Answer: Introduction In this document we look at the past, current data and future projections on the energy sector. Energy is a major driver of economic growth, technological development, and poverty alleviation to ensure that everyone has access to information on the ongoing and the challenges in the global development. The world energy outlook in 2017 is driven by shifts that have set the scene for demand, supply and even future predictio...
Answer Metadata Introduction Metadata is a type of data that stores information about other data whether that data is web pages, video, photography, spreadsheets or content. Metadata give a précis of basic information about data such as data created, author, file size and data modified of any document. It can be easier for someone to locate specific files by having the ability to filter through metadata. Metadata can be cre...
Answer: The country of Canada is often perceived to be a land of peace. It is believed that the nation of Canada features as one of the rare countries who has a positive foreign relation policy with nearly all the nations of the world. Canada does not have any conflict of interest with any other nations’ national interest and often works as a facilitator for the other countries to achieve their aims and objectives (Holsti, 2015). T...
Answers: Introduction: Critical care nursing refers to the field of the nursing that focuses on the care of the patients, who are critically ill due to diseases. On the other hand, the acute care refers to the branch that helps the patients when they need the short- term treatment due to vital medical condition (Rapino et al., 2013, p.48). This can help the patient to recover from the problem. In the first case scenario, Jessica has the probl...
Answer: Introduction: Google has become a revolution in the world of internet. It has become a milestone in the internet related products and services. in was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998, and since then, there has been no looking back for them. Google has many products and services, such as, search engine and browsers, cloud computing, online advertisements, hardware, software, smartphones, glasses etc. It is the most visite...
Answer: 1. Title: To investigate factors which may affect consumers’ intention to use WeChat Pay 2. Study Rationale: Mobile devices have turned out to be an essential gadget in recent years and it is expected that mobile devices will exceed world population in the future. Devices such as tablets and smartphones are no longer limited to providing entertainment to consumers; these devices now possess multiple features. Hew et al. ...
Answer: Introduction PEST is an acronym for four major macro-environmental factors which include technological, economic, political, and socioeconomic determinants (Ho, 2014). Organizations apply PEST analysis to discover, analyze, and evaluate the macro-environmental determinants that can affect the success of their enterprises. The PEST analysis framework looks at the opportunities and threats due to political, economic, social, and technol...
Answer: Introduction The report focuses on a review of a book by Tim Brown entitled Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation. The report is divided into three sections. The first section focuses on the review of the book. The second section focuses on a discussion about how it builds on the content of the Organizational Change and Leadership program and contributes to the field, and the third sect...
Answer: Apple Computers company background information According to Castellucci & Podolny (2016 p.21) the Apple Company is said to have found in the year 1976. The company was fast found by the two young school drapers who were Steve Jacobs and the Steve Wozniak. They are said to have developed some little amount money from selling of the van and started a small shop in the family of Job. The shop was suggested to have set along the g...
Answer: Introduction In the modern world it is important to take into consideration the approaches that include management of different styles that include leadership as well as innovation. According to Raelin (2017), in order to gain success in a competitive business, it is necessary that every organisation create an atmosphere of innovation and change so that leadership practises and decision making practises can be considered as an essenti...
Answer Activity 1A 1. According to Sharma (2016), main opportunities to source diversity in the shipping company are to make investment in ‘Experience Tool kit’-guidance for engaging 45+ employees, ‘Corporate Champions Programme’ to work towards best practices for them, and ‘Restart Programme’ offering a wage subsidy for mature employees. The company would need to look for other sources suc...
Answer: Introduction Operations Management is the administration of business practices to develop the highest level of efficiency possible within an organisation. It is the process in which the material and labour converts into goods and services to earn the high revenue. UK leaves the EU and cancels their agreement which is called Brexit (Bromiley, and Rau, 2016). The industries facing the challenges at the time of UK exit from EU. Logi...
Answer: Introduction The European honey bees were introduced in the 19th century and this occurred much later than the Spanish colonial invasion. However, this is the evidence of the 19th century and the Mesopotamian societies that reared the bees (stingless American bees) were the Mayans and the Aztecs. There are 15 different types of the bee species that are natively found in America and majority of them are found in the subtropic...
Answer: 1a. It has been noted that there are skills shortages impacting on the recruitment of IT related staff. Outline three key tactics an IS manager could adopt to ensure this issue doesn’t present too many risks to their organisation. The three tactics by which the efficiency of the recruitment policy will be maintained in an IT company are the applicant tracking system, video interviewing and taking the advantage of the ext...
Answer: Architecture is not only an art but also a science which deals with the general development of buildings and everything that pertain to their organization and maintenance. Historically, architecture has evolved over the centuries with the evolution of technology, advancements in the study of architecture as a subject assimilation and adoption of different cultures (Langmead and Johnson, 2000). Observations on the styles, designs and tr...
Answer: A news article “Montreal-area mayor says she’s received threats over language spat” that was published on 25th June 2015 by Sidhartha Benerjee of The Canadian Press sought opinions on whether it was ideal for people to use the English language while in Quebec (Banerjee, 2015). This was after Caroline S...
Answer: Tadao Ando was born in 1941 and he was the Pritzker award winner in 1995.He is very famous for his unparalleled work which is done with sensitive treatment of the natural light, concrete and the engagement with nature. Tadao Ando was raised and based in Osaka Japan. Before embarking on serious architecture training, Tadao Ando worked briefly as a professional boxer and a truck driver. Most of his training was based on the night classes...
Answer Introduction and rationale: After the globalization and technological advancements, stewardship has been extensively focused by the modern organizations to create a committed and accountable workforce without looking into the increased compliance on the governance strategies. This scenario has become more focused in the non-profit organizations, as the primary aim is to focus on the common good in the world dedicated to the world...
Question: Required to produce a financial analysis report for the business managers and owners (investors). The report should examine the financial health of the business and evaluate the business performance by summarising the financial performance and applying financial ratios to further analyse the business’ financial health. Your report will provide recommendations to the business managers and investors. Answer: Introductio...
Question: Describe about the File System Evolution? Answer: Introduction Before the computers were developed in order to function the disk operating system, then each of the computers is built to run the application that has a complete as well as exclusive control of the entire machine (Ovsiannikov, 2013). The file system applications are managing the absolute locations of the data on the disk. As one application is running on t...
Question: Identify the difference between invention and innovation and how innovation can be successfully implemented to achieve growth in an industry. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the different models of innovation and how they apply to an industry case studies . Answer: Introduction Innovations have been used as the most powerful tool by many of the well known companies to enhance the profitability of their business. It be...
Question: Describe about the Support Clinical Skills Acquisition? Answer: Part – I Translation of the theory of nursing into practice is a matter of concern for nurses, which needs a conceptual understanding. There has been a change in the professional behavior of the nurses in recent times and innovations have diffused into the profession, which needs the implementation of the theoretical knowledge of the nurses into practice...
Questions: 1. Describe Immanuel Kant’s view of the world and his perception of human nature.2. What does Immanuel Kant see as the main source of human discord? 3 paragraph.3. What is Immanuel Kant’s prescription for human discord? Provide an example.4. What do you see as the main strengths and weaknesses of Immanuel Kant’s view of human nature?5. Describe Karl Marx’s concept of the world and of human nature.6. What are th...
Question: 1. Discuss the importance of management accounting for your selected organisation and differentiate between management accounting and financial accounting.2. Evaluate different classifications of costs (types, behaviour, function and relevance) with examples.3. Explain the meaning of variance analysis and discuss the most commonly derived variances, outlining the problems and limitations.4. Identify different operational budgets and ex...
Question: Describe about mission and culture, gospel and culture, and features of cultural dimensions and viewpoints in global context. Answer: Overview The term, Culture has been variously interpreted to apprehend the causes of events and processes of life that govern the society. The existence of Human Beings and other living elements of the ecosphere stand on certain dictums of Nature, the Community and the Administrative...