Employee Appraisal and Motivation
Discuss about the Managing People Issues Arising and Implementing.
Employees are the people who propel the organization to success by helping it achieve the set goals and objectives. Leaders are the people who oversee the execution of the duties by the workers, and they make important decisions in the organization. They, however, represent the owners of the business, and any decision they make must be in consultation with them. Leading people is not an easy task as people have different views on various activities and controlling them is a hard job for the managers (Strom, Sears, & Kelly, 2014, pp.71-82). Technological changes have changed the business world, and employees have the ability to choose who to work for and the location to from (Baldwin, & Scott, 2013). Global expansions have led to employees having the legality to work internationally. The main aim of working is not only to achieve the organization goals and objectives but also get money to satisfy one's needs. These are the primary reasons why many employees work, and some do not worry about the performance of the organization as long as they get paid for their services ( Zahra, & Hayton, 2008, pp.195-220).
Managers had difficulties in trying to make the employees accountable and responsible for the execution of the organization duties. Managers are the problem solver and all the times must ensure the set targets are reached. In the attempt to motivate the employees to work hard, leaders come up with different plans to appraise them. Appraisal means rewarding the employees for good work done. Salaries and wages are the rewards given to the employees by the employers to reward their efforts, but assessment involves special recognition of their efforts. These may be informed of job promotions, salary increment, taking them to free holidays, giving them off time, increasing their allowances, etc. all these factors improve the employee's morale, and he/she feels a sense of belonging. Human always like recognition and praise from other people. When the management recognizes the employees, this motivates them to work extra hard, and through this, the organization goal is achieved. Therefore employee appraisal is a very critical element in ensuring the success of the team. Implementation of change in the organization is faced with hospitality almost in all areas not only business environment (Oh, & Lewis,2009).
Change of the appraisal methods may not be accepted by all the people in the group as some may see it not right. Managers have a duty to convince the employees on the decisions they make that they are the best and are aimed to benefit them. Effective adoption of any resolution requires consultation among all the business stakeholders. These only means that all stakeholders of the company are imperative and their opinions are necessary to come up with the best decisions by the managers. Any appraisal change must be accepted by all employees to avoid disagreements which may slow down the business activities. This paper checks an integrative approach on how to manage people's issues which arise from changes in the appraisal systems in the organization.
Managing Resistance to Change
Employees' needs are dealt with by the human resource department headed by a manager. The department aims at generally ensuring that employees are satisfied with their working in the organization and policies given by the top managers are adopted fully. Change is inevitable in the organization, but resistance is also a guarantee from the different stakeholders in the organization. The reason for resistance may be for personal reasons as people see that the new changes do not benefit them in any way. There is also a notion that new things are bad and are used to trick people. Therefore, the employees may resist without concrete reasons but assumptions. Change leads to change of how activities are done, and people may be adamant to change as they see it hard to adapt to the changes. However, change is as good as rest and provides an opportunity to see things in a different angle. Change may result in high benefits as not all changes are aimed to hurt or punish people (Thomas, & Hardy, 2011, pp. 322-331).
The organization must continuously update its systems to avoid the possibility of them being outdated. There are many changes in the environment, and for businesses to remain relevant, they must put then into consideration. (Hodder, Holmes, & Keir, 2010, pp.1097-1107).Technological advances have made business execution very different. In the past, business owners did not care about the welfare of the employees but were after huge profits. However, nowadays many restrictions have emerged on how to handles different business stakeholders in the markets. Awareness is high among the people and dishonor of people's rights may lead to the firm getting into trouble. The law stipulates that ignorance is no defense and the business must know how to treat employees as per the law, and any divergence may lead to its persecution by the employees. However, there is no need for business to harass or treat the employees poorly as they determine how the business is carried out. Happy and satisfied employees have ownership of the activities the organization carries out thus are accountable and responsible. The decisions they take on behalf of the business are with utmost fair and aimed at the general welfare of the organization (Crane, Matten, 2016).
The motivations of employees make them happy and take the group as their property hence carry activities honestly and diligently. These make the results very appealing and useful for the team. The employees are people with families, and it is necessary to treat them well as they have feelings. Rewarding their extra efforts improves their living standards by making them be able to cater for their needs with ease (Manzoor, 2012, pp. 1). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a theory that aims at explaining that the people have needs that are basic and must be fulfilled for them to be able to learn and comprehend. The primary needs include food, shelter and clothing and their fulfillment makes employees or people have peace of mind hence better execution activities (Sadri, & Bowen, 2011, pp. 44-49).
Updating Systems to Remain Relevant
The changes in the environment may render the workers to be unskilled because of the new changes. It is unethical for the organization to lay them off but it should put up the measure to train them and be able to do works easily. The changes in the working environment may also be faced with resistance from the employees. It may lead to retirements, staff turnovers, high wastage, etc. Training makes the workers happy with the work as they can execute duties with no difficulties faced (Gong, Huang, & Farh, 2009, pp.765-778). The operant conditioning theory of learning stipulates learning occurs when the people's behaviors are followed by reinforcement or punishment. In this case, the learning is reinforced by the rewards (Brush, 2014). When changes come, and people are given a chance to study in the organization, they are afterward rewarded by promotions as their levels of knowledge have increased. The expected outcome makes the employees adapt to the new change as there is something that motivates them (Aguinis, & Kraiger, 2009, pp.451-474).
Leadership is the ability to lead people to achieve individual objectives. Contingency theory stipulates that there is no clear way put down of how people should carry out leaders. Different situations need different remedies, and it is the duty of the leaders to be keen to the changes globally. Managers are responsible for all the activities that occur in the organization. They are liable and must always the accountable. Managers should have good working relations with the employees and reward them according to win the loyalty. The bonus will make workers comfortable working in the organization. Change in the appraisal method is the duty of managers, and they should design an approach they are able and willing to execute. False promises in the organization will always lead to conflicts which can result in business failure. Therefore, the managers must put promises they can achieve to maintain the trust with the employees. The role of managers is to make the final decisions after the consultation, and they should not be afraid. However, after making the decision, they should undoubtedly try to convince the employees with the aim of making them accept e.g. the appraisal method change.
The behavior of leaders and the worker is explained by the transactional theory which aims at ensuring that there is a good relationship between the two parties. The good relationship makes the business activities be achieved efficiently. This method is valid as there is something to motivate it and leaders have the ability to look for a way to reward or punish employees to ensure their acts and duties align with the expectations of the organization (Cai, 2008, pp. 212-220).
Employee Learning and Development
Transformation leadership theory stipulates that the employees can be motivated by the right relationships with the managers and this can make them accepts the decisions made with ease as they trust that the decisions make take care of their needs (Northouse, 2012). Employees fears are that their satisfaction with not be achieved and the assurance may make them not to resist changes in the organization. Changes bring stoppage in the activities of the organization as there is no agreement to act as a guideline in the achievement of the objectives. Any disagreement must be dealt with faster to ensure operations continue regularly for the businesses. Leadership is learned and also personal qualities one is born with which can only be identified when one is confident and dedicated.
Learning and motivation enable the employees to have intrinsic, extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic just means that will be happy with work they do in the company, and these will allow them to get high results for the firm. Extrinsic motivations are the rewards they will get externally like more money. Employees self-motivation makes them appreciate others and work hard in achieving their targets (Reiss, 2012, pp.152-156.
The relationship between the employees and the management determine whether there will be resistance on the decisions made. Good relationships with trust mean that any decision made will be accepted as each party know that the other party cares for their needs (Foster, Punjaisri, & Cheng, 2010, pp.401-409). Resistance occurs where there is no trust and one side views changes as means to enable the other party to oppress it. No matter how the management tries to let the employees know that a change of appraisal method is without trust between them, the idea will always face stiff competition. The aim of every evaluation system is to make employee's lives and working conditions better. Employees are important to the business to be ignored, and continuous examination means their needs are put into considerations. Employers should not change the living standards of the people, but they alleviate their life. Changes to be successful if the human resource leaders;
Carry out intensive research on the most effective decisions to be made and will be accepted by all the stakeholders in the environment.
Try to maintain a good relationship with the employees as they are highly needed by the organization as they need it. Through this trust and respect will be established by the parties.
Leadership and Contingency Theory
Create a mechanism to make the employees informed about what decisions they can make to avoid resistance caused by ignorance of the facts behind the changes.
Involve the employees in coming up with the new changes to enable changes to be done earlier, and the decisions are accepted without demur.
Offer employees training where they see incompetence's to ensure waste reduction for the company. These can be done through benchmarking, in seminars and meetings attended to get training.
People are always resistant to change because they fear changes in the works they are required to do, they fear to lose their jobs or to be unemployed. Employees also are happy when their status in employment is high, and any changes which tend to lower their status are faced with resistance. Perceptions may make people fear change as they feel a bad thing might happen when the change is adopted. However, these are beliefs which are not true, and it is the work of the managers to remove these issues to the employees to accept the new changes recommended. Variations in some extent give better rewards to the employees who work hard and also punishments like losing of jobs to the lazy persons. Employees should always be optimistic that changes are for the better. Parochial managers are resistant to change and this makes them not take risks in business. Business people foresee the future to take risks (Erwin, & Garman, 2010, pp.39-56).
Finally, the market changes have given the employees had the power to influence the decisions making in the organizations. They are aware of their right and any violations they can sue the organization. Since the market is full of the entrepreneurs, the environment is almost full of business making the employees have choices on the firms to work. Their decisions are based on the benefits they get from the firms (Avey, Wernsing, & Luthans, 2008, pp.48-70).Employees can move from one country to work to another looking for better salaries and wages. The organization should treat employees well and make fair decisions concerning their operations in the group. However, the staff should follow and respect decisions managers make as behind any decision there is a good reason defining it. A good relationship will ensure good business, and less resistance observed among the parties involved ( Davies, 2008, pp.667-68). Change to be completely adopted takes time and patience is mandatory, and when the necessary steps are taken its implementation, we will fast and efficient. Some of the change may not see the light of the day due to the numerous resistances, and it is necessary for the management not to despair and make a decision on new changes. When the resistance to change is enormous, the company should check it well to make significant changes or avoid it. According to Lewin model of change for it to be efficient and accepted, it must follow specific steps. Ensuring destroying the present plans, putting up plans which will be adopted in future to ensure that the changes are permanent (Jones, 2010).
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