For this assignment you will have to prepare a paper that critically discusses how organisations apply the strategic use of IS/IT to achieve IS/IT-enabled innovation (Note: you should try to focus on information systems rather than mobile apps and social media platforms & applications). Some aspects and issues you may discuss in your paper could include (but are not limited to):
Discuss at least 4 examples of the use of IS/IT for innovation.
Highlight some success factors or some lessons learned (i.e., what went wrong?) for your examples.
Discuss the impacts of internal factors (e.g., organisational, individual, and management factors) and external factors (e.g., market, industry, social, economic, technological and political/policy factors) on the success (or the failure) of IS/IT enabled innovation.
Machine Learning in Amazon
This report aims to discuss the topic Use of IS/IT for innovation. Four case studies are selected for this report. The selected case studies are the ML in Amazon, AI in Apple, Robotics in Mitsubishi, and Cloud computing in Netflix. A detailed discussion of background is provided of all the case studies. The success factors of implementation of IT enabled innovation in the cases studies is provided in this report. A brief discussion of the impact of external and internal factors on the implementation of IT enabled innovation is provided in this report. Some recommendation on the basis of the case studies is discussed in this report. Lastly, this report concludes with an appropriate conclusion.
The utilisation and the activation of the IT enabled innovation is comprehensively used in the companies for meeting the organisational needs and fulfil the requirements of the customers. The technological developments in the modern era is helping the organisations in performing business functions more efficiently and effectively.
The machine learning in Amazon offers the wizards and tools of visualisation that guides through the method of creating models of machine learning without performing the task of learning complex technology and algorithms of machine learning (Papernot, McDaniel and Goodfellow 2016). The built-in data processors of the service, the scalable algorithms of machine learning, tools of model visualisation and the interactive data, and the alerts of quality helps in building and refining the models easily. The prediction API of Amazon Machine learning can be utilised for generating huge amount of predictions for any application (Meng et al. 2016). Huge amount of predictions can be requested for big numbers of the records of data at the same time by utilising the API of batch prediction, or utilise the API real-time for obtaining predictions for the unique data records and utilise them within the interactive applications of mobile, web, or desktop.
The company Amazon utilises the function of Machine learning in their business model for meeting the requirements of the customers and obtain growth. Machine learning helped the organisation in several ways for promoting the products in better ways and make accurate forecasts of sales (Chen et al. 2015). Machine learning provides major advantages for the sector of marketing and sales, with some of the major benefits as:
ML virtually intake infinite amount of extensive data. The data that is consumed can be utilised for constantly reviewing and modifying the strategies of sales and marketing on the basis of the behaviour patterns of customers. As ML consumes data at increasingly high speed and it identifies the connected data, this function enabled the organisation in undertaking appropriate actions. The organisation utilises the benefits of machine learning for analysing the data that is connected with the previous behaviours or the outcomes and then interpret the data.
Both the internal and the external factors plays a major role in the IT enabled innovation in the Amazon Company. The management of Amazon aims on focussing on the new services and the hardware like kindle e-reader, TV and smartphone, Fire table, Echo that is powered by the machine learning and Artificial intelligence. Amazon Prime provides unlimited free shipping and then it is involved in the diversification to new media service with the access to unlimited constant streaming of the movies and TV episodes (Li et al. 2014). Machine learning helps the company in analysing the data of the behaviours of the customers and predict what is best suitable for the common public.
Cloud computing in Netflix
The external factors that plays a major role in the success of machine learning in Amazon is the market of Amazon. With the introduction of machine learning in the business model of the company, the organisation gained a significant competitive advantage than the other companies as the analysis of huge amount of data is done in easier method and techniques (Tramer et al. 2016). The economic condition of several markets helped the company in developing easily with the implementation of machine learning.
Netflix is an organisation that is a provider of media-service situated in Los Gatos. The primary business of the company is the streaming media that is subscription based and offers the online streaming of a films and programs of television. The initial business of Netflix included the sale of DVD and rental by service of mail. The company expanded the business in 2007 with implementation of streaming media by retaining the rental service of Blu-ray and DVD. The company expanded the distribution and production of both the television series and films and provides various content through the online library. When the service of streaming was launched, the subscribers of the rental disc of Netflix were provided with access that came at no extra charge. The company implemented the technology of cloud computing for storing huge amount of data in the servers and provide the services to the customers on demand (Gupta, Seetharaman and Raj 2013). This technology helped the company in proper handling the data of the company and secure the data to prevent any kind of cybercrime that can lead to data loss or data theft.
The company implemented the service of cloud for managing the data more securely and efficiently. Earlier, the data of the company was kept in the local disk of the computer that did not guarantee the security and integrity of data and this forced the company in implementing the cloud services in their business model (Chou 2013). For the last two years, Netflix started the service of providing streaming of video extensively with the help of public cloud. The company developed several tools internally that are open sourced. By doing this, the company became the largest video streaming company with the technology of cloud computing. The Netflix Open Source is the collection of code bundles of Apache that has been created by the company and have made available to the public. The chief architect of the cloud of Netflix claimed that the company is progressing towards developing several OSS. The company is working on establishing the process of Netflix as the best suitable practise of operating in the public cloud. The company is predicted to gain benefit from the knowledge of the community of open source and gain improvements (Kavis 2014). The demand of the common public of television shows and the movies that can be available in the online platform is increasing at a high rate, which have made the company in managing and storing huge amount of data that can be provided to the customers whenever required.
There are some of the internal and external factors that have made the implementation of cloud computing in the organisation, Netflix successful. The management of the company aimed at gaining growth by providing services to the customers and the rental video services of the company helped them as establishing a streaming platform. The implementation of the cloud computing helped in storing huge amount of data for the common public (Xu et al. 2014). The aim of the organisation of providing services to the customers at lower cost was successfully executed with cloud computing as the cost of managing a cloud infrastructure is minimal and helped in providing seamless streaming service to the customers and make profit.
Some of the external factors that played a huge role in implementation of cloud computing was the market of the company (García-Valls, Cucinotta and Lu 2014). The organisation started out as the DVD rental service for the common people and established themselves as the best provider. With the increasing demand of the public, the company explored the sector of streaming services. The company obtained growth in the field with by providing uninterrupted streaming videos that was facilitated by the implementation of cloud services in the organisation. The legal condition of some countries put a hurdle on the company and restricted them from expanding the markets.
The company Apple Inc. is a multinational company of technology that performs designing, developing and selling computer software, online services and electronics for the consumers. The company implemented the technology of artificial intelligence for creating development in the products and provide better services to the customers. The company is promoting the idea of utilising the tools of artificial intelligence by the developers like face recognition and object recognition and develop the personal artificial intelligence language Siri for providing better support to the customers (Jha and Topol 2016). The latest technology of the company HomeCourt uses the machine learning that is added to the operating system of the mobiles of Apple for analysing any video.
The strategy of the artificial intelligence in the company, Apple is focused on the workloads that are running locally on the devices, instead of depending severely on the resources that are based on cloud. Even though the technology fits in the business model of the company, which is selling devices and the emphasis of the company in maintaining privacy of the data of the company, the developers of the company aims to utilise the full functions of artificial intelligence for developing better products. The chat bots, virtual assistants and the robots that are powered by the algorithms of business are extensively being utilised in the company. The company perform their interview process with the help of artificial intelligence for managing the screening process efficiently (Markoff 2016). The main success factor of artificial intelligence in the company is that the capacity of the company in utilising AI for knowledge gaining and re-using the information and more accurately, the representation of the knowledge using computers. The information of the market and the competitors is monitored extensively with the help of AI and then provide appropriate business plans.
There are some internal and external factors on the success of artificial intelligence in the Apple organisation. The customer support of the organisation is enhanced with the implementation of artificial intelligence in the business model of the organisation. The management of the company aims in developing modified and improved products for the customers that can be created with the help of artificial intelligence (Makridakis 2017). The advertising of the company is enhanced with the help of AI as the functions of AI reaches the particular customers and potentially make them customers. The advertisements are provided to the customers in ways that are relevant to the interest of the customers (Kaplan 2015). The organisation uses the functions of AI in the platform of social media for developing personalised and user specific and advertisements.
The external factors that impacted in the success of artificial intelligence in the company are the technological advances of the company. The basic aim of the company is to t provide personalised functions and features that are useful to the customers and help them in using the devices for better use (Dilsizian and Siegel 2014). The cost of technological advances in decreasing with time and it can help Apple in implementing more functions of technological developments for better and personalised use.
Mitsubishi is a Japanese companies that are autonomous and multinational. The company introduced the use of robotics in the company for proper handling of business functions and gain growth. With the increasingly diversity in the needs of the consumers and globalisation, the industry of manufacturing is progressing towards developing more advanced features in the business. Robots in the Mitsubishi company is utilised for multitasking and perform several tasks with increased efficiency and undertake more sophisticated tasks that cannot be done by humans. The series of MELFA FR delivers innovative and solutions that are intelligent that can be used for flexible and advanced production. The automation needs of the company can be fulfilled with these robots. The functions of next generation intelligence makes it easy for the companies to function accurately (Yamamoto 2016). The applications that are safe and collaborative allows the people and robots in working mutually with increased level of safety.
The company Mitsubishi implemented the technology of robotics for gaining benefits. The main success factor of the implementation of robotics in the company is personalised and developed production abilities of robotics. With the help of robotics in the company, it enabled the company in obtaining growth at a significant rate and it also help in proper managing of change management (Crespo, García and Quiroz 2015). The functions that could not be performed by the humans are now done easily with the help of robotics in the organisation. The efficiency of the company increased at a significant rate as the robots could perform multitasking at highest levels and the workforce of the company started obtaining skills for performing tasks that could not be done without the robots.
The external and internal factors played a huge role in success of the robotics in the company. The major internal factor that played an important role was the organisation factor and the needs of the organisation. The company performs in the sector of manufacturing industry and the technological developments in the sector creates the opportunity of utilising heavy machinery and other parts of manufacturing (Tsumugiwa, Fukui and Yokogawa 2014). The company obtained growth by launching new products that could meet the expectations of the customers. As the aim of the company is to obtain growth and provide better services to the customers, the use of robots for effective handling of the heavy machinery is essential as these machines cannot be operated by the humans (?ermák 2014).
The external factors also played a major role in the success of the company. The company gained the ability of improved cooperation with the sensors of vision and more enhanced force sensors that allows increased accomplishment of task that are advanced (Kober, Bagnell and Peters 2013). The social factors impacted severely on the success of robotics in the company. The expectation of the customers of having a comfortable drive in the cars that are designed by Mitsubishi helped the company gain motivation in implementing the technology of robotics to perform tasks efficiently.
Based on the analysis of the four case studies that are discussed in the report, it is recommended to the companies to identify the needs of the organisation and plan as per the needs of the customers. The technological advances has impacted almost every organisation in the present times and helped in achieving the business goals quickly. The management of the organisation should perform analysis of the workshops and the needs of the customer and use the technological tools for predicting the future needs of the consumers.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the use of IT enabled innovation in the companies is done extensively for achieving the needs of the organisation quickly. The machine learning in Amazon offers the wizards and tools of visualisation that guides through the method of creating models of machine learning without performing the task of learning complex technology and algorithms of machine learning. The company Amazon utilises the function of Machine learning in their business model for meeting the requirements of the customers and obtain growth. Both the internal and the external factors plays a major role in the IT enabled innovation in the Amazon Company. The management of Amazon aims on focussing on the new services. The initial business of Netflix included the sale of DVD and rental by service of mail. The company implemented the service of cloud for managing the data more securely and efficiently. There are some of the internal and external factors that have made the implementation of cloud computing in the organisation, Netflix successful. The company Apple Inc. is a multinational company of technology that performs designing, developing and selling computer software, online services and electronics for the consumers. There are some internal and external factors on the success of artificial intelligence in the Apple organisation. The customer support of the organisation is enhanced with the implementation of artificial intelligence in the business model of the organisation.
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