, I would be requiring a manual consisting of the policies and procedures. This manual would enrich my preconceived knowledge about the policies and procedures, which can be applied to the management of the information in the workplace issues. This manual would help in preparing the strategies for managing and measuring the information in efficient and effective manner. Along with the manual, forms such as Incident and Injury Report Form, contract form would be beneficial for me in terms of gaining the feedback from the clients regarding the effectiveness of the levied services (, 2018). Apart from this, latest version of Microsoft Word and Excel would play an integral part for me in terms of contributing to the management of the information. Moreover, evaluation templates would enhance the appropriateness, effectiveness and feasibility of my performance towards information management.

“Template development and review procedure” consists of various aspects. Systematic adherence to these aspects is assistance for the personnel of companies like Excel Group in terms of reviewing the quality of the documents. Within this, thorough research of the beneficial sources and channels broadens the perspectives of the personnel regarding the prospective contracts. Use of the templates enhances the clarity of the staffs about the drafts and the estimates of the production time (Coronel & Morris, 2016). Swapping the filled templates acts as an evaluation of the developed information and data. This evaluation checks whether the developed strategies are in alignment with the standards and protocols of the legislations. Sending the templates for tests is the direct step towards ensuring the effectiveness of the documents used. Comments from the users and managers are reverted to the project managers.

Impact of template development and review quality on evaluation of the quality of the documents

The above is an example of incident and injury report form. This form would enhance the awareness of Excel Group staffs regarding the details of the incidents and injury. The boxes would inform the staffs about the purpose for documentation. Details of the injured person are essential in terms of preparing the records. Event details would help the police and the law personnel to investigate the matter. Explanation of the incident would play an important role in seeking solutions and suggesting recommendations (, 2018). The boxes regarding the provision of first aid would help the managers to assess the approach of the personnel towards the instances occurring with the employees in the workplace. Signature of the employees and the supervisors with the dates validates and authenticates the information provided by the injured persons.

Work Health and Safety Act plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and security of the employees. In this, incident and injury report form is crucial in terms of achieving positive results. Ensuring the presence of legislative requirements would help the staffs of Excel Group personnel to match the form details with the provided details (Brones, Carvalho & Senzi, 2014). The typical components here are the following:

  • Subordinate laws
  • Instruments which can disallow the form
  • Notification instruments
  • Notices regarding the commencement of the form related activities
  • Appointment
  • Fees of printing the forms and holding the meetings for developing and implementing strategies

The form revolved around the type of incident and the provision of first aid. Recording the statements of the witness aligns with one of the legislative requirements. Detailed description about the incident helps the staffs to assess its intensity and adopt appropriate solutions. The option of “persons involved” eases the process of investigation and data collection about the incident and injury if any (Hammer, 2015).

One of an important component of WHS legislation is Employee Records, which is operated under Commonwealth Privacy Act (1988). Within this, the aspects, which are relevant for storing the information are- practices adopted by the employers for providing training to the employees; relationship between the employer and employee, records of personal information of the employees and the contracts in which the employers involve for completion of the projects. As Excel Group is an IT company storage is crucial in terms of preventing the instances of virus attacks, malfunctioning and hacker intervention (Rosemann & Brocke, 2015). Therefore, Data Protection Act (1998) is more relevant in this direction in terms of managing the safety and security of the company data and information. Storing the information in separate files and folders would help the personnel of Excel Group in this regards. If privacy cookies and policies are introduced, maintenance of the privacy can be additionally monitored.

Development of incident and injury report form

Feedbacks enhance the knowledge of the managers regarding the staffs’ approach towards the levied services. As a matter of specification, the questions for feedback needs to be general, which do not hurt the individual sentiments of the staffs. Focus needs to be placed on judicious utilization of the documents (Peltier, 2016). The following can be some of the questions:


·         How flexible is the net connection?

·         Are the Microsoft Word and Excel latest version?

·         What steps have been taken for adopting legal compliance of the proposed draft regarding the invoice with high volume and discounted price?

·         How far have the incident and injury report form have been reviewed?

·         Has the manager given signed approval for giving feedbacks regarding the upgradation of latest version in 15 PCs used by the departments?

·         Are the monthly reports being sent to the managers regarding the expenditures of the documents?

Once, I took the initiative of adding the box of emergency contact numbers in the incident and injury report form. The major drive behind this was the feedback provided by the staffs. The process was complicated. First, I had to brief the managers regarding the purpose and scope of this addition. After this, I was instructed to hold a meeting for informing the clients regarding the benefits of adding the option of emergency contact numbers. After this meeting, I was requested to send a draft about the minutes of the meeting. After receiving the signed approval of the manager, I went to the printing department for specifying the staffs about the change in the form template. After receiving the first copy of the change, I levied it to the departments. As a final touch, I instructed the head of the departments of revert me on the approaches of the staffs towards the implemented change.

Company name is of utmost importance in terms of developing a valid draft for the invoice. Mention of the word invoice in bold italics would safeguard the personnel from the instances of illegal instances and scandals. Mentioning the particulars of the invoice is one of the vital steps, which the staffs need to perform in terms of gaining an insight into the area for which the invoice is being developed. Clarity and accuracy in the address, where the billing would be done and the delivery would be received, would enable the personnel of the Excel Group to make exact payment as well as the orders to the clients at right time (Jacobs, Chase & Lummus, 2014). Herein lays the appropriateness of Consumer Protection Act.  Usage of segmented tables would enhance the knowledge of the staffs regarding the expenditures. The total payment amount also includes the tax deductions, which is an important component of Minimum Wage Act. The basic information of the salespersons would ensure the safety and security of the staffs, which relates with Data Protection Act (1998). Adopting MySmartMoney app would help the staffs to develop the budget automatically. Rational approach in utilizing the budget would stabilize the financial parameter of Excel Group.

Measurement of the form with the current WHS legislation and other information

Holding lecture sessions for the staffs would provide them with better understanding regarding the specifications of the draft invoice. Taking into consideration projectors with high quality lights would enhance the visual clarity of the personnel regarding filling up the forms accurately (Chang, 2016). For this, the staffs need to be encouraged towards recording the information from beforehand. Keeping the information ready would save much time of the employees, as they just have to enter the data into the excel sheets. The managers, employers and trainers need to take special care for encouraging the employees about maintaining accuracy in filling the details in the excel. Incorrect information would compel them to get less salary. Preparing lecture notes would result in an effective knowledge transfer between the manager, trainer and the staffs. The font of the lectures needs to be simple and straight forward, so that it is visible till the last benches of the auditorium. The tone of the invoice needs to be simple yet catchy and attractive. This is in terms of providing the employees with an easy understanding of the contents of the form (Kavanagh & Johnson, 2017).

Notice can be one of the methods for disseminating the lecture notes to the staffs. However, notice would not result in verbal communication between the managers, trainers and staffs. On the contrary, holding lecture sessions and meetings would enable the managers, trainers and employers to deliver the essential information to the staffs of companies like Excel Group. Along with this, face-to-face discussions could also be one of the beneficial methods for enhancing the confidence of the staffs, who are not sure of their IT skills. Taking practical tests would also enable the managers to assess the capability of the staffs to make practical application of the learnt skills for executing the workplace operations (Harmon, 2015). Calling the teams separately and informing them about the lecture notes would also result in positive outcomes.

At the initial stage, taking the feedback from the staffs would be a wise step in terms of gaining an understanding regarding the changes, which needs to be implemented. The responses provided in the feedback would enhance the awareness regarding the areas, in which the changes need to be made. Holding meetings with the stakeholders would make the employees acquainted with the aspects, which needs to be covered for preparing the draft invoice. Involving the press agency members in the meetings would prove beneficial for preparing the draft invoice in an innovative manner (Moss & Marvin, 2016). Planning before taking the actions is a wise step towards systematizing the business activities according to their deadlines.

WHS legislative requirements for storing incident information

Consciousness towards financial stability is one of an important aspect in the business. Therefore, while planning, the personnel of Excel Group need to make estimates regarding the expenditure for each activity. After this, the current financial condition needs to be reviewed for gaining an insight into the need for extra financial resources if any. In case of additional financial requirements, the personnel of the organization need to indulge in partnerships with the members of trade union. This is in terms of averting the instances of inflation, fluctuation in the prices of the spare computer parts and high exchange rates for importing and exporting the computer parts to neighboring countries (Frow et al., 2015). Using latest and modern software like MySmartMoney would help the personnel to develop exact and accurate budget automatically.

Quality is the keystone for luring the customers towards the brand. Evaluating the quality of the produced items before packaging makes the personnel aware of the presence of defective items. For this, latest and modern scanner needs to be used, which would automatically discover the defective items. The line managers need to be conscious towards this scanning process. This is in terms of preventing the instance of delivering poor quality goods to the customers. The managers need to install good quality CCTV cameras for monitoring the ways through which the line managers are performing the allocated duties and responsibilities (Kokubu & Kitada, 2015).

The proposed changes need to be evaluated in order to ensure that they are in alignment with the legal standards. For this, meetings with the stakeholders and shareholders are a wise step towards assessing the effectiveness, appropriateness and feasibility of the proposed changes. Group discussions between the board of directors, managers, employers and employees would  result in positive outcomes.  Involving the employees in this discussion would help the managers to assess their approach towards the proposed changes (Tyagi et al., 2015).

Planning is also important in terms of implementing the proposed changes. In this also, meetings prove fruitful in terms of implementing the changes efficiently and effectively. This is because considering the opinions of the employees would act as a good organizational practice. Evaluation is an integral part of any implementation. This is because evaluation brings to the forefront the drawbacks in the proposed changes. Maintenance of consistency in the execution of evaluation is the gradual progress towards upgrading the standard and quality of the performance exposed by companies and organizations like Excel Group (Kokubu & Kitada, 2015).


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Coronel, C., & Morris, S. (2016). Database systems: design, implementation, & management. Cengage Learning.

Frow, P., Nenonen, S., Payne, A., & Storbacka, K. (2015). Managing co?creation design: A strategic approach to innovation. British Journal of Management, 26(3), 463-483.

Hammer, M. (2015). What is business process management?. In Handbook on Business Process Management 1 (pp. 3-16). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Harmon, P. (2015). The scope and evolution of business process management. In Handbook on business process management 1 (pp. 37-80). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Jacobs, F. R., Chase, R. B., & Lummus, R. R. (2014). Operations and supply chain management (pp. 533-535). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Kavanagh, M. J., & Johnson, R. D. (Eds.). (2017). Human resource information systems: Basics, applications, and future directions. Sage Publications.

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Tyagi, S., Choudhary, A., Cai, X., & Yang, K. (2015). Value stream mapping to reduce the lead-time of a product development process. International Journal of Production Economics, 160, 202-212.

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