1. Give examples of the main organisational objectives that the HR function is responsible for delivering and briefly explain how these have evolved/are evolving in contemporary organisations. In your answer, provide a brief justification for managing HR in a professional, ethical and just manner.
2. Give a brief summary of two different ways HR objectives can be delivered in organisations. Analyse how the HR function varies between organisations in different sectors and of different sizes.
3. Give a short explanation of at least two major theories of change management, and illustrate how they can be used and evaluated.
4. Your CEO has asked for a report on the contribution of the HR function to the business. In preparation for the report, give a brief summary of the criteria and methods available for use in evaluating the HR function’s contribution.
5. In consultation with your tutor, select an article that identifies and evaluates research evidence linking HR practices with positive organisational outcomes. Briefly summarize the findings and state how convincing you find these to be. Conclude by explaining how high-performance working and investment in human capital can impact on organisational practice.
Main Organizational Objectives for HR Function
1. Human resources is used to align, collaborate, and coordinate people of the company and department that is responsible to manage resources related to employees. The values of HR was related to motivation, selection assessments, and organisational behaviour. Earlier HRM focused on areas such as recruitment, selection, training, development, compensation benefits, and organisation development. By increasing and growing business complex situations and environment, organisations had to focus more on developing it as strategic HRM (Human resource management, 2018). Today, HR team that is responsible for adding value to the strategic utilisation of employees and ensure that employee program affect the business in a measurable way. The members should have strategic capabilities in understanding the strategic requirements of an enterprise. With all capabilities in building organisation, HR plays an important role in organisational performance, staffing objectives; contribute in adapting organisation change and promoting good employee relations. Moreover, the role of HR is emerging in the contemporary world as a strategic partner and business collaborating. Apart from achieving organisation goals in a strategic manner, it is important to consider and manage ethical concerns while achieving objectives (Jansson, and Rozenbachs, 2016).
In the contemporary world, HR is a proactive in processing the strategic planning and developing the organisation. It`s main function is to integrate best suiting people to ensure workforce efficiency. The main functions are strategic management, human resource development, total rewards, risk management, and total rewards (CIPD, 2018). Workforce planning includes recruitment, orientation, exit process, and selection. Managers can collaborate with HR that determine staffing needs and fill the job vacancies with most appropriate people within the given time. The HR team can strategically recruit and select the best candidate for the organisation to ensure workforce efficiency in order to accomplish objective goals (Donata, 2018).
Organisations use computerised system to keep the employees in the track. The employee relation seeks to manage the employee`s needs and rights. The issues that hamper the union, non-union issues, sexual harassment, and discrimination issues which handled by labour relation department. In order to manage compliance and laws, employees are taught about ethical manners to coordinate employee relation and how they should be treated fairly to resolve workplace problems (Conway et al., 2016). The three-legged model of the organisation of the HR function emerged divides these functions into some important parts such as centre for expertise, strategic partners for business, and shared serviced centres. Strategic business partners work with the line managers to assist them to approach to the goal by effective strategic formulation and its execution. The concept of strategic planning considers HR as more consumer driven, more professional and more accessible. The quality of services should be improved in bettering the processes, delivering to specify the time and budget, incorporating the good practises, and finally achieving greater consistency and accuracy. Moreover, strategic business partners should support and reposition HR that can purely move from operational deeds to more operational roles. The role of strategic partner for the business can lead to evolution of HR department. Administrative services support people, policies, and implementing regulations for the organisation. HR strives operate various business units by managing its business model. For example- when a particular has the responsibility of implementing the Asset business unit to support for learning and growth. The function of HR is beyond hiring, effective staffing includes assessing the environmental needs, training, scheduling, and assisting a constructive criticism. The function of HR for staffing is to ensure that the department hire adequately trained workforce that can help to operate and grow small enterprises.
Evolution of HR in Contemporary Organizations
New emerging interest in the human resources aspect is at strategic level and has been economically significant effect on organisation`s bottom or floor line. Integrating strategic decision making and relying on how human capital is becoming pivotal to organisational effectiveness. The case of strategic partner can become stronger. To become successful in maintaining a long-term and sustainable competitive advantage for the dynamic conditions of the business environment. HR plays an important role in planning, developing, and administrating the policies and programs that are designed to make effective use of organisation`s human capital. Staffing is a primary function and role of HR that hires the managers to ensure equal employment facilities and opportunities without any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, race, religion, and sex. Moreover, it has become constitutionally mandatory for countries like USA, India, and UK. The organisational change might have focused efforts on certain areas such as defining and aligning organisational purpose, recruiting the best talent through marketing, selling and creating EVP (Employee Value Proposition). Organisation should take every possible effort to understand which candidates and employees keep into their roles. A HR prepares its people to create a set of aligning activities, build a sustainable and successful in order to finally measure the things accordingly (Wong et al., 2015).
2. While delivering the HR objectives to an organisation, two different ways can be used-
Employee satisfaction in the internal environment- it is one of the most important objective of a HR executive. In order to achieve HR objectives, a HR executive conduct meetings so that problem arisen can be solved within the meetings rather than dragging its effect on the operations. Apart from these, HR can conduct sessions and group discussions that will allow a two-way communication. Sometimes unrealistic expectations are imposed to be accomplished due to forceful stress of increasing the productivity. Currently, work is taking away the personal life and ultimately it affects the alignment of work activities that can reach to accomplish the organisational goal. Therefore, honest and frank meetings will enable to create two-way communication process successful. It is very important to rewards and recognise employee. According to Maslow`s needs of hierarchy, rewards and recognition is place in the esteem needs because it motivates and inspires the employee to work hard (SHRM, 2018).
Recruiting and staffing in the organisation- other important activity that a HR executive undertake to accomplish the HR objectives. HR plays an important role in recruiting, selecting, and providing training of new employees. New blood can encourage creativity and innovation in the organisation. During the accomplishment process, HR also undertakes recruitment of right person and influencing them in such a way that it can reduce the labour turnover (Human resource, 2018). HR executive communicate to consultancy agencies in order to find fresh talent. It often approach different colleges for campus placements. The savvy recruiter can focus on talent than the candidates.
Strategic HRM and Managing HR in an Ethical and Just Manner
The staffing and HR functioning depends on the size of the business and its operating scope. The bigger is the operational level; the scope of recruiting new employees becomes important part (Albrecht et al., 2015). As the organisation grow, it`s operation becomes complex and diverse needs that demand for change to allow valuable communication. As the organisation grow in size, the complexity, product market coverage, and marketing strategies of the organisation and also had taken a huge form (Boehm, Kunze, and Bruch, 2014). The nature of operating the complexities of can influence the organisational structure and accordingly it enforce them to increase their workforce. For example- with the increasing product offering, computer technology and automatic system have not affected the production techniques but it has affected social condition of work and the structure of the organisation (Marín, Cerdán, and Hernández, 2017). Currently the number of middle managers are reducing because of introduction of new information systems and other computer technology due to structure of organisation. Another example can be when organisation interact outside business environment while inputs to provide output. Every organisation faces changes in government policies for foreign equity. In several countries, it has been made compulsory to reduce the foreign stake in one`s country and promote it into more national (Hamad, and Al-Kwifi, 2015). The two main ways to achieve different HR objectives and it can be employing human resources to maximise the productivity. The contingencies variables in an organisation and several management practises shows that every company has unique structure in staffing role. Sometimes the managers combines the role and responsibilities of employees as a mode to reduce the wage bill and cost of the organisation. Organisation create departments that are unique to the production and other service delivery program. HR has also evolved as strategic contributor to organisational success with these firms are customising the function to suit their needs. Companies that are in retail sector that will differ from manufacturing from the time as the former includes high level of interaction with customers. In case of manufacturing and producing company, only the product and not the employees speaks on the behalf of the company. Large firms have good hierarchical structure. HR manager oversees line manager below them. On the other side, small organisation do not have such classification of work nor have they varied array of personnel. The owner manage to become and act an HR manager, any professional, and interviewer. Organisation structure itself according to sector and industry it operate (Yoo, and Park, 2015).
Delivering HR Objectives in Organizations
3. Change is only a constant process or characteristic reality of life. Managing the change and adapting it is an learning process that takes time, efforts, energy and training. This is because learned individuals have introduced structured and defined model to manage and adapt change. Change management model have effectively provided tools and models to apply to business and industry with an objective to deal with transition. It provides an overview of change management and main approaches related to change management. Change management is used to transform and change people, companies, projects, and groups from one state to another. Change management includes the application of structured methods and pre-planned framework to steer business from its current situation to desirable condition. The benefit of applying change management is to increase the probability of business staying and relying on budget and schedule, which in turn lead to higher ROI and realisation of benefits. Due to emerging and increasing competition, it is important for any organisation to move ahead and constantly bring useful and structured changes and adapt to changes to meet the customer requirement. HR department plays an important role in convincing, adopting the policies, and teaching employees to overcome the change problems and take it as a new opportunity to develop oneself. One of the common model to manage the changes in the environment is Lewin`s Change Management model. One effective approach make possible those actions that can convince employees to understand structural change. The model has three stages are Unfreeze, change, and refreeze (Gabriel et al., 2016). The stage of unfreeze includes the process of change is preparing the employees to adopt changes. Organisation prepare themselves for adopting change and reveal the fact that change is most needed. This phase of processing change is important because many people resist change even the top managers. The main objective of this stage is to explain why existing work process of need changes and how change can benefit the organisation. The step involves the organisation to look into the core and re-examine it. The second stage is change where real change and transition is required and it takes place. Good leadership and motivation plays an important role in assuring that the aspect not only lead to steer forward in the right way but also to make process easy for staff or individuals that are involved in the process. Effective communication is the way to execute change and to take place appropriately. The third stage involves refreezing that involves acceptance, embracement, and implementation by people and organisation that begin to become stable again. This is the stage where staff processes begin refreezing. The regular and normal procedures of organisation should be changed and it requires the help of the people to make sure that people adopt changes and use it all the time to implement even when the objective has been achieved.
HR Function Variations in Different Sectors and Sizes
Another model that can be used as a change management model can be McKinsey 7 S Model. McKinsey and company developed the model. The model has seven stages to manage change. The seven “S” are strategy, structure, system, staff, style, and skills. The integration and combination of all these seven elements and stages can lead to successful change. Strategy is a plan, which is created to stand in the competition and reach the objectives. This is the first stage of change as per this model and framework that involves the development of step-by-step and systematic procedures to execute the future plan. This is a stage where Structure or attribute of this model relates to the way of how and when organisation is divided and which structure follows. In the stage of system, in order to get the work done, the way that day-to-day procedures and activities are performed and what stage is related to do the task. Shared values involves the core and main values of any organisation to which the work runs because the organisation has to consider ethical concerns regarding how task should be executed. The style follows another way to adopt changes such as a leader plays an important role in adopting and implementing the change, which is most relevant. The staff includes the workforce and their working abilities who have competencies and other skills that are possessed by employees working for the employees. This approach integrates both emotional, practical components, which is important for, bring change, and on the same side it is important to create a way to enable employees to deal with the changes. The model considers all the parts as important and equally worth addressing that does not leave any aspect, which is still important. The model offers directional factors to contribute in organisational change. More change management theories include kotter`s change model that have different traits such as increased urgency, building of the team, communication issues, focusing on the short term goals and at last incorporate change. Briefly, this model is a systematic procedure and no step should be skipped to reach. The whole process described in this model and it is time consuming.
4. According to Albrecht, Bakker, Gruman, Macey and Saks, (2015), employment engagement, competitive advantage and human resource practises is an integrated approach. The article has argued that how four main human resource management practises support or focus on engagement influencing organisation environment, job resources, psychological experiences, employee engagement, performance leading to competitive advantages. The review focused on interrelationship between job factors, employee psychological, several motivational factors, organisation outcomes and employee outcomes that lead to competitive advantage to the organisation. A functional HR department always remained a competitive advantage for the organisation and it is assured that continuous development of the human capital has direct relation between performance and high-performing working system of the organisation. Understanding the functional department has become vital to achieve and sustain a competitive advantage. In the challenging business environment, challenging economic environment is facing problem due to scare resources (Eldor, and Harpaz, 2016). The advice and recommendation to many companies is just to improve the output of its staff or workforce to get a competitive advantage. High performing employees is targeted at stimulating employee`s involvement to ensure that it is to ensure that it avails efficient return on capital. Open line for communication, ethical behaviour, transparency increases the probability of high performance of the organisation. The four HRM practises are strategically focused on how organisational climate directly or indirectly affect the demand and resources that is being experienced by employees at their workplaces (Alagaraja, and Shuck, 2015). Engagement is an academic domain that fulfils work-related state of mind that represents dedication, absorption and vigour. It is broadly described as harnessing the people to invest in physical, emotional and cognitive resources in the roles. Engaging in work is seen as energy manifestation, involvement, and focusing towards achieving the organisational goals. In the contemporary world, the approach of employee engagement has shifted to customer experiences. With the increasing influence of “Y” generation people and increasing transparency due to digitalised age. Employees have expected from the company that it would provide them a more comfortable environment for work. Employee experiences integrates three main dimensions culture, performance management, and engagement (Cameron et al., 2018). HR continuously experiment with the technology in the external business environment such as employees’ wellness apps, plus feedback tools, and modern communication that can help and facilitate understanding and developing of employee experiences. Another key HRM practise can be entering as an organisational structures from just people analytics. Many organisation have evolved from just functioning as an analytical functions with challenges of giving importance to numerous data requests and merging these files accordingly with different organisational objectives and tension centralising the analytical functions of business intelligence. Integration of engagement and achieving the competitive advantage is necessary (Yoo, and Park, 2015). For example- sustainable differences among different organisations is at the top quartile of some averaged employees especially from those who are in bottom quartile in relation to return on assets, its market value and its profitability. Socialisation in between employees and employing new employees is an exciting part of the organisation. In order to decrease tension in the organisation, the company should not hire people and are suffering from newcomer engagement with anxious and angry people. This is an process of values, appreciation, and socialisation that is being defend as either enthusiasm or appreciation of values, anxiety, abilities, important organisational goals for maintaining into organisation members (Mishra, Boynton, and Mishra, 2014).
Major Theories of Change Management
The article has found that HRM practitioners have to move beyond the traditional approaches and the routine administration to embed survey`s observation while forming several HRM policies and practises for personnel selection, socialisation, training, performance management, and development after training. Human Resources (HR) department’s effectiveness plays a crucial part in how well the entire organization functions. So HR evaluation is a highly important process for organizations to perform. Evaluations if done right, will reward company as well as the employees. Evaluation of HRM can provide the managers on practices and programs in continuation and on the same hand the deficiencies and problems regarding the same. Evaluation can also open the team towards improvement in existing programs and schemes.
5. Human Resource Management plays an important role in organizations to manage and organize people in such a way that they can effectively perform their work activities. The role requires visualizing and interpreting people as human assets, not as a liability to the organization. The human resources team suggests that the management team to manage the employees as business resources strategically. This strategy imbibes in it the recruitment of employees and suggesting their development strategies and training programs. Therefore, HR team acts as consultant rather than being. The function of HR is to advise managers on many issues related to employees that can help to achieve its goals for organization (Whatishumanresources, 2018).
It is important to select the evaluation method according to the suitability to the organization. The most used methods are audit and examination basis such as analytical approach, audit approach, qualitative and quantitative approach, balanced scorecard perspective, and benchmarking (Mostafa, and Williams, 2014).
This approach depends on cost-benefit analysis, to known the level of utility analysis. This approach is evaluated in economic terms that can be more useful for decision makers. Several actions such as appraisal systems, training, employee hiring, and turnover have been taken in action with help of these analysis. The process is difficult and the amount of available resources and effort required for analysis limits and it`s utilization to specific situations (Kooij et al., 2014).
HRM audit is also a means to evaluate the HR effectiveness. It facilitates evaluation of HR performance, compliance with procedures, laws, policies, and regulations. HR audit may be partial or total. The approaches for the solving and evaluation the problem are comparative, outside, statistical and compliance approach (Kuvaas, Dysvik, and Buch, 2014).
During the comparative approach, the one who audits and identifies another company as model and the results of organization is then compared with the model company. Auditors may sometime use standards set by outside. This approach elaborated here is outside authority approach. In the statistical approach, performance is measured statistically based on company’s existing information. In addition to this compliance approach, the past activities are reviewed whether they comply with necessary legal requirements and company’s procedures and policies (Baruah, 2015).
Criteria and Methods for Evaluating HR Function
Number indices are available to regulate the effectiveness of HR. For example, while calculating turnover cost, absenteeism cost, lead-time to fill vacancies, costing per hire and training costs. These and other indicators when are compared with other organizations will give a true picture of certain HR effectiveness (Arnaboldi, Lapsley, and Steccolini, 2015).
The analytical approach to measure the company`s performance the balance scorecard is developed by David Norton. This scorecard evaluates HRM effectiveness. It has four dimensions named as customer service, internal processes of business, capacity to learn and achieve the objective, and financial performance. With these four areas, manager identify KPIs (Key performance indicators) track the organisational situations. Financial dimensions is concerned with how organisational activities can contribute to improve short-term, long-term, and sustainable financial performance (Tan, Zhang, and Khodaverdi, 2017). Customer service perspective is concerned with how customer see and look at the organisation performing activities to satisfy the customers in such a way that it can lead to retention and customer satisfaction. Several business process factors and indicators focus on operating statistics, production concerns and other order fulfilling at cost per data. The ultimate component is related to human resource and its potential to grow and learn. The perspective is expected to grow and learn and how well the human resources and human capital is being managed of the company`s benefits (Valmohammadi, and Sofiyabadi, 2015). This scorecard provides a balance overview of current performance as future performance triggers the current actions. Scorecard helps the organisational managers to align the several business units with financial, human, and physical resources and affirming the overall strategy for the firm. What is needed to be emphasised is that HR evaluation should not confirm to only people dimension of scorecard but the professional can be judged on all the basis of other traits and dimensions of scorecard (Bhattacharya et al., 2014). HR executives have a tendency to believe that the success should be evaluated on the basis of employee needs and their performance. As the scorecards indicate, commitment towards employees is one important criterion for effective HR performance. Where HR professionals can be held accountable for dimensions as other managers (Anitha, 2014).
It is one of the key performance indicator that involves employee adopting and learning the so called “best practises by evaluating and comparing the human resource practises with other those more successful organisation. Most importantly, benchmarking involves the employees when study the practises followed by competing firms and evaluate own practises. Apart from evaluation of HR practices, benchmarking enable the managers to learn from other organisations and adopt new effective HR strategies (Mone, and London, 2018). In addition to this, benchmarking helps to initiate the necessities for change because it discovers how an organisation should perform to improve the related HR strategy in MNCs. The KPIs of benchmarking follows a particular sequential steps such as identifying the HR practises for benchmarking. Critical practises from certain organisation`s perspective is identified for benchmarking. After this, it constitute core and project team to control and handle benchmarking process. Finally, a comprehensive report that is based on data analysis and interpretation and develop the action plan accordingly to improve the HR strategies.
Research Evidence Linking HR Practices to Positive Organizational Outcomes
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Impact of High-Performance Working and Investment in Human Capital on Organizational Practice
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