Answers: Part A Before starting a business as a sole trader, David Green needs to understand the main characteristics of the sole proprietorship form of business. In this type of business, the owner of the business is expected to contribute the total capital and assumes all the risks associated with the business. There are series of steps that should be followed before starting a sole trader business as decorator. The steps that should be follo...
Answers: Analysis of Impact of the Accident through Roper Logan Tierney (RLT) Model The Roper Logan Tierney (RLT) model of nursing can be defined as a nursing thirty that focuses on the activities of daily living (ADL)s the healthcare service users after a health issue. This models aims at understanding and evaluating biological, psychological, spiritual as well as cultural impacts of a sudden health issue on the patient and her family membe...
Answers: Background Air breathing evolved long before fish moved on to land. When water oxygen levels are low, many fish supplement their oxygen intake using lungs or other respiratory structures (facultative air breathers). Anabantid fishes (eg Siamese fighters), for example, have a labyrinth organ that extracts oxygen from gulped air. But some fish are obligative air breathers such as electric eels and snakeheads, they drown if they c...
Answers: Research area: Breast cancer is the commonly diagnosed cancer in US women and it is identified as the second leading cause of death among women (Jones et al., 2014). Similarly, it is found to be the most common cancer in the UK accounting for around 15% of new cases (Williams, D. R., Mohammed & Shields, 2016). Since the 1980s, the Black women have been found to have low rate of breast cancer incidence but high death rates. O...
Answer: Introduction: Over seven decades, the accounting standardization project, which was sparked by the implementation of US securities regulations in the 1930s, has progressively gathered speed. This study analyses the against the side. This study describes that accounting theory, practice, instruction, regulation, and even research are all dominated by written standards. This report highlights that accounting fraud and its effects c...
Answer: Blockbuster Video is a video trade along with the growth of the organization is quite phenomenal. The organization has successfully distinguished itself through offering several videotape selections, which have expanded into video games as well as CD-ROM. The strategy is about integrating all organizational activities, along with utilizing as well as allocating all scarce resources in this organization environment for meeting all objec...
Answers: Question 1 Delivery of comprehensive care of Mr. Jagger, who wants to return home is necessary. A multidisciplinary staff comprises medical specialists who collaborate closely and have expertise in diverse specialties. According to Fitaroni, Bousfield, & Silva (2021), although a multidisciplinary group may engage with many clients, each one obtains personalised support from each member participant. To structure their operations, ...
Answer: Project: ABP-3 Website Development Task 1: Website hosting and Design Methodology The website development tool used to develop your website Blue Griffon What computing platform you used to develop your website Windows Operating System Task 2: Web-based Marketing Strategy 2.1. Product and adword (word or phrase) Product – Automotive and Industrial Parts AdWord – Car ...
Answers: Introduction The case study that has been selected for analysis in the report is related to the operations of Red Bull and it is a 6.4 million dollars organization. The company has created its virtual market for energy drinks and has also formed major associations with the different cultural events like extreme sports and concerts that include surfing and snowboarding (Thompson & Fitzgerald, 2018). The report will mainly pr...
Answers: Introduction For the business partnership which is based on a small scale, the company needs to have an appropriate and clear business strategy where they will have the responsibility of their online business accounts, marketing platforms of social media, and appropriate up to date calendar of all the related happenings and events and also to keep a proper track of the communication between the clients and their self. As per the case...
Answer Introduction The condition of umbilical granuloma is one of the common conditions which is characterised by red lump of tissues, moist in nature and it is observed within the first few weeks after birth. It is stated that the area is treated with the help oof silver nitrate solution which helps in slow burning of the area and prevents the chance of developing complications (Al-Jundi & Sakka, 2017). Presently, the use of silver nitrat...
Answers: Introduction Community service aims at helping disadvantaged communities and people of communities that are excluded. Considering social workers contact with people on a daily basis, their occupational beliefs are critical in ensuring a proper practise connection. Equality, dedication to social integration, appreciation for individual self-determination, transparency, and honesty are among the ideals that underlie community service w...
Answer: Introduction: Statement: In this research paper we will evaluate the way addictions take shape and the cause and effect behind them by analyzing two book Addiction and Grace: Love and Spirituality in the healing of addictions by Gerald May & Biology of desire by Marc Lewis. Background: An addiction is a long-term malfunction of both the mind's compensation, drive, and primary memory units. It is about how the biology of a p...
Answers: Project Scoping Form 7RY518 Negotiated Module 1. Your Name: 2. Student Number: 3. Email address: 4. Title of proposed project: Strategic Decision-Making towards clean energy Development to Increase sustainability through Technological Solution...
Answers: Introduction In this paper, the discussion is based on the role of leadership in clinical practice. According to the definition of clinical leadership, this is a process of encouraging improvement and innovation of care procedures in both individual care practices as well as organizational systems (Levett- Jones et al., 2020). The main aim of clinical leadership is to enhance patient safety and care quality. In this context, knowledg...
Answer: Introduction Information and communications technology or ICT could be referred to as the extension term form information technology, which majorly focuses on the role of different unified communication and overall integration of the telecommunication or telephone lines and wireless signals or computers (Dutta, Geiger and Lanvin 2015, p. 1). Large economic incentives are required for merging different telephone networks with the respe...
Answer: Background This project is based on opening of a café “Coffee Klatsch” in the near future that has been decided by two friends Tanya and Kylie. Presently, Tanya is a student at LSBU enrolled in Accounting and Finance course and also she is experienced in administrative and customer management due to her work as Hotel Controller. Kylie has been working as Head Barista at BBC Club situated in Portland place for ...
Answer: Introduction The leadership style and people management related abilities of the leaders are important in the different organizations, irrespective of the sector to which it belongs. The leaders are the main part of the entire management related processes of the company. The case study which is related to this report is based on the case study of Jan who has been appointed as the CEO of the SweDigi which is manufacturing organization ...
Answer: a). VPN Replacement Technologies The first way to replace the private network is to have a leased line which is also known as the dedicated line. The leased line is a network which connects more than one locations for the purpose of private voice and also used for communication of data in tele-communication service [14]. The leased line is connected as reserved circuit that is connected between a point to another. The lines are a...
Answer: Introduction Breastfeeding plays an important role in the maintenance of both maternal and infant health. Breast milk is known to contain all the nutrients that are able to provide a complete nutrition to the infants. It provides benefits with respect to growth, health, development and immunity. Breast fed infants are less likely to develop medical conditions like respiratory illnesses, obesity, among others (Victora et al., 2016). Mo...
Answer: Have your questions been already answered in the vUWS Discussion Forum on Reflection (Learning Journal) 2? Can you find answers in the Learning Guide? If not, ask your question/s in the discussion forum for Reflection (Learning Journal) 2. Subtopic 1: What leads to friendship and attraction? Activities for sub-topic 1 A mysterious student has been attending a class for the past two months enveloped in a big black bag. On...
Answer: Introduction The effective management of people working in an organization is known as the human resource management. In a broader sense, it includes organizing, controlling and planning for the development and integration of the human resources so that the targets of the organizations are met and satisfaction level of the employees are attained. This report discusses the goals and strategies of the human resource management of the la...
Answer Task 1 1.1 Aim of the Study The aim of the study is to explore the employee engagement depends on the organization productivity on the public sector in Qatar. 1.2 Scope of the Study The paper suggests the possible understanding of employee engagement and performance management scenario to manage a sector in the desired form. The scope of the study analyses performance enhancement in public sector and employees’ engagement is n...
Answer: 1.1 Introduction Signals exist in the form electrical currents and are primarily purposed for the transmission of information and data from a point to another. Signals exits in various physicals forms among them electromagnetics, mechanical and also exist in other forms where they convert to the electrical forms for the purposes of taking measurements (Blahut, 2012). The various types and shapes of signals as well as the parameter...
Answer: Introduction: Knee and hip Osteoarthritis is a major issue in elderly population and cause of morbidity in later stage of life (Cross et al. 2014). Due to the rise in ageing population, the demand for hip and knee replacement surgery has increased (Stowers et al. 2016). Knee and hip arthroplasty increases post-operative complication and hospital stay in patient but substantially improves functions after surgery in older people (Maempe...