Organise learning to use information or knowledge management system
1.1Identify learning needs of relevant personnel and stakeholders for input into and use of an information or knowledge management system
1.2Identify and secure human, financial and physical resources required for learning activities to use an information or knowledge management system
1.3Organise and facilitate learning activities
1.4Promote and support use of the system throughout the organisation
1.5Monitor and document effectiveness of learning activities
Elements and Performance Criteria
This guide, together with the Assessment Activity forms the assessment tools for:
Unit code |
Title |
Training Package |
Manage an information or knowledge management system |
Business Services Training Package |
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to organise training for others for an information or knowledge management system and to manage the use of the system.
It applies to individuals who are responsible for seeing that key information and corporate knowledge are retained, accessible to others and improve business outcomes.
The unit applies to information or knowledge management systems which comprise policies, protocols, procedures and practices to manage information or knowledge within the organisation and among relevant stakeholders.
1.0Organise learning to use information or knowledge management system
- Identify learning needs of relevant personnel and stakeholders for input into and use of an information or knowledge management system
- Identify and secure human, financial and physical resources required for learning activities to use an information or knowledge management system
- Organise and facilitate learning activities
- Promote and support use of the system throughout the organisation
- Monitor and document effectiveness of learning activities
2.0Manage use of information or knowledge management system
- Ensure implementation of policies and procedures for the information or knowledge management system are monitored for compliance, effectiveness and efficiency
- Address implementation issues and problems as they arise
- Monitor integration and alignment with data and information systems
- Collect information on achievement of performance measures
- Manage contingencies such as system failure or technical difficulties by accessing technical specialist help as required
3.0Review use of information or knowledge management system
- Analyse effectiveness of system and report on strengths and limitations of the system
- Review business and operational plan and determine how effectively the system is contributing to intended outcomes
- Make recommendations for improvement to system, policy or work practices
If you disagree with the assessment decision and result, you have the right to appeal and be reassessed if necessary. Details of the appeals process is contained in the Complaints and Appeals Policy & Procedure, provided to you prior to enrolment. See Complaints and Appeals Policy & Procedure for more details.
While co-operative effort and the sharing of information are encouraged, you must ensure your assignments and assessments are representative of your own effort, knowledge and skills. You must not take the work of others and present it as your own. Plagiarism may result in the assignment/assessment being deemed to be “not yet competent” by the assessor.
Students accused more than once of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, may be dismissed or cancelled from their course at the discretion of the National Training Manager.
Plagiarism can take several forms;
- Quoting from a book or an article without acknowledging the source
- Handing in someone else’s work as your own
- Stealing and passing off another person’s words or ideas and claiming them as your own
- Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation or idea
- Downloading information from the internet without acknowledging the source
- Copying a section of a book or article and submitting it as one’s own work
- Presenting as a new and original idea or produce something which was derived from an existing source
National Training prefers that students utilises Harvard Style referencing. Generally, Harvard Reference List citations follow this format:
Books: Last name, First Initial. (Year published). Title. City: Publisher, Page(s).
Journals/publication: Last name, First initial. (Year published). Article title. Journal, Volume (Issue), Page(s).
Websites: Website name, (Year published). Page title. [Online] Available at: URL [Accessed Day Mo. Year].
The great thing with competency based training is that you either deemed 'competent' (you can demonstrate the required skills and knowledge) or 'not yet competent' (at this time you haven't been able to demonstrate required skills or knowledge). The key word is "YET”.
Your trainer will provide you with feedback on your assessments so that you know what you have done well in your assessment and what you need to improve upon or fix. An "NYC" result does not mean that you have failed and that is it - you have the opportunity to try again. It could be that one question in your assessment was deemed not yet satisfactory and this is the only question that will require review.
C |
Competent |
Has successfully completed unit and has met the minimum competency criteria and demonstrated the required skills and knowledge |
Not Yet Competent |
Has not met minimum competency criteria for the unit - certain section/s require review due to not meeting the requirements and being deemed not yet satisfactory |
CT |
Credit Transfer |
Application required |
Recognition of Prior Learning |
Application required |
Appeals and reassessment
For further information regarding Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfers (CT), please contact on our office on (03) 9674 0331
The assessment activities contained below have been designed for the following unit(s) of competency:
BSBINM501 Manage an information or knowledge management system
This is a summative assessment process. For the student to be assessed as competent in each Unit of Competency, all questions and activities need to be satisfactorily completed.
Each assessment activity contained within:
Assessment 1: |
Short Answer Questions |
This requires the completion of all comprehensive questions. This is a summative assessment activity, which means it is an assessment of what you have learnt and used towards the assessment of your overall competency. |
Assessment 2: |
Case Study – Project Task |
This is a summative assessment activity, which means it is an assessment of what you have learnt and used towards the assessment of your overall competency. |
Assessment 1 and 2 Instructions
Student Instructions |
Type of Assessment |
This is a summative assessment activity, which means it is an assessment of what you have learnt and used towards the assessment of your overall competency. |
General |
There are a number of written questions and case study. You must attempt each one. If you have difficulty with understanding the question or completing the answers then talk to your trainer. Your trainer is there to help you understand and help you demonstrate your understanding, not to complete the answers for you. You are required to answer all questions and provide as much detail as you can. These questions are not required to be completed under exam conditions. |
Context and purpose of assessment |
The questions and case study have been drawn from the information contained in your workbook/ learning materials. Therefore you should have a good understanding of the answers |
Assessment instructions |
Read information provided and fully complete all questions as asked. |
Resources, equipment & material required |
Learner Guide Computer Internet |
How you will be assessed |
Upon completion of your responses will be assessed against a standard answer sheet to ensure that you have covered the question and are consistent with others. You are required to get every question correct, For more information on the specific criteria contained in the unit descriptor, speak with your trainer. They will provide you with a copy of the criteria or see your learner guide which includes the performance criteria. |
The objective of this section is to demonstrate 1.0 Organise learning to use information or knowledge management system |
List below three (3) possible learning needs of personnel and stakeholders
Answer: In order to enable different issue solving and sharing knowledge for any business organization three possible learning requirements for the personnel and stakeholders include designed to store, verification and data distribution.
Why do you need to identify learning needs for input into and use of an information or knowledge management system (50 – 80 words)?
Answer: In order to implement any organizational project successfully the different learning requirements should be used as input to the system. It is expected that with the help of this system the organizational personnel and stakeholders would be able to meet the system requirements accurately. In addition to this, the organizational head should be aware of the key performance indicators.
Identify below three (3) types of resources you would need to secure for learning activities to use an information or knowledge management system.
Answer: In order to use an information system or knowledge management system for securing the learning activities three types of associated resources include Human resource, financial skills and production resources as well.
Describe how you could organise and facilitate a learning activity (20 – 40 words).
Answer: In order to facilitate the learning activities, different steps are there those are needed to be organized and facilitate well. For such organization, the scope and goal for process planning regarding the working activities should be considered.
Why is it important to promote and support the use of information and knowledge management systems throughout the organisation (50 – 80 words)?
The importance of using knowledge management system throughout the organizations is as follows:
- It could dramatically reduce the implementation cost
- It could serve potential activities for business growth and expansion
- The organizational value and profitability could be enhanced
- The products and services can be enhanced
- The business owners could get a better and faster response from the consumers
- Knowledge management system helps to meet the requirements of the consumers
Why should the effectiveness of learning activities be monitored and documented (50 – 80 words)?
Continuous monitoring and documentation helps to improve the workplace operations and functions. With control, monitoring and documentation the business organizations could stay within the financial track. Specific form of measurement and operational progress helps to improve if accurate monitoring and documentation approach are evaluated. Judgement on productivity and sales figure could be served easily which is beneficial for organizational statistical progress.
The objective of this section is to demonstrate 2.0 Manage use of information or knowledge management system |
Why should policies and procedures for the information or knowledge management system be monitored for compliance, effectiveness and efficiency (50 – 80 words)?
Answer: For fulfilling the effectiveness and efficiency of consumers the policies and procedures of information and knowledge management system must be monitored. The knowledge management system has the ability to include all the information from different domain such as both the raw data and insights. In addition to this, it could also store the tools and systems, the organizational hierarchy, learned lessons, on-boarding processes and learning materials as well. The organizational framework could be monitored and easily accessed.
Give an example of an implementation issue or a problem that may arise and how you could address it.
Answer: One of the vital implementation issues is unclear or non defined planning for system requirements. In order to resolve the issues of implementation the business owners should process all the needs accurately so that that the initial phase to avoid the decision making problems. Before considering the most suitable choice, roper decision making approach is required to be identified by the business heads. With proper monitoring the unrealistic outcomes could also be generated.
Why is monitoring integration and alignment with data and information or knowledge management systems important?
Answer: End to end monitoring integration helps to build secure relationship between the service providers and the consumers. Basically in order to process the knowledge management system towards accurate direction proper data alignment strategies are needed to be considered to meet the consumer’s requirements within estimated time and budget as well.
List two (2) types of information which show achievement of performance measures and how you could collect them.
Answer: The two different types of information include the followings:
- Strategic Information
- Operational information
In order to achieve the performance measures the data are needed to be collected properly. The strategic and operational information could be collected through environmental scanning and company operations respectively.
Why is performance measuring important for an organisation (50 – 80 words)?
Answer: The importances of performance measurement in organizations are due tho the following reasons:
- It could document factual evidence in the consumer level
- Based upon the factual feedback behavioural changes could be brought
- Improvement control can be done over the risks
- Performance trends could be detected
- Cross functional performances could be understood easily
- Actual and latent issues could be uncovered
Answer: In managing contingencies such as system failure or technical difficulties you should;
- Access technical specialist help as required
- Form a specialist committee with users and stakeholders to vent their frustrations
- Hope the situation fixes itself over time
- Resign
- All of the above
Answer: b) Form a specialist committee including the users and stakeholders to vent their frustrations
The objective of this section is to demonstrate
3.0 Review use of information or knowledge management system |
Why should you analyse the effectiveness of the system and report on the strengths and limitations of the system (30 – 50 words)?
Referencing Materials
Answer: System effectiveness is referred to as one of those factors that help to measure the upcoming range of revenue or profit from the operations. However, the operations must be categorized between the strength and limitation. The strength would give opportunities to the business whereas; the limitations might raise threat for the business organization. Thus, constant analysis of the system is effective for gaining measurable revenues.
Reviewing the business and operational plan can assist in
- a) Determining future sales
- b) Determining how effectively the system is contributing to intended outcomes
- c) Providing required ratios and performance measurable data
- d) Determining the success of implementation of a new system
- e) All of the above
Why should you make recommendations for improvement to system, policy and work practices?
Answer: For improvement of different systems the policies and works varies a lot. In order to improve such system it is necessary to consider all necessary policies and work practices as well. With the help of accurate recommendations the issues those are acting like system obstacles, can be easily mitigated accordingly. With the help of the recommendations the potential issues would be resolved easily.
The objective of this section is to demonstrate BSBINM501Manage an information or knowledge management system |
You are employed at National Camper Trailers Pty. Ltd. (NCT). You have been asked as part of your job role to assist in the implementation, training, manage and monitoring of the new Information Management system.
Through consultation with colleagues and stakeholders you have identified that many staff are having difficulties in using the management system resulting in staff not using the system at all and opting to work from documents on their own computers in isolation to the rest of the organisation.
These difficulties include:
- Do not understand how to enter data correctly
- Do not understand the reporting capabilities
- Do not understand how it can assist in their job role
- No not what to change to a different process because they have done it that way for years and it appears to be working just fine to them.
The information system, despite the above identified issues, has the capability to support the organisation requirements and designed to make all areas of the organisation more efficient and have access to more information at the touch of a button.
However, during a discussion with the developer, he expressed his concern that in the event that the organisation grows dramatically over the next 5 years (as desired) than the information system capacity may need to be updated to avoid any possible future limitations and crashing of the system with a greater number of users.
This case study requires you to write a report for the organisations CEO. This report must address each of the following items and a Learning Plan.
Items to be addressed:
- Describe how you are going to monitor the effectiveness of the learning programme you implemented.
- During the implementation process (two weeks after you have conducted your Learning Plan) you discover one of the staff from the finance department is not working from the information system or entering required data which is effecting the reports and the work flow with other departments. What do you do?
- What performance measures would you put in place?
- Identify what information you will collect on achievement of performance measures?
- Describe how you will manage contingencies such as system failure and or technical difficulties.
- Analyse the effectiveness of the system and report possible strengths and limitations of the system.
- Make recommendations for improvement to the information system, policies and practices.
Being the CEO, of National Camper Trailer Pty Ltd. it is the responsibility of the company to make the system effective so that the company could gain reasonable success and revenue as well from the competitive market. The earlier system used by the company was unable to process the data accurately. Not only this, the company lags the reporting capability. In order to assist the job role properly the company owner and members should act their job roles properly. If the job roles are properly segmented and covered accurately by the team members then it would be able to meet the requirements of the consumer and other company members as well. The member associated to the company fails to understand their job roles and also the different processes those are needed to be covered by the members are failed by the company members. The information system used by the business has different functional abilities however; it failed to make all the necessary changes. In order to gain success from the business plan an accurate success plan is required to be designed by the management authority and items to be addressed are as follows:
Understanding your results
1) Different approaches are there through which the learning program of the implemented system could be monitored. As a part of the panning process, all the project objectives and expected outcomes of the policies for the system to be implemented should be considered. The important elements for monitoring are as follows:
- Report to the others
- Involvement of the stakeholders
- Monitoring of the progress report
- Review on a regular basis
- Evaluation of the project outcomes
2) During the process of implementation, if it is found that one of the staff associated to the project finance team, fails to report accurate data in the Information System, then the finance head should warn that person and suggest him or her to attend the training and development program organized by the organization. Not only this but also in order to match the work flow with the desired one, effective and proper planning is also required to be done by the project head.
3) Whether the employees associated to the development of Information System to be implemented are working efficiently or not could be measured with the help of different performance measurement tools. It is expected that with the help of proper performance measurement tool, the issues associated to the company and employees would be mitigated rather resolved. Different performance measures those are to be placed in this case are as follows:
- Punctuality
- Quality of work done by the members associated to the company
- Personal habit observation
- Review of the personal presentation
- Random checks to be carried out
Not only should this but many other performance measures approaches are there, those be applied for the stakeholders.
4) Different indicators and components are there those are necessary information to be collected for measuring the performance of the employees associated to the advanced Information system. The information those are to be collected to achieve the performance measurement are as follows:
- The exact goal and objective of the Information System to be implemented must be collected at the very initiation phase
- Then the software and hardware required for the IS implementation should be collected
- Data needed to improve the performance and system analysis must be collected
- Both the business and communication requirements are to be collected in terms of data by the project head
- In order to gain business performance metrics accurately, practical appreciation are needed to be implemented by the collected by the business owners
- Data those have integrity must be gathered
- However, the data are needed to be turned into practical information set
5) Additional functional as well as operational requirements are needed to be considered by the system developers to make sure that, the system is free from technical difficulties. The contingencies would be managed properly if technical experts are hired by the management team. In addition to this, for avoiding the technical difficulties, accurate technical support chins are needed to be adopted by the business team. Apart from this, proper security approaches are also needed to be implemented so that, none of the unauthenticated users could enter and even access the information stored in the data server. With the help of appropriate security approach none of the external attackers would be able to access data from the server. In addition to this, disaster recovery, application resilience and backup storage, password protections are the components to be considered by the management head of the business organization.
Results Legend
6) While managing the Information System (IS), it has been found that different challenges and benefits are associated to it those might interfere and even negatively affect the profit of National Camper Trailer Pty Ltd. The strengths and limitations of the IS are as follows:
The strengths are as follows:
Communication: IS helps to built secure relationship between the service providers and the consumers through developing instant message transformation, email, voices, video calls etc. This approach makes the transaction process cheaper and quicker as well.
Availability: In order to open up a business for 24X7 hours for the consumers IS stands to be very helpful. It implies that, the business could open up for the consumers anytime and anywhere making the business more convenient and effective to the consumers.
Cost effective and productive: IS helps to promote the business efficiency and other operation to improve the quality and productivity of the company. Though, different new opportunities to job are available to the consumers but accordingly the users might face challenges for the direct link with lack of training and development, poorer performance of the system etc.
The limitations are as follows:
High expense for implementation: In order to implement an advanced and integrated Information System (IS), high amount of cost, software, hardware and people are needed. All the employees associated to the company should be aware of the features of the IS and also the unfamiliar technologies and software as well.
Security issues: Security is referred to as one of the most important things that are strictly required to be considered by the management authority of National Camper Trailer Pty Ltd. Information such as vendor information, back records, property intellectuals and employee’s personnel data are the information those are sensitive enough. Many retail chains are being targeted by the hackers during these days due to lack of security. Therefore, proper securities are needed to be adopted for the data those are available in the internet channel and accessible by the management head.
7) In order to improve this existing Information System, different recommendations are provided. The set of recommendations for the information system are as follows:
- For the staffs development of the agreement for technology usage including the compliances issues
- Creation of technical plans and addressing the systematic replacement
- For making investigation on the bandwidths the internet service providers should be contacted
- Periodic maintenance must be developed
- Utilization of free software and to free up the technology budget
You must also include the following:
- Proposed Learning Plan(You may use the template provided or create your own, but make sure all areas are identified)
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Assessment activity
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