Concept of National Security
Discuss about the Technology and its Implication on National Security: A Perspective from the Defense sector in Abudhabi, United Arab Emirates.
In the rapidly changing world it has been observed that there is a cold war globalization along with democracy spreading all around the world. It has turned out to be simpler to travel all across the globe. Moreover, the multinational companies along with international organizations have tuned out to play a vital role in the global environment (Mackey and Gass 2015). The 9/11 attack can be an instance of a global change within security environment at the end of the cold war that has resulted to cause an increase in the threat concerns along with chances of terrorism. Considering the same, it has been observed that terrorism is greatly increased in Abu Dhabi within United Arab Emirates. Considering such situation, technology along with science is observed to be advancing at an increasing rate along with development of new weapons based on changing threats. Certain emerging national security threats that are faced by the nation includes cyber warfare that have drastically entered within the battlefield.
This is for the reason for which the Abu Dhabi within United Arab Emirates is turning out to be highly aware of such threats and are turning out to be ready in implementing their technologically advanced strategies along with doctrines (Meshkati et al. 2016). A vital part of the national security that is considered by the deference industry in Abu Dhabi is carrying out a proper and thorough contextual evaluation This generally results in a wide range of security threats relied on the security environment and dealing with such threats through proper implementation of technologically advanced security systems can explain the theoretical approach. This also indicates that a general evaluation a national security strategy by the deference sector of the nation which can indicate that the nation perceives the world surrounding it along with the related security environment (Meshkati et al. 2016).
The research questions that are to be answered through this reassert are:
- What are technologies employed within the defense sector in Abu Dhabi?
- Is the deference sector of Abu Dhabi effective in maintaining security of the nation?
Concept of National Security
National Security in current era is considered to be the most important element for a country. In simple words, it works as a shield for a country against any harm, both internal and external. With various wars that had taken place in the near past had witnessed a collapse of many economies and even seen loss of life. Hence, the creation and maintenance of national security became more important (Sgouridis et al. 2016). Even today, there are various terror outfits those have been conduction their operation against some countries and taking innocent lives, it is responsibilities of such countries to defend their territories at any cost with the help of strong national security.
National Security in Middle-Eastern Countries
While referring to the Middle-Eastern countries, this region in particular has seen lots of atrocities in recent days which is still active. Hence, strong national security as well as capable defense system is the core requirement of those countries. UAE in particular has been the most capable country with most advanced technologies among the gulf countries. Considering its engagement in Syrian war to war against ISIS, the country has not only been an important player but also holds its significance in the region (Syed et al. 2017).
Though UAE is one of the smallest countries in the world but it is one of the wealthiest with abundance of oil found under its soil. It is the most stable nation among the gulf countries with its international allies which ensures its stability as well as security. It is also the most tolerant society in the gulf region as well. The foreign policy of UAE and its membership with Gulf Cooperation Council is the key national security strategy. The main strategic goal of the GCC is maintain the status quo in the region as there has been some territorial disputes of the Gulf nations with Iran, the most powerful middle-east nation (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault 2015).
However, in past there were several obstructions witnessed among the military cooperation of GCC nations such as during the period when Iraq invaded Kuwait. Though there was a defense agreement amid the GCC member countries but any such step was not taken at the time. The difference in nature of the military or the disparities among the people were an obligation. There was also lack of coordination and difference in technology (Simonsohn, Nelson and Simmons 2017).
Though the military dimension is not the only element to measure national security but it holds its significance. In today’s date UAE has enhanced its relationship and has been working on various other strategies to improve its national security.
Earlier, the national security was mainly used with military power, by in current era threat is not only limited to physical invasion but also on economic as well political level. In view of UAE’s current nature towards its defense system, it has been trying to keep in par with the developed nations. The International Defense Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) in 2017 turned out to be very productive for UAE (Syed et al. 2017). Among various agreement, most of them were awarded to UAE as the weapons were announced to be manufactured in UAE itself to push its indigenous defense industry. The main motive which was sketched out of it was that UAE is willing to gain autonomy from western countries and become the prominent military power in the gulf region. UAE has been investing significantly to boost its defense and the establishment of Emirates Defense Industries Company EDIC has been its milestone towards its efforts for localizing its defense.
The Importance of Military Cooperation for National Security
EDIC turned out to be successful and demonstrated its ability in the IDEX by revealing its new technologically advanced weapons which might be idle on tactical purpose (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault 2015). This does not only show the might of the UAE defense force but also reflects the world class technology which UAE possess.
In addition to that, Abu Dhabi is also looking forward to export the role of Artificial Intelligence for security purpose. The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is very much new and most of the countries do not have luxury to apply the same for defense purpose. However, UAE is performing tests and exploring its impact on security. In view of the strategy of UAE for AI, the International Exhibition for National Security and Resilience (ISNR) will demonstrate its revolution on the national security of UAE (Ulrichsen 2016). Hence, all the stakeholders of the national security sector are looking forward to successful test of the same to incorporate the technology in their system.
Along with weapon grade technology, the digital technology is also one of the most important aspects to national security. The current concept of cybercrime is taking its roots in various countries and has also created political as well economical unrest (Vaioleti 2016). Cyber-attacks have been growing at a high pace as some countries are witness to be victim of cyber warfare. A cyber-attack is generally done remotely by manipulating the digital technology to harm others. However, UAE has also been taking initiatives to install systems in order to curb cyber threats.
The UAE has been looking ahead to become a prominent power in all aspects and hence have been focusing on technological advancement in order to compete with the world class powers (Sgouridis et al. 2016). The determination of UAE to develop indigenous engineering will enable it to find new solution to its problem in defense as well as other areas.
- Data Collection Methods- Qualitative data will be collected from the implementation of the secondary resources. The secondary data sources from which relevant data regarding use of technology within national defense system of Abu Dhabi will be gathered includes journals, national defense and government websites along with certain reliable government publications on national defense technology advancement amendments (del Pilar Castro 2015).
- Sampling and Sample Size- Simple random sampling process is implemented within this research in order to conduct the survey with the 21 majors and 21 cornels from the defense industry of Abu Dhabi in order analyses their responds on the maintainice of national security system through technology. Simple random sampling technique will be employed in this research as it offers equal chances to all the respondents to get chosen for the survey. For such causes, quantitative data will be collected from a huge population through implementing technique of simple random sampling (Elkashlan et al. 2015). In consideration to this, the quantitative data analysis requires relatively bigger sample size in order to obtain along with evaluate responses collected from target respondents in the survey.
- Variables Specifications- The variables that are chosen in the investigation of technology use within national security system of Abu Dhabi by defense sector incudes technological mechanisms used in defense system that is an independent variable (Flick 2015). The dependent variable that is considered within the research will be effectiveness of technological advancements in maintaining national security of Aby Dhabi.
- Quantitative research design process- Quantitative research design is deemed to be used in this research regarding use of technology within the defense system of Abu Dhabi. This research design is employed in this research is chosen for the reason that it might support in gaining a vital information on the subject of inclination regarding the human perception in account to the particular research information (Giusti and Almoosawi 2017). This is the reason for which a larger sample size will be chosen within the exploration.
- Research instrument- Research instrument of questionnaire will be used within this exploration in attaining important information from the survey participants in analyzing the ways in which technology is used within defense sector for maintaining national security. The questionnaire which will be offered to the survey respondents that will have the open as well as close ended questionnaire. The research instrument is used in consideration to the fact that this serves as the most effective instrument for attaining significant information from a larger population (Jensen 2018). The questionnaire will also be offered by means of social media along with e-mail mediums to every target respondents.
- Quantitative data analysis process- The data that will be collected from the process of survey and it will be analyzed through using effective statistical analytical process. MS excel application will be employed based n which the responses gathered from the survey will be analyzed (Jaffe 2018). Moreover, correlation and regression analysis will be carried out for addressing all the questions set out in this research of technology use along with its implication within national security. The data gathered will be represented through graphs and tables that will facilitate in analyzing the gathered human responses along with its outcomes in an understandable manner.
- Data reliability and validity- In order to maintain reliability and validity of the gathered data, the researcher has made sure that authentic sources are employed along with using effective human responses. The researcher has also considered employing person correlation test that serves as most effective reliability measure in order to analyze the quantitative data (Krane, Jaffe and Elass 2016).
- Sampling and sample size- Simple random sampling process is implemented within this research in order to conduct the survey with the 21 majors and 21 cornels from the defense industry of Abu Dhabi in order analyze their responds on the maintainice of national security system through technology. Simple random sampling technique will be employed in this research as it offers equal chances to all the respondents to get chosen for the survey. For such causes, quantitative data will be collected from a huge population through implementing technique of simple random sampling. In consideration to this, the quantitative data analysis requires relatively bigger sample size in order to obtain along with evaluate responses collected from target respondents in the survey (Lewis 2015).
- Interviewing and questionnaire design- The questionnaire that will be provided to the target survey that will have open along with the close ended questionnaire. The first part of the questionnaire intends to collect relevant information on the demographic profile of the survey participants. The second part of the questionnaire encompass questions associated with the use of technology within the defense sector of Abu Dhabi in maintaining national security (Lim, Foo and Tan 2018). The third part of the questionnaire will encompass questions regarding amendments in the technology done by the defense sector. The fourth part of the questionnaire includes questions regarding recommendations by the defense sector in technology advancements for maintaining national security.
From carrying out the investigation on the Technology and its Implication on National Security: A Perspective from the Defense sector in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates certain vital implications can be attained from its outcome. Through carrying out the research by quantitative data analysis methods such as MS excel along with the correlation and regression analysis certain relevant research findings is deemed to be gathered (Avraham 2015). National Security in current era is considered to be the most important element for a country. In simple words, it works as a shield for a country against any harm, both internal and external. With various wars that had taken place in the near past had witnessed a collapse of many economies and even seen loss of life. It is anticipated that the results gathered for this research will identify the security threats within the natural defense strategies of Abu Dhabi which has the potential to pose a threat to important national interests. The findings from the research will also reveal that the defense industry in Abu Dhabi is getting highly aware of national security threats. Based on such scenario, the deference sector is focusing on implementing highly innovative technology within their deference systems.
New Dimensions of National Security
Implications from the research will also be gathered regarding the ways in which certain innovative technologies like wearables, additive manufacturing, socialized imaging, efficient batteries and cloud computing are facilitated the deference sector in maintaining safety of the nation (Bonk, Bastidas-Oyanedel and Schmidt 2015). The findings from the research will explain the likely application within the defense industry of Aby Dhabi that ranges from integrating the logistics within the wearables technology to evaluating the big data from any installations all through the world. Within the aerospace sector in the national deference system of Abu Dhabi cloud computing makes the greatest waves. Along with the capability to connect all the defense sector in maintaining exceptional satellite systems along with GPS. In maintaining national security, the defense system of Abu Dhabi employs cloud computing that can also be of great advantage as intensive stimulation work is highly vital for defense mechanism testing and design (Cordesman 2018). It will also be gathered from the paper that the military or security personnel identified concealed weapons along with modernized flight systems in assisting the pilots and the technology is revealing its ways within its range of applications.
Task |
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Week 5 |
Week 6 |
Week 7 |
Week 8 |
Week 9 |
Selection of topic and search for justification |
Constructing literature |
Selecting appropriate methods |
Data collection |
Data analysis and representation |
Reviewing the outcomes |
Conclusions and recommendations |
Submitting draft of the project |
Printing and final submission |
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