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Lack of motivation

Discuss about the Case Study Of Modern Industries Limited Training To The Fresher.

Motivation is the key of success of the organization as it is essential for the company to encourage employee towards performing well within the organization (Holland, 2016). It has been found from the case study that Modern Industries Limited gives training to the fresher for a year in which starting 6 months; the trainees are showed different capabilities of them which are referred to be the major part of the training. After that, the trainees of the company are recognized for the purpose of the placement alongside the projected jobs. The trainees are recognized for placement alongside the accessible or projected vacancies. Mr Rakesh Sharma hired for the paint technology department. There are some factors that show the lack of motivation by HR department to the employees of the company. These are mentioned below:

  • Employees of the company are not motivated by the human resource department that is why Mr Sharma got frustrated with working environment.
  • It has been found from the case study that proper information was not given by the human resource department at the time of joining the employee that is why Mr. Sharma had to face the issues at the time of performance. He got discouraged from the working environment because there is no motivating factor that pushes him to work more efficiently.
  • There is a major issue of radiate positivity as Mr. Sharma got a negative answer from the training manager at the time of asking about the position.  

Downsizing shows to the process of decreasing the size of workforce by ceasing the employment of employees. It is also showed as layoff. it has been found that the human resource department of the company are unable to manage downsizing which not only influences the employees who have to exit the company, but also affect the existing employee to go through the similar position after sometime. The case study shows that there is lack of employee retention strategy which can lead the organization into adverse situation (Lazowski & Hulleman, 2016). The communication process is not an effective within the organization that being the major cause of lack of understanding between Talent manager and Mr Sharma. However, Training manager gave proper description of the job to Mr Sharma but the head manager of the paint department gave him that work which was not the part of the trainees’ job. It is the fault of HR in such condition because they should involve in such communication and either give him performance appraisal or give the trainee’s work responsibilities.

It has been analyzed that Mr. Sharma went to training manager for the purpose of reducing the training period as he did same work as permanent employees did but the Training Manager curved down his demand and conversant him that it was not an exercise of the company to do so. It has been said by him that any kind of performance which is good and done by the trainees at the time of training would be remunerated at the time of placement on completion of one year of training (Cerasoli, Nicklin & Ford, 2014). It is the major issue of the human resource department because it is required for the HRM of the company to provide adequate feedback to each person on their performance. There was not an equal opportunity which being the major cause of de-motivation (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).

Managing to downsize

It is recommended to the training manager of the company to instead of terminating the employee he should focus on some alternative options because it has been found through a case study that the department in which the 

The right of the employer to change working conditions is not limited to amending the factors of employment. The employment can amend the majority of real working conditions at its own will. According to the case study, it has been cleared that the paint department has not a skillful employee in quantity and if the performance of Mr. Sharma is analyzed, it can be seen that he gave his best during his training time for the same department. However, due to some incomplete expectation from the company and the workload, he did misbehave which can be ignored by giving a warning letter. Instead of termination, it is recommended to the training manager to focus on the substantial modification of working conditions. Trainees should have a certain target to complete in which the training manager should encompass those responsibilities which should be related to the permanent job but not the exact work (Bratton & Gold, 2017). it has been found that Mr. Sharma was handling those responsibilities which were the part of a regular employee of the company. Significant modifications of working conditions can change the entire process in a positive manner.

Redeployment can be referred to as the transfer of an employee to another job within the same organization; it would be the great option for the training manager instead of termination. Redeployment will help the company to retain employee without affecting the policies of the company. Providing employees the chance to apply for other jobs by competing with other job applicants does not consider redeployment because it is a not provide a guarantee of another job. It has been found from the case study that there was no other department to which he could be transferred since that was the only place where his specialization could have been used. Due to his misbehave with his senior and the arrogant nature; he turned out to be one who was not accepted by any department for the placement. The behavior and involvement of this employee were lacking and in the regards of this, the department manager was recommended that he should be taken out of the department. At the time of Mr. Sharma was informed about it, he was comprehensively depressed. It is required for the training manager to take a personal session with him and ask about the concern in which he is going through. The training manager can transfer him to other department for a while where the work of the paint department can be given to him over there.

Performance appraisal

A formal warning is a reproach for the poor performance or misconduct. The warning can be verbal or written and it also can be differing degrees of seriousness, like as a first written warning or a final written warning. The training manager can issue a formal training to Mr. Sharma in which he should be given first warning due to his misbehavior with seniors in which he should give one month to bring changes in the behavior otherwise he can be terminated. This would be a great alternative to termination for the training manager because a formal warning can impact the nature of them and can bring back on the track (Obisi, 2011). It offers the chance for consistency and equality in disciplinary processes for various employees. It offers an opportunity for an employee to amend the behaviors (Noe, Wilk, Mullen & Wanek, 2014). It is good in cases where the employee cannot have realized they were breaching the rules a problem. It would provide an opportunity to elaborate the employee what actions can be taken to develop the situation, this opportunity can be considered as the mentoring and coaching.

The role of the human resource management has a significant role in improving the position of the company significantly (Parameswari & Yugandhar, 2015). It is required of the business to implement the strategies within an organization so that the productivity of the employees can be increased. This report will elaborate the issues related to the human resource management on NGO by which the productivity of the company is hampered. The background of the company will be elaborated under this report in which the entire information will be encompassed.  Human resource management issues can distract the entire process of the management.

Doctor without border is an international medical non-government organization of French which is best known for giving instant help to those who are stuck in conflict zones which is affected but endemic disease. This INGO is wider as it has around 30,000 personnel including nurses, medical professionals, sanitation engineers and many more that provide medical help in 70 countries (Doctors without Borders, 2018). The huge mainstream of staff is volunteers. It has been found that there are private donors that provide donation about 80% of the funding of the organization on the other hand corporate donation gives the rest.

The type of the business is Medical humanitarian organisation that provides medical aids in number of countries. The company has ongoing missions in Africa, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Yemen and Mediterranean Sea. It is involved in providing to aid with the humanitarian crisis because of the Yemeni Civil War. This organization has number of operations in Yemen that provides support to another 20 hospitals. however, the organization has faced number of loss but the enthusiasm towards helping people who are in conflict situation are not faded (Gugliotta, 2013).

Three alternative options

The organizational structure of Doctors without border is hierarchical that has two features such as hierarchy and function-based definition. The feature of hierarchy affects the vertical lines of authority and the command of the organizational structure. For instance, except for the CEO, superiority is given to every employee. On the other hand, the function based definition characteristics of the organizational structure entail groups of employees completing certain functions.

The mission of INGO is to provide services to all needy people beyond going beyond race, color, gender and other belief of a person. The vision of the company is to reach maximum country in order to provide high quality medical services to all needy people. The goal of the company is to be indiscriminate about giving medical.

The number of employees of the company is 36,482 worldwide. The company provides medical services and 70 countries all over the world. The huge majority of the employees of this organization are volunteers. The employees of the company are getting good incentives and basic salary for the company. Starting gross monthly salary at INGO is around $2,039, with subsequent increases based on expertise and experience. The HR manager of the company has the responsibility to manage the entire system of the company regarding recruitment, hiring and employee relations (SARNOVI?S, 2010).

The interview has been conducted with HR Manager of the company for the purpose of fetching information regarding HRM issues with the company. These are the major causes by which the company is facing issues of less production. The interview has been transcript below which would be helpful in giving proper knowledge regarding the issues of HRM within the operation of the company. HR Manager of Doctors without Borders gives life-saving emergency relief in order to provide medical care to some of the most susceptible and expelled communities all over the world.

Me: what is the strategy of hiring people within the company? As an HR Manager, how will you drive results?

HR Manager: the strategy of hiring people is not typical as we advertise about the starting or hiring through social media and job portals. We select the candidate from over there after matching the required skills of the company. The call letter for an interview is sent to the selected employee. Face to face interview is conducted between candidate and HR after that selection is done as per the capability of the employees. As an HR manager, I approach those people who are suitable for the desired positions.

Me: In what way employees of the company is trained towards performing their task significantly?

HR Manager: There is a training and development program because it is wider organization that is known to give medical aids to needy people. Training and development program helps the employee to get prepared about how to perform on the floor with the customers so that they can get satisfied with the quality of the products and behavior of the employees. However, the strategy and the techniques of the training and development program should be developed and should be as per the level of the employees’ understanding. The attrition rate of the company is increased due to less understanding of the employee about his work and according to me, it is done due to the effective training program and lack of healthy environment.

Substantial modification of working conditions

Me: Has the organization recognized appropriate pay grades and maintained updated job descriptions with required skills?

HR Manager: However, the wages are the major issue of the company because around 40,000 employees are employed in the company in which they get $2,039 salary which is quiet low. I have found that a very low wage rate keeps the families below the poverty line.

Me: How can you motivate the employees of the company?

HR Manager: there is not such a policy to motivate the employee as they are self-motivated. However, the attrition rate of the company is higher but the joining of the new employees in the company is very fast which fulfill the objective of the company.

The above-mentioned statement shows that the company has number of issues and challenges in the company like lower pay to the employees, improper strategy of the training and development and lack of motivation strategies through which the company is facing the higher attrition rates. It is require for the company to keep focus on the strategy which should be focused by the HRM department so that the productivity of the employees can be increased.

There are various strategies which can be implemented by the company in order to reduce the impact of the issues within the organization. These strategies are suggested below for each issue which can be helpful for the company to remove the obstacles.

It is required for the company to invest in the training and development program for the purpose of maintaining the competitive edge in the marketplace. The human resource manager of INGO should focus on the training employees not for the current jobs but also for the purpose of developing the skills for their potential roles and responsibilities. The activities of the human resource management should entail the training for supervisors, managers as well as teams. There should be proper tuition reimbursement programs and customer service training so that the employee of the company can tackle the customer’s issue in a sophisticated manner (Niazi, 2011). Along with that, there should be harassment prevention training and 360-degree reviews and career coaching. It has been found in the interview with the HR manager that there are various challenges in the company that is being the major reason for lacking behind in comparison to other organizations. According to me, INGO should have the proper structure for the training in which on-job training and off-job training should be entailed (Walters, 2011). These classifications of training can help the company in developing the skills of the employee as per their capabilities. It comes to know through an interview that because of the lack of knowledge of the employee towards performing the task is the major reason behind leaving tier job. They should implement the session into three to four part in which employees need to qualify the assignment which helps them to gain knowledge in depth regarding handling the customers (Nischithaa & Rao, 2014).


It should be the responsibility of the payroll department of HR to make the structure of the pay or wages of the employee in the way that helps them to survive in a better way. It is suggested to the company to focus on increasing the wages of the employees as a number of employees are living below poverty lobe that makes their life so difficult (Waseem & Majid, 2015). It is the responsibility of the HR department to keep the focus on such issue as they can impact the entire structure of the company and it has been found that due to lower pay rate, the company is highlighted in the news multiple times that affect the image of the company. It would increase the attrition rate of the company that is why the pay structure of the company should be genuine as per the burden of the work (Brewster & Hegewisch, 2017).

It has been found from the above interview that the company is facing issues with employees as they are unable to satisfy the customers. Word of mouth is the best advertisement for any kind of industry and bad service of the company can destroy the entire image of the company that affects the revenues of the company (Bailey,  Mankin, Kelliher & Garavan, 2018). it is suggested to the HR manager of the company to motivate the employees by applying rewards and recognition programs in which they can get motivated. Flexibility is the major factor of motivation that can impact the productivity of the business as well as the employees. There should be flexibilities in the working environment so that they can stay with the company for a long period.

It has been found that company has faced various challenges due to ineffective HR policies, it is implied to the HR manager to focus on the open communication where employees of the company can be able to reach their voice at the right place (Jung & Yoon, 2015). There is a lack of the latest technology that shows company needs to adopt the latest technology so that the human burden can be reduced. INGO should think about its activities, like the process of the internal organization and support its human resource (Messersmith, Kim & Patel, 2018). For example, the company should deal with its planning and job design regarding human resource, and how these factors contribute to high performance of employees. The productivity of the employees as well s organization is increased due to the contribution of the organizational structure, retention and training, compensation, recruitment and selection and the career development (Wlodkowski & Ginsberg,2017).

Issue a formal warning

It has been summarized from the above discussion that the role of the human resource management is great in any kind of industry as it helps in increasing the productivity of the employee. The training and the development program is helpful in increasing the confidence level and knowledge of t he employees towards performing the task. The discussion has been made on the INGO in which it has been found from the interview session that the company has highlighted due to the low wage rate as a number of employees have a complaint regarding the same for multiple times. It is required for the company to focus on such factors in order to amplify the revenues of the company and maintain the image of the company in outside. Motivation can encourage any kind of employee to perform well which can be done by the company to provide the flexibility in the working conditions. Rewards and recognition program are another factor that can motivate employees to remain with the company for a long period.

 It has been learned from the assignment that HRM issue can lead the company into diverse situation that is why it is required for the company to implement an effective plan for HR policies. The training can fill encouragement in the employee so that they can perform in well efficient manner without distracting from any obstacles. The employee relations can be maintained with the help of the effective HR policies.


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