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Critical Analysis of Recruitment and Selection

Discuss about the Employee Resourcing and Development.

The success of the organization highly depends upon the employee development and resourcing as it is one of the vital element in an organization. Employee resourcing is a major aspect of HRM which lay high emphasis over the release as well as recruitment of the individuals in the organization. The employee resourcing also focuses upon the potential and performance management of the employees in the organization. Employee development is the facilitation and the approach of knowledge and learning which assist the diversity building, respect, individual development and the business goals (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). The employee development and the employee resources both have their vital role in adding value to an organization as well as to boost the HR business. Both employee resourcing and employee development have a vital role in the organization, their success or failure as well as in their end results. The essay will critically evaluate and analyze the degree to which employee development and resourcing functions do so by the means of recruitment and select ion and talent management. The essay will analyses the role of recruitment and selection in the employee resourcing and the role of talent management in the employee development as well as the way these factor contributes in the organizational success and improved organizational performance.

Recruitment and selection are the two major and primary practices of human resource management which are thoroughly used by the companies to achieve the most effective and efficient employees in respect with the business requirements. To have a competitive benefit there is a need that organizations must have suitable human capital. Recruitment is the approach of producing a group of individuals to apply for the employment opportunities present in an organization. Whereas selection is the approach by which the higher authorities or the managers take use of various effective tools to select or choose from the group of recruitment applicants who are most suitable for the specific job roles (Lievens and Chapman, 2010).The process of selection as well as recruitment are both fundamental to the organizational functioning. It is a set belief that the success and growth of any organization highly depends upon the appropriate number of employees with the appropriate abilities and skills. Hence the correct and effective selection and recruitment processes are very much vital to an organization and its success.

When it comes to enhancing value in an organization in the longer time frame there is a major role played by recruitment. If there is an ineffective recruitment process taking place in an organization then there are several negative implications of that poor process such as decrease employee morale, increased organizational cost and high rate of employee turnover. Whereas an effective recruitment process results into improved public image, better employee relations and improved organizational performance (Huselid andBecker, 2010). The primary step in any recruitment process is to build a good job specification and job description. It is important that the job specifications or the requirements of the job matched the competencies and skills described with the individual specification. If both the things do not correlate then there are circumstances that the individual has been employed with wrong expectations which willresult into ineffective performance. In various cases, because of misrepresentation of facts the employees lose their trust in the organization and they work in any competitive organization after taking the various training sessions from that particular organization. It results into wastage of resources, money and time of the organization (Rich,Lepine and Crawford, 2010). This can be avoided if the organization has an improved and adequate recruitment process. This can also impact the morale of the existing workforce in a negative manner. For instance, it can be a factor de-motivation that the newly joined employees are leaving the organization in such a short time span and started working at the various competitor organizations. The training and the recruitment process can be of a longer time frame, in which the other employees will be expected to take more responsibilities which can result into decreased productivity of the organization as well as of those employees. In past few years, there is a greater demand and acceptance of the online recruitment (Farndale, Scullion and Sparrow, 2010). One of the highly recognized companies Microsoft is extensively taking ujse of this recruitment approach. There are number of online recruitment strategies adopted by the company such as twitter strategy, Facebook strategy, LinkedIn strategy, YouTube strategy and Blogging strategy. The main and the primary benefit of online recruitment is that it shortens the cycle and time frame of recruitment which is highly beneficial for the organizations who required urgent hiring and do not want to lose a good candidate because if the longer recruitment processes (Link Humans, 2016).  There was a survey undertaken by the Chapman and Webster evaluated that there is increasing demand of the online recruitments because of the fact that the organizations found that these selection techniques enhance the value in regards with upsurge number of the skilled candidates, reduced organizational costs and improved efficiency (Gupta, 2016).The declined organizational costs and the high efficiency results into upsurge revenues and by extending the applicant pool there are chances that the organization will get the most appropriate candidate for the required job. Moreover,the online recruitment generates an extensive number of candidates but it is not essential that all these candidates will have those skills and aptitudes which are required for the specific job. It is also vital that the process of selection and recruitment must be fair (Thite, Kavanagh and JOHNSON, 2012).It is the legal obligation that there must be no discrimination on the basis of any factor so that no potential candidate can be deprived of the employment opportunity. The fair recruitment practices will result in declined legal costs, improved organizational image and enhanced value of the organization (Allen, Bryant and Vardaman, 2010). For instance, there are organizations such as Google, Deloitte etc. are those organizations which function and recruit candidates ethically and maintain equality and the positive outcomes of these practices are shown by their increased customer base and efficient workforces (Sullivan, 2015).


The ineffective and inaccurate selection approach declines the effectiveness of the organization. The inappropriate selection may result into distress for the managers to handle those employees. It is very much vital for the organizations that the selection process must be effective e and accurate and the best suitable candidate must be selected for the required job (Zibarras and Woods, 2010).The selection process has various major roles to be played such as generating a shortlist of the candidates for the next stage i.e. interview, providing feedback to the company regarding the application form and the job advertising. It helps the organizations to improve their future selection procedures and the recruitment procedures by reducing the cost spend over ineffective selection procedures. It is also vital that the supervisors and the managers have their commitment in the selection process by getting involved in the process. As the actual knowledge is possessed by the managers that what skills and kind of competencies they require in the candidate for the job role. Thus they will select a more appropriate candidate (Bondarouk and Ruël, 2013).Thus will assist in adding value to the organization as if there is selection of an appropriate candidate then there are high chances that the individual will perform well and in an effective manner. The increase engagement of the managers in the selection process will support the rapid settlement of the new candidate in the organization through making the candidate comfortable by describing the job role properly. This will help the organizations in decreasing cost and the turnover rate. The involvement of the supervisors and the HR mangers in the selection and the recruitment process will support the reinforcement of the business partnerships. It will add value to the organization by ensuring that the selection and the recruitment both have been undertaken in line with the strategies of the organization (Zhao and Liden, 2011).It makes sure that the candidate who has been selected has its contribution in the objectives of the organization. In number of organizations, the selection and the recruitment is an issue and mainly in the domiciliary care sectors. There is high demanding job role in the domiciliary care sectors and because of the various inaccurate selection approaches there is selection of inaccurate candidates which results decreased retention rate. There is one god selection tool named psychometric testing which can be taken use by the domiciliary care sectors. It helps in assessing the personality traits of the candidates who are potential, developing more accurate and informed perceptions and improved decision making (Whelan and Carcary, 2011).It helps in ensuring that the appropriate candidate is selected, declined rate of employee turnover and increase the production as well as performance of the organization.


Talent management can be explained as the systematic deployment, retention, engagement, development, identification and attraction of those candidates who are of a specific value to any organization. These candidates make a huge difference in the performance of the organization by their effective contribution in a shorter span or a longer time period through their respective skills and potential. In the present scenario the practice of talent management is widely exercised in almost all the organizations because of the fact that the economic conditions are weakened which lay high pressure upon the companies to increase the productivity as well as decrease the costs (Dries, 2013).In the current scenario, to possess an ongoing, effective and rigorous Talent management practice is the factor which determines the failure or the success of the organization. There are several organizations which are practicing effective talent management such as IBM, Microsoft, General Electric etc. The talent management keeps on adding value to these organizations by engaging the employees in an effective manner in the organizational functions and goals (Sullivan, 2005). The higher the engagement of the employees is, the greater they are committed towards an organization. The increased commitment will result into decreased employee turnover and declined cost of the turnover rate. The adequate selection process increase employee engagement and the higher engagement of the employees’ results into upsurge productivity and increased sales and revenues of the organization (Iles, Chuai and Preece, 2010).

The improved and appropriate talent managementhelps in ensuring that the organizations can effectively retain as well as facilitate the talent, declines the risk of turnover of the talent from the organization or switch to the competitor. Thus there are several competitive benefits whicharegainedby the organization through practicing effective talent management. Theorganization which lay emphasis over retaining of the talented and potential employees helps in adding value to the organization by reducing the training and the recruitment costs as an outcome of neither developing talent nor recruiting further more talent in the organization. The negative implication led by the turnover of the employees is reduced by the talent management practice and the morale of the employees is also not impacted which directly results intohighrevenues attained by the organization. But it can also be said that it is not necessary that there will always be positiveimplications of the talent management (Morgan and Jardin, 2010).The bottom line improvements are usually temporary in nature in spite of regular talent management practices prevailing in the organization. Hence it is vital that the effectiveness of the talent management practices and approaches must be evaluated regularly. Also there can be discouraging teamwork, increased competition and undervalued results as the outcome of the increased focus upon the retention and recruitment of only the “high talent” individuals. The employees who are not the key talent of the organization can become de-motivated because of the reason that there is only talent management practice for the key and high talent of the organization. This will give negative results such as decrease in the organizational productivity, decreased employee morale and high turnover rates (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014).The organizations who are implementing the programmes and practices of talent management must also experience high resistance from the candidates as the organization spend huge capital over the development of the employees and want that there must be positive and increased productivity from the employees side so that the organization can achieve profits.


To conclude it can be said that if the practices of recruitment and selection and talent management are effectively applied and execute then they have a positive impact over the success of the organization and the organizational performance. The effective selection and recruitment is found to be good for the organization as it helps in improving the employment of correct candidate for the job role which ultimately resultsinto increased organizational productivity and high retention rate. In case of talent management it has been analyzed and concluded that it has both positive and negative impacts depends upon the way of implementation. If there is right way of implementing talent management then there are chances of increased motivation by the way of coaching and mentoring, upsurge employee engagement and high retention rate. Therefore it can be said that both recruitment and selection and talent management have their major contribution in the success of the organization and the improved organizational performance. Both the activities add high value to the organization. Thus it can be said that human resources adds value support the organization in achieving organizational objectives by the way of effective development and resourcing activities as well as by adding extreme value to the organization.


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