Discuss about the Development of Organisational Behaviour to Strengthen the Competitive Position of Woolworths.
Organisational behaviour determines the study of interactive manner of the people who are working in a group. Maintaining an efficient organisational behaviour helps in establishing more effective organisational functionalities that are fruitful enough in fulfilling the purposes. In order to establish the efficient organisational behaviour, both the managers and the employees require maintaining the responsibilities more specifically (McShane, Olekalns and Travaglione 2012). The application of the scientific approaches will be effective enough in describing the underlying purpose of the organisational behaviour. The study will focus on the maintenance of organisational behaviour in Woolworths. Description of the OB model with proper theoretical evaluation will be helpful enough to make this study more enriched.
Organisations are apparently seen as the social system, which is required to be maintained with proper behavioural aspects. While managing the organisational functionalities, it is necessary to understand the relevant way of operating them. It is considered as the field of study that helps in investigating the impact of individual group and structure. According to Thomson and van Niekerk (2012), the organisational behaviour is a human tool that helps the human being in achieving the determined personal and professional objectives. The study will focus on the organisation behaviour of Woolworths, which is the renowned retail chain in Australian market. There are 800 stores worldwide and these stores are operated by almost 30,000 staffs. The employees from each branch work for full time and part time basis. The distinct hierarchy level is found in the organisation. It is noted that at the head of the branch operates the business functionalities. The managers have the effective influences of employee motivation, which is helpful in shaping the organisational behaviour in a significant manner (Methner, Hamann and Nilsson 2015). The description of the theoretical model will be effective enough in understanding the insightful ideas about the proper organisational behaviour that motivates the employees to bring the efficient performance parameter.
- To understand the underlying concept of organisation behaviour
- To critically analyse the behavioural practices undertaken by Woolworths
- To identify the challenges faced by Woolworths while undertaking the strategies of organisational behaviour
- To recommend the preferable tactics for overcoming such challenges
The efficient organisational behaviour helps in restructuring the organisational process that may bring much profitability for the upcoming future. Woolworths is a renowned supermarket that has been offering quality retail products and service to the customers. However, in this current age, the increasing level of competitive scenario is somewhat affecting the internal functionalities of the company. Especially, the growing competition with Coles Group is specifying many challenges for Woolworths (Businessreviewaustralia.com 2016). The company requires restructuring the pricing strategy at the initial stage. It is to indicated that the maintenance of the unique and value added services is much beneficial for considering the strengthened position of the company in a competitive market (Spillan and Ling 2015). The company requires bringing more product variations and efficient services to draw the attention of the potential customers. Hence, the improvement of the internal functionalities is essential for accomplishing such purposes. The managers require concentrating on the employee motivational aspects and improvement of the organisational behaviour to facilitate the relevant changes in the internal functionalities.
In this current world, Woolworths has been facing the significant challenging scenario due to the direct competition with Coles Group. It is noted that Coles Group is introducing the value added services in order to gain the competitive advantage (King and Thobela 2014). Similarly, it is necessary for Woolworths to adopt the relevant strategy for remaining much competitive. The extra value added services, restructured pricing strategy, and focusing on the product variations would be beneficial in accomplishing such goals. However, in order to achieve such purposes, it is essential for the company to pay the attention towards the internal functionalities (Mertens et al. 2016). It can be stated that the effective performance management helps in accomplishing such objectives. If the management provide the proper motivational factors to the employees, it would be fruitful enough in enhancing the performance quality. Accordingly, the company can establish the effective organisational behaviour.
This section of the study discusses the introductory part based on the organisational behaviour maintained in Woolworths. The case study justifies that in this current scenario, Woolworths has been facing the direct competition with Coles Group. The company thus requires introducing more value added services along with the product variations. However, in order to accomplish such goals, the associated employees need to improve the quality of their performance. Moreover, the managers require motivating the employees to bring out the better performance efficiency. Accordingly, the organisational behaviour will be improved to achieve the pre-determined goals. The literature study in the next section will provide the insightful ideas about the relevant management practices that may improve the organisational behaviour.
The continuous and frequent changes in the business market have been increasing the competition in a significant manner. The managers have to take the responsibility to manage the entire organisational functionalities to develop the proper behavioural aspect. Moreover, undertaking the fruitful organisational practices will be helpful for accomplishing the determined goals (Fitzgerald 2014). In order to strengthen the competitive position in the business market, the companies required improving the internal business functionalities. The practices include the proper planning process, feedback analysing, Group thinking, Measuring Change, and Motivating the Employees.
Planning: The restructure of the organisational functionalities requires the planning process. At the initial stage, managers need to plan the entire business activities that are beneficial for bringing product variations and participating in a competitive market (Miner 2015). For example, if any retail company like Woolworths requires restructuring the internal functionalities to strengthen the competitive position, it requires planning the change in the beginning.
Case Issues
Feedback: When the management decides to facilitate the change in the internal functionalities, it is needed to be discussed with the associated groups. The feedback received from the associated employees will specify whether the execution of the proper planning system will be beneficial for the company. It helps in increasing the reliability among the associated group. Moreover, deriving feedback from others is much helpful to bring innovative ideas of organising the relevant practices. Hence, the feedback process is much helpful practices undertaken by the managers.
Group Thinking: It is essential for the managers that the associated employees have been meeting the proper standards of the work. While undertaking the relevant organisational practices to improve the organisational behaviour, the involvement of the group is necessary. It brings the positive changes for the organisation since the performance standards are higher (Watson 2013). Associated employees hold the common identity to complete any allocated job. Therefore, the assimilation of group thinking would be much beneficial in eliminating errors.
Measuring Change: When the managers have been undertaking the proper functionalities, it is necessary to measure the progress report. For example, if the mangers require bringing the product variations, they need to structure the internal activities and adopt some of the technological changes (Dent and Whitehead 2013). It is necessary to review the performance parameter to identify whether there is any progress. Simultaneously, it will improve the internal organisational behaviour more specifically.
OB model specifies the execution of the structured functionalities to accomplish the determined objectives. There are two relevant OB model can be applied for facilitating the changes in the management activities. These models are:
Supportive Model: The supportive model of organisational behaviour determines the managerial orientation of support. The employees are oriented towards their participation and job performance. In order to bring the product variations and restructuring the organisational functionalities, the supportive model is much beneficial and applicable. The model is considered as the dependent on leadership strives (Pinder 2014). The managers monitor the performance of the employees and instruct them to work according to the planning schedule. It is even helpful in enhancing the performance parameter of the employees by developing their professional skills.
Collegial Model: Another most applicable model is the Collegial Model, which determines the partnership with the managerial orientation of teamwork. In this current competitive environment, the efficient team performance is essential. While organising the business functionalities, it is noted that the groups of people are oriented towards the maintenance of proper responsibilities and self-discipline (Shoss et al. 2013). The major requirement of the employee is to meet the self-actualisation aspect. When the managers are making people aware of the undertaken functionalities, it is necessary to maintain the work-related responsibilities and the ethical manner. Hence, it eventually increases the performance parameter to accomplish the determined goals.
Case Justification
The above OB models are applicable for the change management scenario. Restructuring the internal business activities and bringing the effective changes to remain competitive, the application of such OB model would be beneficial. However, the maintenance of the managerial responsibilities is necessary for motivating the employees and making them more efficient in performing in a better manner.
This section of the study concentrates on the underlying literature related to the diversified practices of organisational behaviour. While restructuring the internal business activities, it is essential to measure the performance and improve the performance quality of the associated employees. Applicable OB models are described in such context to identify the procedure of improving the workers.
In this study, it has been mentioned that Woolworths has been facing the direct market competition with Coles Group. It can be inferred that the demands of the customers are changing frequently in this advanced and globalised world. Each of the organisations has been undertaking the efficient strategies to remain much competitive (DuBrin 2013). However, it is noticed that improvement of the overall organisation behaviour is driving towards the efficient performance management. Woolworths has decided to bring more product variations and changes in the management functionalities. Assemble of the latest technological equipment for the proper product packaging and manufacturing process is necessary for the company. Hence, it is noted that the managers of Woolworths required motivating and learning session to the employees for bringing the efficient performance standards (Brock, Leblebici and Muzio 2014). Moreover, the major focus of the managers is to make the employees aware of the roles and responsibilities that are required for accomplishing the determined purposes.
The application of the OB model is signifying the orientation of the associated workers to bring more effectiveness on their performance parameter. The major concentration is needed to be oriented towards the responsibilities of the managers and workers. The maintenance of the proper discipline to perform in a better manner can bring improvement in the operational activities (Johnson et al. 2013). The measurement of the performance progress will ensure whether the initiative is working or not. The proper motivation provided to the employees will be helpful enough in increasing the quality or standards of the performance parameter. The efficient working progress will bring improvement on the product packaging and manufacturing process. By introducing the different product features along with the product variations, the company will be able to draw the attention of the customers. Hence, the company will be able to strengthen the competitive position as well.
The execution of the OB strategy is not an easier process for the business organisations. Before implementing the structural strategies related to the improvement of organisational behaviour, the managers need to concentrate on the specific requirement to execute the plan. It is noted that the improvement of employees’ performance is beneficial in achieving the determined goals (Wagner III and Hollenbeck 2014). In such cases, the managers require providing the employees proper motivational aspect. If the employees receive the proper recognition, rewards, and facilities, it motivates them to perform in a better manner.
There are several challenges taken into consideration while executing the planning of proper organisational behaviour practices.
- The major challenge the managers have been facing due to the changing work functionalities. It is noted that the employees become the integral part of the organisation and they have various needs and expectations as well. The difference foreseen in their attitude, beliefs, and preferences is quite difficult to manage (Saeidi et al. 2015).
- Another significant challenge is the motives of the employees. The managers are not fully aware of the demands of the employees and they only can presume. Hence, it becomes difficult for them to perceive the exact facility that can motivate the employees.
- The changing workforce is much troublesome to the managers since the employees start feeling insecure about their job retention. It is one of the most difficult tasks to generate the sense of reliability among the employees when the functionalities have been changing to accomplish the business goals (L?z?roiu 2015).
- The vigorous nature of needs is also much challenging for the managers while executing the sequential planning of organisational behaviour.
The section of the study descries the basis of the OB plan designing process. It identifies the reasons due to which Woolworths requires undertaking the changed functionalities. Moreover, this section of the study is also recognising the requirement and associated challenges for executing the proper OB strategy. Concentrating on such basic aspects would be beneficial for the managers to undertake the relevant strategic decision of improving organisational behaviour.
Recommendation and Conclusion
The identification of the discussion mentioned for facilitating the changed functionalities is suggesting several suitable recommendations.
- Firstly, the maintenance of the proper communication transparency is essential. If the managers can establish the proper communicational transparency, the employees can present their concern. Once the managers would be able to recognise the basic needs and demands of the employees, it would be helpful for them to structure the functionalities accordingly. Moreover, the managers can even motivate the employees by undertaking the relevant welfare programmes.
- Second, the managers of Woolworths need to adopt the advanced technologies for developing the product manufacturing and packaging process. Accordingly, the assimilation of innovative ideas and expertise skills are required. Hence, the managers require providing the employees the proper training and development process, which will be helpful enough in making them knowledgeable about using such technologies. It automatically generates the motivation among the employees and instigates them to enhance the quality of the performance.
The overall study is describing the process of developing the organisational behaviour. In this current scenario, Woolworths has been facing the significant challenges due to the direct competition with Coles Group. Therefore, the company needs to undertake the fruitful strategies to strengthen the competitive position. The company is planning to initiate the plan of introducing more varieties of products to draw the attention of the customers. In order to achieve such purposes, the company needs to restructure the internal business activities and engage the employees to work with more efficiency. Moreover, it is necessary to motivate the employees to derive the better performance outcome. The application of the OB models is also ensuring the proper motivational aspect to increase the performance parameter of the employees.
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