SNPG 956 Policy And Practice In The Care Of Older People
Tasks Assessment Task 1 requires you to complete and submit two (2) parts: (i) Virtual Group Presentation + (ii) Individual Poster.
Additional Details (i) Virtual Group Presentation (2.5 mins for introduction + 10 mins per group member + 2.5 mins for conclusion)
Within the Moodle site, you are allocated membership of one of the ‘Group (Virtual) Presentation’ groups. These ‘Group (Virtual) Presentation’ groups are made up of 8-11 learners. You are required to work together with all members of your ‘Group (Virtual) Presentation’ group to produce a virtual oral presentation consisting of PPT slides and PPT notes pages.
(ii) Individual Poster (one-page) You are also required to create and submit an individual one-pageposter.
(i) Virtual Group Presentation The ‘Group (Virtual) Presentation’ groups are required to focus their presentation on a topic from the following list of contemporary healthcare issues relevant to older populations: • age, employment and retirement; • gender and ageing; • housing for older population; • indigenous communities; • international relationships; • media; • technology; or • transport
The length of the presentation will be determined by the number of learners in your group. Every individual member of your ‘Group (Virtual) Presentation’ group is allocated 10 minutes to present their aspect of the content from the chosen topic which willbefocused on for Assessment Task 1. This 10 minute allocation includes time to: present the content, pose questions to the ‘virtual’ audience and answer questions from the ‘virtual’ audience about the aspect of topic chosen for the ‘Group (Virtual) Presentation’. Like any presentation, your ‘Group (Virtual) Presentation’ group will need to create content and allocate time to introduce (2.5 minutes approximately) and conclude (2.5 minutes approximately) the ‘Group (Virtual) Presentation’.
You are required to use the ‘notes’ function in PowerPoint to write the words you would say during the ‘Group (Virtual) Presentation’ to accompany your visual summaries of the content displayed in the PowerPoint slides. It is important that the ‘virtual’ oral content is clear and concise and not written in essay format. The purpose of using in the ‘notes’ function in PowerPoint is to demonstrate to the facilitator how you would engage with your audience and what additional oral content you would deliver as the visual summary of the content in being displayed to the ‘virtual audience’ on the PowerPoint slides during the ‘Group (Virtual) Presentation’.
You are required to consider your topic from local, regional andinternational perspectives.
The presentation content should include the following:
use of a case study to demonstrate the importance of your chosen topic area;critical review the impact of the issue on the older population in Australia using research evidence from academic and non-academic sources;comparison of the evidence from Australia to one (1) other chosen country; identification of implications for your practice and that of others to inform the practice of others working with older people.
The content of the presentation is required to include interactive learning activitiesto engage the audience in learning about the topic under discussion.
1. When you write the notes page in your presentation please ensure every slide has the following details provided at the beginning of each notes page: your name;your group number and the time you will take to present the slide attached to the notes page. The facilitator marking your group presentation needs to clearly know what section you have prepared and how you intend to present the material you have prepared for your presentation. 2. Presentation audiences like to have some ‘take home goodies’.
Please ensure you include in your presentation copies of any hand-outs you will distribute to the audience. These could be: o hand-outs developed by you or your group; o hand-outs published by experts in the field or o recommendations of resources to seek out for ‘further reading’. 3. Please include a collated list of all references used within the group presentation. Please copy this collated list of references onto (i) one slideat the end of your presentation or (ii) as a separate hand-out for the audience to take away. (ii) Individual Poster You are also required to create and submit an individual one-pageposter. The content of the individual one-page poster will reflect your learning about the aspect of the topic you focused on for your ‘Group (Virtual) Presentation’. The individual one-page poster needs to be similar to a marketing health campaign poster related to aspect of the topic focused on for the ‘Group (Virtual) Presentation’.
Use PowerPoint or Publisher to make your one page poster. These software packages are much easier to use than Word Documents for creating posters. In PowerPoint you can more easily: • make changes to any images you insert into a PowerPoint slide or Publisher document and • move words and content inserted into ‘text boxes’. I have never used Publisher but friends and colleagues tell me that using it to make posters is even more straightforward than using PowerPoint. You might know someone who has used Publisher before and they can help you learn to use a new software package. Do you know someone at work or in yoursocial network who has designed posters to promote any events or activities you have been involved in? Why not ask for help designing your individual poster.
2. It is important that your poster content is eye catching and includesa simple message. One way to help us explain what we are expecting from the individual poster is to ask you to Imagine your individual poster on the side of bus ... • what would grab your attention and make you look at the posterfor more than 30 seconds? · what phrases do you think are the most important ones for conveying your message to others?
(i) Group ‘Virtual’ Presentation (2.5 mins + 10 mins per group member + 2.5 mins conclusion)
1. This assessment task looks like it will take a long time to do. This assessment task is awarded 40% of the total marks for the whole subject. Please ensure that the work you undertake to complete this assessment task reflects this balance in the marks. Please also be aware that within the Group presentation each group member is only being asked to present 10 minutes worth of material and again the time you allocate to preparing and completing your contribution should reflect this effort.
2. We are distance learners how can we get together? One purpose of this activity is to provide you with an opportunity to work within a virtual group. The reason we have included this activity as an assessment task within this subject is that many learners within this subjectare in leadership positions or will be in the future. It is now common forsenior colleagues to work together virtually on specialist projects. We invite you to practise this skill within this assignment and develop a strategy within the group to manage the completion of this virtual group presentation. I invite you to use your group discussion area within the “Assessment task information & Submission dropboxes”--‘Assessment task 1 Discussion Forumdiscuss with your group members here for assessment task 1’ folder to communicate with one another about the ‘group presentation’.
3. How do we decide our topic? Please ask this question of your group members. I hope you don’t think I am avoiding answering this question but posing this question back to you I think you might have guessed the answer to this question … .
4. What do you mean by interactive learning activities? You will have noticed that the style of learning used within this subject is what is known as ‘active learning’ and emphasises the importance of linking learning with workplace activities. We invite you to use ‘active learning’ techniques within your presentation. This is more enjoyable for your audience and also an efficient use of your time. It is not always the role of a facilitator to ‘pour in’ information to ‘thirsty’ participants.
The role of the facilitator is to direct and guide participants towards useful information and provide summaries of key learning. Youare invited to use this approach in your presentation and focus your time on summarising key learning and developing interactive activities to engage the participants in the topic being explored. This provides opportunitiesfor those in the room to learn from one another and begin thinking differently about familiar concepts. SNPG956: Assessment Details: Assessment Task 1 (
[email protected]) (ii) Individual Poster (one page)
The poster is intended to accompany the ‘Group Presentation’ and not be a repeat of the research evidence and summaries you include in the (virtual) oral presentation. The main purpose of the individual poster to attract the attention of your colleagues or lay members of the public.
It needs to take on the look ofa media poster campaign and not look like the traditional ‘academic posters’ you might have seen when attending a conference Some of you will have presented posters at conferences which might have been somewhere in between an ‘academic poster’ and a ‘media marketing’ campaign. The individual poster for this assignment is required to be similar to a ‘media marketing campaign’ poster.
![International Comparison Australia]()
In this chart it can be seen that Australia shows higher number of private dwellings among people aged 65 years older. The data is collected from the population census conducted in 2017 and it can be seen that 99% people aged between 65-74 years and 75% elders, aged 75 years above live in private dwellings in the nation.
![International Comparison UK]()
The graph given above shows that more than half of the entire population aged above 65 years lived as a couple in a household. This can be considered as an increase from previous reports of 2001 data. Furthermore, the graph also indicates that around 31% of older people lived in one-person households. This can be attributed to increased life expectancy. Thus, housing for older couples requires immediate attention as a negligible proportion of older people live in community establishment.
Census of Population and Housing: Reflecting Australia - Stories from the Census, 2016. [Accessed 11 Apr. 2018].What Does the 2011 Census Tell Us About Older People? - [Accessed 12 Apr. 2018].
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