Malaysian Education Blueprint has outlined seven key features needed by each student to compete globally namely, knowledge, thinking skills, leadership skills, bilingual proficiency, ethics, spirituality and national identity. These features can be transformed effectively if teachers take advantage of the latest technology and pedagogy in teaching and learning.
This assignment requires you to develop effective lesson plan for preschool teachers. Plan a preschool teaching and learning activities using the 21st century pedagogy. The lesson plan must be based on "The Five-Step Lesson Plan" (Module HBEC 2303, page 100) and taking into consideration the socio-cultural diversity in Malaysia.
Discuss the advantages of teaching and learning activities you have planned. Your opinion should be supported with relevant readings.
Seven Key Principles Outlined in the Malaysian Education Blueprint
During the early stages of the transformation of the Malaysian education, the ministry of the education has launched the reviews of the national education systems that aim to develop the National Education Blueprint for the year 2013 to 2025 (Chew & Eau, 2017). The Malaysian form of Education Blueprint have majorly focused on the seven key principles that are needed by each student for competing in the global platform namely, knowledge, thinking skills, leadership skills, bilingual proficiency, ethics, spirituality and national identity (Chew & Eau, 2017). The features that can be transformed effectively if teachers take advantage of the latest technology and pedagogy in teaching and learning.
The preschool teacher, who is an instructional designer, should be able to determine the current state and identify the needs of preschool children, define the end goal of instruction, and create some intervention to assist in the teaching and learning process of preschoolers (Chew & Eau, 2017). Instructional designer should be able to apply systematic methods of evaluating instructional needs and creating learning solution for the preschool children. The Education systems in Malaysia are divided into few stages. Starting from the early fifteenth century, the main objective of the Malays was to teach about the religious aspects of the place. Later more inspections were carried out about the issues that that are delivered for the result of the inspection which consist of the findings along with the recommendations. Some of the reports also shows the changes of the Malaysian education system.
It is no more a secret that the face of the education system has changed drastically over the years. The teachers all over the country have come together and are working to equip the children with the skills and that are needed for the better future. The report critically analyses the preschool learning activities in Malaysia
There are seven steps in the planning of the teaching and learning activities of that has been incorporated in the 21at century of the pedagogical skills. They are discussed in the following sections.
Communication and collaboration
The communication and collaborations includes that the students should always be given knowledge through the help of project-based learning. The teachers should understand the importance of the communication in their preschool learning activities. The recognition of the group dynamics can maximize the percentage of the success rates in the project based learning services of the children in the preschools.
Teaching and Learning Activities for Preschool Children
The use in the information and communication technology improves the retentive memory of the children. It makes the teachers to explain the instructions that are complex.
The main objective of the teachers is to make the students explain the concept of higher order thinking. The teacher should make them realize their own weakness and encourage them to build up strategies to and ask questions that they can ask themselves to uplift their knowledge.
The process of problem solving should be an essential part of the curriculum. It includes the understanding of the problems that are given to them in the class, then they need aware of the barriers or obstructions that are preventing them from achieving them from attaining their goals, identifications of the best possible solutions, implementing the solutions and the evaluations of the results.
The project based learning is the instructional approach for the building of the authentic learning activities for the engagement of the students and for their interests and their motivation (Nair, Yusof & Arumugam, 2014). The teaching activity in the performances is assessed on the individual basis and always takes into account about the quality of the product that can be produced. In the process of project based learning, the students always assumes the increasing responsibilities of their methods of learning (Siew, Chin & Sombuling, 2017). This done by giving them more motivation and the feelings of the accomplishments and helps in the setting up the patterns for the students to become a successful lifelong learner in the future
The contextual learning involves the several contextual learning activities that are incorporated for the better solving of the problems, learning from real situations, learning from the peers and self-directed learning.
Creativity and innovations are the essence of the teaching and the learning that are included in the discipline of the social sciences. The creativity and the innovation help to bring out the interests and the motivation of the students to learn the particular subject or discipline.
English Lesson Plan for Preschool Students
Class Year 3
Theme World of knowledge
Topic : My! What a strange dream
Focused Skills : Speaking
Integrated Skills : Listening and writing
Curriculum Specifications: Listen and enjoy the children’s songs, rhythm and music
State whether children likes it or not
Response to the questions
To provide the missing letters in the format of words
Learning Objectives : Listening and understanding the music
Advantages of Planned Teaching and Learning Activities
Behavioral objectives : By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to
- Make at least five simple sentences
- Spell out at least eight to ten Malaysian fo0od correctly
- Identify at least ten Malaysian food and five Malaysian cultures
CCTS To classify the foods and the cultures of Malaysia into several categories that includes food, festivals, religion and several traditions of Malaysia
Previous knowledge Based on the previous lesson learnt in the class
Instructional materials Video clip
Educational Emphasis Listening skills of the children
Set the introduction for five minutes |
“Rasa Sayang” song Examples of the questions of the teacher – 1. Have you ever heard of this song? 2. What does the song say? What is it about? 2. Can you listen to the song and sing it with me |
· Students are asked to listen to the song · Students listen to the song when the song is played · Students answers the questions that are being asked by the teacher about food and culture (communication and collaboration) |
To attract the interests of the students about the topic Integrate the concept of music in the form of teaching (creativity and innovation) |
Step 1 (10 minutes) |
To build up the list of that is based on the food and cultures of Malaysia Examples of clue: 1. What is your favorite food? 2. What is the common food? 3. What are the common cultures of Malaysia |
Students are asked to name the food and cultures of Malaysia they aware of Students are asked to call out name of the food and culture Students are asked to spell and write the names on the blackboard as instructed by the teacher Teacher gives the explanation of the about the food and the cultures in Malaysia |
To activate the previously learned knowledge of the students To develop the thinking skills of the students |
Step 2 (15 minutes) |
Structure the sentences for the questions What do you see in this picture? What are their religions? To whom they are praying? What are the food and cultures of Malaysia |
Students are shown the pictures of the different races of Malaysia. Students are asked to match the pictures that are showed to them before they were given the lists of the food and cultures of Malaysia in the blackboard Students have to make simple sentences that are based on the pictures that are given before The responses of the students are to be written in the blackboard by the teacher (problem solving) |
To introduce the structure of the sentences for the questions and their responses Showing the video clip (project based learning) |
Step 3 (20 minutes) |
The Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services (CCTS) means the activities Students have conversations within themselves about the different food and cultures of Malaysia. They also classify their food and cultures into different categories such as: Foods of Malaysia Festivals of Malaysia Religions of Malaysia Traditional customs in Malaysia |
The students are divided into four equal groups Each groups are given only one topic to discuss Every groups are asked to write the contents of the topic that are at least comprises of ten sentences Teachers are there to assist the weaker groups Each of the groups displays their answers in front of the class (higher order thinking) |
To encourage the students for the discussions they need to have in the classrooms To develop an amount of self confidence among the children |
Closure (5 minutes) |
There should a appreciation from everyone about the cultures of Malaysia |
Students are there to learn the values of Malaysia and be proud of their cultures and traditions To help the students to realize about their culture and their importance of the conservations of the energies of the future generations (contextual learning) |
To help the students to build a strong appreciation for their own country To have class discussions that can aware the students about the several cultures of Malaysia |
The activities that are enriching and remedial (5 minutes) |
Remedial activities: To identify the several name of the Malaysian foods and their cultures correctly. Enrichment activities: The type of cultures , food and the costume of the Malaysian society |
The weaker groups of students are to given the work where they have to identify and write the names of the Malaysian food and their cultures in an appropriate way. The better attempts of the students tends to enrich the several activities of the groups Both the remedial and the enrichment work is to be displayed at the back of the class for everyone to see. (higher order thinking) |
It reinforces the spellings and the names of the Malaysian cultures For widening the content of the knowledge of Malaysian foods and the cultures To make the remedial worksheets To have the enriched worksheets |
The lesson plan that is shown above are plans according to the Five Step Lesson Plan that includes, in the beginning where there is a lesson opening, then there is a middle lesson and lastly there is an end or a lesson closure. The lesson opening consists of the materials that the needs to learns and that should relate to what they know from past and where their current knowledge is heading them in what direction. The middle lesson plan cosmists of the guided practice and the independent practice (Chew & Eau, 2017). The guided practice engages the students in the activities that are varying in the levels of the support they are providing for the better clarity of the main concept and their analysis. The independent practice includes provides the students with the materials and the practice measures for the understanding of the topic and application of these lessons in their future situations (Chew & Eau, 2017). Lastly, the lesson closing summarizes the whole learning process the student have learned in their class and that gives the students the proper understanding of applying them in their future.
The process of teaching and building the lesson plan for the students of the preschoolers are strictly to be followed by the principle of the Five Steps of the Lesson Plan (Siew, Chin & Sombuling, 2017). The foundation of every curriculum is always based on the philosophy of education structures. The students what they learn in their schools are the in the several groups of people can include the social goals, the diversity of the society and the social uniformity of the country. The values and learning are always influenced by a great extent to the diversities of the nation. There are various strategies and procedures the teachers of the preschoolers maintain to prepare the children for their boundless and independent future ahead (Siew, Chin & Sombuling, 2017). The processes are discussed in the following section.
It includes the use of several technologies for the better learning of the languages and the cultures of their nation. The teachers must learn to speak their language and become conversant with the technology that comes so naturally to the young (Siew, Chin & Sombuling, 2017). The integrated form of technology describes the tapping of the students with the latest fashions and has clear motions in understandings
Importance of Effective Lesson Planning for Preschool Teachers
The teachers are like the tailors who can bind the learning experiences of the students and they can understand the individual needs of the students in the classrooms (Nair, Yusof & Arumugam, 2014)
The project based learning is the instructional approach for the building of the authentic learning activities for the engagement of the students and for their interests and their motivation (Nair, Yusof & Arumugam, 2014). The teaching activity in the performances is assessed on the individual basis and always takes into account about the quality of the product that can be produced. In the process of project based learning, the students always assumes the increasing responsibilities of their methods of learning (Siew, Chin & Sombuling, 2017). This done by giving them more motivation and the feelings of the accomplishments and also helps in the setting up the patterns for the students to become a successful lifelong learners in the future
The children are learning sponges when they are young. All the words they learn, they experience and they adapt those in their behaviour that can become an investment in for their fruitful future(Nair, Yusof & Arumugam, 2014). The impressions that are set in childhood years stays with the person forever and it also acts as a base of their personality that will develop in their later life and will make them a good human (Nair, Yusof & Arumugam, 2014).
Early childhood is generally about the molding and honing the holistic child through, which will eventually form the basis of their lifelong journey. There are thirteen essential benefits for generating the lesson plans. They are discussed in the following part.
Socialization with people other than the child’s family in a safe environment is an essential foundational element to the below areas.
As parents, we intuitively understand that it is important to introduce our children to other children and support their transition into their own friendship groups (Nair, Yusof & Arumugam, 2014).
The earlier we do this, the better, as it helps children overcome shyness and gain self-confidence. If we leave this too long, we actually hinder their social development.
It is important for the children to learn to share, cooperate, take turns and persevere in the safe le environment for learning that is guided by the professionals who always see the children’s best interests (Nair, Yusof & Arumugam, 2014).
Early educators for children are trained to identify the areas where they can child by building programs. Their peers are also extremely important in this regard, as preschoolers are usually helpful, cooperative and inclusive.
The Five-Step Lesson Plan
The lessons are planned in a manner that should be given in a fun and exciting way that will encourage children to be effective learners. It is important to maintain the thirst of learning and motivation within the students (Nair, Yusof & Arumugam, 2014). Love for education makes the children set for their future.
While the parents will be the most important influence on the early life of the child, introducing them to a preschool environment will provide them a new perspective for their scholastic journey ahead of them (Nair, Yusof & Arumugam, 2014).
It is the role of the teachers to teach the proper value of respect for others. This is not limited to people and belongings, but can also mean respect for their environment, both immediate and global.
Demonstrating and instilling the importance of teamwork that can teach respect for the opinions of others, listening, cooperation and equality.
Many preschool activities are based on teamwork and this make the students make more employable and groom their future ahead (Nair, Yusof & Arumugam, 2014).
It is very important that the early childhood educators and parents always works together to develop the power of resilience in children during their early stage of development (Nair, Yusof & Arumugam, 2014). By creating a consistent, secure and fair social environment, with clear expectations and predictable consequences, children can develop skills in managing themselves and their emotions.
This is critical. A strong sense of wellbeing provides children with confidence, optimism and self-esteem that will encourage children to explore their talents, skills and interests.
Positive interactions with other children and teachers will promote a positive, healthy and secure view of themselves that will allow them to approach situations and problems confidently throughout their lives (Nair, Yusof & Arumugam, 2014).
Valuing difference and diversity are crucial to a child’s early development. Early childhood education serves to guide children to appreciate and accept differences and become well-rounded contributors to society (Nair, Yusof & Arumugam, 2014).
It is important that children understand that everyone is unique and special in their own way with their own culture, beliefs and ethnicity.
The children are learning sponges when they are young. All the words they learn, they experience and they adapt those in their behaviour that can become an investment in for their fruitful future. The planning and the execution of the effective teaching and learning practice is the key for shaping the future of the children. The preschool education is very important to have a healthy growth of the children. The Malaysian diversities are also the major factor that influences the learning conditions of the students. The mastery in the academic core of the content still drives on the factor that how the design thinking does is used for the intersection with the classroom learning. The above report emphasizes about the importance of 21st century pedagogy to promote the academic skills and content knowledge for the better student outcomes. Therefore, the cultivation of the broader aspect of the skills and the dispositions that are beyond the cores of content knowledge are critical with respect to the merits of investing longer hours in the classrooms.
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