Evolution and Advancement of Wireless Technology
Discuss about the Technologies and challenges in developing machine.
From its inception in the 1970’s the wireless technology has evolved at an exponential rate till date. In the last few decades the number of users also have increased throughout the world. The main reasons for which the wireless technology is popular in the tele-communication sector are its efficiency, availability, flexibility and reduced amount of cost (Stüber 2017). With the improved and advanced communication systems the wireless technology leads to faster information transfer within the wireless networks. In addition to that, the users do not have to carry the adapters or connecting cables in order to connect and communicate with the other users in the Networks (Gupta and Jha 2015). Most of the equipment’s required for setting up wireless networks comparatively cheaper to install as well as maintain. Therefore, in long term the use of the wireless networks reduces the overall the cost.
The GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), EDGE (Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution), UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) are the different generations of which the UMTS is the latest one. For every next generation listed above additional features are added compared to the previous one. Due to this additional features to each generation the QoS improved with every next generation.
The GSM is the abbreviation of Global System for Mobile Communications. GSM gives mobile communication depending on the transmission of digital data which is transmitted at the speed up to 9.6 kbps, notwithstanding the audio communication (Durkop, Czybik and Jasperneite 2015). A large portion of the GSM benchmarks were outlined with the interest of the service providers or the operators and to prevent the network abuse; the obligation regarding the implementation of the features for the security of end user’s privacy is designated to the service providers or the operators.
The GSM is helpful in providing high quality and secure portable voice as well as data services. For example, fax and messaging services alongside the roaming abilities throughout the world. As the GSM could initially give just a 9.6-Kbps data rate (Mulla et al.2015). Henceforth the advancements were made to redesign 2G or the GSM systems without supplanting the systems in order to address the poor transmission rates of these systems.
The main components of the GSM networks are listed as,Base station system (BSS), Base transceiver station (BTS), Mobile station (MS), Base station controller (BSC), Base station subsystem (BSS),Authentication center (AuC), Mobile switching center (MSC), Home location register (HLR), Visitor location register (VLR) (ElNashar, El-Saidny and Sherif 2014).
MS (Mobile station): It is considered as the starting point for the network. Usually it contains two subcomponents which are Mobile terminal and Terminal equipment (which may be a computer or a PDA (Personal digital assistant)).
Base station controller: It is the controlling component of the entire radio network. The BSC’s reserves the radio frequencies and controls the flow of data whenever a MS roams in different network cells (Parvez et al.2017). Paging of the incoming calls or data is mainly controlled by the BSC.
Different Generations of GSM Networks
Base Transceiver Station: BTS or the Base Transceiver Station is responsible for transmission of the radio signals sent by the mobile stations used by the users. The data is transmitted with in some specific geographical regions which are called cells. This stations incorporates radio signal processing equipment’s, amplifiers and antennas).
Base station subsystem: Any GSM network can comprise of several base station subsystems. Each of these BSS’s are controlled by the Base station controllers. The BSS plays out the essential functionalities for ensuring the radio connectivity with the mobile stations (MS), signal rate adaptions, coding and decoding of the voice over the transmission medium, coming from the remote mobile stations (Alonso, Alejos and Sánchez 2015). Multiple BTS can be controlled under one Base Station Subsystem.
Mobile Switching Center: The MSC is an integrated services digital network switch that helps in establishing the connection between the other MSC’s. A single MSC is capable of connecting to multiple numbers BSC or Base station controllers.
Authentication Center: The AuC is s Related with the HLR. This is the database that is important for verifications of the users; this database contains different algorithms for verifying users or the subscribers and the vital keys for encryption of the transmitted data to protect the inputs by the users required for authentication in the network (Miraz et al. 2017).
Visitor Location Register: The VLR or the Visitor Location Register is considered as a distributed database that briefly stores data about the MS’s that are dynamic in the geographic locations for which the VLR is mainly responsible (George et al. 2015). A VLR is related with every MSC in a particular network. At the point when a newuser or subscriber enters inside the particular network area or zone, the VLR is in charge of replicating user data from the HLR to its nearby database.
This relationship between the VLR and HLR avoids the frequent update in the HLR database. In addition to that it also avoids long distance motioning of the user data, enabling speedier access to the required data.
Home Location Register: The HLR or the home location register is the database for all clients to register to a particular GSM network. It stores static data about the users or the subscribers, for example, the IMSI (international mobile subscriber identity), services, and a key for the authentication of the users or the subscribers (Mahmood, Javaid and Razzaq 2015). The HLR additionally stores dynamic data (such as, present area of the user).
Any GSM network can easily route the data flow or the voice calls to the base station for the appropriate MS. At the point when a user switches on their PDA or MS, it registers with the system and from this it is conceivable to figure out which BTS it speaks with so approaching calls can be routed appropriately (Tadayoni, Henten and Sørensen 2017).
Notwithstanding this scenario, when the MS of the user is not active it re-establishes intermittently to guarantee that the system (HLR) knows about its most recent position. There is one HLR available for every network, in spite of the fact that it might be circulated crosswise over different sub stations for operational reasons.
Main Components of GSM Networks
lack of visibility: The process of ciphering of the transmitted data is controlled by the BTS. The subscribers or the users are not informed or cautioned when the ciphering mode is not active (Miraz et al. 2017). A BTS can likewise deactivate the mode and enforces the MS to transmit the data without any encryption.
Lack of protection for user anonymity: whenever a user/subscriber enters a network at a certain geographical location for the first time and at the time the mappingg table between the users Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity(TMSI) and International mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) isnot available, then the network explicitly request for to proclaim the IMSI (Sauter 2014). This can be abused to come up short the user’s obscurity and can be achieved by sending an IDENTITY REQUEST command from a false BTS to the MS.
DoS attack vulnerability: due to the lack of security measures it is possible for single DoS attacker to exploit a complete network.The attacker can send the CHANNEL REQUEST command to BSC for a few times however while does not finishing the protocol, the attacker again demands another channel. Since the number of channels is restricted, this prompts a DoS attacks (Chen et al. 2014). It is considered as a feasible way to attack the network since the call setup protocol completes the resources allocation process without any authentication process.
Lack of integrity checks: In spite of the fact, that architecture ofGSM keeps in mind the securityaspects (such as confidentiality of the transmitted data as well as authentication of the different requests), but there is no mechanism in place for checking the integrity of the transmitted or received data at the receiving end.
Increased redundancy: The FEC or the Forward Error Correcting mechanism is performed prior to the ciphering of the transmitted data (Miraz et al. 2015). Therefore, it is evident that there is a redundant process that is responsible for increasing the vulnerabilities of cryptographic algorithms used for ciphering of the data.
For most of the security vulnerabilities the easiest and best security arrangement is to implement the end- to-end security mechanism or implementing the security mechanisms at the application layer of the network. A larger part of the security vulnerabilities related to the GSM (except the DoS attacks and SIM cloning) are not intended to affect the individual customers or individuals, and their objectives are generally limited to unique group of people(Medudula, Sagar and Gandhi 2016). Therefore, it is sensible and practical that such groups make their communication channel more secure by utilizing the end -to-end security.
As the encryption and security mechanisms are implemented at the end points, thus any change to the GSM network architecture would not be required. Along these lines, regardless of whether the communication channel is eavesdropped by attackers or any legal authorities, they would not be able to decrypt the transmitted information without having the actual cipher key used by the communicating parties (given that secure cryptographic algorithm is in place) (Kaur 2016).
GPRS reuses the existing infrastructures used for GSM in order to provide end-to-end packet switching services. Advantages of GPRS incorporates efficient usage of the resources of the existing GSM network infrastructure, quick set-up as well as access time and high data transmission rates compared to the GSM by utilizing multiple time slots for data transmission (Pavithra and Srinath 2014). GPRS also provides a smooth way to GSM advancement to the third generation mobile network evolution. Particularly it can be said that, third generationmobile networks are still utilizing the GPRS IP as their backbone.
Benefits of GSM Networks
On the contrary of GSM, GPRS gives a more efficient security function. GPRS is responsible for the validation of the service requests andauthentication. This in turn helps in the unauthorized usage of the services (Mehmood et al. 2017). User data confidentiality is likewise ensured utilizing the temporary identification while establishing connections inside a network using the GPRS interface. In GPRS, the client data is secured by using the cipher technique from any unauthorized access.
In wireless telecommunication GPRS emerged as one of the noteworthy improvement in the GSM standard. The GPRS benefits the user from the data packet switching technique toprovide the high data transfer rates that are required for bulky transmissions of the data packets (Gupta and Garg 2015). It is conceivable for users to utilize multiple time slots or data transmission channels all the at the same time.
MMS (Multimedia Messaging System) is the distinguishing feature of GPRS that makes it better from its predecessor GSM. GPRS allowed users to sendpictures, videos, sound clips or other multimedia files to the other users similar to the text messages in GSM.
Using the GPRS also helped the users to use their mobile handset to surf the web or Internet at the speed of dial-up connections (Al-Sultan et al. 2014). This speed is achieved through WAP enabled websites. Compared to the GSM, GPRS offered higher data transfer rate whichis Up to 171kb/s in the ideal situations while using the packet-linked technology over the architecture of GSM.
GSM was mainly intended for voice based services. It likewise utilizes cells which empowers it utilize the diverse frequencies. The GSM mainly works in three differentfrequency ranges. These are described below,
GSM 1900 (often denoted as PCS or the Personal Communication Services) – Mainly used in theCanada andUnited States for GSM.
GSM 1800 (likewise called PCN or the Personal Communication Network): functions at 1800 MHz. mainly used in the nations including France, Germany, UK, and Russia.
GSM 900 (additionally called GSM) - works in the 900 MHz n and is the mostcommon in Europe and in the rest of world.
In practical scenario the GPRS transmission rates are much lower than proposed in the different theories. In order to reach the hypothetical speed described in the theories most extreme of around 170 kbit/s possibly requires assigning eight slots for a single user which is not a feasible and likely for the operators (Emmanuel and Marvis 2014). Regardless of whether this most extreme portion was permitted, the GPRS terminals might be compelled by the number of slots they can deal with for each of the users.
GPRS mainly depends on the data packet switching techniques which implies that data packets can navigate different routes inside a networkand afterward the data packets can be again reassembledwhen all the data packets reach to the destination (Zayas et al. 2018). This results into potential travel delays affecting the QoS of the GPRS.
GPRSdepends likewise on the re-transmission and the protocols that are responsible for checking the integrity of the data packets. This integrity checking is important in order to ensure and guaranteethat the data packetstransmitted over the networks are not corrupted or lost when they reach the destination (Campos 2017). In case the data packets are lost or corrupted they may lead to further packet transmission delay issues.
GSM Network Data Flow and Routing
GPRS permits the specification of QoS profiles utilizing priority of the services, delay, quality of the service as well as reliability, mean and peak throughputin the service. In spite of the fact that these properties are motioned in the protocols and are arranged between the system and the mobile station using these protocol, no methods are defined to give QoS differentiation between different services (Brandolini et al.2017). Lack of differentiation causes an absence of consistency for QoS amongst service operators and the manufacturers of the devices.
It is conceivable hypothetically to indicate a high QoS profile for GPRS protocol considering an ideal environment, traffic over the transmission medium serious imperatives on the quality or performance of the protocol.
Differences between the different services and standards mostly supports asynchronous data transfer between the applications making it more complex toexecute interactivetraffic in real time.
The GSM is utilized for circuit switched traffic in order to fundamentally transmit the voice data. On the other hand, the GPRS is utilized for data packet switching traffic mainly used for the web and MMS. Because of this in case of GPRS interface PDTCH (Packet Data Traffic Channel) is used (Shahabuddin et al. 2018). This is helpful inallocating the channels on demand of the user opposite to the static channel allocation nature in GSM.
Enhanced data rate for GSM evolution is an enhancement of the GPRS and the GSM such that the technology is enhanced. It can be used for sending and receiving large emails or browsing complex webpages at a faster speed than the GSM networks. The EDGE are based on the radio signals and that is utilized for transferring of data at a high speed. It is a technology that is used for handling the services of the third generation mobile network (Parmar and Pattani 2017). The EDGE was developed for the mobile network operators who are unable to win the UMTS spectrum. The EDGE offers the GSM operators to provide data service at a speed near to the UMTS network. There are different services that are embedded with the EDGE such as multimedia email, video conferencing, web infotainment and it can be easily accessed using the wireless terminals installed in the network architecture. There are five terms used for the high speed transmission of wireless data such as first generation, second generation, 2.5 generation, third generation and fourth generation (Shiu and Yasumoto 2017). Analog transmission is used for first generation networks and for the second generation network digital transmission is used for the voice signals. More calls can be fitted in the same frequency at a time in case of digital transmission and it can be used for eliminating the noise from the static calls. The digital technology can also be used for improvement of the battery life and it can also different features top the call such as text messaging, intelligent roaming and caller ID. The voice channel is used for transferring data and it ranges from 9.6 kbps – 14.4 kbps. The 2.5 generation is used for the transportation of the voice and including the packet service for allowing the speed of 20 – 40 kbps similar to the dial up service (Thomas et al. 2017). The third generation of the network can be utilized for increasing the transportation speed of the data packets and speed about 100 kbps.
Lack of Visibility in Ciphering of Transmitted Data
Currently global system for mobile communication is used and it has the largest digital mobile standards that is used in more than 170 countries. The GSM technology is used in more than 70 percent of the mobile phones and it is implemented using the 400MHZ, 800MHZ, 900 MHZ, 1800 MHZ and 1900 MHZ. It is an enhanced version of the GPRS and the core network of GSM for the transmission of the data packets utilizing the radio spectrum (Akpakwu et al. 2017). The EDGE technology is used for providing the GSM network to handle the 3g services and transferring large data packets at a peak rate of 472 kbps. An average speed of 80 to 130 kbps can be achieved by the users. The EDGE is also compatible with the GPRS network and it is evolving at a rapid rate. The second generation of the EDGE has become a success for the worldwide network with more than 135 million subscriber in 100 countries. The voice is the main service offered by the EDGE but it have the ability to transfer data using multislot operations. Gaussian minimum shift keying GMSK acts as the base for high speed data transfer. Time division multiplexing TDMA is used for modulation and it is based on the transceiver equipment (Sinha and Park 2017). Third generation capabilities can be implemented on the GSM for the utilization of the packet switching technology, IP connectivity and internet accessibility. With the implementation of the technology the existing networks can be reused for supporting the mobile environment and addition of new services such as circuit switching, authentication service for the users, etc (Sathyan et al. 2016). The implementation of the packet switching helps in providing the multimedia core network to evolve the existing telephony network.
The EDGE technology was firstly proposed to the European telecommunication Standards Institute, Europe in the year 1997. It acts as an evolution to the GSM because it uses the bandwidth of the GSM carrier and there are no restriction to be applied within the GSM cellular networks (Punz, Mur and Samdanis 2015). For the standardization of the EDGE it requires to pass through the two phases, where the first phase emphasis is given on the enhancement of the GPRS and in the second phase enhanced circuit switched data. The same frame structure of TDMA and the logic channel are utilized by EDGE for the transmission of the data and voice (Belal et al.2016). Thus it causes the tariff plan of the mobile operator to remain same and offering better service to the users with high speed data, rich media content and application services to its subscribers.
For the implementation of the EDGE network the network design must be kept simple and an EDGE transceiver is needed to be applied to each of the cell. The software upgrades can be done remotely and for the base station controller. The standard GSM traffic needs to be managed and it should be automatically switched between the EDGE modes and is expected to support the high data rates for the downlink receiver (Selvi and Sendhilnathan 2017). The device type needs greater modification of the terminal and it is designed to migrate from the GSM to the TDMA network. The attraction of the EDGE is the smooth up gradation and evolution of the existing software and hardware that is required to be introduced into the current GSM and TDMA network of the existing bands of frequency.
The first step is the evolution of the third generation mobile wireless services and in case of the GPRS network EDGE acts as the most effective solution because it have minimum impact as there is a requirement of software upgrades and transceiver units. This also reduces the investment of the operator and thus allowing them to reuse the existing equipment of the network and the radio systems. The EDGE is used for providing a migration path from GPRS to UMTS with the implementation of the modulation changes required for the implementation of the UMTS (Mitikie 2016). The main idea for the development of the EDGE is to provide an evolutionary path of migration for the GPRS – UMTS by implementing the UMTS or later. It also helps in improvement of the data rates and on the 200 Khz radio carrier by changing the modulation in the current circuit switches. It is an improvement of the primary radio interface and it can be viewed as a system concept for allowing the GSM and TDMA for offering new service to the users. One of the fundamental characteristics for the cellular system is the implementation of the different channels for signal to interference ratio for affecting the distance in the base station, interference and fading (Ali et al. 2017). With the attempt for affecting the quality of the channel using the power control a distribution of the channel quality is important and the quality of the traditional service should be improved. Planning should be made on the radio quality the EDGE network should be designed for the improvement of the situation and it is referred as the link quality control (Hameed 2017). The link quality control is used for adaptation and protecting the data such that the channel quality are optimal for gaining the bit rate. All the transmission modes must be included and it offers the EDGE bearer services.
It is also referred to as the 3G network and applied in the network for getting improved level of performance from the GSM network. It differs itself from the GSM and the EDGE network by the ability to carry data from different nodes connected in the network. The UMTS network can be implemented over the WCDMA network for reducing the cost of the network architecture and upgrading the current components. The main constituents of the 3G UMTS network are the user equipment’s, radio network subsystem and the core network (Sun et al. 2015). The user equipment’s consists of the handheld mobile devices such as cell phones, smart phones, tablets, etc. This are named as user equipment because the handheld devices have greater functionality and it can be used for communicating via voice and data. The radio network subsystem is also known as Radio Access Network and it is similar to the base station subsystem of GSM. The air interface are managed by the overall network (Thomas et al. 2017). The core network is used for central processing and managing the system for switching between the NSS (Network Switching Subsystem) and the GSM network.
The UE or the user equipment are the major elements of the UMTS 3G network architecture because it is used by the user as the final interface for communicating with the user. It can be used for viewing more number of facility and application for performing and taking effective decision for calling the device a user equipment. There are different elements of the user equipment’s such as the RF circuitry, baseband processing, battery and universal subscriber identity module (Sathyan et al. 2016). The user equipment RF circuitry is used for handling all the elements of the signal i.e. both the receiver and the transmitter. The main challenges faced by the RF power amplifier was reducing the power consumption and the modulation used for WCDMA requires using linear amplifier. The linear amplifier consumes more power than the non-linear amplifier and it is used for the modulation of the GSM. The battery life is maintained and different measures are taken for maintaining the efficiency and design (Parmar and Pattani 2017). The baseband processing uses the digital circuitry and it is complicated than the use of complicated mobile phones than the previous generations modules. This also needs to be optimized for maintaining the optimum current consumption and extending the battery life of the user equipment’s. For extending the battery life the power consumption should be minimum. New battery technologies should be used for new generation mobile phones because it is essential for the users expecting the same battery life as their old generation mobile phones. The use of the lithium ion batteries can solve the problem and it can also save space of the phone and improve the changing and overall life of the battery (Punz, Mur and Samdanis 2015). The user equipment consists of the SIM card module and in case of the UMTS the SIM is named as USIM Universal subscriber Identity Module. The USIM is more advanced than the normal SIM cards used in the GSM technology. Same informations are retained in the SIM such as the International Mobile Subscriber Identity Number, Mobile Station International ISDN Number. There are several other information that is embedded in the USIM such as the preferred languages such that the user can correct the language information and it also contains the prohibited and public land mobile networks.
The UMTS network is created by migrating the different components of the GSM network and adding different further elements for the implementation of additional functionality that is required for the development of the UMTS network. It differs from the GSM network on terms of the data carrying technology and the core network of UMTS can be divided into two types such as: Circuit switched elements and packet switched elements (Tadayoni, Henten and Sørensen 2017).
The circuit switched elements are primarily based on the entities of the GSM network for carrying data utilizing the permanent channel when a call is established between two users. The packet switched elements are designed for the network for carrying packet data and. The application of packet switching causes full usage of the network resources and the capacity needs to be shared between the destination nodes and the sender (Chen et al. 2014). The network elements installed in the network that are related with the association should be shared by the domains and it should operate similarly as the GSM.
The main elements of the circuit switch are the mobile switching centre and the gateway MSC. The mobile switching centre is similar with the GSM and it is used for management of the circuit switched calls. The gateway mobile switching centre is an effective way for establishment of the connection between the external networks. The elements of the packet switching are thee serving GPRS support nodes. The SGSN was developed during the development of the GPRS and it is used for carrying the UMTS network architecture (Mulla et al. 2015). There are a number of functionality of the UMTS network such as the mobile management, session management, interaction with the other components of the network and billing. The attachment of the user equipment with the packet switching domain of the core network of UMTS the serving GPRS support Node generates the MM information and it is based on the current location of the mobile. The session management is used for management of the data sessions and serving the users with improved quality service and management of the packet data protocol contexts (ElNashar, El-Saidny and Sherif 2014). The interaction with the external areas of the network is established for the management of the elements in the network and communicating with the users of other areas such as the MSC and the circuit switched areas. The billing can be done using the SGSN by monitoring the data flow across different GPRS network. The call details records can be generated with the serving GPRS support node before transferring it to the entities of charging with the implementation of the CFG charging gateway Function.
The gateway GPRS support node is also similar to the serving GPRS support node because it was also first implemented into GPRS network. The GGSN act as the central element within the UMTS packet switching network (George et al. 2015). The interworking in the UMTS packet switched network and the external packet switched network can be handled utilizing the GGSN and it acts as a sophisticated router. It operates by receiving data address from a specific group of users connected in the network and a checking is run for finding the active users and forwarding the data packets to the SGSN serving the user equipment’s.
Shared Elements of the UMTS core network architecture consists of the following entities such as the home location register, equipment identity register and the authentication centre. The home location register consists of the administrative information for each of the subscriber and with their location information. The UMTS network have the ability to route thee calls to the RNC by fetching the location details of the subscriber (Stuber 2017). When the user equipment of the subscriber is switched it gets registered with the network and thus it can be used for determining the nodes for communicating such that all the calls are router appropriately. If the user equipment of the subscriber is not active but it is in on state, it needs to re-register for ensuring that the latest position of the user is known for routing the calls efficiently. The equipment identity is also registered for taking an effective decision for allowing or blocking the user equipment to communicate in the network (Durkop, Czybik and Jasperneite 2015). Each of the user equipment has a unique IMEI number that is used for checking the registration of the device in the network. The authentication centre contains a database that is protected with a secret key that is stored in the USIM card.
From the above report it can be concluded that with the comparison of the GSM, GPRS, EDGE and UMTS air interfaces the advantages and the disadvantages of the interfaces can be identified. The report provides a detailed explanation of the network technology and the evolution of the network for high capacity service and circuit switching using the transceiver and minimum upgrades of the GSM network. The allocation of the bandwidth depends on the current demands of the market and implementation of the new services requires additional spectrum. GSM, EDGE and GPRS operates in the 800, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHZ frequency. The common parts of the network are the core network, service network and it generally operates in the 2 Ghz spectrum.Flexibility of wireless networks using the GSM, GPRS, EDGE and UMTS for data and voice transmission makes it an obvious choice for communication. The following paper contributes to the discussion about the different technical aspects of the GSM, GPRS, EDGE and UMTS interfaces, the drivers for the adoption of the interfaces. In addition to that, the issues and benefits related to this interfaces are also discussed in the different sections of this report.
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