Magneto and DigiFlip Products
Discuss About The Research Computer Communication Engineering?
Magneto is a well-known electronic organization, which is based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It has launched a certain number of products under the name “DigiFlip”, which is inclusive of certain number of products like USB flash drive and laptop bags (Niranjanamurthy et al. 2013). Magneto is expected to have a business value of 11.6 billion in the near future. Magneto started its business by selling books and focused on the idea or logic of buying various books online. Magneto has a vision to become amazon of Saudi Arabia. It has the vision of becoming the earth’s most customer centric operations (Daoud, Naqvi and Ahmad, 2014). It mainly focusses to create a platform where people can easily come to find and discover anything which customer wants to buy online. Magneto has a vision of providing a delightful customer experience to online buyers. Magneto provides a variety of products and services like books, movies, music, gaming, accessories, camera, computers, network computer, home, software peripherals.
- To provide complete hassle free shopping with best price in Saudi Arabia.
- The ultimate objective is not those people who shop online domain. They generally focus on the fact of convenience of e-commerce in comparison to offline traders which will help them in growth of market.
- Their ultimate goal is stronger kind of supply chain management.
In the coming pages of the report various business process has been provided in discussion portion. After that a SWOT analysis has been done on the various business process of Magneto. A suitable design of E-commerce business has bene provided. The functionality of the ecommerce website has been discussed in details. A contact menu has been provided which consist of various things like contact details, social media links, Facebook and Instagram.
In Magneto order is placed by the customer from the front end (Web store) after that it is downloaded to an order management system (OMS). The OMS is considered to a part of web store which has a backend enterprise where customers order can be downloaded easily (Ghandour, 2015). In the allocation portion the order flows into the OMS. After that the inventory from the warehouse which gets allocated to the order quantity. So the free quantity of SKU (products) is generally decreased by the quantity of order. The fulfilment team generally focus on processing of order in the warehouse. In the beginning a picklist is generated against the various kinds of orders. After that it is handed over to a picker which is generally present in warehouse so that they can easily pick SKU from bin rack (Yang et al. 2014). The picker picks the SKU from the location which is mentioned in the picklist and after that it is brought back to picking station. After the packing of order, it needs to be properly shipped to the customer. The particular order is assigned to the shipping location and a proper kind of manifest is generated. After that shipment is handed over to delivery or courier guy which generally comes to the storehouse or warehouse for picking up of shipment. As soon the shipment is out of the warehouse the inventory gets reduce in the system (Wong, Bartels and Chrobot, 2014). The shipment is delivered to respected to proper customer and the courier company updates the details of delivery details back to the organization in which it is shipping. There are also some kinds of cases of customer return or return due to origin may take place.
SWOT Analysis of Magneto's Business Processes
SWOT stands for Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and threat analysis is nothing a but a framework which is used for identifying and analyzing the internal and external factors. It can easily have impact on the viability of a project or a business (Wong, Bartels and Chrobot, 2014). SWOT analysis is generally used for by various kinds of business entities and is mainly used by various kinds of nonprofit organization.
Strengths: Strength in SWOT analysis can be defined as certain number of attributes within an organization like Magneto (lo Storto, 2013). It is generally considered to be necessary for proper success of a project or an organization.
Weakness: The factor within proper kind of SWOT analysis can easily formulated the idea which can easily result in weakness of project (Leeraphong and Mardjo, 2013). Weakness is generally inclusive of certain number of factors like weak internal communication system.
Opportunities: It is generally classified as external elements which can be easily considered to helpful for achieving of certain number of objectives (Akanbi, 2014). This factors generally focus on vendors who wish to work with various organization for achievement of objectives.
Threats: This is an external factor which is considered to be an important factor for success of a project or business ventures. The possible threat to SWOT analysis which is inclusive of negative public image and lack of vendor who can easily track supply raw materials for a project and organization.
Strengths: Brand value Proper management of supply chain Promotion and Advertisement Portfolio of huge number of products Reach of Network |
Weakness: Proper delivery of products Penetrations of Internet Various gateways of payment Higher cost value Much Bigger value of competition. |
Opportunities: Rural value of market Growth in E-Book culture Penetration of broadband services Various kinds of mobile based |
Threats: New players in the field Loyalty of customers New players like E-bay, homeshop18 and many others. |
The product menu of Magneto will show the variety of goods which are available in their warehouse (Hamdare, Nagpurkar and Mittal, 2014). The product menu consists of variety of things like Men wear, Women wear, Short codes, about, home and contact. The website consists of various aspects in the middle like any kind of offers related to electronic, clothing and household appliances (Azad, Islam and Hoque, 2014). Magneto website will have a contact button on the top which consist of link to large number of social websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many other social networking websites. The electronic website will consist of variety of products like mobiles phones, tablets, laptops and notebooks from variety of manufacturing organization like apple, Motorola, Samsung, Nokia and MI (Sharma, 2015). It will ultimately benefit the citizen and buyers of Saudi Arabia. The book section will consist of books from various domains like Entrance Exam, Academic, Literature and fiction, Biographies and comics. It also sells a variety of stationary objects like Pens, Dairies, Desk Organizers and calculators (Lo Storto, 2014). In the men’s it consists of variety of items like Footwear, Men’s Grooming, Top wear, Bottom Wear. In the footwear section it consists of variety of footwear’s like formal, casual and sports, Sandal and floaters, Loafers and boots, running shoes and sneakers. In the section of Men’s grooming a variety of products have been offered like Deodorants, Perfumes, Shaving and after shaving (Hasan and Huda, 2013). In the top wear variety of products has been provided like T-shirt, Shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts. In the bottom wear a variety of products has been provided like Jeans, Cargo, Track pants, Shorts and ¾ ths.
Functionality of the Ecommerce Website
Customer Relationship Model can be defined as a phrase which mainly focus on the way in which a business interacts with various customers (Khan and Sagar, 2015). Various people round the globe also considers CRM as methods to capture information about customers. CRM makes use of technology which is used for intelligence way or method for providing improved services for customers (Xu, 2013). In other words, CRM can be easily defined as a method which can be used for better usage of information to meet the needs of present customers and proper identification of customers which ultimately results in tracking of proper kinds of profits.
- A database which can be used for collection of information of various customers.
- A method which can be used for analyzation of information which is present in the database.
- A proper kind of strategy which can be easily applied to meet the needs in a better way and proper identification of customers.
- Collection of data which is mainly used for ensuring that the needs are meet in most effective ways.
The ultimate purpose of CRM model is to marketing use of organization initiative so increase various profits (Kaur and Malhotra, 2016). CRM is mainly achieved by providing better kind of service to customers than the competitors. CRM not only improvises services to customers but also reduces cost, wastage and complaint.
Electronic CRM (E-CRM): It is considered to be an electronic method of delivering or management of subset of CRM (Setyaningsih and Rahmad, 2015). It generally arises from traditional value of CRM and e-business application markets.
Mobile CRM: Mobile CRM is nothing but a management tool which is designed in such a way that it can allow various kinds of mobile devices which is inclusive of smartphones and tablets (Li, 2016).
The data containing personal information of customers will store in the hardware as well on the cloud (Ma, 2017). The data can be retrieved from the hardware and for emergency purpose a backup of data is stored on the cloud.
There are large number of potential threats which can damage an E-commerce website like Magneto.
Cross Site Scripting: In this type of attack, an attacker will generally insert a JavaScript snippet on the vulnerable web page which generally looks like normal script and after that it is executed (Tanjung and Dhewanto, 2013). This particular gives the attackers the accesses to other information which is present on the user’s computer and also leave vulnerable to various kinds of phishing attempts or installation of malware.
SQL Injection: It can easily affect any website or web related application by making use of SQL database which generally is inclusive of ecommerce platform like Magneto.
Phishing Attacks: It is a form of email which generally looks like legitimate or generally comes up through phone calls (Ahmed, 2016). This kind of scam generally inclusive of a link or direction of a page. It is generally email accounting or malware which is installed on the system for stealing personal information, accessing microphone and camera.
Potential Threats to Website Security
Distributed Denial of Services: This kind of attack generally aims to take down of site by overwhelming of servers with large number of request (JIANG, 2017). In distributed form attacks generally comes from thousand or hundreds of IP addresses. This kind of attack generally overheads the servers, slowing of value.
The above represented threats can easily damage the business of Magneto. The website of Magneto can be easily secured by
- Proper choosing of secure ecommerce platform.
- Use of secure connection for various kinds of online checkouts
- By implementation of Address and Card Verification system.
- Need of strong kind of password.
- Set up of system for various kinds of suspicious activity.
- Providing security training to large number of employees.
- To have a DDoS protection and proper mitigation services.
Various business owners focus on information which is included in various business plans which is used for raising various kinds of startup funds and providing launching methods of business (Udawant and Shivankar, 2016). Demographic business is generally inclusive of geographic areas, age, income, race and level of education.
Demographics can easily help someone to avoid certain number of mistakes in the marketing plan. They can easily provide important information regarding fliers on cars windshields is not considered for business which generally needs targets based on small and single owner business.
Social media sites like Facebook and twitter is generally considered to be best for various kinds of business. Social media marketing is still now considered to be infancy rather it is still growing its business (Udawant and Shivankar, 2016). Various organization have department which consist of over 30 people who are mainly engaged with customers on social media.
Local marketing also known as local based marketing is nothing but a process for optimization of website and online advertisement. It also helps in driving foot traffic and creating awareness in local areas.
Multichannel marketing generally provides customers with more than one method for completing sales transaction like retail store, web page on internet or even on various smartphones. It generally recognizes various customers from favor channels which for various purchasing process.
Various kinds of ethical issues which can be encountered in this ecommerce website that is Magneto are Web Tracking, Privacy, Legal issues like fraud on internet, copyright and Domain names (Imtiaz, 2016). There is a continuous battle between computers and end users for the various ongoing range of application programs.
Most of the Electronic payment systems generally claim to have proper idea regarding the identity of buyers. So it is an important factor for buyers to make use of electronic payment system. E-commerce fraud increased a lot due to rapid increased in popularity of various websites (Imtiaz, 2016). It is generally considered to be a hot issue for various cyber and click merchants.
From the above discussion it can be easily concluded that this report is all about Magneto which is new e-commerce website in Saudi Arabia. In the discussion portion of the report various objective of the business has been discussed. Various products and services offered by Magneto has been discussed in details. The business statement of Magneto has been provided in the details. After that the vision of this ecommerce organization has been discussed in details. Various kinds of ecommerce business have been discussed in details in the above pages of the report. A SWOT analysis has been done on the ecommerce website. A suitable design and format of the ecommerce website has been provided. The system functionality of Magneto website has been discussed in details in the above pages of the report. Various kinds of system functionality like CRM has been discussed. Various kinds of security threats related to this ecommerce website that is Magneto has been provided. Different kinds of Marketing and Advertising methods like demographic, marketing, social media, local marketing, multichannel marketing has been discussed in detail. Various kinds of ethics and laws for e-commerce website has been discussed in details. A list of recommendation has been provided for the potential threats which are encountered for this ecommerce website.
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