Discuss about the American History, As Red scare became tensed the political environment changed and became more conservative and elected representatives from primary parties looked to portray themselves as ardent anti-communist.
The Red Scare and Political Change
As Cold War between Soviet Union and US got more stressed during the late 1940’s and during early period of 1950’s hysteria was formed over assumed threat created by Communists in US which popularly became identified as Red Scare. This was because communist generally referred to as Red for their devotion to Red Soviet flag. The red scare resulted into numerous actions that had severe and enduring impact over US government and society. Federal staffs were examined to determine whether they were loyal to government and the House Un-American activities Committee as well to US on whole. A climate of terror and repression linked the red scare to late 1950’s. After WWII the democratic US and communist Soviet Union became involved in numerous large political and economic struggles known as Cold war and this severe rivalry between the two super power nations created concerns in US that Communist and Leftist sympathizers within US may actively work as Soviet Union’s insiders and would create a threat for US security. Such political threats on America brought unrest leading to striking off civil rights, nativism and immigration rules. The first red scare was witnessed during the termination of WWI and eventually the second red scare was followed after WWII which illustrates that irrespective of the country’s involvement or witnessing of nuclear war there were certain unsolved concerns which required specific intervention. In this a discussion is made to compare the two based on area that is highlighted during these times.
As Red scare became tensed the political environment changed and became more conservative and elected representatives from primary parties looked to portray themselves as ardent anti-communist and few people dared to condemn the questionable tactics that was applied to oppress suspected radicals. Representatives of Leftist party declined as it became evident that such collaboration could result into severe outcomes and dissenting voices from left side of political arena felt silent over numerous concerns. For instance during judicial events support for freedom of speech and other civil rights were disintegrated largely and this pattern was characterized by the 1951 US Supreme court ruling in Dennis Vs US which during the period of Red scare stated that free-speech rights of incriminated communist could be limited due to their actions which evidently reflected danger to the government.
When in Soviet Union there occurred Russian Revolution many Americans had illusion that the revolution was simply a revolution of industrial laborers against small but powerful group of capitalist and this misinterpretation was because of the fact that many people thought Russian revolution occurred as per forecast of social writer Karl Marx. But the revolution was much bigger than an industrial revolution as it was set quite earlier on the ground for The Bolshevik revolution which occurred in Russia during 1917 and it was started by several people who would transform the history of the world. It started when Czar Nicholas II pulled millions of laborer into WWI which discouraged several Russian people with their injuries and loss of lives and Russia was put into ruins and was mature ground for revolution. Later during mass demonstration when women laborer protested in 1917 the Czar’s representatives were called out of army to oppress protesters, later Czar Nicholas II was dethroned during February revolution and provisional government was formed as replacement. As this was weakly formed government so it failed to live up to people expectations which kept Russia involved in war and made situation worse (Landon 2015) This provisional government was opposed by Soviet and after Lenin returned from exile in 1917 he joined Bolshevik party in Russia whose purpose was to overthrow provisional government and from a new one. Later Lenin convinced Bolshevik party to form instant insurrection against provincial government and ultimately Bolshevik regime led to fall of provincial government and a new government was formed and led by Bolsheviks.
The Fear of Communism in the US
The Americans feared that incidence of the Bolshevik regime may happen even in US as they were feared of communism, which reached to high during WWI and after the war ended a fear driven movement called 1St Red scare began spreading in US. In 1917 the Russia went through Bolshevik revolution and as outcome of this Russia established communist government and withdrew soldiers from war. Americans believed that Russia let down their associates including US by withdrawing war. So, many Americans feared that communist in Russia known as Soviet Union following the Bolshevik revolution thought of spreading communist ideology across the world including US. Once US had no longer to focus on war several Americans feared that communism may spread across US and would threaten the national democratic values. This overwhelming fear of communism emerged again after WWII and there was an undeclared war between US and Soviet Union called Cold war which struggled both nations from spreading their economic and political systems across the world. During this Cold war many Americans feared that Soviet Union would spread communism across the world and would overthrow democratic and capitalist institutions as such several Americans believed that there country would continue militarily to spread communism. After the formation of American Federation of Labor there were numerous unrest that took place and it led to more than 3300 strikes worldwide. Further the labor struggle that was witnessed during the 2nd Red scares was based on racial discrimination and repression where black people claimed for better standard of living. Several of black people had engaged in WWII and after their return they also claimed for secured lives and jobs but the black people became radical. It can be stated that war due to radicalization of blacks went severe in fight for justice and fairness and this drove few black people to face hatred of white people thus resulting to separation.
The behavior towards true non Americans during Roaring twenties with ideas of Red scare forced immigrant to have a fear from US and the intolerance was uncontrolled and it attempted to succeed in its purpose to return back to normal during Warren Harding’s term. Prior to WWI immigration was protested however WWI showed US that their economy could operate without immigrants and people started fearing that flow of unskilled immigrants may drop the wages of true Americans and several business feared foreign radicals damaging the market. With Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1919 fear of communism surrounded US in early 1920’s and it came along with fear of socialist, anarchist and other dissidents and this fear also called Red scare resulted into arrest and deport of leftists from US. With this new overwhelming fear of communism also came fear from immigrants and rise in intolerance and immigrants like draft dodgers, slackers, German American and communist were instant suspects as they were believed to be not fully patriotic (Storrs 2015) US’s view on isolationism played a role in red scare as more Americans drove to restrictions of world affairs and with existence of communism in Russia and other global powers this had resulted to domino theory.
Labor Struggle and Racial Discrimination
The general population agreed to immigration restriction and decided on an immigrant quota. The people decided to make the quotas proportional to the current population in America for each ethnic group. This would ensure that the ratios would not alter in the future.
Nativism was very prevalent during this time. When World War I ended, many people were disillusioned and adopted isolationism. America had desired more "Americanism" and denounced "un-American" ideals and ended diplomatic ties to foreign countries. This would be disastrous for the ethnic groups in America (especially the Blacks, Jews, and Catholics).
Depending on theme of political uncertainty the Americans witnessed a struggle and disagreement of interests on communism and labor relations and post WWI the nation achieved almost overall employment for its people. However there were some problems founded on socialist impact over American affairs and Wilson formed a collective bargain approach which the unionist took benefit later and this led to numerous strikes that were observed during the period between claims that government was paying minimum wages. Some of these unions created involved industrial workers of world which resulted to racial discrimination and repression complaints. Labor movement leader Eugene Debs opposed Wilson as socialist party representative in 1912 Presidential election and later continued to protest rally against Wilson and his decision to take US to war and was jailed under Espionage act. After representing American Railway Union in contest against federal troops he was sentenced to prison and when Eugene Debs came out he became a speaker of Socialist party and contested as Presidential nominee in 1900 but lost. His biggest success was attained in 1912 when he demonstrated against Democratic nominee Wilson, incumbent President William H. Traft and former President Roosevelt.
The third theme is in field of American politics. The 1st red scare was primarily focused over socialist impact on American problems and people feared and looked for their privacy. A component that resulted to movement was established due to wages and political enmity with locals and the concept of democracy began to creep thus empowering the people to vote against certain ideas that they believed were incorrect to their rights and the purpose of polling was thus started to support the deport of workers (Ambar 2018). The 2nd red scare was led to American state wellbeing and it was during this time that marking of new deal was formed as a movement against communists. The communist had gained lot of designation and power in government which led to anti-democratic trade unions and another scenario of political unrest was suspected due to the fact that 1st red scare was mostly contributed by Roosevelt intervention on American matters while the 2nd red scare was contributed by McCarthy’s place on communist impact over Americans.
Intolerance towards Immigrants during the Red Scare
Also during 1st red scare FBI played a crucial role in crushing the leftist in US and Federal Bureau of Investigation was originated in 1908 and they transformed itself into a state weapon during the struggle against Bolshevism, anarchism and communism during the aftermath of WWI. Later there was continuity of state repression from period of Palmer raids to cold war America. Popular attitude on Bolshevik, communist emerged after Attorney General Palmer and FBI introduced a campaign of harassment, arrest and deportation and anti-communism as public concept resulted to formation of state institutions (Schmidt 2010). Also Hoover was seen as primary protagonist in FBI drama due to his conduct in terms of state policy and bureaucratic interest. Moreover FBI stressed its role in shaping ant-communism after WWII but the origins of anti-communism could be traced back to 1st red scare and during Palmer raids and FBI and anti-communism were less visible from mid of 1920’s till depth of Great depression because of diminution of radical activities.
Eisenhowers was example of Cold warrior like his predecessor Truman and successor Kennedy but he believed in a distinct form of fairness when it came to right of Americans and during his presidency regime the red scare eventually declined (Nichols 2015). Eisenhower during mid 50’s said that he disliked McCarthy’s methods and he led a period of prosperity and American business development that was relief after poverty of depression and forced rationing of WWII. His policies were largely defensive and focused on restricting communism and protection of small and new states like Israel from bigger neighbors and Eisenhower was responsible for start of federal intervention in meaningful manner in treatment to black Americans and in 1942 he declared that racial discrimination was a national security problem and a declaration was opened by Justice department for scrutiny in a positive manner to root out racial discrimination.
The theme of civil rights evasion was clear in both red scares such as for example the 1st red scare had immigrant being wrongly treated and paid low wages because of immigration struggles. The Americans had been made to believe that immigrant were over powering their matters and as a consequence the communist were deported back, in other example of civil right evasion issue of racial discrimination was observed which illustrated discrimination between white and blacks and whites did not liked the concept of equality with blacks. In both red scares the blacks were wrongly treated and inappropriately paid that resulted into political turbulence and eventually several people lost their lives irrespective of government intervention . Other example where civil right evasion was reflected was in the fact that government was unwilling at passing outlaws that preferred equality and the fact that McCarthy had been seen as nuisance to government policies when he expressed his opinions as democratic citizen (Fried 1991).The red summer of 1919 witnessed numerous race riots and these were caused due to various elements like labor shortage where industrial cities in North and Midwest gained largely after WWI and still factories encountered severe labor shortage as white men were enlisting in WWI and US government halted immigration from Europe. Another cause of race riot was great migration where to fill labor shortage around 500,000 African-American were moved from South to Northern and Midwestern cities. Also racial strife was another cause behind race riot where working class white workers in Northern and Midwestern cities resented the existence of African-American who were then competitor to employment. So there were several race riot and resistance that was marked during the civil rights movement.
Nativism and Isolationism in the US
The final theme is nativism and immigration policy which is not separate from other themes as it focused on similar explanation. 1st red scare was characterized to threat that foreigners had came into US and some of them took government jobs. This was opposing given that nation’s generosity was being misused and there were various scares that foreign countries pledge may create struggle and this was particularly after deportation policies had been established and some of the people within US were divided on deportation of communist. The immigration policies were not complied to during 1st red scare as such several foreigners made their route to US while 2nd red scare emerged when government reinstated approach on immigration policies and hence the problem of foreign immigrant interference was resolved. However those who remained in nation for all times created issue to socialists.
Also nativism which is a form of hostile and severe opposition towards internal minority first set its ground in US by antagonism towards Catholics during colonial and early national period. Also US went into nativism after WWI which drove several campaigns of opposition against German American, foreign and native born Bolsheviks, socialist and pacifist. The red scare after WWI created not only issues in failing to attend to make world safe for democracy, demobilization and introduction of Bolshevik adversary in Russia but also to the desire to spread nativism across US which continued till 1920’s.
In general the 1st red scare had witnessed bomb scare and there were threat of foreign invasion that would result to overthrow of government while in 2nd red scare domestic subversion was witnessed with the blacklist fearing communist. In contrast both witnessed labor strikes, civil right violation. In conclusion it can be clearly stated that red scare was linked with ideas of political dissidents, American politics and labor struggles as well as nativism, immigration policies resistance and evasion of civil rights. While both red scares have similar attributes in common there are also characteristics that widely differentiates them. The 1st red scare was witnessed during end of WWI and 2nd red scare was followed after WWII. One same context it is evident that blacks became radical after war period and it can be stated that war led to radicalization of black youth who went to fight for justice and fairness and thus resulted several of them encounter hatred from white which led to further separation.
Ambar, S. (2018). Woodrow Wilson: The American Franchise. Retrieved November 4, 2018, from https://millercenter.org/president/wilson/the-american-franchise
Fried, R. M. (1991). Nightmare in red: The McCarthy era in perspective. Oxford University Press.
Landon R. Y. (2015) Storrs, The Second Red Scare and the Unmaking of the New Deal Left (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,); introduction available at: https://press.princeton.edu/chapters/i9879.pdf
Nichols, D. A. (2015). EISENHOWER and MCCARTHY How the President Toppled a Reckless Senator. Prologue-Quarterly Of The National Archives And Records Administration, 47(3), 16-24 https://www.archives.gov/files/publications/prologue/2015/fall/ike-mccarthy.pdf
Schmidt, R. (2010). Red scare: FBI and the origins of anticommunism in the United States (p. 394). Museum Tusculanum Press. Retrieved 3 November, 2018 from: https://oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=342368
Storrs, , R. Y. L. (2015) “McCarthyism and the Second Red Scare,” in the American History Oxford Research Encyclopedia Retrieved 3 November, 2018 from https://americanhistory.oxfordre.com/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780199329175.001.0001/acrefore-9780199329175-e-6
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