For this report, you are to critically evaluate and write about BGMS’s focus on process changes in order to achieve growth and productivity. In doing so, you will emphasise its problems, strategies, process improvement framework, process management, technology, people aspects and lessons learnt as depicted in the case study and other relevant sources. For the main body of the report, you are advised to incorporate the four part structure as outlined below:
Some points to consider are:
Vision and strategy
Need for process improvement
Process framework
Leadership system - organisational leadership, structure and design
Some points to consider are:
The PBM paradigm
Core process areas
Process flows
Some points to consider are:
Process Based Management System
Corrective/Preventive Action System
Process detail
Capability Maturity Model Integration
Some points to consider are:
Enablers and barriers of process changes
Process of managing change
Lessons learned
The above points are provided as examples and should not limit you in your reasoning and critical analysis. However, please be mindful that you may find that all these points may not be relevant so please exercise your own discretion.
Aims/Objective of the study
In the current time of globalization, competition, technology era, it is essential, valuable and significant for all the types of companies, organizations and business firms to bring changes within the organization for the total success and growth. In addition to this, it is also important to know that, change management is allows organizations to understand their internal and external environment and bring improvements & development within the current business strategies, process and methods. In the same way, change management brings innovation and allows the companies to respond the needs and attitudes of key stakeholders. Moreover, with the help of change organizations could gain a lot of tangible and intangible business opportunities and minimize resistance, costs, improve performance & profit and promote innovation in an effective and proper manner. Along with this, through the change management, a company could maintain organizational efficiency as well as effectiveness (Biech, 2007). Overall, it can be said that, change management create significant, dynamic and innovative opportunities for the best practices within a company and these opportunities could be developed for leadership development and workflow processes.
On the other hand, in this research study, the change process of BGMS would be discussed. Moreover, it would also be analyzed that how BGMS had achieved productivity and growth through focus on process change. Moreover, in order to understand the change process, the divisional or organizational strategy of the BGMS would be discussed by considering several elements or key points such as: Vision and strategy, Need for process improvement, Process framework, Leadership system. At the same time, this research study would discuss the Process Management of the company in term of the PBM paradigm, core process areas and process flows. Along with this, this paper would also analyze the technology considerations of BGMS in the process change. Furthermore, Process Based Management System, Corrective/Preventive Action System, Process detail and Capability Maturity Model Integration etc are the technological consideration that would be discussed in the context of this paper. Moreover, this paper would also provide detailed information about the people issues and lessons learned in the context of BGMS. Hence, all these are the key issues/objectives associated with this research paper that would be achieved during the study of this paper in order to reach valid conclusion or outcomes.
BGMS (Boeing Global Mobility Systems) is also well-known as Boeing Airlift and Tankers in the global market. BGMS is a one of the major division or unit within the Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) arm of the Boeing Company.
Vision and Strategy: The vision statement of the BGMS is to become one of the largest, biggest and first choices for innovative mobility solution in the global world. The overall vision of BGMS is focus on setting the innovative and specific standards for the excellence. In addition to this, it should also be noted down that, in order to attain and achieve this vision statement, BGMS had developed its mission statement. In the same way, the mission statement of the company is to offer unique and innovative solutions that could shape the future of mobility for global government as well as military customers. On the other hand, it is also analyzed that, in order to attain these vision and mission, BGMS is focusing on improving its strengths by through team building organizational culture, developing strong and positive relations with the stakeholders and business parents. In the same way, in order to become the market leader, BGMS is offering unique and unprecedented values to all the level of key stakeholders. Apart from this, BGMS had also developed and created various values to achieve corporate vision and mission. For instance, the main values of BGMS includes good corporate citizenship, leadership, improving value of shareholder, maintaining integrity & quality, talented and skilled team of employees, focus on innovation, full satisfaction to customers, and working with various groups of people (Boonstra, 2008). In addition to this, it is also found that, the key strategy of BGMS is focus on Transforming the Enterprise. This strategy helped the company in achieving high growth and improving the productivity. Moreover, the company had also focused on the different productivity and growth initiatives. For example, the internal services productivity strategy of BGMS is focus on minimizing various indirect costs by enhancing functional productivity. The global sourcing initiative of the company is focus on adopting and implementing the best and dynamic practices into the supply chain process. On the other hand, the third initiative of BGMS is mainly focus on adopting lean technology in order to bring innovation within the process. This method of the company is also suggests the company how to bring innovation and improvements within the development programs in an effective and proper manner. Along with this, for the total success, BGMS had also focused on revising its management systems through executing management framework. With the help of this framework, the company had focused on the different key areas including customer focus, strategic planning, leadership, management, human resources focus, information management and integration of processes. Hence, this -17 program of BGMS had focused on the process management as well as integration produced Process-Based Management (PBM) approach (Klein, Jiang and Wang, 2008).
Part 1: The Organizational/Divisional Strategy
Need for Process Improvement: On the basis of the case study analysis and fact, it is found that, there are several specific and major causes behind the need of process improvements. For instance, in order to achieve core organizational vision and mission, there is need for the process improvements. In addition to this, for continues innovation, development, growth and success, there is strict need for the process improvements. Along with this, it is also accessed that, the company is also expected rapid developments and improvements within the process (Andrade, 2016). Moreover, to increase current profit, enhance market share, improve customer services, satisfy the needs of stakeholders, develop improvement strategy, analyze current process, identify need for change, reduce process cycle time, increase flexibility and control, greater visibility etc are the major identified causes for the need of process improvement. In addition to this, the company is also wants to improve its current process and improve various business methods in order to achieve growth and productivity. Overall, it can be said that, the main purpose of BGMS behind the process improvement is attain competitive advantages by reducing various costs in an effective and proper manner (Kuipers, Higgs, Kickert, Tummers, Grandia, and Van der Voet, 2014).
Process Framework: BGMS has focused on cultural change by considering improvements in the process improvements. In the same way, in order to bring change, the company had focused on the cost, schedule and quality. Along with this, a team of leaders have used an integrated planning process on the basis of Baldrige Award framework (Langley, Smallman, Tsoukas, and Van de Ven, 2013).
Leadership System- Organizational Leadership, Structure and Design: The Company is also focused on the change to a process centric program and the support from the top leaders was also available. In order to attain the key objectives, the leaders of the company used10-step process and provided directions. For example, the leadership within the company had played a key role on explaining the needs of its suppliers, customers, workers, society, and shareholders. On the other hand, the following given model was used by the company in order to enhance the performance of leadership by focusing on continuous improvement (Burke, Lake and Paine, 2008).
The business process management is explain and defined organizational process management by including key services, product, customers and creating of organizational value.
The PBM (Process-Based Management) Paradigm: It is a significant and more dynamic management method or strategy that explain that an association as a collection of processes that focus on full satisfaction of customers as well as reducing waste through explaining, gauging. Process-Based Management (PBM) is defined as “a management approach that defines an association as a collection of processes focused on customer satisfaction and waste reduction by defining, measuring, alleviating and enhancing processes. In addition to this, it should also be noted down that, the company BGMS had focused on addressing several features as well as characteristics in the context of process management (Biech, 2007). These are listed as below:
- Top leadership buy-in
- Predetermined plans to force the business processes
- Working in teams in order to learn processes
- Review and reporting of process
- Developing strong relations among the business goals/outcomes/objectives and processes
- Looking at business as a means of collection of processes
- Developments and innovation in the processes
- Focusing on customer based process
- Focus on Standardization (Riyad, 2012).
- Managing of important data and information through evaluating of metrics, trends
- Focus on sustainable development to analyze future
- Patience of management, managers and leaders by solving their key issues
Core Process Areas: It is analyzed and found from the case study analysis that BGMS had emphasis different core process areas in order to fulfill desired goals and objectives. These are listed as below:
- Creating products
- Support to product
- Offering of specific infrastructure
- Leading the company
- Developing, creating and managing various programs
- Grow of business
- Developing relations with the suppliers to manage them
- Incorporating the products/services
Vision and Strategy
Process Flows: PBM (Process-Based Management) had played a key role in allocating the accountabilities to the top executive process owners. Moreover, the responsibilities are also assigned to the subordinate process owners at the different level of process model. Process is used by the process owners in order to manage the business. They are also responsible to control external environment and functions of the company (Deng, Lu, Wei and Zhang, 2010). In addition to this, it is found that, the process managers are liable and accountable for a number of functions and tasks. These are given as below:
- Enhancing the process by using various strategies
- Execution of PBM
- Process documentation
- Focusing on the performance of external & internal customers involvements
- Improving the performance of suppliers(Langley, Smallman, Tsoukas, and Van de Ven, 2013).
A seven step model is also used by the process owners that explain the process, develop metrics, and evaluate performance, access constancy of process, set goals/objectives, analyze plans and improvements. Moreover, the document of the process owners is also explains and evaluates goals and objectives which are allocated to the process customers. The plan of the Boeing to executive SSPI (single source of process information) strategy, new process model as well as flowcharting is used. The team of process owners had used metrics to develop measures. In the same way, in order to measure the process owner discipline, a vision support plan is developed (Cameron, and Green, 2012).
In the process improvements, process owner is fully dedicated and liable to collaborate with the IT in order to solve IT issues in the early stage. In the same way, in order to address and solve various issues, a Web-based application is executed by the BGMS that would help the process owners to identify and solve issues in the early stage by using lean and Six Sigma to improve the process. There are a number of specific tools and methods are used such as: Five-whys, Pareto charts, cause and-effect diagram and FMEA in order to access the performance in an effective and proper manner. Moreover, the process owner is also develops a problem statement to solve the issues (Counsell, Tennant and Neailey, 2005).
Process Based Management System (PBMS): It is defined as an online repository in the context of management of process that is structured around PBM seven-step methodology that contains rules of PBM. The three types of roles are assigned.
- Site Focal: This role is assigned in order to maintain the integrity of the data bases based on the process.
- Process Owner: He is responsible and dedicated to manage and control the process by using PBM seven-step methodology(Häyry, Takala, Herissone-Kelly, and Capron, 2007).
- Home Office: Home office is fully liable to maintain a number of business rules, PBM infrastructure and update on the use account.
Each and every role in the system is assigned to attain the key objectives. In addition to this, the login page of PBMS is provides two types of analysis including secured sites for the process owner, site focal and home offices to manage the process effectively. Along with this, it is also found that, presentation trend charts, process certification, and process reports/lists etc are the three major functions in the systems (Ganguli, and Roy, 2011).
CPAS (Corrective/Preventive Action System): This system is played a key role facilitating technology that BGMS leverages in order to control and mange the quality systems in an effective and proper manner. BGMS had used CPAS as a real time and automated tools that had allowed the management of the company to analyze the system on the continue basis for the remedial actions, review the systems and reference. Along with this, it is also important to know that, CPAS is utilized in the company to offer systematic review quarterly. Additionally, online training facilities is also provided in order to enhance root-cause analysis and resultant corrective action plans on the regular basis. On the other hand, a multiple systems is linked and incorporated in the CPAS system for the purpose to take effective and corrective actions. This system is used in order to bring more improvements as well as much better document corrective actions practices (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 2007).
Need for Process Improvement
Process Detail: Based on the case analysis, it is found that, BGMS had also used process details that contain information regarding the problem identification, developing specific statement of problems, analyzing of issues, developing and using root-cause analysis, follow up actions plans, and verifying and validating action plans (Small, Gist, Souza, Dalton, Magny-Normilus, and David, 2016). In addition to this, three major principles are used by the BGMS such as:
- Obligatory utilization of root-cause analysis (RCA) tool
- Fulfilled RCA uploaded into CPAS
- CPAS efficiency as determined by the customer
Capability Maturity Model Integration: The given below diagram indicates the five steps of CPAS and these are defining, analyzing, planning, implementing, and verifying. According to this model, BGMS had established timelines for the corrective actions (Little, 2014).
In addition to this, at each and every step, BGMS had focus on setting the specific requirements. This system is also allowing the company to get real time information easily and effectively. On the other hand, there several functionalities are included in the systems such as: presentation-quality interface, point-and-click, multiple filtering capability and back-up data to support metrics. This model is also helped the company in designing of automated real-time metrics. The company was able to review the quality of products in a very systematic manner (Schröder, Steimle, and Zink, 2008).
Enablers & Barriers of Process Changes: BGMS takes note of that the nature of a product item is administered by the nature of the procedures used to create and look after it. CMMI empowers associations that need to seek after process change in numerous useful ranges (programming, frameworks, obtaining, security, and so on.) to do as such with less extra venture for each capacity. Furthermore, CMMI underpins handle reconciliation and item change while incorporating numerous controls into one process-change structure. Accomplished on its first application, BGMS is a Level 5 CMMI association (Balogun and Jenkins, 2003).
Process of Managing Change: There are several contributors that played key and fundamental roles in the business success. In addition to this, it is also important to know that, a leadership system approach is used by the BGMS in order to manage the change of process. The process is deals with the different key points or steps such as: establishing & communicating the instructions, systematize plan and align, plan to perform, rewards, employees as well as organizational learning, and appreciation. These steps played key functions and role in the process based management (Jurisic and Azevedo, 2011).
Lessons learned: There are various important lessons or things that learned by the process management group at the BGMS cites. The teams have played key role in becoming a process based enterprise. The BGMS cites is also looking development, improvements, innovation, standardize technology and leverage effective processes to continue its performance improvement journey.
After analyzing the overall case, its facts and analysis, several shortcomings are found in the process and system of the company. So, it is suggested to the company that, it should be focused on reducing such shortcomings or weakness by using best practices, adopting innovative technologies and implementing best strategies and methods. For example, it is suggested that,
The company should be used a cause and effect analysis in order to access the specific cause of process failure. Along with this, it is also suggested that, this analysis should be used by considering all the aspects of the project. For example, by using cause and effect analysis, the company should take correct actions to improve overall performance in an effective and proper manner. At the same time, it is recommended to the company that it should focus on enhancing the performance consistently and the company should focus on effectiveness of the documentation (Anumba, Motawa, and Peña-Mora, 2006). On the other hand, the company should also be used source of the corrective/preventive action in order to identify CPAS item. Along with this, the company should be developed the specific criteria for the formal preventative action. This indicates that, the company should be defined formal corrective/preventative action. In addition to this, the identification of the process must be made by the company effectively.
Part 2: Process Management
Furthermore, it is also suggested that, the company should be focused on identifying and analyzing the specific procedures. In the same way, all the sources must be considered in the procedure effectively (Anumba, Motawa, and Peña-Mora, 2006). Moreover, the management and employees of the company BGMS should work for the overall development and improvements through focusing and using of innovative technologies, tools and method. Along with this, it should also adopt standardize technology and other method for the process improvements. Finally, it can be concluded and suggested to BGMS that it should focus on continuous performance in order to attain all the key objectives and goals in an effective and proper manner. Overall, it can be summarized that, all these are the best practices, actions, methods and strategies that should be utilized by BGMS for the process developments. These best actions and practices would allow the company to become more successful process based enterprise.
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