Headspace: Improving Mental Health
It is observed that one out of every five individuals in Australia is suffering from a mental health disorder (Joshi & Sharma, 2020). This assignment shed light on the theme of digital health and informatics with the help of too mindfulness app Headspace and Calm harm.
Headspace is a popular English American company that prioritises in meditation industry founded by Andy Puddicombe in the year of 2010 (McGorry et al., 2019). The company headquarters is in Santa Monica and is widely used by people around the world. With the help of Headspace, an individual can control moderate to severe panic attacks, properly handle stress and anxiety and as well as would be able to relax. Headspace earned an overall revenue of $100 million in the year 2019, and over 2 million people have subscribed to Headspace (Kellen & Saxena, 2020). The primary objective of the Headspace was to “Make Medication accessible to Everyone”. The secondary objective was to help people manage stress, panic attacks and anxiety. The headspace app design interface is very simple and helps the person with basic medication guidelines and as well as track the progress. Moreover, the app also has prompt notifications as a reminder which enable the individual to practice meditation every day. The app runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud servers. Headspace has received 5 stars as a user and the heath pro-rating (Gurewitz, 2020). Many social workers have praised Headspace because of its student-friendly initiative. This feature enables the student to focus and concentrate on their studies as well as provide frequent feedback analysing their progress. The app offers 10 days free subscription. It has been analysed that in the past 12-month, individuals with the age group of 18- 53 years old are associated with this app. Headspace protects the privacy of the members (Pérez-Jiménez et al., 2021). According to their privacy policy, Headspace does not share the information with any third party and practices the duty of care policy. These can also be implied in the Australian setting. From a professional point of view, there are some good policies, laws and legislation in the Headspace which could have several benefits among the Australian citizens.
Calm harm is a popular app launched in the year 2016, which won several awards for its extraordinary influence in uplifting the mental health status among teenagers, that uses functional resources to help the individual in times of distress and crisis (Carlo et al., 2019). The app was initially launched in the UK but propagated globally with its curate methods based applications. The app has the primary objective to “Help people to go through a tough time”. The secondary objective of the app was to achieve a proper balance in life. It also enables a person to embrace the challenges of life and as well manage anxiety. The app is designed for the mental health charity stem4 by Dr Nihara Krause. Nihara Krause is a clinical psychologist. Calm harm uses Dialectical behavioural theory by using evidence-based therapy. The runs of AWS cloud servers. The app garnered positive responses from several other clinical psychologists because of the design and the use of intuition (Woodward et al., 2020). The app has a very interactive design and positive decision-making procedure, which is helpful for the youths in conducting day to day activities. The user interface is also praised by many service users because of its easy design and how the individuals can curate their exercises as per their preference (Clarke & Draper, 2020). It is observed that around 512, 605 around the world uses Calm Harm. Around 93 per cent of the Calm harm user have reported fewer self-harm activities (Panagiotopoulou et al., 2021). In the past 12 months, teenagers between the age range of 15-22 years old are mostly associated with Calm Harm. Calm harm similarly as Headspace protect the privacy of the people by not collecting the identifiable data, as most of the associate are young. The young users are very much helped with calm harm as 93% of the app users have less urge in the self-harm activities. From a professional point of view, if such would be implied in the Australian context would be quite beneficial for the youth of Australia.
Calm Harm: Curating Techniques for Self-Harm
The infrastructure or environment, legal or regulatory and ethical or socio-cultural issues will be analysed with the help of PESTLE analysis. The pestle analysis is an acronym for the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal analysis (Alanzi, 2018). This tool is a widely used tool to understand the environment in which the company is working. Understanding these parameters would help the company to grow and overcome its boundaries.
The environmental analysis has gained a significant insight in order to understand the stakeholder’s viewpoints (Baldassarre et al., 2019). In contemporary business, environmental analysis is essential. Headspace Inc has to gain a proper understanding of the environmental laws and regulations of the market it is working in. As Headspace is working in several countries, some countries may have a stringent environment, which could be pressuring to Headspace. Hence, it is essential for Headspace to adopt practices that are ethically approved in the country. Headspace can also incorporate the targeted practices such as the student practices, which are mainly for the student to have more focus and concentration (Murphy, 2021). If Headspace could not follow or comply with the ethical practices followed in the particular country could have serious drawbacks which would damage their reputation. As the technological infrastructure is growing, Headspace needs to take account of the infrastructure available in the country. Headspace needs to be sustainable and use tools in order to lessen the environmental costs. Such as Headspace need to understand the technological infrastructure and the laws and regulation of Australia.
The legal factors shed light on the broader laws and regulations followed in the country. With the help of this factor, companies or organisation can analyse the legal framework better, which include employment laws, workplace health and safety laws and consumer protection law. Headspace needs to take account of the employment law, such as fair wages policies and workplace health and safety procedures, to avoid any issues. A proper mechanism needs to be implemented for ensuring that the company is following such laws and legislation fully (Kolesnikov et al., 2018). Fully compliant with the employment law will ensure that the brand image is maintained. The consumer protection law can help the customer protect their privacy, which Headspace has to fully comply with. It is recommended that the headspace management and administration team study and understand the laws established in Australia to protect the customers. Understanding this would help Headspace deal with a refund, credit, advertisement, discount and pricing better in Australia.
The social factors are represented by the social values, norms, customers and demographic characteristics. Headspace needs to properly handle the social factors in order to successfully run business in that particular country. The behaviours of the demographic groups are strongly related to the business being successful or not (Papageorge et al., 2021). Headspace needs to incorporate products as per the understanding of the trends in the demographics. It is also essential for Headspace to understand the growth in the population in the country. Headspace needs to have proper marketing strategies in order to ensure that there is proper diversity and inclusion. Headspace need to overall create a positive mindset among the user to improve its overall performance. Headspace needs to incorporate social equality and adhere to the nation's cultural and societal norms.
PESTLE Analysis: Understanding the Environment
Calm harm needs to analyse the environment of the nation it is working in, such as the Australian setting. This would help Calm help in getting a proper insight into the environment it is working in and help in avoiding lawsuits against the company. Every country has strict laws and regulation, and hence for working in that particular county proper understanding of all these are required (Schell, 2021). Calm harm like Headspace needs to adopt proper and responsible practices for mitigating the harm sustaining in the environment. In order to improve the brand image, good practices with full compliance are required from the calm harm. The calm harm needs to use the existing infrastructure available in the county in order the improve and develop their working.
Legal or regulatory factors provide a more detailed analysis of the legal practices sustained in the country. If calm harm does not comply or follow such guidelines, may face tremendous lawsuits. Calm harm has to ensure that the employment law of that particular country is protected. Strengthening the employment law could help the company grow because this will ensure that hardworking individuals are associated with them and retain the employees. The customer protection law helps Calm harm to avoid any legal lawsuit against the company lowering its brand image (Arbel & Shapira, 2020). Calm harm also needs to be stricter with customer protection plans to protect the saved data of the customers. Calm harm needs to implement information technological tools for stricter refunds, pricing, and credit terms. Understanding the dynamics of the legal factors could help Calm Harm easily avoid unnecessary lawsuits.
The social factors are represented by the demographic characteristics of the country along with the social values and the customer demand of the particular country. Analysing the demands of the customer market could help the Calm harm to flourish in the nation. Ethnocentrism if developed in the business, could develop some serious challenges operating in international settings (De Nisco e al., 2020). Calm harm is mainly targeted at the youth. Hence, calm harm needs to analyse the Australian youths so that it can curate activities beneficial for the youth specifically.
Conclusion and Recommendations
From the above analysis, it can be concluded that both the app has proper guidelines and can be easily incorporated in the Australian settings, as these would be beneficial for the Australian individuals uplifting their mental health status. One out of every five individuals in Australia are suffering from a mental health disorder. This app ma create a good intervention for such individuals It can be recommend for both the app to have population specific plans such as for youth, teenagers, adults and geriatric individuals so that user accessibility of the app be more easier. Further it can be also recommended for both the apps to have analyses the trends of the country and curate activities accordingly such as if deep-breathing activities are prioritize in the country then these mindfulness company can incorporate the same to increase the number of users associated. Headspace is a popular English American company that prioritises the meditation industry founded by Andy Puddicombe in the year of 2010. The primary objective of Headspace was to “Make Medication accessible to Everyone”. The secondary objective was to help people manage stress, panic attacks and anxiety. Headspace has received 5 stars as a user and the heath pro-rating. Many social workers have praised Headspace because of its student-friendly initiative. This feature enables the student to focus and concentrate on their studies as well as provide frequent feedback analysing their progress. Calm harm is a popular app launched in the year 2016, which won several awards for its extraordinary influence in uplifting the mental health status among teenagers, that uses functional resources to help the individual in times of distress and crisis. The app is designed for the mental health charity stem4 by Dr Nihara Krause. Nihara Krause is a clinical psychologist. Around 93 per cent of the Calm harm user have reported fewer self-harm activities. The pestle analysis is an acronym for the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal analysis. Headspace Inc has to gain a proper understanding of the environmental laws and regulations of the market it is working in. With the help of this factor, companies or organisations can analyse the legal framework better, which include employment laws, workplace health and safety laws and consumer protection law. Headspace needs to take account of the employment law, such as fair wages policies and workplace health and safety procedures, to avoid any issues.Headspace needs to have proper marketing strategies in order to ensure that there is proper diversity and inclusion. Headspace needs to overall create a positive mindset among the user to improve its overall performance. Calm harm like Headspace needs to adopt proper and responsible practices for mitigating the harm sustaining in the environment. . Calm harm has to ensure that the employment law of that particular country is protected. Strengthening the employment law could help the company grow because this will ensure that hardworking individuals are associated with them and retain the employees. Analysing the demands of the customer market could help the Calm harm to flourish in the nation.
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