Purpose and Method of Supervision
Write an Essay on an Investigation of Criteria that affect the day-to-day Management of a Business in Ireland today.
Supervision is an important aspect in the management process. Supervisory management is the process of overseeing and managing employees in the organizations[1]. It can be seen that businesses all over the world is adopting the strategy of supervisory management in order to make the employees efficient and to provide effective training to the novice employees. Supervisory is one of the crucial responsibilities of the organizational managers as it increases the efficiency and productivity of the business organizations[2]. There is no exception of this fact for Ireland. It has been seen that most of the companies in Ireland has adopted the strategy of supervisory management. Some major responsibilities of the supervisory management of Ireland are to ensure effective staff recruitment, staff training program, evaluation of the staffs and others[3].
Purpose and Method of Supervision
Several purposes are there for which there should be supervisors in a business organization. Some of the purposes of supervision in an organization are discussed under:
Mediator or Linking Pin: Supervisors are needed in an organization in order to communicate the plan, policies, decisions and strategies of the management with the subordinates of the organization[4].
Guide: There needs to be superiors in an organization for the purpose of guidance. Superior shows the right ways to the subordinates when they in doubt and in need helps.
Issue of Instructions: One of the major purposes of supervision is the issue of instruction. It is the responsibility of the supervisors to make it sure that all the instructions are properly communicated to all the employees of the organization[5].
Control: Control is another important purpose of supervision. The supervisors of the organizations need to establish a control between the actual and expected outcome of the business. Apart from these, there are many purpose of supervision like the optimum utilization of the resources, to implement discipline in the workforce, to improve the communication process of the organizations, to take feedback and many others.
Several methods of supervision can be seen in different business organizations. However, there are some major methods of supervision that most of the supervisors follows. They are discussed below:
Individual Supervision: Individual supervision is one of the most widely used processes of supervision. In this process, the employees or supervisees use to describe their clinical activities to the supervisors. This method most suitable for most of the employees as employees does not want to disclose their personal problems in front of everyone[6].
Triadic Supervision: This is a new method of supervision where two supervisees pair with one supervisor for the purpose of supervision[7].
Group Supervision: This is another important and popular method of supervision where the one supervisor supervise a group of employees or supervisees. Group supervision is important to develop the group dynamics of an organization[8].
Peer Supervision: Peer supervision is the process of working together to get mutual benefits. In this process, the peer employees supervise each other’s activities[9].
Methods of Supervision
The Code of Conduct for the Staffs in Ireland is discussed below:
General Conduct and Behavior: As per this code of conduct, the employees of an organization need to maintain honesty, integrity and impartiality towards their job responsibilities.
Conflict of Personal and Public Interest: As per this code, the employees must maintain a balance between personal and public conflict[10].
Planning: As per this act, the planning process employee must be transparent
Gifts: According to this code, the employee cannot seek any kind of gift from the customers.
Hospitality: As per this code, the employees of an organization must not be influenced by any hospitality of the customers.
Satisfactory Working Relationship: As per this code, the employees of an organization must maintain a satisfactory working relationship with the consumer[11].
Criminal Conviction: As per this code, an employee that is convicted with any kind of crime must inform this fact to his/her personal officer. These are the major code of conducts of staffs in Ireland.
The advantages and disadvantages of in-house staffs are discussed below:
- In-house staffs reduce the training cost of the employees as the training process is conducted in the premise of the organization.
- In-house staffs can manage both the work and training; and this process reduces the disturbance in the organization.
- In case of in-house staffs, current work examples can be used for training.
- In-house staffs help to generate new ideas in the organization.
- In-house staffs promote the process of team building in the organizations.
- Training program for in-house staffs can increase the extra administrative costs of the organization.
- Training session for the employees sometimes hampers their work.
- Lack of dedication is a major disadvantage for the in-house staffs.
- In the process of in-house staffs, the employees feel extra pressure.
- In-house employees often face problem in time management in the organizations.
The advantages and disadvantages of contract staffs is discussed below:
- Contract staffs can become permanent by delivering good performance.
- Contract staff has to do multitask in the organization that increases their knowledge and skills.
- Contact employees get higher amount of salary in the organizations[12].
- Contract employees can enjoy tax benefits on their earnings.
- The scope for personal satisfaction is high for the contract employees[13].
- Contract staffs cannot enjoy all the benefiters in the organization.
- Contract staffs have to face immense job pressure.
- There is not any job security in contact staffing.
- Contract employees are not invited in the inner circle of the organizations[14].
- There is not any opportunity for extra pay for contract staffs.
The advantages and disadvantages of membership of representative bodies are discussed below:
- Representative bodies promote the views of various parties in the organizations.
- Representative bodies help to promote common interest of the employees of the organization.
- It can be seen that sometimes the Representative bodies become influenced and do not promote the employees. This is a major interest.
It can be seen that the companies in Ireland use some particular methods for the purpose of sourcing and screening candidates. For souring, both internal and external sources are used. In the process of internal sourcing, employees within the organization are selected for the vacant post. It reduces the cost of the company and it is a dependable source. On the other hand, there are many sources in external recruitment. They are websites, news papers, recruitment agencies, employment job fairs, advertisements and others[15].
Screening is the process of interviewing fewer candidates from a huge number of candidates. It can be seen that in Ireland, two processes are used for screening of the candidates. The first process is to use the job description and employee satisfaction to compare against the CV. The second process is to arrange short telephonic interview rounds to measure the candidate’s sustainability. These processes are largely beneficial for the companies as these screening processes help the companies to find the most appropriate employees for the organization. Thus reduces save both the time and cost of the companies[16].
It can be seen that there are some specific training processes that the business organizations of Ireland use to follow. Various training and development programs are organized for the new employees of the organization. As per the industry standard of Ireland, the companies use two types of training programs. They are on the job training and off the job training. These training programs are used on a regular basis in order to make the employees efficient towards their jobs. At the time of the training programs, it needs to be made sure that that appropriate aids and supporting materials are there for the training programs like proper training rooms, trainers, computers and many others. One of the major aspects of training and development programs in Ireland is to assess the suitability of the individuals at the time of training. In Ireland, training is not enough for the employees. The supervisors of the organization interact with the trainees to know the effectiveness of the training and development program. These interactions help the organizations to identify the loopholes in the training and development programs and to provide the scope for improvement.
Code of Conduct for Staffs in Ireland
Staff evaluation is considered as an important aspect in Ireland. Employee evaluation is done based on three periods; they are evaluation at the end of the first day or week; at the end of the first month and at the end of the probation period. The main objective of this evaluation process is to judge the effectiveness of the new employees in the organization. Apart from this, another objective of the evaluation process is to measure the effectiveness of recruitment process.
In the process of staff evaluation, taking feedback on the performance of the employees is a crucial aspect. Most of the companies in Ireland use to take feedbacks on the evaluation of the employees. Feedbacks from different parties are taken on the performance of the employees. Based on the feedbacks, the employee performances are measured[17].
The evaluation process provides the scope for personal developments of the employees. From different types of feedbacks, the employees can recognize their strong and weak areas. After the identification of weak areas, the can work on them to make them into their strong areas[18].
According to the above study, it can be said that supervisors play an integral part in the development of the organization along with the development of the employees. The main purpose of the supervisors is to take care of well being of the employees. It can be seen that there are four major methods of supervision in an organization. As per the above study, the Ireland has a well-developed process of staff sourcing and screening. The two major sources of staffs ate are the internal source and external source. The training and developed programs of Ireland help the new employees to become more efficient. Lastly, staff evaluation is very important for the overall betterment of the employees and the organization.
"Local Government Act, 2001, Section 169". Irishstatutebook.ie, 2017. Online. Internet. 4 Apr. 2017. . Available: https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2001/act/37/section/169/enacted/en/html.
"Recruitment and Selection". failteireland.ie, 2017. Online. Internet. 4 Apr. 2017. . Available: https://www.failteireland.ie/FailteIreland/media/WebsiteStructure/Documents/2_Develop_Your_Business/1_StartGrow_Your_Business/Recruitment-and-Selection.pdf.
Allman, Keith, and Ximena Escobar De Nogales. "Sourcing and Screening." Impact Investment: A Practical Guide to Investment Process and Social Impact Analysis+ Website: 11-59.
Boniface, Gail, et al. "Exploring the nature of peer and academic supervision on a role-emerging placement." British Journal of Occupational Therapy 75.4 (2012): 196-201.
Borders, L. DiAnne, et al. "Individual and triadic and group: Supervisee and supervisor perceptions of each modality." Counselor Education and Supervision 51.4 (2012): 281-295.
Brooks, Charles T., David A. Patterson, and Patrick M. McKiernan. "Group supervision attitudes: Supervisory practices fostering resistance to adoption of evidence-based practices." Qualitative report (Online) 17.1 (2012): 191.
Freedland, Mark, et al., eds. The contract of employment. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Hair, Heather J. "The purpose and duration of supervision, and the training and discipline of supervisors: What social workers say they need to provide effective services." British Journal of Social Work (2012): bcs071.
Hawkins, Peter, et al. Supervision in the helping professions. McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 2012.
Kadushin, Alfred, and Daniel Harkness. Supervision in social work. Columbia University Press, 2014.
Madaus, George F., Michael Scriven, and Daniel L. Stufflebeam, eds. Evaluation models: Viewpoints on educational and human services evaluation. Vol. 6. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.
Parikh, Sejal B., Christopher Janson, and Tiffany Singleton. "Video journaling as a method of reflective practice." Counselor Education and Supervision 51.1 (2012): 33-49.
Posavac, Emil. Program evaluation: Methods and case studies. Routledge, 2015.
Sechilariu, Manuela, Bao Chao Wang, and Fabrice Locment. "Supervision control for optimal energy cost management in DC microgrid: Design and simulation." International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 58 (2014): 140-149.
Subhan, Arif. "Clinical Engineering Staffing." Journal of Clinical Engineering 38.2 (2013): 47-48.
Teague, Paul, and William K. Roche. "Line managers and the management of workplace conflict: evidence from Ireland." Human Resource Management Journal 22.3 (2012): 235-251
Sechilariu, Manuela, Bao Chao Wang, and Fabrice Locment. "Supervision control for optimal energy cost management in DC microgrid: Design and simulation." International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 58 (2014): 140-149.
Hawkins, Peter, et al. Supervision in the helping professions. McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 2012.
Teague, Paul, and William K. Roche. "Line managers and the management of workplace conflict: evidence from Ireland." Human Resource Management Journal 22.3 (2012): 235-251.
air, Heather J. "The purpose and duration of supervision, and the training and discipline of supervisors: What social workers say they need to provide effective services." British Journal of Social Work (2012): bcs071.
Kadushin, Alfred, and Daniel Harkness. Supervision in social work. Columbia University Press, 2014.
Parikh, Sejal B., Christopher Janson, and Tiffany Singleton. "Video journaling as a method of reflective practice." Counselor Education and Supervision 51.1 (2012): 33-49.
Borders, L. DiAnne, et al. "Individual and triadic and group: Supervisee and supervisor perceptions of each modality." Counselor Education and Supervision 51.4 (2012): 281-295.
Brooks, Charles T., David A. Patterson, and Patrick M. McKiernan. "Group supervision attitudes: Supervisory practices fostering resistance to adoption of evidence-based practices." Qualitative report (Online) 17.1 (2012): 191.
Boniface, Gail, et al. "Exploring the nature of peer and academic supervision on a role-emerging placement." British Journal of Occupational Therapy 75.4 (2012): 196-201.
"Local Government Act, 2001, Section 169". Irishstatutebook.ie, 2017. Online. Internet. 4 Apr. 2017. . Available: https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2001/act/37/section/169/enacted/en/html.
[11] "Local Government Act, 2001, Section 169". Irishstatutebook.ie, 2017. Online. Internet. 4 Apr. 2017. . Available: https://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/2001/act/37/section/169/enacted/en/html.
Freedland, Mark, et al., eds. The contract of employment. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Freedland, Mark, et al., eds. The contract of employment. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Subhan, Arif. "Clinical Engineering Staffing." Journal of Clinical Engineering 38.2 (2013): 47-48.
"Recruitment and Selection". failteireland.ie, 2017. Online. Internet. 4 Apr. 2017. . Available: https://www.failteireland.ie/FailteIreland/media/WebsiteStructure/Documents/2_Develop_Your_Business/1_StartGrow_Your_Business/Recruitment-and-Selection.pdf.
Allman, Keith, and Ximena Escobar De Nogales. "Sourcing and Screening." Impact Investment: A Practical Guide to Investment Process and Social Impact Analysis+ Website: 11-59.
Madaus, George F., Michael Scriven, and Daniel L. Stufflebeam, eds. Evaluation models: Viewpoints on educational and human services evaluation. Vol. 6. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.
Posavac, Emil. Program evaluation: Methods and case studies. Routledge, 2015.
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