David's Frustration and Relationship with The Commodore
In this particular case study of surviving the boss from hell, David faces some problems with his boss Commodore in some situations in the office.
In this particular situation, David is called for a group meeting urgently. His boss, the Commodore, organized this meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to give an award to a summer intern because she has done a commendable job quickly. But David expected something different from this particular meeting and did not acknowledge the action of his boss, the Commodore, in this particular situation. In this meeting, David observed that the new summer intern is being praised for her work by his boss, The Commodore because her father is the head of purchasing department in the organization (Dobrowolski et al. 2021). Moreover, David felt that David had not been praised for his work in the organization by his boss, The Commodore, in the past years. David also thought that the hug given by his boss, The Commodore, to the summer intern on her achievements was uncomfortable and creepy for other team members in the conference room during the meeting.
In this situation, David was asked to prepare a report about his work in a particular period. His boss, the Commodore, looked at the report and pointed out David's mistakes. His boss, the Commodore, pointed out that he had used the red colour in the report that is too bright to read. So his boss recommended him to make it a lighter colour and called that colour not pink but just lighter red (Ewing et al. 2022). Earlier, David used pink because his boss pointed out that the red colour was too bright to read. In this situation, David observed that his boss deliberately pointed out mistakes in the report that do not hold much weight to the overall result.
David's boss, the Commodore, used to work as a supplier of uniforms in the Navy. And he used to always narrate an incident related to the shoelace to all his team members. David was irritated by his boss and by listening to the story of that shoelace too many times. In this particular situation, an urgent meeting was conducted in which David is called with other 9 participants (Kumar and Aditya 2022). In this meeting, the Commodore asked individually about their reports and the work done. In this situation, David felt that his boss, the Commodore, would scream at him as there was an issue regarding the metrics report with his team member Marissa. Also, David feels uncomfortable when his team member Marissa Calls the boss Commodore by his first name in these general meetings.
In this case study of surviving the boss from hell, David's personality is found to be strong and practical, under which he is a person who is not giving up so easily. In this case study, David's management competencies Value diversity at the workplace. His boss, the Commodore, guides him throughout his journey about his work and points out various mistakes in the report he had made (Bananuka et al. 2022). During all the incidents in the case study, David gives value to the advice and corrections made by his boss, the Commodore. David is trying to accept all the boss changes the Commodore wants. In some particular situations, David faces communication and interrelationship problems with his boss, the Commodore. For example, in this situation of not pink, just lighter red David tried to accept all the changes that his boss has made in the report and considered that this advice was coming from an expert. For improving the relationship with his boss, David can try to build some informal relations with his boss to avoid any conflict at the workplace (Wahyudi and Slamet 2022). Moreover, David can talk to his team members if he faces any problem at the workplace or in the relationship with his boss.
Analysis of Management Competencies
The case study provides a clear understanding of the relationship of David with his boss, The Commodore. In this case study, some incidents explain the condition between David and his boss, The Commodore. In these mentioned incidents in the case study, the relationship of David with his boss is analyzed, and a coaching plan is being developed for David to provide him assistance in improving the relationship with his boss. In this report, the case is first analyzed, and the coaching plan is framed.
A coaching plan is a method water strategy under which training sessions are conducted for the employee that needs coaching related to the work in the organization. In this case of surviving the boss from hell, there is an employee David and his boss, the Commodore. This case is all about the interpersonal relationship between David and his boss, the Commodore (Dhar and Udayan 2022). David is frustrated and feels stressed because of the actions of his boss, the Commodore, during the meetings and at other activities. In this organization, David is a project manager and creates dashboards for the organization. David is frustrated because of his work and hates the work of creating dashboards in the organization.
Moreover, David also feels Unrecognized as some of the young colleagues in the organization are getting achievement and appraisal by his boss, the Commodore. This particular case study is supported with some incidents such as “The Hero of the Shoelace Incident”, “A Hug for the Intern, not Pink”, “Just Lighter Red and Escape Route or Dead End?” In all these incidents mentioned in this case study, the relationship of David and his boss, the Commodore, is represented at the workplace (Milner et al. 2022). In the last incident, David decides whether to quit this present job and join another or remain in this job and do better work. In the case study, David needs a coaching plan to improve his performance in the organization and make a positive impact on his boss, the Commodore. For creating the coaching plan for David, the first step is to identify and analyze the strength David according to his work done in the organization. It is seen from the case study that David, as a project manager acquires a quality of creativity while creating the dashboards for the organization (Budhiraja and Sunil 2022).
Moreover, David is punctual in all the meetings arranged by his boss, The Commodore. For example, in the hero of the shoelace incident mentioned in the case study, David is always ready to attend any urgent meeting organized by his boss, the Commodore. David ensures that if his boss arranges a meeting, he should be the punctual and first one to enter the conference room for that particular meeting (Barry et al. 2021). Another strength that David acquires is a long-term vision for his professional career. As David is thinking of quitting the job because of his frustration with his boss, the Commodore, he plans to join a finance Europe company with the same pay scale. Another medium strength that David acquires is the quality of not giving up in these situations. It is being observed that despite being frustrated by his boss, the Commodore, due to all the incidents mentioned in the case study, David is not changing his behaviour towards his boss and controlling his emotions at the workplace.
Developing a Coaching Plan for David
The second step in this coaching plan is to locate or identify the areas of improvement where David needs to work on (Novitasari and Dewiana 2021). These areas of improvement will be considered where the coaching is being provided to David regarding the activities. One of the significant areas of improvement is that David should avoid the feeling of frustration and stress at the workplace. The studies show that the frustration in a person's behaviour affects the mental health Anne, that person's blood pressure. So David needs to focus on his goals and his tasks at the workplace instead of looking at the achievements of his colleagues. Another area of improvement in the behaviour of David is to improve his interpersonal relationship with his boss, the komodo and avoid the feeling of fear (Lo et al. 2022). David feels unrecognized in some incidents in the case study from his boss, the Commodore. David needs to improve his interpersonal relationship with his boss, the Commodore, by initiating informal communication at the workplace. For this particular purpose, David needs to build a friendly nature with his boss and communicate with him about topics other than professional work. Moreover, David should seek some advice from his boss about his performance and growth in the organization to reduce the feeling of frustration from his boss.
This case study provides a representation of the relationship of David with his boss, The Commodore, in the organization through various incidents. This case clearly states the issues or problems That David face at the workplace due to the lack of communication with his boss, the Commodore. In this case, David feels that his boss, the Commodore is responsible for creating a barricade in his professional growth (Menard, Sophie and Stephane 2022). David is annoyed by the actions of his boss, such as his boss doesn't appreciate Davids's work, his boss schedules the meetings on an urgent basis, and David feels that his boss has some casual attitude towards all the members. Moreover, there is a point in this case at which David has made a positive impression on EVP of finance Irving, due to which David has got an offer of a job from him.
Competing values framework is a process undertaken in an organization to improve its organizational structure by making some positive and major changes at the workplace. In this case study, with the help of some major changes in the organizational structure, the competing values framework is improved (Arsenault, Peter and Faerman 2014). As there is an issue of interpersonal communication between David and his boss, the Commodore, a proper channel of communication is created to improve the efficiency of the employees. Moreover, all the employees in the organization, such as David, should be recognized at the right time and the right place so that some motivation is provided to all the employees. Overall the major changes are to be done to improve the communication network between the employees and their boss to increase the effectiveness and productiveness of the work done at the workplace.
Strengths of David in the Workplace
Fig.1: Human Relations Model
(Source: Byrd et al. 2022)
The most suitable model used in this case study is the human relations model under the concept of competing values framework. Under the human relations model, the employee's productivity is insured most suitably by motivating all the employees at the individual level. This motivation is provided through various ways, such as giving them proper guidance individually and recognizing their talent at the workplace (Byrd et al. 2022). The human relations model encourages social bonds in the organization have that successfully fills the gap between the employer and the employee. For example, in this case study, as there is a problem of interpersonal communication between David and his boss, the Commodore, by using the human relations model, a social bond is created between them to resolve all the conflicts and confusion. Through the human relations model, David can build an effective channel of communication with his boss; the Commodore improves the relations with him.
From the above discussion about the case study of surviving the boss from hell, it is concluded that the problems which David's problems in the organization are due to the lack of interpersonal communication with his boss, The Commodore. Moreover, the incidents that David has faced in the organization explain David's relationship with his boss in detail. In this situation, David is in a dilemma whether he should remain in this organization or accept the job offer from EVP Of finance Irving. To support or to demonstrate the relationship of David with his boss, the Commodore, some major incidents such as
"Not pink. Just Lighter Red.", "A hug for the Intern" and "Hero of the Shoelace Incident" are mentioned in the case study. David feels annoyed and unrecognized by his boss, the Commodore, in all these incidents. In the above discussion, some alternatives or solutions are provided along with the coaching plan to help David to improve their interpersonal communication with his boss, the Commodore.
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