The analysis queries for the layout should contain the points
1. What are the hurdles to implement RFID in the recent times?
2. Are they have any involvement in the privacy of the clients?
3. Has the technology been seemed to be secure enough?
4. Has the RFID been good uses?
5. Are they any confusion regarding the development of these technologies?
Benefits of RFID Technology in Healthcare
Article 1: Ranasinghe, D. C., Torres, R. S., Hill, K., & Visvanathan, R. (2014). Low cost and batteryless sensor-enabled radio frequency identification tag based approaches to identify patient bed entry and exit posture transitions. Gait & Posture, 39(1), 118-123.
The author reflects on senor enabled RFID that are mainly cost effective as well as battery less. In this article, sensor enabled RFID are generally used in identifying tag dependent approaches that further assists in determining the entry as well as exit of the patients. The author investigated sensor enabled RFID in case of false tagging near the beds of the patients. Proper algorithm as well as automatic detection of entry as well as exit of patient is generally detected in the real time due to the sensor enabled RFID application (Ranasinghe et al., 2014). It is analyzed that readings associated with three-dimensional acceleration are mainly transmitted from the WISP that are quite helpful in determining the events, its specification, sensitivity as well as receiving operator curves. It is generally analyzed that WISP located over the method of Sternum is generally preferred as the methodology that helps in detecting the exit as well as entry of bed.
Article 2: Kimble PharmD, M. B. A., BCACP, C., Stanton, M. B. A., & Naylor, M. (2016). Could the Pharmaceutical Industry Benefit from Full-Scale Adoption of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology with New Regulations?.
The paper reflects on adoption of RFID technology with pharmaceutical industry. It is identified that various healthcare regulators are mainly directing attention to various pharmaceutical supply chain with the passage of DQSA and DSCSA act. The adoption of this technology is quite able to improve compliance, can reduce cost and can further assist in improving the safety of the entire supply chain (Kimble et al., 2016). However, it is analyzed that RFID implementation is very much limited primarily due to hardware as well as tag costs. The main purpose of this entire research is to analyze various benefits of RFID within healthcare as well as pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical companies generally track as well as trace various types of prescription drugs within the supply chain and thus it is identified that RFID helps in resolving various types of issues that are associated with track and trace. It is identified that practical implications of the entire study is that pharmaceutical companies must increase revenue as well as decrease various types of associated costs.
RFID Technology in Pharmaceutical Industry
Article 3: Barge, P., Gay, P., Merlino, V., & Tortia, C. (2014). Item-level radio-frequency identification for the traceability of food products: application on a dairy product. Journal of Food Engineering, 125, 119-130.
The article reflects on item level RFID for tracing the food products, which is generally considered as a significant application of dairy product. RFID system can be exploited for traceability in the food industry. The author helps in reflecting complete RFID system traceability in context to pressed, high-value as well as long-ripened cheese. The article also focuses on experimentation with various types of techniques in order to fix tags within the cheese as well as solutions for automatic identification (Barge et al., 2014). It is identified that both design as well as implementation of system of radio frequency identification is mainly utilized for food product traceability. The technologies that are generally utilized while testing include LF, UHF as well as HF technologies. It is analyzed that the HF systems are generally adopted at various steps in order to produce cheese. In addition to this, transponders are also used while cheese production after proper comparison with other methods.
Article 4: Zou, Z., Chen, Q., Uysal, I., & Zheng, L. (2014). Radio frequency identification enabled wireless sensing for intelligent food logistics. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 372(2017), 20130313.
The paper generally reflects on RFID enabled wireless sensing for various intelligent food logistics. It is identified that future applications as well as technologies are IoT mainly helps in evolving the procedure of food for supply chain and for created various types of benefit to the business. RFID and WSNs are generally considered as one of the enablers of key technologies (Zou et al., 2014). It is identified that intelligent tags that are generally powered with the help of autonomous energy are mainly attached on objects helps in allowing the physical parameters including humidity as well as temperature for seamlessly integrating with the enterprise information system over the internet. It is analyzed that IoT platform with two layer network architecture are generally introduced that comprises of reader link and ad-hoc link between various readers which is mainly connected to the internet with the help of Wi-Fi.
Article 5: Bahr, W., & Price, B. J. (2016). Radio frequency identification and time-driven activity based costing: RFID-TDABC application in warehousing.
The article generally reflects on TDABC application in warehousing. The author illustrates the utilization of RFID for accounting of warehouse services as well as cost. Time driven activity based costing is generally enhanced within the real time for collecting various types of RFID data about warehouse activities. This helps in allowing the managers of warehouse to complete the calculations accurately as well as instantly. TDABC based RFID is generally proposed as one of the novel application that is dependent on RFID technology. The utilization of information that is mainly generated through RFID technology helps in identifying as well as tracking various types of items (Bahr & Price, 2016). It is analyzed that RFID-TDABC concept is quite useful for various practitioners helps in reflecting warehouse costs, which can be accurately measured by utilizing this entire approach. It is analyzed that providing proper understanding of various types of incurred cost helps in optimizing different type of warehouse operation that generally lowers the cost of activities.
RFID for Item-Level Traceability in Food Industry
Article 6: Kelm, A., Laußat, L., Meins-Becker, A., Platz, D., Khazaee, M. J., Costin, A. M., ... & Teizer, J. (2013). Mobile passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) portal for automated and rapid control of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on construction sites. Automation in Construction, 36, 38-52.
The article reflects on mobile passive RFID for rapidly controlling various types of personal protective equipment on various construction sites. It is identified that personnel entering construction site are generally mandated for PPE for achieving compactness as well as accurateness. Different types of commercial identification as well as information technology are mainly utilized for designing RFID portal that further assists in checking the PPE compliance of personnel (Kelm et al., 2013). When various gates are generally positioned at the entrance or within different construction sites then low cost RFID tags are generally embedded for time recoding, automatic site across and more. This generally assists in improving the logistics of various types of existing compliance that helps in checking processes as well as users with timely feedback. Various types of data further helps in suggesting the limitations of developed approach for gathering different safety as well as indicator data.
Article 7: Guo, D., Zhang, Y., Xiang, Q., & Li, Z. (2014). Improved radio frequency identification indoor localization method via radial basis function neural network. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014.
The author focuses on improved radio frequency identification indoor localization methodology with the help of radial basis function neural network. It is identified that indoor localization technique are generally developed for solving various types of problems. RFID indoor localization technology has number of advantages of low cost as well as high precision. The paper generally proposes two types of different radial function that are generally dependent on indoor localization methodology (Guo et al., 2014). The RBF neural has helped in training for learning various types of mapping relationships between values of signal indication as well as various object positions. Traditional methodology helps in using the receiving various types of signal strength as the main input of neural based network. It is analyzed that various types of experimental result generally helps in reflecting the existing methodologies that helps in improving the reliability as well as precision of RFID based indoor positioning system.
Article 8: Ergen, E., Akinci, B., & Sacks, R. (2007). Tracking and locating components in a precast storage yard utilizing radio frequency identification technology and GPS. Automation in construction, 16(3), 354-367.
RFID for Intelligent Food Logistics
The author mainly helps in tracking as well as locating various types of components in a proper precast storage yard that mainly utilized the technology of RFID. It is identified that the problems that mainly exists within the manual methods of tracking, identification, location are highly customized in late deliveries as well as double handed that generally lead to delay of schedule as well as enhanced cost of labor (Ergen, Akinci & Sacks, 2007). Both the approaches as well as requirements are required to be utilized within the system in order to locate precast concrete components with minimal worker input within the data storage yard within the manufacturing plant. Depending on the requirements that are identified, various types of approaches are generally formalized in order to develop a prototype system that is mainly utilized for identifying pieces that are generally relocated and assists in demonstrating the feasibility of the entire approach.
Article 9: Lee, C. P., & Shim, J. P. (2007). An exploratory study of radio frequency identification (RFID) adoption in the healthcare industry. European Journal of Information Systems, 16(6), 712-724.
The paper focuses on RFID adoption within the healthcare industry. It is identified that the author examines the RFID adoption and helps in proposing a model that generally helps in predicting the likelihood for adopting RFID within the healthcare organizations. It is found that considerable amount of studies are generally conducted regardless of information technology of the organization. There are number of categories as well as variables that are generally found to be empirically related with the adoption behavior, as little evidence is generally required for suggesting the origin or motivation behind adoption (Lee & Shim, 2007). The author investigates that the underlying motivations as well as driving forces helps in the adoption of RFID by utilizing proper technology of push as well as need pull. The model is quite important as it helps in categorizing three factors, need pull, technology push for determining the various likelihood of RFID adoption that are either strengthened or weakened with the help of organizational readiness.
Article 10: Wicks, A. M., Visich, J. K., & Li, S. (2006). Radio frequency identification applications in hospital environments. Hospital topics, 84(3), 3-9.
The paper elaborates radio frequency identification application within the environment of hospital. It is identified that RFID technology generally receive enhanced interest from different practitioner as well as academicians. This interest is generally mandated from various retailers for increasing the efficiency as well as visibility of the material as well as information flow within the entire supply chain (Wicks, Visich & Li, 2006). However it is identified that supply chain managers does not have a monopoly on the RFID deployment. The author also discusses various potential benefits, areas of applications as well as implementation challenges for corresponding strategies of RFID within the environment of hospital.
RFID for Cost Accounting in Warehousing
Article 11: Li, S., Visich, J. K., Khumawala, B. M., & Zhang, C. (2006). Radio frequency identification technology: applications, technical challenges and strategies. Sensor Review, 26(3), 193-202.
The paper focuses on radio frequency identification technology. The main purpose is to discuss the entire technology within the system of RFID for identifying various types of applications within various industries. It also discusses various types of technical challenges of RFID implementation and corresponding strategies for overcoming different challenges. It is identified that comprehensive literature as well as integration of findings from the literature is the design methodology (Li et al., 2006). It is identified that various types of technical challenges that are associated with RFID implementation generally include tag cost, tag and reader selection, system integration as well as security. The research generally helps in offering number of technical guidance for various companies, which plan for implementing RFID that helps in providing proper motivation.
Article 12: Ustundag, A., & Tanyas, M. (2009). The impacts of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology on supply chain costs. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 45(1), 29-38.
The paper mainly reflects on the impact of radio frequency identification technology on various cost of supply chain. It is identified that RFID is one of the promising technology for supply chain processing as well as optimization as it generally helps in improving the retail as well as manufacturing related operations from forecasting various demands to planning, distribution as well as managing inventory (Ustundag & Tanyas, 2009). The author generally reflects on simulation model for calculating the expected benefits of an integrated RFID system through performance for enhancing efficiency, accuracy, security as well as efficiency. The study also helps in investigating the lead-time, product value, demand uncertainty in context to cost factors.
Bahr, W., & Price, B. J. (2016). Radio frequency identification and time-driven activity based costing: RFID-TDABC application in warehousing
Barge, P., Gay, P., Merlino, V., & Tortia, C. (2014). Item-level radio-frequency identification for the traceability of food products: application on a dairy product. Journal of Food Engineering, 125, 119-130.
Ergen, E., Akinci, B., & Sacks, R. (2007). Tracking and locating components in a precast storage yard utilizing radio frequency identification technology and GPS. Automation in construction, 16(3), 354-367.
Guo, D., Zhang, Y., Xiang, Q., & Li, Z. (2014). Improved radio frequency identification indoor localization method via radial basis function neural network. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014.
Kelm, A., Laußat, L., Meins-Becker, A., Platz, D., Khazaee, M. J., Costin, A. M., ... & Teizer, J. (2013). Mobile passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) portal for automated and rapid control of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on construction sites. Automation in Construction, 36, 38-52.
Kimble PharmD, M. B. A., BCACP, C., Stanton, M. B. A., & Naylor, M. (2016). Could the Pharmaceutical Industry Benefit from Full-Scale Adoption of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology with New Regulations?.
Lee, C. P., & Shim, J. P. (2007). An exploratory study of radio frequency identification (RFID) adoption in the healthcare industry. European Journal of Information Systems, 16(6), 712-724.
Li, S., Visich, J. K., Khumawala, B. M., & Zhang, C. (2006). Radio frequency identification technology: applications, technical challenges and strategies. Sensor Review, 26(3), 193-202.
Ranasinghe, D. C., Torres, R. S., Hill, K., & Visvanathan, R. (2014). Low cost and batteryless sensor-enabled radio frequency identification tag based approaches to identify patient bed entry and exit posture transitions. Gait & Posture, 39(1), 118-123.
Ustundag, A., & Tanyas, M. (2009). The impacts of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology on supply chain costs. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 45(1), 29-38.
Wicks, A. M., Visich, J. K., & Li, S. (2006). Radio frequency identification applications in hospital environments. Hospital topics, 84(3), 3-9.
Zou, Z., Chen, Q., Uysal, I., & Zheng, L. (2014). Radio frequency identification enabled wireless sensing for intelligent food logistics. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 372(2017), 20130313.
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