The aim of this assessment is for you to demonstrate both your understanding of, and ability to identify the key components of a Marketing Plan for a product or service.
Give a brief background Information on the Company and selected Product/Service Examinesforces and identifies key changesin the marketing environment that may influence both marketers’ and customers’ decisionsincluding economic, political, legal, socio-cultural and technological factors.
Background Information
The aim of the assignment is to study the marketing plan of a product in today’s world. Telstra, the Australian transnational telecommunication giant serves as the basis of study. The assignment is divided into several sections which delve into the marketing aspect of Telstra. The SWOT and the PESTEL analysis point out to the company’s business environment, the threats, the opportunities, the strengths and the weaknesses. The marketing mix of Telstra describes its product, pricing, place and promotion strategies. The paper has a section which studies consumer behaviour related to Telstra. The competitive analysis and elaborating the importance of marketing to Telstra also form a part of this study.
Telstra Corporation Limited is the biggest Australian telecommunication and media company whose main products are mobile network, internet services, voice facility and other products. The company started its journey as government department under the Australian Post but today it is a public company. The company earned a revenue of A$ 27 billion in 2016 and is among the market leader in the telecommunication industry. Telstra is headquartered in Melbourne and operates overseas through partnerships in markets like Europe, the USA and India. The main consumer segments of Telstra are household sector, small business sector and the business & enterprise sector which use the superior products and services of the company.
The marketing analysis of any product or organization entails some of the crucial factors that are responsible for the relevant operations and practices. In regards to Telstra, the marketing analyses are dependent on several factors, which have been reviewed in this account. Moreover, the external and internal analysis of Telstra, while reviewing the marketing environment involves drawing a SWOT and PESTAL demographics, which will efficiently aid in comprehending the current scenario of Telstra. The examination of the force and the identification of the drivers of changes, which has originated in regards to the behavioral intention of the marketers as well as the customers are of prime importance. The communications conglomerate is one of the established service providers, which has been contributing for years to engage and develop the network systems through the aid of technological equipment. The macro economic factors determine the strengths to exits and flourish in the market, operations management along with assuring the competitive stability of the telecommunication giant in Australia.
One of the most important factors or constituents of Telstra Communications are the boon of technology. It is central to the operations of the organization, which maintains and regulates the specific scenario of the telecommunication industry. It is considered as the pioneer in Australian communication sector, which has established a significant brand image for Telstra Company. It aims for providing the best networks system, which delivers a consummate and reliable service to its users. One more significant characteristic of Telstra Company is its brilliant network service, which covers an extensive range of area. One more advantage of Telstra is its unparalleled coverage and quality network systems, which it provides to the users through the means and the relevant infrastructure (Telstra Corporation Limited 2017).
Forces and Influences in the Marketing Environment
This motive is included within the internal analysis which has is one of the most important considerations as it provides the opportunities for improvements. In regards to the Telstra Company, it enjoys a number of strength but due to its single-handed category of products and services it is weak in several aspects as per its competitive analysis. The lack of diversity is one of the considerable weaknesses, which is involved in pertaining to the customer satisfaction. In regards to a certain incident, Telstra suffers from a feeble bottom line, which is comparatively one of the weak characteristics of the communication organization (Udagepola et al. 2015).
The user experience of Telstra has been phenomenal due to the maintenance of a no-nonsense surveillance and security system. Furthermore, it can enhance its service providing system, which will efficiently contribute to the opportunities of Telstra Company. It is known for providing an extensive service portfolio for its customer base, which is considered as one of its strength criterion. It determines the fate of the organization as it exists within a highly competitive market. In fact, the shift to digitalization is one of the most important factors which it can improve its service system and quality of network and communications (Teh and Corbitt, 2015).
Telstra is comparatively one of the most established firms in terms of the wireless communication in Australia. It has a great reputation in the networking industry but due to its marginal price structure with a phenomenal delivery of the service, therefore it has an intense competition in the market in regards to the threat for Telstra Company. The foreign exchange risk and consolidation of the networking industry are two of the proposed threats for Telstra Company.
In regards to the political, technological, economic, environmental, social and legal factors that are associated with the business operations of Telstra Company have been involved within PESTEL analysis.
The collision of substantial corporation tax rates is beneficial for the business strategies and procedure of Telstra Company, while the effects of political turmoil may prove to be damaging for the financial status of the telecommunications pioneer, as there will be several losses for the business. The effects of strong bureaucratic control can be harmful for the regulations under the Australian government (Telstra Corporation Limited 2017). On a political scenario the regulations posed by fixed line voice service providers can be detrimental for the
On the other hand, the change of policies in the financial market will affect the cost of providing communication in a drastic manner, as it deals with a number of global as well as huge market hold of home based clients. The power of the supplier is comparatively high as the impacts on the society and the market is effective. The power of the buyer is high since with the increased number of technological gadgets and tools have been maneuvered due to the need for technology in the day-to-day lives. Moreover, increased rates of inflation in Australian economy encumber the investment rates in business therefore upsetting the capitalization and financial estimation of Telstra Company. However, the profitability of the business can be enhanced when the inflation rates are minimal (Moorhead 2016).
SWOT and PESTEL Analysis
The effects of low income tax would generate more revenue for the conglomerate thereby and some investment can be accrued in Telstra due to the subsidy allowed in tariff trade rate. In fact, the pattern of consumption expenditure of the residents of Australia and the users of telecommunications can affect the charge of formulating network for Telstra Company. On the sociological note the use and significance of technology is indispensible therefore, they efficiently contributes to the increased consumer use of technological gadgets, by providing Wi-Fi network and access all over Australia (Mark, Griffin and Whitacre 2016).
The modification in the way of work and improvement due to the use of technology was one of the significant changes brought about in the business and due to this; the positive impacts are quite visible. Telstra also enjoys the benefit of being an exclusively a technology based on the service which deals in both product, which has massively exaggerated its inventory system and has made it more equipped in nature (Swanson 2017). The competitive aspects of its contemporaries are also inclusive of the technological analysis as the new entry in the markets are equipped with the best of the trendy tools and resources.
Moreover, the networking firm follows and employs strictly health and safety regulation in its work culture, which is one of the positive factors of employee retention leading to better productivity. The corporation regulates its functions and operations, which has minimized influence on the ecology and environment. Telstra has recently introduced a private operator infrastructure, which has less carbon emissions and saves more than 2000 tons of CO2 emission. The communications conglomerate is one of the established service providers, which has been contributing for years to engage and develop the network systems through the aid of technological equipment (Telstra Foundation 2014).
The macro economic factors determine the strengths to exist and flourish in the market, operations management along with assuring the competitive stability of the telecommunication giant in Australia (Moorhead 2016). Owing to the strict observance and regulations on the labor law of Australia, the models of business are neither corresponding consequently that it does not injury the human nor resource assets of Telstra. The concept of waste reduction policy and use of green energy initiative by the communication firm best ensures the minimal impact of the business operation on the environment.
A product can be defined as a good or service which is offered for sale so that it can satisfy the needs of the consumers. The tangible products are called goods and the intangible products are called service. They may be offered in a physical market or on the digital space like the internet (Beuren, Ferreira and Miguel 2013).
Marketing Mix
The products of Telstra consists both goods and services. The company sells mobile phones, tablets, mobile broadband connection, TV connections, prepaid mobile communication connection. The official website page of the company also provides services like payment of mobile bills, recharge and activating roaming facilities to the consumers (Molony 2015). Telstra in order to increase its competitive advantage in the market adopts product bundling strategy like a combination of internet connection and TV connection services. Such a bundling strategy increases consumer satisfaction and help the company retain its consumers (McQuilken et al. 2015).
Pricing refers to the strategy of deciding the value for which the producers sell their products to the buyers. Pricing has evolved as a very important marketing tool because its plays an important role in deciding the market position of the company (Hollensen 2015).
Telstra adopts competitive pricing to in its marketing mix strategy to price its product and services. The telecommunication giant takes to product bundling like offering 1000GB internet data and Telstra TV connection for A$99 per month. This competitive pricing strategy make the consumers feel that they are getting more compared to buying just one product. This helps the company is retaining its consumers and earn high revenue. Such pricing strategies help the company to promote its products and expand its consumer base (Reim 2015).
The place in marketing strategy or marketing mix is defined as the infrastructure where sellers and buyers meet and companies sell their products. The term place includes both physical and virtual locations to sell products. The supermarkets and retail outlets are the physical markets while the internet platform is the digital market which is gaining predominance compared to its physical counterparts (Ryan 2016).
Telstra Corporation Limited has strong presence both in the physical and digital markets. The company enters into joint venture and is present in several international markets like Europe, Asia and America. The company also sells its products like internet packages, TV connection packages and mobile post paid connections over the internet platform. This market strategy of the company has earned it a huge consumer base, a strong international market position and revenue amounting to several billion A$ (Herterich, Uebernickel and Brenner 2015).
Promotion is the strategy of creating awareness about the products of a company in the market. Promotion is a very important part of marketing mix because it creates demand in the market for the products of a company. It is this demand which leads to sales and the company is able to earn revenue (Quitzow 2015).
Consumer Behaviour
Telstra promotes its goods and services in both the physical market places and the digital platform. The company promotes its products and discount offers through print media like newspapers and hoardings. The company also advertises its products on the televisions and internet platforms using facebook and twitter. The official website of the company acts a strong promotional tool in promoting the products and upcoming offers. The company also offers discounts and free offers to promote its products and generate more sales (Martin-Fuentes and Ramon 2014).
Telstra exists in a very competitive environment which necessitates it to manage its marketing strategies. The marketing is very important to a telecommunication giant like Telstra due to the following factors:
The companies like Telstra operate in a very competitive environment and can continuous facing challenges from the existing and new companies. Marketing helps Telstra to create awareness about its products both in the domestic and international market.
Marketing results in creating awareness in the market about the products of Telstra which creates demand. This demand created results in sale of products of the company like mobile connections and internet packages. Thus marketing allows the company to sell its products over several profitable markets and earn huge revenue.
Marketing creates demand for the products of a company and increases sales. The company is able to serve an international consumer base and earn huge revenue. This creates goodwill for the company in the market which helps it to enter into partnerships and joint ventures to enter new markets. Thus marketing is very crucial to creating of goodwill and business expansion of Telstra.
Competitor Analysis of Telstra:
A competitor analysis of Telstra shows that the company has a powerful position in the Australian market. The telecommunication market of Australia has three big contenders, Vodafone, Optus and Telstra. The first two companies have strong overseas and domestic market presence which is a threat to Telstra. Optus and Vodafone like Telstra offer internet services, mobile communication services and sells mobile phones and tablets. Telstra recently launched its 4G services which has intensified the competition. Vodafone may not be as strong as Otpus or Telstra in Australia but is strongest in the world market and superior to the two. The MOBILE VIRTUAL NETWORK OPERATOR (MVNOs) is the new emerging market which uses the network of these three competitors and is the new ground of competition. The other competitors of Telstra are Virgin, Woolworths and Australia Post (Ramli 2017).
Competitive Analysis
A competitor analysis shows that Telstra has strong competitors like Vodafone in both domestic and international markets. The company must strengthen its marketing strategy to gain competitive advantage in the market and compete with its competitors (Leonidou et al. 2013). Its marketing strategies should be able to differentiate it from its competitors and earn it more consumers.
Marketing and marketing plan was earlier considered as a tool to sell products and earn profit to satisfy the shareholders. Today marketing is no more revolves profit and shareholders, in fact has evolved into a strategic business tool which helps the companies to sustain in the stiff market competition.
Marketing strategy can be defined as set of plans and strategies that companies make to sustain the international market. As discussed, marketing is very important to Telstra in sustaining in the tough market having competitors like Vodafone and Optus. Marketing results in stability of the operations and management to products to maximise profits. Marketing helps Telstra to generate demand, identify areas of revenue and prepare future strategies. A successful marketing strategy helps in deciding on an appropriate pricing strategy and market segmentation. A suitable marketing plan and strategy is help for Teslstra to sustain in the market and profit from future opportunities provided by the market.
The consumer buyers’ characteristics can be divided into three parts. They are:
The market situations have a very deep affect on the buying decisions of the consumers. For example, a booming market with many products available at affordable prices encourages buyers involvement in buying and consuming the product. Telstra is an Australian multinational company which has strong market position. Hence, the buyers readily accept the products of the company and shows high degree of involvement.
Psychological factors like motivation and perception about the goods decide consumer behaviour and involvement in consumption of the product. Telstra markets its products actively which creates a strong image of its products. Thus, the consumers perceive its products as good and readily consume them.
Communication has become important across all cultures and countries. Telstra being a telecommunication service provider provides service to consumers of several cultural background and ethnicity in the world.
The study shows that Telstra is a power market performer with a international presence. The company is financially strong and enjoys competitive advantage owing to its marketing mix. However, the company also faces competition from the British communication company Vodafone and its Australian competitor Optus. The next section has certain recommendation for Telstra to improve its market position and competitive advantage.
Networks for the future:Boon of Technology
Telstra should offer superior quality high speed, reliable and secure data packs like its top competitor Vodafone. Vodafone Australia offers combination of plans starting with A$1848 against A$ 2465 for plans of Telstra (Vodafone Australia 2017). This shows that Vodafone is more competitive than Telstra and enjoys a greater market share. Telstra should lower its prices and supply high speed network to sustain in the market.
Vodafone offers 4G plans both through outlets and on the digital platform. The company is very powerful digital and caters to both household, small businesses and multinational companies. Telstra must improve its technology in a sustainable to obtain more competitive advantage. This will allow the consumers to buy products from all over the world which will increase the revenue generation of the company.
Telstra must strengthen its key capability of offering superior internet services, broadband connections and mobile connections. The company should also diversify its products according to the requirements of several markets. It must also adapt its marketing strategies as per the local markets like; it can make offers in China during the Chinese festivals. It should at the same time maintain the high quality and reliable services provision at affordable prices.
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