Roles of Parents in Inculcating Moral Values
What Are The Factors That Contribute To The Increasing Graciousness Index Of Singapore?
What Are The Roles Of Parents In Ensuring That They Inculcate Moral Values In Their Children?
What Kind Of Support Do They Need?
From The Current Trend Of Graciousness Index Of Singapore, What Are The Future Impacts Likely To Be Inflicted On The People Of Singapore?
What Are The Economic Implications Of Social Graciousness Index?
The act of graciousness is not only a social construction which one should possess for the sake of feeling well, but also has the ability to boost one’s career. Graciousness also influences one’s relationship, performance, and happiness. Graciousness is as well, a component that comprises emotional intelligence. With emotional intelligence, life and academic success are guaranteed. According to a study performed in Singapore on first year students in a particular college, showed that the prediction of their emotional intelligence was more accurate compared to the academic success. The same is experienced in fields that don’t actually perceive emotional intelligence as that vital; such as computer science. It is because those students who have EQs that are higher are associated with enhanced levels of accounting performance (Kampung, 2017).
There are two areas associated with emotional intelligence and graciousness that are very important in this particular study. These areas are social skills and empathy. When children are grown in a society that upholds the values of graciousness, such children will develop excellent emotional intelligence. In turn, we shall realize increased academic performance. Also, emotional intelligence has always been associated with sounder decision making capabilities. Those with higher levels of emotional intelligence have the capability of making judgments, be it in work or areas of investments, in a manner that they are not influenced by external factors. Being gracious in areas of work has been associated with improving one’s health. According to a study performed in Australia, in 2008, having social interactions that are positive within the work environment boosts employee health (SKM, 2015). It is not only at individual level that we witness productivity due to the presence of graciousness but also in the society at large. Looking at the theory of evolution that was proposed by Darwin, we realize that it quotes competitive behavior and survival of the fittest as the primary elements of success. However, kind behavior and caring are much more beneficial. It does not take us by surprise that Darwin himself agrees to the same. According to his sentiments, people have fundamentally evolved to becoming more social and caring. We, therefore, need those qualities on others too. From Darwin’s opinion, therefore, them that are gracious and kind are likely to be far much more successful than those who are not (SKM, 2015).
Emotional Intelligence and Graciousness
However, the benefits of being gracious are intertwined in our own relationships. Being kind as well as having a good relationship has the ability of developing individuals personally as well as the society at large. Kindness among people helps in the creation of a stronger bond. A community that is gracious is, therefore, strong and likely to be helpful to one another and thus ensuring success for one another. Serving others and being kind to them is as well beneficial to our own performances. Focusing on the problems of others ensure that we reduce inhibitions and in return, develop unique talents. It is such a simple truth that helps in training of actors as well as business management for the purpose of unleashing the maximum potential of workers. In most instances, happiness has also been associated with kindness and graciousness. Research activities have shown that when individuals take part in instances of kindness, even for as little as fifteen days, they get high levels of satisfaction in life. Such reasons have, therefore, contributed to graciousness being part of the 5G platform (Kampung, 2017).
This activity is based on the fact that Singaporeans are beginning to show positivity regarding the state of kindness and graciousness. Also, more residents of Singapore accept the fact that they need to be authoritative when it comes to ensuring that they foster and also promote proper social values when they find the chance to showcase themselves. As a result of such, we will determine the Graciousness Index against the study that the Singapore Kindness Movement commissioned for the purpose of tracking the perceptions and experiences of Singaporeans. For the purpose of determining the level of kindness, this activity uses a demographic sample of representation of 1,850 respondents. The participants then share their perceptions and experiences regarding the subject matter. The whole process of seeking the responses leads to the development of this quantitative research proposal. From the same, this activity will explain factors which contribute to the Graciousness Index score. The activity will also construct the study measures as well as variables.
In summary, this research activity, in the sections under analysis, will use the system-based evolutionary learning laboratory also known as the ELLab together with the key variables to accomplish the required tasks. Other factors of significance include leverage points and the BBN model. Having done so, the activity will be summarized, under which the limitations, practical implications, and future possibilities of the same research being discussed.
Impacts on Performance and Decision-Making
When is surrounded with difficulties, challenges, defeat, and loss practicing graciousness becomes difficult. Some of the things one is likely to experience in this case include disappointment and anger. All the named factors have the ability to deter one from being their own selves. On the contrary, issues like competition also have the ability to reduce the level of one’s graciousness (Levine, 2017). However, going about your ways and still being gracious under such circumstances is what identifies one as a leader. As much as it may be difficult in such situations, it is the positivity by which speakers communicate that makes them sound appealing and their message hopeful enough. That way, they make things easy and done way too quickly. One of the studies performed on the impacts and qualities of negative and positive words portrayed that human communication which basically ensures that information transfer process gets optimized creates a bias. The bias created is towards emotional content that is positive (Levine, 2017). However, positive emotional expressions have the ability to increase communication levels as well as have social links strengthened. In the same study, it was identified that the number of times that positive words got used was higher than that in which negative words were termed. On the contrary, negative words had more information since they serve another purpose altogether. However, words that are positive were used to ensure cooperation (Levine, 2017).
It is during the phase of creating a country with a positive environment for living as well as the tourism industry that Singapore made the effort of having its level of social graciousness increased. Regarding the same, the country launched a courtesy campaign as a way that it would encourage the people of Singapore to adopt an attitude that is more courteous as well as a lifestyle which would induce an environment that is socially pleasant (Graciousness Survey, 2017). Later on, several measures were adopted including one known as ‘Singa, the courtesy lion.’ This was a campaign that would ensure maximum publicity through profiles via television, radio, documentaries, newspapers, songs, jingles, banners, and posters. Even with such relentless campaigns, research organization still ranked Singapore as the last country with regards to emotional response (Graciousness Survey, 2017).
Another survey was then performed by the Kindness Movement of Singapore performed in 2013 showed that the gracious index had fallen by about 8 points which was the lowest value ever recorded since the inception of the surveys (Graciousness Survey, 2017). On the same, another Australian article argued that the citizens of Singapore didn’t have the necessary initiatives for caring. Out of the eighty-eight respondents questioned by Kindness Movement, approximately eight-four percent of the number agreed that Singapore suffers from poor social graciousness. Contrary to the many campaigns done in the country to reduce the same, little impact has been felt to ensure that Singapore’s graciousness index is boosted. All the obtained results, for a number of times, have illustrated that the challenges associated with graciousness that Singapore faces are complex (Nguyen, 2016). The results also show that there has been the need to identify whatever factors that hinder the growth of social graciousness index. To answer such questions, there are a number of approaches that were taken. One, policy makers and relevant stakeholders had to be equipped with other ways of thinking to have such problems solved. Another factor would be the establishment of a system that is holistic and of which would focus on eradicating the causes of the problems mentioned earlier on (Nguyen, 2016). For the purpose of understanding the interconnectedness, the dynamics, and the relationships within the social system talked about, systems model was developed. Business, a system-based one, was known as the ELLab. This was an approach that would identify as well as address issues regarding graciousness within Singapore (Nguyen, 2016).
Quantitative Research Proposal
The approach used, which is a system-based ELLab, will be important in ensuring that researchers begin to think systemically. Also, decision and policy makers will be able to come up with as well as share their understanding regarding the complex matters. By so doing, there would be chances of creating solutions that are sustainable and innovative through the use of the identified approach. With this approach, a new mindset is provided to the researchers through involvements that are multi-perspective (Graciousness Survey, 2017).
Regarding data collection, the process will be done in stages. First, appropriate information is obtained in the literature review. Secondly, information is obtained from interviews with respondents. The same technique has been used throughout the process of this activity. For the sub-groups of respondents, stratified sampling was employed. The opinions of respondents concerning strategies or social graciousness and how such factors associated with them have increased the graciousness index will then be discussed (Nguyen, 2016). The activity will have key variables integrated into the model via sessions of capacity-building. In these sessions, participants have the chance to integrate during which the participants learnt to integrate the various mental models into a systems structure.
For the purpose of analysis, this activity will use the IBM SPSS Statistics 24. The same has enhancements to ensure that the modules and procedures of data manipulation are efficient. In the cycle for development, SPSS Statistics 24 was modeled to have concerns addressed. The product is, therefore, different from other analytical tools due to the fact that it addresses customer requests for the purpose of having analytical procedures enhanced. The process also employs the Vensim CLD Software. The researchers, in this case, will explore as well as interpret the interconnectedness and patterns of the ELLab model using CLD. With the named software, the researchers are able to understand the ELLab model as well as identify the model’s points of leverage for intervention that are systemic. The points of leverage are points of power. Such are points whereby tiny shifts have the ability to generate larger changes within the whole system. The leverage points identified then become the systemic interventions objectives. However, to have the interventions and proposals captured, the IBM SPSS Statistics 24 is used. Such systemic interventions portray an oversight for the whole process (Graciousness Survey, 2017).
With regards to the development of the CLD, the activity has to develop key variable as well as strategies based on the identified mental models. Our key variables are grouped into systems components such as socio-cultural norms, education, and livelihood using the Vensim, and IBM SPSS Statistics 24 software programs (Graciousness Survey, 2017).
Constructing Study Measures and Variables
Institutions have always been the most effective tool for ensuring that the youth’s moral values are restored. The social and academic needs of the children has ensured that curriculum planning have the root causes of social problems as well as personal behavior solved. Families should also recognize the fact that they play a critical role in determining personal beliefs regarding the right and wrong things (Nguyen, 2016).
In most instances, social issues always attract the intervention of the government via campaigns for the purpose of raising awareness as well as improving social interactions. Children, for instance, as they grow, interact with schoolmates and friends. These individuals that they interact with have the ability to influence such children’s behavior. However, Singaporeans happen to be undergoing value change as well as placing vitality on inclusiveness and empathy. Social issues have then had several impacts on Singapore including development hindrance. However, the case is fast changing.
The quality of life
Through the use of purchasing power to determine life quality, it is made vivid that there has been a different direction with regards to living costs that lessens the stress of individuals. With reduced levels of stress, the performance of work within an organization. Life quality as well as influences within an organization is determined via social graciousness. However, high levels of graciousness are obtained via constant interactions within individuals in a given organization.
Interviews conducted for over a period of two months with 1,850 respondents produced the following results:
The level of optimism had greatly increased. Approximately forty-four percent of the total respondents claimed that Singapore has improved a lot regarding graciousness. This value is far much beyond the twenty-eight percent recorded in the previous year. About eighty-four percent of the total number of respondents also rated themselves as very gracious. However, there were a five percent of individuals who were not sure about their level of graciousness. About sixty-nine percent of the same people agreed to the fact that the country was improving with regards to graciousness. The main reasons for such growth were due to the adoption of factors like being courteous, considerate, and appreciative. Generally, the respondents were encouraged by the fact that people are beginning to have positive perceptions.
Regarding the results obtained, it is clear that if such positive trend continues, then there is a chance of having graciousness and kindness as part of the norms that identify Singapore globally.
Regarding the findings tabled before, the leverage points are as a result of funding from the government to initiate campaigns. Having the government involved in the same situation is vital since social problems are likely to be reduced within the society. So is to say that creating many initiatives for social awareness regarding issues leading to reduced graciousness and the manner in which they could be eradicated is able to lead to positive long-term impact (SKM, 2015). However, as much as some of the interventions failing, several campaigns have ensured that the main goal of having social awareness increased is achieved as social problems eradicated. The campaigns have also increased social interactions. However, there is a limitation to the research. The fact that such campaigns don’t tackle most of the social problems still hinder the likelihood of getting better results since some individuals still have low levels of social graciousness due to the same reason (SKM, 2015). The campaigns also need to be more foresighted to reduce levels of failure. All in all, having the government sponsored campaigns utilized is an important leverage point.
Recommendation and Conclusion
The government should, however, increase their support like campaigns to increase social graciousness in the country. The social campaigns need to be more specific to tackling ways in which personal behavior can be changed for the better. It is sad to note that less than sixty percent of such campaigns are able to provide such awareness. The available thirty percent is less. To realize greater graciousness index, the number of campaigns that tackle individual behavioral reform schemes should increase CIRT. (2017).
As clearly indicated in the results of the survey, campaigns that are facilitated by the government are much more instrumental in the creation of awareness. They are also the reason as to why Singapore enjoys a steady increase in the graciousness index. On the contrary, ensuring that individual behavior is more influenced, there are other factors that need to be employed. Such include proper child upbringing and curriculum change CIRT. (2017).
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